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Would you die for the one that you love?

I think it is silly to say you would die for a gf\bf or whatnot, because they are so temporary unless you go the next step and to marriage, which is a big difference.

Christ, you have couples who claim they are inm "love" after 3 months, it would be a waste to offer your life for 3 months of "love"
Goodieluver said:
I think it is silly to say you would die for a gf\bf or whatnot, because they are so temporary unless you go the next step and to marriage, which is a big difference.

Christ, you have couples who claim they are inm "love" after 3 months, it would be a waste to offer your life for 3 months of "love"
Goodieluver, you are right that there are too many examples out there that are exactly like what you are talking about. The level of commitment is what you have to look at for the difference. What Tf4f and I have, I believe, is just that different. We have something very solid and lasting. When we decide to "take the plunge" will be our business, but that doesn't change our level of loyalty, devotion or desire to protect if that need were to ever arise just because we are gf/bf. Just because someone's not wearing rings yet, you can't knock what they have unless you're walking in their shoes and know their situation.
sadira said:
Goodieluver, you are right that there are too many examples out there that are exactly like what you are talking about. The level of commitment is what you have to look at for the difference. What Tf4f and I have, I believe, is just that different. We have something very solid and lasting. When we decide to "take the plunge" will be our business, but that doesn't change our level of loyalty, devotion or desire to protect if that need were to ever arise just because we are gf/bf. Just because someone's not wearing rings yet, you can't knock what they have unless you're walking in their shoes and know their situation.

Sorry if i will go on a rant here but i find it amusing for all people how they always feel they fall into the catagory of the exception. Now yes i dont know you nor your relationship so i cannot speak for what you are in right now, but as with examples i listed in my first post, it always seems that people in relationships who aknowledge the people who are "in love after 2 months are foolish" do the exact same thing, and when questioned on it, they claim its different. My case example, My former best friend was in an odd relationship with his gf, she was always complainin and etc etc, one day he said to me "Jason, be glad your single, girls are nothin but trouble." So i then asked "Then why are u dating bridget right now?" To his response being "Oh thats different, we're in love"

Only people i would die for is myself, my mum and my dog and my country if i ever got called and was able to serve
So your saying you HAVE to be married first and be married for a few years before you can say that you are in ''real true love'' or you have to be married for a few years before you can even think about saying i would die for this ''boyfriend or girlfriend'' or person or whomever?

Now if that isn't gay logic i don't know what is.

Just like tklecouple said

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends"

~Jesus Christ acc John:15:13 NKJV

And that means if your married or not married or just friends.
When it comes to the sort of love that is being debated here, I've noticed people fall into two catagories: Those who believe in a basic concept of 'love at first sight', and those who don't.

Those that don't believe in it have not experienced it, and truly feel that one must devote a lot of time and energy into building that strong of a love affair with a person. And for them that may be so. At least until that 'one' comes along that changes their mind and shakes the very foundation they based their views on.

Those who do believe in it, do so because they've lived it. Once you experience it for yourself, you can no longer deny it's existence. I spent 11 years married to a man who I loved, but had to grow to love over time. After we ended our marriage, I met Lazarus. The very first weekend I spent with him I knew I was going to be with him the rest of my life. I never questioned it, I never doubted it. And it was exactly the same for him. We both loved each other more in that first weekend we spent together, than we ever loved our spouses after 10 years in each of those relationships.

Lazarus and I have now been living together for 3 years, and still love each other every bit as much as we did that first weekend. It was instant, it was strong, and it was true. And it remains so.

I hate to muddy the waters or suck the fun out of an otherwise upbeat thread but I honestly don't think we can know what we would do if placed in a situation to actually have to answer and fulfill that question...I do, however find it interesting that we ponder such things.

I know that there is nothing on earth or any person that is as precious to me as my little girl, and of course I would say in a heartbeat that I would give my life to save hers...that said,

How we react to such a decision would vary greatly depending upon the situation...for example: in a case of there being a need for a split second decision (stepping in front of a moving car to save my child) there would be no hesitation but I doubt I would be thinking about it in the way of me dying for her...I would be acting on impulse to save her life and be willing to die in the process because I wouldn't be thinking about myself, only her.

