This is now my update post, please refer to this post for responses
I wasn't going to post this yet, but I had to make a fix that a recent post reminded me about. Not to mention there are several (mostly chapter 1) text fixes thanks to a friend doing tests.
BETA V4.293 -
*Edit- For what it's worth, your random vanishing health is a product of the flawed slip damage script in RPG Maker VX. That would be poison hurting you, the game just doesn't inform you of this. I'll look for a fix to this.
**Edit- There made another fix. Now the random number for the Charity Core Crystal just goes from 2..10. So you'll do minimum 20-100 damage if you don't absorb a Greed Core Wave. After just 1 GCW, you can do 20-200 damage. I've also widened the window on the Greed Core Wave when attacking a negative karma character. Before the random variable was 50..100 now it's 1..100.
Random number. It's not quite an update can start the Lover of the Snow Maiden quest and complete the first two parts. I wasn't going to upload this until I got the next five parts done, but for this fix, I'm going to release it. Tons, and tons, and tons of story in this quest.
The fixes I made were small ones (Fruit of Knismesis now also heals you from Mammona's Tickle Venom as well as nearly every other status), but hopefully they'll make things easier here and there.
Chuckle Oni and Cackle Coon summon Mamono have been programmed in (they just need skillsets) so they are definitely going to happen (you'll get Cackle Coon partner in Chapter 4. The quest to get her will be the first thing I work on and will be available as soon as you defeat Mammona).
For those interested in differences among the summons-
Giggle Goblin is the most balanced. She has higher Technique and Agility than the Chuckle Oni, and higher Proficiency, Stamina, and Endurance than the Cackle Coon. She also has the largest move pool. I would say she's the best partner, which is a product of my personal bias.
Chuckle Oni has huge Stamina, Proficiency, and Endurance. She makes the Giggle Goblin look like a weakling (rightly so). However, in the transformation, she loses a ton of Technique and Agility. But, she also gains the "Drink Sake" ability which can be used every four turns to recover quite a bit of Stamina. She is 100% offensively focused.
Cackle Coon (she has a set name, sorry) has the lowest Stamina, Proficiency and Endurance, but has HUGE Technique and Agility. Her apparel also increases her evasion (she has a boosted +15% evasion). Her move pool is primarily defensively focused, but she eventually covers all elemental weaknesses.
Everything within here is for FUTURE NOTE, none of this is available yet
I'm torn on whether Oni or Coon is harder to use, but they're both very rewarding. The Giggle Goblin is the canonical pet (the other two are non-canon bonuses), so as such she's catered to a bit more.
To get the Chuckle Oni, you'll need to finish the Chapter 6 Giggle Goblin Pet Quest with negative karma. Now at this point, I'm torn on whether what happens next is mandatory. I would like to make it mandatory, but if there is some kind of huge uprising against it, I may change my mind.
If you complete the Chapter 6 Goblin Pet Quest (Goblin Quest 3) with negative karma, your Giggle Goblin will undergo a transformation and become a Chuckle Oni. If you complete it with positive karma, she'll resist the urge to transform, absorbing the same power to become a Giggle Goblin Elite.
To get the Cackle Coon, you'll find a quest available at the very start of Chapter 4 (technically, you can get it before even starting Chapter 4). Upon completing the quest you'll be faced with several choices. First is the standard "Tickle Her" or "Let Her Go", if you choose the latter, you'll instantly get the Cackle Coon servant. However, if you press the "Tickle Her", you'll be offered three times to stop. If you keep tickling her, you'll finally be given the option to "Enslave" her once she is completely dominated. This will unlock the Cackle Coon slave, which is a darker plot line.
Now if you have the Giggle Goblin, you cannot get the Cackle Coon slave. You can only choose to get the Cackle Coon servant. And you'll lock yourself out of the Giggle Goblin quests (while opening up 3 Cackle Coon quests).
Remember though: The Giggle Goblin (not the Oni or the Coon) is the canonical partner. If you get a Chuckle Oni, you'll unlock 1 Chuckle Oni quest. If you get the Giggle Goblin Elite, you'll unlock 3 more Giggle Goblin quests which add to the canon story.\
So that's some more information on your pets.
