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Hidden in Plain Sight.

A slip in memory.


Actually, several - if you count all my older avatars.


So, Bohemianne might have a point.
PR Imps DO serve a purpose, after all.


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Ah, I wasn't sure if you wanted to consider earlier incarnations of yourself along with the good knight commander.

Hee, that Ness 'n' Skull one reminds me of conversations long ago. *Cherishes memories before he forgets, which is likely to happen soon if present memory status is any indication*
Ah, I wasn't sure if you wanted to consider earlier incarnations of yourself along with the good knight commander.

Hee, that Ness 'n' Skull one reminds me of conversations long ago. *Cherishes memories before he forgets, which is likely to happen soon if present memory status is any indication*

Sure, why not?
They all are part of the TTC legend.
They mark episodes.
Speaking of landmarks, I thought I'd resurrect this little wee archive of fleeting flicks, with the latest pub of mine.


Laughter from the Dungeon - Prisoners of Zamora marks my first full-length, full-size, full-colour, full-whatever solo drawing job for MTJ PUB.

I'm posting Cover and a few Teaser pics for safekeeping.
I'll be adding them to my Deviant-art gallery and Yahoo group soon.


Besides, it's a double-size update too, since I missed a couple hit-count landmarks.
I am trying to make up for that.





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Yes indeed! The last post count recognized 43k... at its current 46k-plus, we're well behind! Unobserved birthdays mean less yummy cake! On the other hand, this thread's uncanny ability to swell a hardy 3,000 hits outside of the first-page limelight is a bit unnervingly; it seems to have acquired independent vitality and hunger, like Arch Obler's infamous chicken heart. How soon before it absorbs the TTC entirely!

I've seen and addressed most of this presentation already, all aside form an additional promo (picture #3 here). The new page offers a fresh chance for contemplation, though! 75% foot action! Now that's just about perfect, by my reckoning (as a confirmed foot fetishist, each pinkie toe is a precious asset!) The sienna-bathed figurework sweats with tousled passion (mildly so in the serene bottom portraits; blazing in the bondage scenes! The temperature predictably rises once tactile pressure is applied!) And this business about "carefully placed props"! Where placed! How "carefully"! Small surprise these gals' smiles are so broad! Such wonders and tasteful nudity too! Can't ask for any better than that!
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You continue to impress with the colors chosen. The parchment backgrounds are perfect for the fantastical air and the work done on the first gives it a positively glowing countenance; quite well executed! HDS has been getting more into the bondage side of things in the past year or so and the second page intrigues because of that! It is a most interesting setup, although I suspect I'd snap my own neck if put in such a system, given my tendency to thrash every which way.

The rightmost gal in the last preview also interests. Whatever she is saying to that goblin must be significant, for he seems most fearful! Or maybe it is of the delightfully evil-looking dark elf to the right of him; ominous! This looks well worth a purchase, whenever I get off my lazy tuckus to do it.

And halleluja, HDS is caught up! It's taken far too long this day.
On the other hand, this thread's uncanny ability to swell a hardy 3,000 hits outside of the first-page limelight is a bit unnervingly
How soon before it absorbs the TTC entirely!
Not any soon; Bandito's thread is much more likely to swell well beyond expectations, right as we "speak".
Then again, I cannot simply keep up the pace, with my current production.
Maybe later this year, when other projects will be due out.

I've seen and addressed most of this presentation already, all aside form an additional promo (picture #3 here). The new page offers a fresh chance for contemplation, though! 75% foot action!
Now that's just about perfect, by my reckoning (as a confirmed foot fetishist, each pinkie toe is a precious asset!)
Figures alone don't do justice to actual action, though.
To offset paucity of scenes, I tried to raise the notch with intensity a bit: Kii fondling Mian's nipples in the first vignette was likely a favourite of mine - and focus in Jhendi's scene is a straight 50/50, with full body nudity - minus the usual "carefully placed props" to keep maturity ratings from sky-rocketing...


And this business about "carefully placed props"! Where placed! How "carefully"! Small surprise these gals' smiles are so broad! Such wonders and tasteful nudity too! Can't ask for any better than that!
Had to find somewhat of a happy medium there.
Some readers are actually turned off by blatant exposure of flesh; others cherish it.
I tried to keep in line with current productions - so as to imply without showing, overtly.

Of course, my aim was to portray the subtle, perverse pleasure in captors' expressions: Kii is clearly enjoying her work beyond the simple call of duty.
I wanted to suggest she could actually stop doing the tickling, and start kissing or fondling.
She is heartless, but not blind, and she actually yields to temptation at least once in the whole comic.
I know I sure would.


You continue to impress with the colors chosen. The parchment backgrounds are perfect for the fantastical air and the work done on the first gives it a positively glowing countenance; quite well executed!
Those parchments are actually a simple device I had to work out to make teaser shots readable.
Actual comic is a bit darker, with stronger hues and contrast.

I am actually happy I managed to keep things fairly consistent, within the comic.


You'll be surprised to know I tried a few new techniques with colouring, using a different palette for interior art.
You'll let me know, if/whenever.


HDS has been getting more into the bondage side of things in the past year or so and the second page intrigues because of that! It is a most interesting setup, although I suspect I'd snap my own neck if put in such a system, given my tendency to thrash every which way.
Well, we have to assume those girls are actually secured more strictly, as to prevent... accidents.
The particular setup and scenario allow some leeway too - as we could expect those ties to be flexible enough to afford a certain degree of semi-comfortable mobility.

