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  1. C

    Youtube find (german f/f tickling, wrestling)

    I can't believe someone hasn't already posted this. Hot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?search=&mode=related&v=VTc41m26H-A
  2. C

    Ticklish Destiny Meets Amazon Amanda - NEW!

    Lord, I'm not a selfish man. I don't ask for much. But please. Please. Oh, Lord, god, please. Someone PLEASE tie up Amazon Amanda and tickle the crap out of her. The mere thought is giving me chills...
  3. C

    Mariana Is Back : Free Clip

    yes! I saw this title of this thread and immediately thought, "Thank you, Jesus!" I've been dying for more Mariana for quite some time.
  4. C

    How many of us are out there?

    Wow, what a response! If nothing else, I guess I can at least take heart in the fact that you guys are all so optimistic!
  5. C

    How many of us are out there?

    Some time ago, I broke up with my girlfriend of some years. She's the only person on Earth who knows that I love to tickle, and she was always okay with it. I even turned her into something of a tickler herself. So, now that we're not seeing each other anymore, I have to wonder what the odds...
  6. C

    The Future is Bathed in Tickles: Introduction / a tickling love story

    hmm, so we attain world peace thanks to the machinations of a certain George W. Bush, huh? I guess that's how you know this is science fiction!
  7. C

    Best experience yet (yet another true story)!

    Okay, so it's the end of another long day at camp, and I'm getting a ride home from my teaching partner. We get to my apartment building, and park out front while we discuss our lesson plans for the week. When we finish, I ask if she's planning to go paintballing with the rest of the counsellors...
  8. C

    Got her again (another true story)!

    Yes, that's right, I got my teaching partner once again! This time, I invited her and another counselor back to my apartment following a particularly rough day at work. As we entered the apartment and got comfortable, I noticed that she not only took off her shoes, but also her socks (revealing...
  9. C

    Finally got her! (true story)

    Glad you all enjoyed it (believe me when I say I did)! I had the same thought too, that she might secretly be into tickling, but I just dismissed it as wishful thinking. Call me cynical, but in my experience, the only time ticklers find each other is in tickling stories, not in real life (except...
  10. C

    Finally got her! (true story)

    I've been waiting FOREVER for the forum to be back up so I could share this with you guys! So, I work at a summer camp teaching classes on reading and writing. One of the other counselors is my partner, and we teach the classes together. First, a quick description of her: about 5'8", blond, very...
  11. C

    How many of your friends know about your fascination with tickling?

    I can still count them on one hand... Well, my current girlfriend knows, naturally. So does an ex-girlfriend of mine (in retrospect, I wish I hadn't told her). Two other friends of mine know, too. One is a pen-pal who's completely separate from the rest of my life anyway, so I wasn't afraid...
  12. C

    New Jersey!!!!!

    Mercer county 'ler here. Thank goodness you guys posted; I was beginning to think I was in a no-tickle zone.
  13. C

    Birthday tickle (mf/f, true)

    hi everyone, i've been lurking in this forum for a long, long time, but last night I had an experience so cool I had to share. I'm fortunate to have a girlfriend who loves me unconditionally, and as such is very tickle-friendly. We have a mutual friend, a cute little Asian woman named Trina...
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