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Waterbabes - New Fox Sisters Tickling Comic.

Naut if you have any pictures ready for upload then you go ahead. I'm sure a lot of us have been on tender hooks for quite a while waiting for anything that has your mark of quality on it, we've kind of missed it round here lately.
Sincere apologies, but employment has been my main concern, or rather the attaining it. I think i'm sorted out now (I have also been on a college course which has eaten up time). I have actually been doing a lot of pencilling for the next several pages this weekend, and will ink a few tonight, then hopefully scan them in tomorrow.

I wanted to get these encounters all drawn and inked, as well as setting up round 3.
I also wanted the site to get the upload situation sorted out.
I don't believe there's any problem uploading pictures at present. I'd say post whenever you're ready! The response will be ecstatic!
Scanning is complete. I have to set all the frames and get the panels ready to colour (so we don't lots of odd patches of pixels like pages 1-4, because the paper I use isn't perfectly white - and never will be, stupid me), then I can colour some seriously large and slippery bosoms being tickled to high heaven.

I wish this was my job, LOL!
I wish so too.

But anticipation remains high! The last part ended on such a sexy setup it's been torture waiting to see what happens next!
I wish so too.

But anticipation remains high! The last part ended on such a sexy setup it's been torture waiting to see what happens next!

Thanks very much.

I forgot that I'd set things up so the girls were about to get tickled. Still, I shall crack on and try and have something ready over the weekend.
Big grovelling apologies for the delay. I wanted to get these up yesterday but we had a full house and I don't generally upload this work in front of others.

To make up for the disgusting absent-mindedness and general disregard for very loyal and appreciative (and appreciated) Fox enthusiasts (real world friends, pull your weight) I'm uploading five pages of slippery goodness; 17-21.

Now i'll shut the hell up...
Words cannot express my happiness at the return of the Fox sisters, and excellent as ever. Note to self: must invent virtual reality device capable of importing from comic pages...
Nice! I can see what you've been telling me, Kitch… there's certainly improved image quality, especially over the earliest pages! The figures display an additional crispness, better definition, while colors seem to be blended with extra care and subtlety! Lucy's volcanic vent environment is particularly impressive; the steamy atmosphere and sparkling, bubbling water really soothe the viewer with sauna comfort! In all cases, the "slippery when wet" admonition seems certain to distract the sisters from their mission with irresistible interspecies climaxing… should Nina momentarily escape eel-laden temptation, it's only to be partnered with a third-stage brine shrimp, or some similar colossal creeping, stalking crustacean! If Babs and Lucy can tear themselves away from overstimulation, I'm sure that hippo-sized escorts await them as well! As "Avian Oddity" has taught us, the trials grow more elephantine the farther our lovelies proceed! Dare I hope for a kraken at the last level!
Never have voluptuous tee taas received such slimy slippery attention!

Sensational, Kitch...and as always - a triumphant return!!!

You are in the constant process of making me choose between your characters...and I'm never able to stick with anyone choice for long!!

These pages are a pure delight!

Thanks my friend,

Thanks for sticking around guys, LOL. Seriously, it makes so much more sense to draw these adventures if I know others enjoy them as much as I do, considering the first scrawlings were done almost 14 years ago (some pencil-coloured originals are kept in a file, but the artwork is far from competent), and it took until 2006 to commit them to a website of any kind. When I started theiteration of Avian oddity you all know, it was my second attempt at the story, as is Fish Tales the second go at telling this story. Pandemonium at prickly Hills will be the third time the origin story has been told,and some of the art in the last one was pretty good, but I have an expanded story and new characters, and have made it into a college. It will be story and character centred, but expect a bonanza of tickling as well - mostly deformed human/sexy human.

Sherrif: Thanks. the line art is all the same, but I tried to tidy my colouring up. The skin tones on the body look a bit more substantial.

Tarr2k: LOL... I've been there a few times! One day an animated short could be possible. Until then i'll try and keep making the comic art as sexy as I can, although I do like the medium for telling a tale.

LBH: As above, colouring is something i've tried improving throughout, and I think these five are the amongst best i've done. I'd like to revisit the opening two pages (three is okay) and tidy those crucial opening panels that establish the Mansion and normal life for the girls, lots more of which will be detailed in PAPH.
As for the creatures, I think my favourites were the jellies. Even in its earlier form drawn ten years ago, the scene has a feeling of released inhibition from Barbara - anything slippery and rubbery is good in her books. I just wanted to explode that scene to something more full-on. As for the creatures getting progressively larger, that may be ignored soon, although the intensity of the tickling will certainly increase. The tube worms are new to this one, after discussion some ideas with a friend in England who is quite keen on the series.