Wondering about the romantic partners? Don't worry, I'll be adding them before Chapter 4. I just have to figure out how they play out compared to Honey Bee.
Just like Giggle Goblin is the canon partner, Honey Bee is the canon lover. The others are added for bonus content and player customization.
Honey Bee - Starts as "Friend" and progresses to "Lover" just by following the story. She is the most helpful partner, and when she joins you in combat (Chapter 10) she is the most powerful partner. Honey Bee provides the most hints on quests, giving more specific hints as she progresses (I'll be changing her Chapter 2/3 hints before the next update based on her progression).
- Honey Bee is VASTLY more powerful than the others. This will be explored later. If you have any guesses...please PM them to me to discuss them.
- Primary Tickle Spot: Feet
Aello - Starts as "Friend", but progresses very slowly to "Lover". Aello isn't very helpful, for the longest time she just wants to tickle and is also the youngest Friendly Mamono. She is the fastest partner in Chapter 10, but also the weakest. However, advancing Aello into romantic territory unlocks fast travel. She will eventually give you the means to call her to warp you around the island.
- Aello is the only partner who can warp you out of danger in Chapter 10. This is very, very beneficial due to the nature of Chapter 10.
- Primary Tickle Spot: Armpits
Hathor - Starts off as "Friend with Benefits" and progresses VERY quickly to "Lover" you can technically get Hathor to be your Lover by the end of Chapter 5 if you play your cards right. In Chapter 10 she is the bulkiest partner, with the highest Stamina and Endurance. She will also provide you with milk every so often after becoming your Lover.
- Hathor can use a temporary "Cover" ability where she absorbs the damage you receive.
- Primary Tickle Spot: Breasts/Ribs
Kaliya - Kaliya hates you with a passion. She isn't unlocked until Chapter 7, but requires an entire subset of quests to even get on friendly terms with. She is vicious and domineering, and hates being tickled. However, if you can advance her to Lover, she is the second most powerful partner, and will provide you with a quest to unlock the most powerful spell in the game (for Mages) and the most powerful Talisman in the game. She is Technique focused and uses tons of arcane magics to help you in Chapter 10.
- Kaliya has unreal Technique and her move pool is enormous. She can inflict every status effect imaginable, buff you and herself to high heavens, and pretty much is the best you can get after Honey Bee.
- Primary Tickle Spot: Belly/Hips
Anyone with ideas for these four partners, PM me. Don't be afraid to offer any kind of suggestions.
Actual Information Will Appear After This Line
So there you have it, that's what I've been up to. Don't be afraid to contact me for any reasons, even if you just want to chat I enjoy talking to people. I hope this information is enough to sate your appetites while waiting for Lover of the Snow Maiden. This quest will take me a while (it adds about...8 maps, a boss, three game overs, and a metric buttload of backstory).
Edit- That pit is the entrance to the Feather Bug Nest. I moved it because given the size of the Feather Bug Nest, it made more sense in that location.
*Edit: Out of curiosity, how many people found Mammona difficult? I know Beelzebebe didn't seem to give anyone a challenge (at least not to the point that anyone mentioned it) so I was wondering where Mammona ranked on the over all difficulty meter? (Given the complaints that Venus, Soft Slime, and Ticklazon had).
Actually, I'll just make this more encompassing. How would you rank the bosses in order of difficulty? (I'll use this information for later bosses).
**Edit- mlukers: Talk to everyone walking around the village. There are eight villagers (not guards) and you need to talk to all of them. Then you should get a cutscene.
***Edit- The Lover of the Snow Maiden is a hidden quest. You need to explore and examine everything you can in the Frozen Forest and Frozen Highland. Then talk to the Snow Maiden.
Side Note- How does everyone like the new music? I'm gathering a big list of midis together, it's been a lengthy process...unfortunately most of them tie into a single quest chain later lol.
*VEdit- kjiron - I found the problem, it's not a glitch. The damage for Greed Core Wave is done before the box displaying how much damage you received is displayed. So you seem to be "mysteriously" dying, the truth is you just are having Incap inflicted before it tells you the damage itself. I'll fix that right now. I'm also going to adjust the Greed Core damage, have it run 1..50 instead and see if that helps. To compensate I'm going to weaken its healing effect on positive Karma characters.
