kjiron said:
So, who's got an idea? Am I missing something here? Or is this a legit glitch?
I didn't watch the video, but something I wanted to point out is what Deus said here:
DXP said:
I've also widened the window on the Greed Core Wave when attacking a negative karma character. Before the random variable was 50..100 now it's 1..100.
From my understanding that means that her GCW can still do huge damage to a bad karma character, but the chance that you'll receive less damage is higher? Is it possible that's still killing you? Though a glitch sounds more likely from your story.
Not Valid anymore, see Deus's Post for update.
DXP said:
If you complete the Chapter 6 Goblin Pet Quest (Goblin Quest 3) with negative karma, your Giggle Goblin will undergo a transformation and become a Chuckle Oni. If you complete it with positive karma, she'll resist the urge to transform, absorbing the same power to become a Giggle Goblin Elite.
Definetly make that mandatory! I love the idea, and from my point of view the more difference between bad and good karma the better. Adds to replayability, too.
DXP said:
Kaliya - Kaliya hates you with a passion.
Somehow, I'm definetly looking forward to this one.
DXP said:
*Edit: Out of curiosity, how many people found Mammona difficult? I know Beelzebebe didn't seem to give anyone a challenge (at least not to the point that anyone mentioned it) so I was wondering where Mammona ranked on the over all difficulty meter? (Given the complaints that Venus, Soft Slime, and Ticklazon had).
I think it heavily depends on the class played, at this stage of the beta I'd say Mammona is definetly the hardest. I play a soldier for my regular character, and she was basically the first boss that really, really gave me some problems. For a mage or thief, the ant queen might be hardest (adds). I personally think Honey Bee is relatively hard for the level you meet her after Lady Venus. (<- Did I mention Venus somehow became one of my favorite mamono?)
shadowcurse said:
A question since ive been playing a soldier recently...for the pub game..are you ever going to change the spot tickled there to thighs like you did with their weakness? The soldiers weakness went from neck to thighs but the pub game scene remains unchanged. Just wondering as i noticed it just now.
As far as I know the soldier has two bar game scenes actually, one covers the neck, one the thighs. It basically was a small error, but hey I won't complain about a bonus scene.
Notes while playing:
- The area below the well is really well designed, I like the color scheme.
- Silver is quickly becoming one of my favorite and generally most interesting characters... I do wonder if he's human...(Note that I'm not sure if I'm at the end of the beta right now, so if that gets answered...)
- In general, it was nice interacting with more people from Knismesis Village again, so it doesn't feel like they're just decoration.
- I like the changes made to the boy above the pup.
🙂 Having an image is nice, and he's more helpful too! Beside I like you can push him around a little by blocking his way. xD
- I'm a bit torn about the new Town BGM, I don't think it's bad, but I don't think it's perfect either. A bit too dark and mysterious, I guess?
Oh I completely forgot: Encountered no Bugs at all!