Bandito: Thanks for the support, and may I ask towards whom the Bandito's dancing fingers point at the moment? You might find it difficult to palpate Babs as she's covered in pulsing Jellies, and Lucy's breasts tingle to high heaven, but she is merely teased around her privates - wasn't sure how far to go on that bit. Nina will have a bit more to do over the next few pages, as she's been relativiely untouched.

I'll be scanning and drawing a bit more today - perhaps the next pages of At Home with the McFeely's. There are a few one-off pieces I've done which need colouring, including some 'scrap book pictures' relating to the prose story I've written that details their coming of age. More such pictures could be forthcoming. The one-off pieces allow a bit of breathing space.

Enough jabbering...
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A quick diversion. I mentioned that I've written a prose story set before the main continuity, that may be risque. I've done some non-tk art based on that story and would like to share it, perhaps to build interest.

I've also done a special tribute to one of LBH's characters who I like to call the 'Blue chap'- abackground character in his most recent Low Roads chapter, who I found appealling.

Babs and Tim - complicated, but Tim is the older brother of one of Lucy's old friends and developed a crush on Babs. Despite her being 2 years younger, you can probably guess that she's probably the more grown-up of the two. Tim is an amalgamation of a few friends from my teens.

Dr Sachs meets Babs - No prizes for guessing who Sachs is based on, and the New Yorker is basically Featherfinger's most famous ex-student who Barbara thinks is wonderful. I was going to give him something to say, but I think it's fun to imagine it. I think 'getting away from these deadbeats and finding a nice bar' is one translation. Also, that could be the youngest Fox sibling in disguise, come to cause mischief when Babs is at her most vulnerable.

Nina and friends - a precocious party girl, clubber and drinker, I would think Nina was precocious in other ways, namely with boys. I tried to give a sense of this as a snapshot of her a bit drunk with some friends. I'm not sure if the blonde guy is included as a friend - there's an awkwardness here, but I refer to this sort of posing himbo in the story.

As for Lucy and her new friend, well... I wanted to give her a speech bubble, but I feel the playful look is perhaps sufficient to communicate that 'he's mine, now'.

LBH, I think she's talking to you!
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What?! A risque tale?! Set in the Fox milieu? I'm not sure I'm ready for that! Seriously, some mouth-watering promo material (plus one very lucky Low Roads resident!) Who could ask for more! Besides the coming story, I mean!

Babs and Tim: These two make a handsome couple! What's that he's building there, Warhammer figures? He better keep his mind on his work or he's gonna screw one of their little heads on backwards! It's a sweet distraction, to be sure (or a pair of them, judging from his line-of-sight)! Lovely Babs looks rather younger to me; does this tryst reflect events early in her career, or am I reading it wrong?

Dr. Sachs Meets Babs: Fickle Babs, throwing over Tim for a celebrity! Just 'cause he's got his own book doesn't mean he's a better guy ("Search for Zarathustra"… didn't Nietzsche find him already?) Matter of fact, his interest seems identical to fanboy Tim's… again, those eyes gravitate inexorably downward (though the Doc's a bit more blasé about it). If that really is lovely Lu back amongst the geeks, she looks equally sweet in schoolgirl bob!

Nina and Friends: Booze and bozos… yeah, this is gonna end well! What's that guy on the left wielding, a lighter or a switchblade? It's lethal either way! Through it all, Nina evinces a sense of warm and carefree camaraderie that makes me ache to attend despite my general distaste for the press of crowds. Hell… maybe I'm just sour 'cause I wasn't invited...

Beauty and the Blue Guy: Now this is very cool! A scroungy Low Roads nobody, cozying up to a Fox goddess… he must have wished upon a double star! He's even getting a little fondle in, which she doesn't seem to shy from! Nestling in comfortably, too; this guy's won a lifetime worth of prizes! As I knew I would, I absolutely love your interpretation of Mr. Blue Guy! Slack-shouldered, diminutive, with rheumy, barely-focusing eyes… a quintessential bogy, no mistaking it! He's also sporting a subtle downstairs bulge, if I'm not mistook! Well, with delectable, unbuttoned Lu so in-his-face, he'd hardly be worthy of the title lecher if there wasn't!

Note: this epic episode has finally inspired me to come up with a name for him… Lufan!

As for Lucy and her new friend, well... I wanted to give her a speech bubble, but I feel the playful look is perhaps sufficient to communicate that 'he's mine, now'.

LBH, I think she's talking to you!
It's true, all so true! I've been hers for ages! No need to work through surrogates, dear Lucy! Command me! I'm all yours!
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When people say 'LOL' it doesn't always seem as though it's literally so, but in this case 'Lufan' made me chuckle aloud. Superb. It's just one of those spontaneous things I needed to do, so it was a fairly short time from page to here.