I think an instinctual willingness to step between a loved one and the pain they would feel is a selfless act that places emphasis on that person's well being...conversely, I think the need to believe we are the kind of person who would die for someone else is a somewhat self centered thing that places emphasis on how good we are.

By pondering such things and proclaiming that we would in a heartbeat die for someone allows us to get to feel we are "good".

Mind you, I am including myself here...I think humans find it difficult enough to forgive one another ...how much more difficult would it be to actually, literally die for them? Just thoughts I have. :)

:rolleyes: :idunno: :dog: :)
Hey if concern for somebody's rationale is judgement, then fine, color me guilty. I think you just got pissed that I didn't blindly accept your stamp of clean health.
steph said:
Of course you're allowed to have an opinion, it's your judgemental stance I take issue with.
:evilha: Takes a lot more than that to piss me off...

Johnny Ticklish said:
Hey if concern for somebody's rationale is judgement, then fine, color me guilty. I think you just got pissed that I didn't blindly accept your stamp of clean health.
Johnny, I have my own doubts about him, as you've seen. You know the TMF is an awesome forum, but the one thing that sucks about it is we're not permitted to tell guys like Butter Wings what we really think about him. It's always been this way and it will never change. Best thing we can do is move on, pal. Plus I really hate to see you going at it with Steph. She's an awesome lady with a good heart and a delightfully twisted sense of humor. I consider both her and you my friends, so do me a favor, and let this go.
Anything for you Drew... :wub: :Kiss2: :devil2:

drew70 said:
Best thing we can do is move on, pal. Plus I really hate to see you going at it with Steph. She's an awesome lady with a good heart and a delightfully twisted sense of humor. I consider both her and you my friends, so do me a favor, and let this go.
drew70 said:
Johnny, I have my own doubts about him, as you've seen. You know the TMF is an awesome forum, but the one thing that sucks about it is we're not permitted to tell guys like Butter Wings what we really think about him. It's always been this way and it will never change. Best thing we can do is move on, pal. Plus I really hate to see you going at it with Steph. She's an awesome lady with a good heart and a delightfully twisted sense of humor. I consider both her and you my friends, so do me a favor, and let this go.

I would agree, on the concept of we're not permitted to tell certain people what we really think. I have no problem with wings really cuz the only interaction ive had with him has been brief and mostly football related on some threads, but there are some here i do dislike from personal experiences and pretty much its a firing squad if i try to talk out of the general consensus
drew70 said:
but the one thing that sucks about it is we're not permitted to tell guys like Butter Wings what we really think about him.

OMG! Please tell me what you really think about me? Pleaseeee drew oh pleaseee *jumps up and down*
I kind of see this as a trick question. Although I'm sure thats not what you intended.

If you say yes, then you seem like a selfless hero. If you say no, in any regard, then you seem like a coward who thinks only of him/herself in the end.

I think that we need to look at the logic of such a hypothetical situation.

Lets look at some examples, shall we:

1.) Theres a hostage situation, and you agree to go with the criminal in exchange for the freedom of everyone else. You realize you may die in this whole episode, but there is a chance the police/swat teams will be able to save you.

This situation is sort of a blur for me, as my death is not certain. If my death could be guranteed to not be in vain, I would do it. But for me to come to that conclusion, I have to assume that the criminal plans to let me go, or the cops can save me.

Whether I die or live, I did a noble thing, so I'm guessing that yes, I'd do it.

2.) The "taking a bullet for someone" situation.

This one is even more tricky. As it requires me to think on my feet within seconds. IE- I see the shooter, expect the bullet to be coming, and push the person out of the way or put myself in front of them.

Again, for me, this depends on the person. Are they a homeless person on the verge of death, where perhaps death would be a blessing? Or is this the president of the United States of America? If I'm taking a bullet for the president, then its my job obviously, and I get up every morning realizing this is my destiny as I have chosen it.

If this is like a gang-fight sort of shoot out thing, where its too random and unpredictable, and I have the ability to save someone in a cross-fire, and they're my friend or something, then yes I would do it.

