Beta looks great so far. Don't beat yourself up too much for the glitches, this is pretty impressive stuff. I did find a typo: when tickling Venus after beating her, you "not" her ticklish breasts instead of "note" them.
Problems: Despite being able to finish the teddy bear sidequest the first time, I can't do it now (new version installed? (1/23 as of noon eastern)). I think because of this, I can't get enough renown to talk to the Silver guy and get the codex before the dryad (does this screw me out of something?) The sparkle is above the girl's head, but she just mentions that some mamono like to be tickled. If its possible to "miss out" on codex elements, maybe Silver should let you do it right away?
Suggestions: The encounter rate seems a bit low. While wandering around, I feel like I need to pace a lot just to get the encounters I want. Also, for those of us who tried to grind on the fairies for the extra fruit, the effort seemed ... fruitless. Maybe the 1/50 should be upped a bit? I got tons of tomato juice, but never fruit. I ended up tackling Venus with my bare hands (hehe).
Also, the log does feel like a tease, and a perfect opportunity for something to happen there. I don't know if the very first mamono you encounter is Venus or not (the one scared off by HB), but if not, maybe she can come back and terrorize you in the log (sort of like in CC with the slime switch. Options, but lose/lose).
Tip to players: Give the fruit to the old man before the fairy. It'll help you in the long run. I didn't have the feather until after Venus, making Venus very hard, but then HB quite easy. I'll have to try it the other way to see if the feather balances it more (either way, the lvl 3 adventurer dominates HB, although I found her weak spot right away). So HB seems a bit easy, if anything.
Finally, I'm impressed with the writing, good job keeping it adequately lengthy and entertaining! My only fear is that I'm going to make bad decisions through the game and miss some ending bonuses (but I guess that's what multiple playthroughs are for!)