The three drawings are inspired by my prose story detailing some of the character background that I'm not putting up here (but available on request), The Babs and Tim scene is literally in that story - Yes, babs is supposed to be younger, but it's sort of difficult because she's a tall lass and early to develop. This is prior to her meeting the Doc or attending Prickly Hills. As for the models, they're probably something in that arena of tabletop gaming.

The Dr Sachs one is set later, as the story moves through time. Sachs will appear later in the continuity, but here is a first look. As for the book title, I was just lampooning the gravitas of this sort of title - nearly everything in the Fox verse is a pastiche of something real, or tries to be. Those dweebs are very stereotypical, but I just wanted visual shorthand, although I find the angry one in the tank top quite amusing because he reminds me of someone I used to know. Yes Lucy is in her geek get-up, but how does one geek up 36-G boobs?

I'm afraid my art has failed with the Nina picture. What 'Himbo' is holding is supposed to be the top of a beer bottle, catching a strobe. I'm glad Nina turned out that way though. She looks a bit young, but that was my intention. The girl next to her started out as Rosie, Tim's younger sister, but she would be too young at this point.
None of the friends reappear in the story, though I doubt Nina would appreciate you calling the black fellow to the right a bozo, if you catch my drift. I think the girl is called Abi.
As for your attendance, this would be in a nightclub around 2003-2004, and having attended clubs while at university in that period and in the next large conurbation along from Bournemouth, I don't think you'd like the music very much. I didn't!
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When people say 'LOL' it doesn't always seem as though it's literally so, but in this case 'Lufan' made me chuckle aloud. Superb.
Thank you! So pleased you approve! I'm mighty happy to get that little storytelling detail settled. The serendipity involved (as well as another chance to flatter divine Lu) is a welcome development!

The three drawings are inspired by my prose story detailing some of the character background that I'm not putting up here (but available on request)…
Please consider me requesting! I'll make a formal appeal privately tomorrow!

Yes Lucy is in her geek get-up, but how does one geek up 36-G boobs?
Furthermore, who'd want to even if it were possible!

I'm afraid my art has failed with the Nina picture. What 'Himbo' is holding is supposed to be the top of a beer bottle, catching a strobe.
Once you mention it, it's hard to see the object any other way! I don't know why any reasonable person would expect a switchblade or a lighter (well, a lighter maybe. But since no one's smoking, it's still a long shot) at a friendly party setting. Then again, no one's ever been so reckless as to call me reasonable.

None of the friends reappear in the story, though I doubt Nina would appreciate you calling the black fellow to the right a bozo, if you catch my drift.
Far be it from me to start a bar fight, especially with a room full of fellow buff rowdies to back him up! I'll just slink quietly out the exit…

I don't think you'd like the music very much. I didn't!
Well, unless they're rocking out to Bach cantatas, probably not. My musical taste is non-hip in the extreme!
After the next few pages of AHWTM go up, I'll be on a penciling and inking binge to carry this story to the final encounter, so expect a bit of a delay in the next coloured pages.

Now that i've got my colouring a bit more together, I hope it will be worth the wait. I think Fish Tales has taken far too long already, but some of that is just absence and not being in the right frame of mind, and perhaps the other reason is that I generally take a bit longer to draw and colour each panel, compared with the earlier panels and Avian Oddity. I think I will re-colour the first two pages and then upload the comic in it's entirety without interruptions in a new thread after completion.

One more thing - I've bought a designated sketch pad for Pandemonium at Prickly Hills. That's enough for 100 pages. I think the comic could end up being 70-80 pages - there's a fair bit to pack in, and i'm looking forward to finally introducing the Fox Sisters to you guys properly and beefing up character and story development, but even the older incarnation (a bit tatty now but it showed promise, LOL) was pretty long.
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Working on the next few pages and will have a few ready for monday, hopefully five.
Awesome news Naut. Can't wait to see what stuff you've got cooking up in that noggin of yours.
Five possible pages of Fox fun for Monday?! Reason enough to hope for a quick weekend!
I'd buy you all a drink if I had a teleporter.

I just thought i'd crack on this weekend. Not much going on except the diamond jubilee of our unelected head of state, or - as I call it - the triple Palpatine. I think Palpatine's reign was around 20-odd years. I'd rather not gawp at a coruscating crone whose cousins were hidden away because the bloodline went awry and produced a few simpletons.
At least the downtrodden of Coruscant had Star Destroyers and TIE fighters in their fly-overs, but they also had force lightning to worry about. I think Kate Middleton is due that 'If you will not be turned...' spiel sometime soon.
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