For several key factors. Gang members are lousy shots (thet focus more on how many bullets they shoot versus their accuracy). The confusion of the shootout means that my friend is not an intended target, so I am expecting maybe 1 bullet coming our way in that given moment. The gang members most likely possess a crappy piece that will only cause a flesh wound, and not a mortal one.

If this is the case and all these factors are in my favor, I would take the bullet for my friend. If this is like a drug cartel sort of deal and it's like a major street war and $hit, I'm thinking its a matter of survival period, and I'd try and save us both if there was time. I doubt though that we'd be there in the first place when this is all going down.

3.) Theres a terrorist attack on a plane they've hijacked. I have the time to throw myself at the terrorist and to wrestle the weopon away from him. There is a chance the gun will go off and the following things will happen:

1.) I am shot.
2.) Another passenger is shot.
3.) The terrorist is shot.

As it is close quarters, I doubt he would have time to fire twice. This being the case, I'm thinking that it's worth it to sacrifice myself and potentially another passenger to save the rest. Unless this is like the movie Air Force One, stopping this lone terrorist and his attempt is worth it.

4.) There is a family member or friend who is dying of a disease, and for the purpose of this hypothetical, I have the ability to save them (though I will die).

All of the situations I can readily think of, this would be the one I'd have the easiest time accepting. It's completely of my own will, and not a spur of the moment action. I am concisiously saving another life through an exchange.

I believe as I currently stand with the Lord (or so I hope) that this act of selflessness will be rewarded in Heaven, or, at least cut my time down in Purgatory significantly.

I'd probably be thinking more about my friend or family member than myself during the actual execution of the sacrifice, and hopefully that will spot me some extra points with the big G when I die. :D LOL ^__^

In closing, I'm figuring that it's worth it in most circumstances to sacrifice yourself in this way. Chances are good you may survive, unless the situation is so hopeless and dire. It's usually not that way though, so to answer your question, I'm saying yes, I would. (sorry for the long reply, though I hope it was good for you).
lets put it this way. i could easily give my life for the one i loved. or even if i see someone in danger. i consider others lives more important than my own



I put my life on the line everyday and YES I would not only die for the one's I love but I'd die for a stranger if it meant saving their life. Remember, "He who would give his life to save another will someday save his own"

witchtickler :firedevil
Butterfly wings said:
So your saying you HAVE to be married first and be married for a few years before you can say that you are in ''real true love'' or you have to be married for a few years before you can even think about saying i would die for this ''boyfriend or girlfriend'' or person or whomever?

Now if that isn't gay logic i don't know what is.

Just like tklecouple said

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends"

~Jesus Christ acc John:15:13 NKJV

And that means if your married or not married or just friends.

I never said marriage but long term(people do do that), I do not believe in love in first sight(or really love in general) I simply said its foolish for people who get into relationships for like 3-4 months long and claim its love would say theyd give their life for that person.(Thats as high schoolish as people drawing hearts on their hands with their and their bf\gfs initials) Thats like saying you would give your life for a co worker or a friend u made in class that u talk to every day. Why would you consider losing your life for, what is at that time, infatuation. If you "love" someone for say 5 months and claim you would die for them, then u break up with them and find someone else and you "love" them as well and say ud die for them, you are pretty much belittling the concept of love and you are showing that pretty much your in love with the fact of being attached and not with a person. Hence why i say long term is because lasting long term is the test that you feel for each other and have gone thru time of experiences with each other and have grown to know a person to form an opinion. Hence why divorces occur greatly within the first 5 years of a wedding, because living with them and experiencing with them, you either strengthen your feelings or limit them

And jesus gave his life for everyone, even sinners, nobody has a heart as big and noble as his, and anyone who claims it is blasphemous.
Butterfly wings said:
Ha no that's ok. Use your own words and tell me what you think about me. Insted of using some website link to a song. Come on you can do it!.
I'll be happy to, but not here. Either you are unaware of the Golden Rule, or you're trying to bate me into a violation of it. In the slim chance the former is the case, here is a simplified version of it:
The Golden Rule

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

This doesn't mean that people can't disagree with other people, but it does mean that everyone who wishes to post here is required to go out of their way to make sure that they are being constructive and positive. We are a forum, a place for discussing ideas, and anything that doesn't contribute to the business of doing that is unproductive and unwelcome. Just because we have freedom of speech in the United States, doesn't mean that anyone can say anything they want while the Senate is in session.

