Thanks (blushing) 🙂
I like to start with a nice, soft back walk, especially if the sub is inexperienced. Then I gradually add a little squsihing on their front side, then I might add boots or high heels, etc. according to the sub's tolerance and preferences. Some subs are content with very soft squsihing, while others like it quite rough. I'm physically a gentle mistress, but I use a lot of emotional techniques to make the sub feel more helpless/vulnerable, which they usually find very thrilling (ie, the element of danger/excitement).
I've found that males tend to like it a LOT, but some females are surprisingly turned on by it as well. Even more oddly, most of the women who like fem-fem trample are fully heterosexual ... it's kind of a mystery to me 🙂 I've known some women who like to be squished by male friends too -- although the subject is kind of taboo at most message boards, it's more common in the real world than one might think.
Love and squishing (my usual signature at most boards, lol),