BETA V4.0-
Here is the long awaited Chapter 3. This chapter is shittons bigger than the last two chapters. And will probably prove harder than the last two chapters. Special ultra super big thanks to those who have helped me (you know who you are and I worship you).
Your Giggle Goblin is going to be a big help if you're playing a Mage/Thief. I would (yes this is still DeusExProcella talking) almost recommend grinding for Tickle Essence to get her up to your level.
Some scenes will give you a bonus option for choosing to cancel (hit X) rather than make a choice. Keep that in mind. Also keep in mind what I said before AND SAVE BEFORE YOU EVEN CROSS THE MAP. You have soooooooooooooooooooo many opportunities for game over in this chapter it's not even funny (it kinda is really). And I was extra cruel when it came to the challenges. They are challenging...I barely passed three of them.
The boss is going to be rough...rough...rough. I practically shove down your throat the key to beating her, but in case you still don't understand, talk to everyone and remember everything you can relating to a certain crystal. Then, when you fight the boss...well golly, open up that sack of yours and check it out. You might find something kick-ass.
Yes, you too Slayer and Soldier, you're going to need to actually stay awake for this chapter. It is rough around the edges. This boss loves to fling status ailments out the wazoo at you. And not only that, for all of you tickle monsters out there, she's got an attack that does varying damage based on your Karma. If you've decided you want to be bad to the bone, she's probably going to bone you in your bad ass.
That said...you'll also find it much easier to deal damage to her. So it's a bit of an iffy situation. All I can say is, if I did my work right, you're going to be wistfully thinking of the days when Lady Venus, Ticklazon and Soft Slime were the biggest of your worries..
Since not all the quests are done (just 2 of the 5) you'll need to do a bit of grinding if you want to fight the boss. I finished every quest and actually fought a lot of enemies (gathering essence for my Goblin) and still came out around level 7. The boss has a minimum level of 9, she hits hard, and she doesn't take damage easily. For once, grinding might be a good idea.
Good news, there are no random battles on the 2nd floor of the Tower. You'll understand why when you meet Mammona (keyphrase in there is Mammon for the bible savvy out there).
The snowy island to the north of the tower opens up once you reach Chapter 3. I would recommend checking it out. You'll basically get free experience and a new weapon all while checking out my favorite map thus far (I made a boulder puzzle!).
It's also a key element to the back story, more of which will be revealed in the fifth sidequest (Lover of the Snow Maiden).
As mentioned before, you can now view your Goblin's stats by talking to her. Keep this in mind, so you'll know when she's up to snuff. She may start at level 1, but her stats rise much faster than yours. A fair warning, she caps at level 15 (you'll need to do some special bonus quests later to unlock further development), so if you're a grinder, make sure you keep that in mind.
The other quest is available in town, and was submitted by a player, whose identity I'm going to keep anonymous whether he wants me to or not. It is amazing, I know you'll all love it (especially you UB lovers). It's a relatively short quest, but has a surprisingly big plot point toward the end. You can view other bits and hints of this plot point by failing (and in one case failing a certain way) the challenges.
There's not been any more romantic advancement (I was too busy focusing on the main portion of this chapter), but it is in the cards. Once I get the sidequests done and tweaked I'll go back and add some more spice to this chapter.
As stated before, if you start a new game, pick a female and name your character Cali or CALI, you'll have your graphic changed to that of our very own ChesireCat's character Cali.
BETA mode can still be accessed by simply naming your character BETA at creation. If you are a nutter and want to play the demo again, just name your character DEMO. There is another name based mode, but I'm not going to tell you just yet. It's a debug mode and I'm going to keep it to myself until later on.
I believe...that is all. With that said, I hope you all enjoy this and I can never apologize enough for the obscene wait.