I've learned, as we all did, that not only are we
NOT alone, but we are in pretty damn good company.
I've learned that beyond our love/fetish, people here for the most part have a greater love and respect for each other in our community much quicker and deeper than you would the average Joe that you meet, even if they are a friend of a friend.
I've learned that the forefathers of the community, that helped it turn from a tiny snowball to an out of control "Indiana Jones style" runaway ball, haven't lost their fire and enjoyment of tickling over the years. And that's good news to the rest of us about our own futures.
I've learned that it's cool if you want to be a lurker and admire this treasure trove of information that wasn't so readily available years ago, but it's sooo much more enjoyable to jump in the water and play with the rest of the kids in the pool. You're contribution only makes it grow into a bigger bag of goodies. You're among "your people" here.
I've learned that silly ass dog in my sig makes me smile like an idiot every time I post.
I've learned that there are people here that are really special, and they may not know it or feel it all the time, and it's nice to be able to remind them. In fact, I'll go a step further and challenge each of you to do the same. Awesome people should be told, "You fucking rock!" sometimes. Drop them a line and tell them.
I've learned.... while some of you hold a special place in my heart, you all fucking rock!