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Hidden in Plain Sight.

Kalamos, please continue to wander if you must, but always carry a lot of extra pencils to wield.


I'm usually packing a set of spares, just in case.


I love your artwork and I think I speak for a whole lotta other people. Some people are just too shy to speak up. I know that I am.
Seriously, I had dial-up for a long time before getting DSL. When you have to wait lengthy amounts of time to view pictures and pages, you consider carefully what you click on. You hate to wait ten minutes for something and its not what you wanted in the first place. However, I have never been disappointed with your work.
I've been stuck with dial-up myself till a few years ago.
I can certainly sympathise!



Thanks for your words.
I'll be keeping on... keeping!

Added fourth teaser pic to QoP set, above.


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We've received scads of nautical (but nice!) cuties from "Queen of Pirates"... as generous a promotion as I can recall! And this may be the most vixenish of the bunch! Full color does her full justice; it's particularly easy to appreciate the fetish attractions, what with the glittering golden anklet and delicate floral tatooing! The lady's attitude appeals in a rather forbidding way: bold and fully loaded (that gently curved pistol is a beautiful piece of work!), but possessed of a rascally playfulness (her appraising gaze, touched by a hint of grin, as she gently toes a naked cranium!) One aches to try one's luck, despite the risk... small wonder so many of those guys had hooks for hands! The pirates' own credo states it best: "a short life and a merry one!"
I really enjoyed working on that project.
I like the theme - being a closet fan of piratical tales - and the QoP really allowed me to dig up the sunny, fleshy and - as you mentioned - merry side of my drawing skills.

This particular pic is a bit of an experiment of sorts.
After posting my tribute to Scavenger, I wanted to test something different.
I don't really like doing the same thing, the same way, twice in a row.
Especially for free projects and random pics.

Somehow, this pirate girl came out much more "mangaish" than other pics.
It's not like I cannot draw manga.
I just think copying a style should be an achievement, not a shortcut.

Fairly quick a pic too: left a full level of shading out, and concentrated on neat lines.
I had in mind something different, but since I am working with bitmaps and not vector lines, I could not get the effect I had in mind.

Glad you liked the details and tiny bits.
I think they make the whole drawing process fun...


Oh, well, we'll see next pic.
If ever.
HDS has been bad, missing commentatory (Is that even a word? XD) opportunities on the recent spat of K-man works. You work the Piratical theme as well as the Medieval, that's for sure! HDS'll have to grab this newest MTJ goodie next time he goes 'a' buying. Your portfolio, the only K-work available when I purchased last, was uniformly excellent, aye. I'd add praise for this latest teaser pic but the LBH, thorough as ever, has done a better job than I. "What he said" shall have to suffice. 😛
Your portfolio, the only K-work available when I purchased last, was uniformly excellent, aye.
A close guy of mine - and regular buyer and supporter - had had a look at the QoP sketches, and claimed that the older K-folio was nothing compared to the newer pics.

Dunno. I'll take that as a compliment...
I'm always trying to learn new tricks along the way.
I hope it pays off a bit.


I'd add praise for this latest teaser pic but the LBH, thorough as ever, has done a better job than I. "What he said" shall have to suffice. 😛
I would not mind knowing if this latest pic is technically sound, but as I am well aware, asking for criticism might bring you more than you have bargained for...

I guess "what he said" will have to suffice for me as well...

Ah, another missed landmark: 40k.
Seriously, you guys should post a warning or something.
I can barely remember to eat and bathe in a regular fashion...
I definitely need the extra eye over here.


It's 41k already, and I have a special treat for you guys.
First, a little bit of pointless fluff, so you'll learn and curse my name in your sleep.

I trust you know what time of the year it is.
For you, it is the time to be jolly.
For me, 'tis when people remember I can draw, and ask season-themed pics - for free! Ah, cheeky humanoids!

To add insult to injury, as I was mentioning elsewhere, they even complained because my chaotic streak resulted in overly *spooky* postcards and pics!
Shameless shamblers!


So, I needed a break, and since some forgetful individual I won't be bothered to mention, because, quite frankly, he'd forget, mentioned seldom depicted pics, I chose to go with a popular yet rarely drawn scenario.


Enter Tuna Processing Plant.


