Oh yeah, about the beta: Good as it was I believe it could use some more indication of where you're actually supposed to go right after you enter the village.
The first thing I did once I got there was to speak with the running girl that says something like "You should ask the people in that large house with the sign" and my first reaction was "oh, she must mean that castle-thing with all the guards around it, it sure does look like a good place to start". Upon realising it was futile to get past the mute guard - which I after a few minutes of huddling affectionatly started calling Bob - I decided that it was probably best to look for other houses with signs.
Soon I realised that the pub the girl I had spoken to ran in front of actually had a sign I entered. After a small epileptic shock I started looking around in her too. Upon realising that everyone seemed to be hyptontised by the dancing bunny-girls, rendering them useless for my interests, I started looking for important looking characters, like the bartender and the dancers but none of them had anything useful to say at all. Yes, I know I was technically in the right place, but the impression the pub gave me was that no one knew anything, and whoever did didn't want to share the knowledge with me.
After a few failed attempts at trying to find something - anything - of importance at either of the locations I decided I could just as well search the whole village for anything that might advance the plot. I ended up speaking to every villager, harrassing them in their homes, and poking every pixel I could find on my quest to find the next plot hook. This led me to discover some things that I assume will become important later on, but when I found them at this time it led to confusion about where I was supposed to be.
As it were, it wasn't until I read in this thread something about "being taken to jail after the pub" that I realized that the pub probably was the right location and that I just had missed something. Upon furder inspection I realized that there, yes, there actually was a table with fairly important-looking characters in the pub which I had apparently either ignored or not seen the last five times I searched the building.
After that everything went smothly. However, just one more character giving some kind of indication of where you're supposed to go - or if you could just ask the girl more than one time - would help a lot.