I don't see anything romantic in tickling, and why all the fuss for romanticism and tenderness. Those men that go straight for sex, and "pump in and pump out" as you said are masculine men, and they know what they want and need. If a woman accepts having sex great, if not there's no problem, there are plenty wenches that would cherish the great honor of having me. I don't think there's any need for the sweet poisonous deceit that is called Romanticism. There's no room for tenderness. Not in the order of steel-stallion riding knights (I'm talking about bikers here) like there was no room for tenderness in Sparta. Being tender is associated with being feeble. Sex is as normal a function as others (like eating, breathing, smoking, bathing, sleeping etc), there's no need to make it taboo, no need to call the women that have sex with lots of guys guys *****s, or anything like that, cause that's just foolish prejudice. If a gal that has sex with a lot of guys is to be called a *****, than someone who eats at several restaurants or drinks at several bars, or hangs out with a lot of friends, or changes the cigarette brand or buys clothes from different stores is also to be called a *****, is it not (following the stupid society philosophy)?! Diversity is essential, diversity is what sets us above animals, diversity is what keeps us from going insane with monotony, but sex is the only thing that any last individual belonging to the human race enjoys most, so sex without love and romanticism is great. And to spice up the sex there are plenty erotic games not involving tickling like for example coating your cock in chocolate cream and having your partner lick it off for example, although I my sexual instinct allows me to make a girl hotter than fire with lust using only vanilla foreplay. Unfortunately that vanilla foreplay does not turn me on as much as tickling and that's my problem. And if they want to spice up sex with fetish content there are plenty non-tickling socially acceptable fetishes. As for me I will never tickle my newly acquired girlfriend. I'd rather visit a prostitute and pay her to let me tickle her, or even better watch a tickling clip on my phone in the car (that way I don't have to worry that the prostitute will find out who I am and expose me publicly) then come home rock-hard and have sex with her.