@penguinsfan - Make sure you're using the Small Feather, since it seems like you have trouble dealing enough damage. Also make sure your armor is the best you can get. Venus is most vulnerable to fire, but her underarms and ribs are quite effective as well.
I have not responded in the longest time and you do not know how happy the discussion that has been taking place has made me lol
First, I want to address a practical application- I am working on making an advanced Outsider status screen, I just need to get all the hoopla together to do so. It will include ticklishness, karma, reputation, and anything else you might find useful.
However, I should mention that in regards to ticklishness, at this point everyone has a Neutral (C rate for those familiar with RPGXP/VX) in every area except the one the game points to being their weakness, in which case they have an Effective (B rate) in that stat. Now previously I had it way more versatile (and arbitrary admittedly) and the primary spot was a Super Effective (A) rate.
But...I ran into a problem with balance. The squishy classes (Mage/Thief) became even MORE squishy. Consider this: If you think it hurts when a Mage gets her feet tickled, remember that it's only set to the 2nd most effective rate (150% more effective IIRC) there is another state left (200% effective IIRC).
Now that that's squared away (If you want to help me put this status screen together then by all means PM me information you think would be helpful). I want to try to find a way to make it so that at character creation, you select your class (which arbitrarily sets your weak spot) and then are given the ability to raise or lower five ticklish spots (out of the seven remaining), to further help with customization. Of course, this would let people make the game easier by putting a Less Effective (D) rate on certain spots, but I've gotten over trying to make this insanely hard (and will settle for just quite challenging).
The gifts aren't necessary to start romance (it just makes it easier in cases like Aello and Kaliya), they just trigger a special cut scene for your d'awwing pleasure. Karma is based more on a "Selfish vs Selfless" standpoint, not so much Good vs Evil.
In the case of the side-quest/mini-boss Mamono, they're behaving on natural instinct. Letting them go is a sign of understanding. However, in the case of the 7 Mamono Queens (Beelzebebe, Mammona, Satania, Acedae, Luxuria (Sugar and Spice), Levia (pronounced Lee-vee-ah), and Luci) letting them go is negative karma. Why exactly? Well for one, your "karma" as it were, is being determined by an outside force. Letting natural Mamono go is seen as kindness, but letting these Mamono go is seen as avoidance of justice.
See, who you let go of the 7 Mamono Queens is going to effect Chapter 10. They are coming back, and they aren't going to repay your kindness. Whereas the natural Mamono you let go tend to repay you in some way for being kind to them, these Mamono are only going to seek vengeance (Lady Venus is an exception but she's a central character to the plot, so we won't discuss her here).
Mammona fights the same, no matter what gender or karma you have, the difference comes in her strongest attack, the Greed Core Wave. It reflects your soul and uses the temperance of your soul to tickle you. If you're Selfless, the wave can't harm you and in fact refreshes you. If you're Selfish, the wave reflects all of the suffering you've caused back on you.
Again, we're only on Chapter 3, there will be more involving Karma later. You won't be punished the entire game for being Selfish (though it will effect the ending). Your Karma also doesn't affect your romantic prospects. Mamono frankly don't care how you treat the rest of the world, they are selfish creatures who only care how you treat them. Mamono fall in love 1 time, and stay in love with that 1 person for the rest of their lives (they're immortal).
So if you advance a Mamono to "romantic" level, she's not going to ever turn her back on you. Honey Bee won't care who you are, she's already got a thing for you (she's the default love interest, remember?). Just a warning, once you become romantically involved (you'll get a message detailing such) with one of the four Mamono mates, you'll lock out any opportunity of advancement with the others.
Why can't you rob Mamono after choosing to tickle them further? Well...because that is impossible. Tickling a Mamono to her breaking point causes her corporeal form to shatter. Remember, Mamono are spirits who take on a corporeal form to interact with the islanders.
That said, a certain villager is using information you are gathering (wink wink) to develop a special containment chamber (wink wink) that will allow unlimited "play time" if you will, with the Mamono of your choice (wink wink).