The TMF requires a similar level of decorum from its users, and we are always in session. Intelligent disagreement and debate are encouraged and welcome. Simple negativity is not. For example, if you don't like a story, saying why is encouraged and welcome. Saying that it's "lame" is not.

And to get this out of the way in advance, yes there is censorship on the TMF. Posts that do not abide by the Golden Rule, in the opinion of the administrative staff of the TMF, will be removed and people who frequently make such posts will risk having their posting privileges revoked.​
I call it "simplified" because in reality it's more complex than that, but this will suffice for the moment.

Still, you did ask for a straight answer, and I respect that. It's the first thing out of you I do respect, so I'll try to give you an answer that makes sense and doesn't violate the prime directive. Here goes...

First and foremost, it's the name. Yes, you can go on and on about "judging a book by it's cover" and "a rose by any other name" etc., but your screen name is the very first thing anybody here sees about you. First impressions are lasting ones, regardless of whether or not people will admit this. I saw your screen name, and thought you were female, till I read the post (it was the one where you copied verbatum Jennifer's note to you). I immediately realized two things about you. 1) You were so head over heals about this Jennifer, that you were willing to roll over and accept her abuse toward you for not telling her every skeleton in your closet. And 2) So desperate were you to appear sensitive and bereft of machismo, that you picked a screen name that couldn't possibly be more effeminate. Yes, you did explain the metal reference, but it does little to justify the choice. And yes, I realize you you don't need any justification and are free to pick any name you wish, and that maybe you think I'm coming off like I expect you to run any name you chose by me first. I don't. But you asked me what I think, so here it is. My first impressions were, "This guy has absolutely no spine whatsoever. He's a jellyfish."

As time went on, you kept submitting thread after thread, each of which were just dripping with sap. Real men treat a woman this way. I'd die for my Jennifer. Hey, I'm all for loving relationships, it's what makes the world go round, but it seemed to me that you were incapable of posting anything that wasn't about love in general, or about Jennifer specifically. It seems crucial to you that people identify you with her.

Then we have the signatures. I've seen no less than five of them, and all with Jennifer's picture. So here at one point you had an effeminate name AND a picture of a pretty young girl in your signature, and yet you wondered why people kept thinking you were female. You even had to put a disclaimer at the bottom of your sig to tell people you were a guy. That alone should have told you something. Instead of removing her picture like you should have, you got Mimi to make a slew of sigs that included your picture along with hers. Now, in what I can only guess is an attempt to inject some desperately needed masculinity in your image, you've got a picture of yourself naked. In short, you keep putting band-aid after band-aid, when what is needed is full amputation and a prosthetic.

There's a lot more I could say, but I think this is enough for now. In summary, it's your name, your signatures, and the content of your posts. If that seems shallow, remember these things are all any of us can see of you, so it's all we have to go on.

Personally, I'd like to know what's behind all this lovesick sappy enveigling persona you present here. There might be a cool dude in there somewhere. You should let him out once in a while.
Would I die? Of course!

Would I die for my wife? Of course, I love her to bits. But suffering before death is a question, say, for some reason, dying of an ipecac/food poisoning death, I'd say no, I'm emetophobian :scared:

Otherwise, I'd put my life on the line.
Being that after I graduate with my CSP Degree, I wanna minor again in firescience, better known as fire fighting.. So yeah, I wanna go into hell so others wont have to and I wanna risk my life, so that someone else has a chance to live out their life also. For my family and friends..id go down while protecting them if I had to. Im not afraid to die..I dont want to, but if it came down to it..Im gone.
So much for keeping with the subject of the thread....*rolling eyes*
I swear.........BOYS!!!


Yes, I would totally die for my family. If anyone were to hurt my brother or parents........I would kill them. Simply put. I don't have any children at this time, but I see parents who just sit at the court hearings of their children's rapist/killer, and they do nothing. I'm sorry, if I was that parent...I'd be jumping over everything just to get my hands on the sorry bastard.

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