I agree here. If you're going to be a full-time employee of the "music scene" you have to understand, and respect, all forms of music, not just the ones that don't appeal to you. At least that's how I see it.
I can't exactly see anyone that actually works in the music business making a comment like that...
Actually, to really excel in the music industry, you really don't have to understand and/or respect all forms of music. You simply have to excel and be an
expert of the genre you wish to succeed at.
In saying that though, you have two ends of the spectrum. On one end there's someone like Rick Rubin, who respects all forms of music, and has actually made so many different artists famous as a result (from Timberlake, to Slayer, from Beastie Boys to Slipknot) he excels at understanding the many forms of genres of music.
But then you have the other end of the spectrum. Like Fred Durst...who respects all forms of music so much that he releases this intergenre bullshit that is a waste of both yours and my time.
Rick Rubin is one very
big exception to the rule.
I believe quality music comes about if an artist concentrates on the genre he/she is good at.
As for rap, whilst I can respect Tupac Shakur as a lyricist and poet, I really don't like rap music. There's a very simple reason why. Tupac rapped about social issues affecting lower class Black America in the '90s. He did it brutally, and he did it honestly. Yes, eventually he did get caught up in stardom and yes, eventually he turned into a bit of a fuckwit...but he rapped honestly.
Let's look at Timbaland. The guy cancelled his Australian Tour because he couldn't get negotiations figured out with the organising company here in Sydney. He wanted $250,000 for a 45 minute set.
That is not fucking worth it. And all it shows is that Rap Artists are not in it for the enjoyment of playing music to the people (which is the only reason artists should need), they are in it for the money.
From my point of view, hearing shit like that makes the Rap Genre look like a joke, and to me...in 2008, Rap music is a joke. Oh, yeah...I forgot to mention that the $250k that Timbaland wanted was per concert in Australia.
Let's consider the talent it takes to be a good rapper. The ingredients if you will...
1) You have to be able to speak.
2) You have to be able to swear.
3) And you must be able to construct your lines together in a way where it rhymes and is rhythmic.
Well, I don't know about anyone else here...but I learned about poetry when I was 12 years old. I learned all about limericks, stanzas, sonnets etc and I learned about rhythmic syllables. Did I mention that I learned this when I was 12?
To be able to contruct a 16 line verse that rhythmically sounds good and rhymes just doesn't sound like it takes much talent. Corey Taylor did it with 'Spit it Out' by Slipknot, and he
screamed it!
Anyone who is half decent at English can find four words that rhyme together to make four lines. And after a few hours practice, I bet anyone who is half decent at English could find 4 sets of 4 rhyming words to construct a 16 line verse about how immature Niggah-G gangs are and how the promoting of violence in Rap music isn't going to lower how many kids are being shot up.
You wanna hear a good rapper? Download 'Little Weapon' by Lupe Fiasco.
Hopefully this is the kind of thoughtful input you were describing Artoo, ey.