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You're truly entering strange, exotic realms, Kal... not content with a golden shower, you offer us a golden sitz bath! Steeped in catnip and seasoned with impotent gunpowder, no less! "Key-hole" perspective tips that the viewer is privy to clandestine hi-jinx. As though the shadowy man in black weren't indication enough! Is my mind wandering, or is that TT? I understand that one kingpin might easily be mistaken for another. At any rate, he certainly knows what it takes to keep a kitty's coat glossy! Eliminating undercover operates... now that's another matter! One must applaud his trifling; it allows us to pray the game lasts until rescue is feasible! I'll always be on board for a bout of good-natured torture, just as long as the sufferer survives for further rounds of fun!
*Shakes fist at LBH* Jesus Christ, Vishnu, Buddha AND Confucius combined couldn't match a review like that. You're making me cry here. ;_; 😛

Ahem, where was I? Ah, commencing to fail. Excellent! I find the fact she has her badge pinned on despite the loss of her uniform (Unless Japanese detectives wear such skimpy outfits by default which, knowing Japan, I cannot discount) to be amusing. Senor Yakuza has an eye for detail, aye. Quite a happy cat on the left, happier than our smugly-smirking evildoer in the shadows. And Imma not that forgetful Mr. Italian Stallion! Or maybe I am ... yeah, probably. But, who cares if it produces K-pics? I'll take Alzheimer's and a productive K-man over the alternative, yes siree.

EDIT: And speaking of seasonal K-man pics that one you did of Santa looking out at the Elf-made snowman is still one of my favorite things to come out of this community.
Yeah, that LBH guy can sure wield a mean word-fu.
Oddly enough, drawing seems to be interfering with my own language skills, so I'll just post a single yet laden with profound significance wink.


Call me in a few days when I can type some decent English.


Alright, passed the 42k mark, so I am going to post stuff.


As I mentioned... somewhere... I was not too happy with the older Tuna pic.
It looked raw - and while it was, as you can see the from the sepia sketch - I wanted something clearer and crisp.

So, I cleaned up a couple of lines, changed BG, and worked a bit of low-level Paint Shop Pro magic.


Now, on to the social niceties, something I usually forget about, since drawing tends to mess with my language skills.

Or sleep deprivation does.



First of all, thanks to LBH.
As usual, his commentary is both rich and insightful.
I was not sure about the actual role of agent Sato as an under-cover operative.
It sure makes sense - although the gun does probably not, but I have a thing for Raging Bulls.
The revolvers...

Another "round" of fun...
As they say, you crack me up, man.


Second, HDS.
Guys, you really need normal names!
I risk calling ya people "letters"...

Glad you noticed and appreciated the deliberately misplaced badge.
I thought it could be a mocking reminder, and a context-defining detail.


Now, on a different note...


I guess I missed this year's slew of seasonal pics.
I was a bit swamped with non-tk art for family and friends, and neglected to post one.

Next year, or maybe I'll post something else, from my private vault.


Be reading ya guys.



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This new one is a touch less moody. Minimized is the key-hole view (the indication that we're witnessing a forbidden drama taking place in a neighboring room), as well as the dramatic, low-level lighting. Also, certain details (the windows; the hitman) seem less distinct, as the lighter tone incorporates them into, rather than distinguishing them from, the background. On the other hand, we get a far wider shot of the kitties, always a good thing for the feline fancier! And the weighted triggering device is easier to make out (not that I was having trouble seeing it the first time through). On balance, I still prefer the first incarnation. It is nice to have both, though! Trebly nice, what with the warm-hued rough sketch... if an execution can ever appear to be comfortably relaxed and homey, this sepia-tone version does!
Trebly nice, what with the warm-hued rough sketch... if an execution can ever appear to be comfortably relaxed and homey, this sepia-tone version does!
Well, technically speaking, it is not a true execution.
I mean, if we were to kill the 'lee off, we'd need a fresh one and they don't grow on trees, last time I checked...



Yeah, well, ok, no more kidding.


The prob with the sketches is I had to filter it a lot, to get something barely usable.
My scanner has been acting up on me, and I've tried to fix it, swing it around like a batrang and even buy a replacement on ebay.
All for naught.