I'm in class so it might take longer than I'd like, but give me just a moment.
Generally I am having more problem with healing and keeping my stamina up in the battle than having to fight any foe as mage... even if there are multiple of them. So new series of healing potions would be useful, since most of monsters just take same damage or more of what I heal and Honey jar has its limits.
Noted, and fixed. After reaching level 11 (chapter 4) you'll be able to buy Apple Juices at the shop. Before then, you can win them from the pub game. I've added a "Point Booster" you can purchase which doubles your score if you get a perfect score. I've also fixed the glitch causing the same questions to get spammed over and over. I'm also putting together a "Level 2" which adds another 20 questions and gives a +5 point bonus for finishing it (after the Point Booster doubles your score).
BETA V4.34 -
Apple Juice added to the Pub Game, made available earlier. Mammona fix, Greed Core Wave now procs 1..50 instead of 1..100. The healing factor has been reduced to 1..30. Due to the availability of better pots (125 healing), I decided to make the healing effect of the Greed Core Wave weaker.
I found a problem with the bar game. Immediately after the girl asks you the first question, the game freezes whether you get it right or wrong. I tried it multiple times to make sure it wasn't just a fluke, and it happened every time.
Fixed, I was calling a variable that I must have scrapped at some point. It's been added back in and everything works.
BETA V4.341 -
Well I noticed a really bad programming error. It shouldn't have caused any issues, but it was an outrageous redundancy that wasn't necessary. I've fixed it, which may or may not fix Stickman's issue. If this doesn't fix it, I'll have to do a more thorough read through. For what it's worth, the game works for me.
BETA V4.342 -
Made more fixes to the Bar Game. Had to adjust the Point Booster and the price of Apple Juices.
Anyway, here's the next update. Still no further development on the Lover of the Snow Maiden quest, but that will come later tonight.
BETA V4.343 -
In still dealing with the issue with Mammona, I'll let you know that at level 9 (her lowest level) Mammona has 1700 stamina. I'm still working on balancing, I've tweaked her down to 1300 HP (for reference Beelzebebe had 875 Stamina). Working with this new pattern, the Chapter 4 boss will have 1725. This would give the final boss 4175 Stamina, which factoring in defense and such is probably a fair enough amount for an epic battle. Keeping in mind the final boss isn't a straight forward fight.
So to see if shaving off that 400 Stamina helps (it should or wut), here's a new update.
BETA V4.344 -
Here's another small update, mostly because I think there was an error with starting a new game in 4.344. For the record, you can access the Cave for the Lover of the Snow Maiden quest in this update.
BETA V4.345 -
The Chamber of Trust (the icy floor maze) is the last part in the previous update. That's as far as I've designed so far, but I'm getting the other three challenges put together.
More rambling on my part in lieu of a real update. How did you like the puzzles in the Chamber of Passion (the statue puzzle) and the Chamber of Trust? There are three more similar to those. I'm trying to work on my puzzle making at this point so I can create some really choice maps later.
Completely off-topic, is anyone familiar with Coheed and Cambria? They're without a doubt my favorite band (Claudio, I would be gay for you <333) and there are tons of references to their songs and the story of the Amory Wars laced throughout the game. If anyone can find everything (and I mean over the course of the whole game, not just now), I may put a reward of some sort together.
@teh_stalker: Yes that was a mistake on my part. G.Damage wasn't initializing to 0 before running the algorithm, meaning the base damage/healing of the Greed Core Wave gets higher and higher every time she uses it. This could also explain kjiron's trouble beating her. The longer you take, the easier it gets for a positive karma character and the harder it gets for a negative karma. I've fixed this now.
There will be 5 new random Mamono introduced in Chapter 4. There will be a total of 7 new Mamono introduced in Chapter 4, 2 of which are bosses. I'm getting stumped on coming up with Mamono ideas lol, so forgive me if it will take a while. Then again, Chapter 3 has about 50% of its material finished, so I'm not in a real hurry.