So I am stuck with this temperamental bit of late '90s technology, which, albeit being rather slim, sleek and decent at its intended job, sometimes shows a weird fixation with weird positions.

Or, in layman's terms, I have to balance the scanner on my guts, holding it against my k-board, and then, and only then, the blasted perverted kinky thing will deign itself to pick up my pics.


Blimey, it's unsettling.

I see this one a bit more as a view through a telescope, what with things becoming more colorless and fading out the further from the center of vision we go. The gray and muted nature of the far wall seems to add to that, with the yakuza villain himself fading, so far back as he is from Officer Sato. He keeps his dark halo though.

The second of the pair might, from my viewpoint, almost be a night-vision or IR picture (More night-vision) with some image filtration applied to remove the green. Then again, maybe I watched to much of the Military Channel back when I was a TV man ...
Trying something different out.
Adding it here, to celebrate 43k - plus a little treat for those who dare.
Background pics to "enkinken" your desktops with.




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The first desktop does for me quite nicely, thank you (I can only capture smallish images in their entirety)! I've had to flip it, though, as I keep my icons on the right-hand side of the screen... ergo, your name is now in reverse.
I am glad it does fit - sorry about the name thing.
I'll fix it pronto.



Maybe I should create a symmetric icon...
Maybe I should create a symmetric icon...
That's a pretty good idea! I've always wanted to use an icon rather than a signature (the way Tucano does, for instance), and coming up with one that's reverseable makes it that much more flexible! Invaluable for the Japanese, say, who might be tempted to inverse images, as they read from right to left!
Well, I resurrected my older helm avatar.
The icon is not symmetrical, but it is still recognisable whatever the side because the actual helm is.


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Replying here as is my trend.

(Referring to first picture in post #315) Almost looks like a corporate pamphlet, with "Bondage is Evil" as the company name and the slogan below it. I'm going to echo the LBH in another thread and compliment your coloring; 'tis quite a pretty site! The fairly glowing gold ornaments and that crazy blue feather contraption especially (I may have to steal that color for a future signature ... it's a good one!). Likein' the Yoda-esque goblin's hat as well. The tip matches our tortured elf's ankle decoration nicely! Alas that I am not one to put more risque backgrounds up, for if I was I'd grab one!
(Referring to first picture in post #315) Almost looks like a corporate pamphlet, with "Bondage is Evil" as the company name and the slogan below it.
I knew it. I should have picked marketing instead.


The fairly glowing gold ornaments and that crazy blue feather contraption especially (I may have to steal that color for a future signature ... it's a good one!).

I could post my palette file. I've been adding to it since its creation, and it's grown to a decent size.

Likein' the Yoda-esque goblin's hat as well. The tip matches our tortured elf's ankle decoration nicely! Alas that I am not one to put more risque backgrounds up, for if I was I'd grab one!

I could create subtler versions.
I could just draw the imp - so it would be some kind of inside joke.
Or a clothed version of the dark elf.


I think I'll be needing a name for her.
I have something in mind - just wait for the next few weeks.
My thanks for the flipped image, Kal! Looks handsome indeed!

I could create subtler versions.
I could just draw the imp - so it would be some kind of inside joke.
Or a clothed version of the dark elf.
I've always thought that would be a fairly hip way to slip fetish shorthand past a vanilla spectator! The Community has a host of well established, easily recognizable iconic characters: Pab's Rosie, Scav's Kitzalia, CT's Katie or Chewy, your Italian armor guy, just to name a scant off-the-top-of-my-head few... un-engaged in actual tickling, their portraits could pass easy muster on any publicly worn T-shirt! The perfect covert method for Community members to recognize one another!
The Community has a host of well established, easily recognizable iconic characters: Pab's Rosie, Scav's Kitzalia, CT's Katie or Chewy, your Italian armor guy, just to name a scant off-the-top-of-my-head few... un-engaged in actual tickling, their portraits could pass easy muster on any publicly worn T-shirt!
I don't think I have ever drawn the armoured guy in any active role.


But the Imps could work well...
I don't think I have ever drawn the armoured guy in any active role.
Now that I think back on it, I'm sure you're right. He's such a recognizable presence on the site, the mistake was natural.

But the Imps could work well...
The Imp is an up-and-comer! Also your dark elf lady... most delicious!
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