And we everything else fails, we can always say "eh, it's magic!"...


The rightmost gal in the last preview also interests. Whatever she is saying to that goblin must be significant, for he seems most fearful! Or maybe it is of the delightfully evil-looking dark elf to the right of him; ominous! This looks well worth a purchase, whenever I get off my lazy tuckus to do it.
No need for fatiguing bum-work here. 🙂
You'll see his attention is drawn elsewhere, Kii being the least of his concerns.

And halleluja, HDS is caught up! It's taken far too long this day.
Such a remarkable achievement should not pass unnoticed or unrewarded.
Here, take this owl as a sign of my appreciation.


It *might* look familiar.

Passed the 48k mark.
Slowly but quietly growing...


I am behind with updates: you might have seen those "foot-art" photos from the joint-job with TMI Videos.
I am not going to re-post them yet, since they are quite fresh on you guys, and I'd rather bump a different thread instead.


As you might know, Cheshire Cat did it again: he got a number of TTC and Deviantart art talents together, and had them create yet another gestalt fetish masterpiece: Summer Specials II - Sleepover Shenanigans.

They wanted me in, I could spare the time, so I did a couple of pics for Cheshire to add to the 130+ collection.

The project got a decent amount of hits, and Chesh got so popular over it with budding new artists he had to grab a Club of Noob Smiting, just to keep them at bay...


A full month and half later, the thread barely reached 4k hits.
Not enough, given the sheer amount of wild great talents involved - from legend-borne Smith to Hentai-bound Mansini, to a number of remarkable resident and non-resident artists.

This is my way to give our project a little extra boost - at least in raw hits.

-> http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=47527


Since other artists started posting their own contribs on devart spaces and away, I am adding my own pieces here, for the extra ease of retrieval.


I might have more in store, more tucked inside my gauntlets, and maybe even more in the pipeline.


Enjoy and be sure to say Chesh and the band thanks.
And kiss him on the mouth, he's just a big snugglepuss, he'll love it.



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49k+ as we speak... hope you've got something in reserve for emergencies, Kal!

At the risk of self-promoting, I likewise think it a shame that S4-2 hasn't yet garnered the attention it deserved (I've seen empty, artless threads score 4,000 hits without breaking a sweat). Lengthy downloading may be to blame; it took me 5 hours and two false starts to finally snag it all. Worth every expended millisecond, of course... it's an event, a fabulous, unprecedented package, and I pity the Community member who hasn't seen everything in situ.

... which isn't to say that these masterworks suffer much loss of context when viewed individually! Each of your offerings employs a bold scarlet theme (three scarlet ladies, one scarlet Cheshire, one grown-up Smurf for contrast) calculated to inflame passion, as well as involved single-panel storytelling that rewards careful perusal. Also plenty of the cross-referencing that lends the S4 experience such lush, unifying Community spirit. Kalamos, Scavenger, Sammi, Cheshire, etc., etc., etc., ... these uniquely distinctive flavors blend so bloody well when handled with mastery!
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49k+ as we speak... hope you've got something in reserve for emergencies, Kal!
Maybe I do.
I might play it cheap and easy, and post the Desiree shot earlier than originally planned.
That could work - and they'd cover landmarks 48k-50k, squarely.

Also, I might have something else in mind - and in store.
I have a few unreleased pics - I've been keeping away in my stash for reasons I might care to relate, later.

You never know...

At the risk of self-promoting, I likewise think it a shame that S4-2 hasn't yet garnered the attention it deserved
Lengthy downloading may be to blame;
I pity the Community member who hasn't seen everything in situ.
I am going to stand out on a limb - or whatever the old saying was - and say Summer Special II is maybe even better than the first collection.
First of all, it's larger - and if we went for quantity alone, SSII would be giving SSI a run for its money - AND it adds a number of brand new artists to the mix, so it's quantity of quality.

Maybe the problem was, it wasn't summery at all.
Considering when Cheshire released it, maybe we should have gone for a Halloween-themed title instead.
Some of the pics themselves had a distinct Halloween feel - and even the cover page was remarkably Goth in colours and overall appearance.

Sure, at over 40 megs large, and hosted on pesky "free" servers, it wasn't exactly friendly on the prospective users...

I would like to mention, Cheshire did not advertise it on Devianart either.
That would have helped quite a bit, considering the amount of exposure we can get when placing the right pics over there.

Maybe creating a special folder, or even a brand new account, for Gestalt Collections could be viable.
That would help a lot, and people would be able to see what's inside the Special, without having to download a fairly big "blind" archive.

Just a few pointers; I am sure other guys could provide some extra insight.

... which isn't to say that these masterworks suffer much loss of context when viewed individually! Each of your offerings employs a bold scarlet theme (three scarlet ladies, one scarlet Cheshire, one grown-up Smurf for contrast)
Not quite a Smurf: actually a reference to Leiji Matsumoto's alien characters, namely, the blue guys from Gamlon - from Matsumoto's Yamato/Starblazer saga.
The other being the screens in the background - yet another reference to Matsumotos' style and in particular to his most famous series: Captain Harlock/Herlock.


And I said I was no otaku...

So, Bohemianne might have a point.
PR Imps DO serve a purpose, after all.

^ To introduce the IMP, see attached. :ggrin: :tired:

Comments simplified further… the joke was too Machiavellian and I felt trolled by it myself. My honest apologies… won't do it again. :ggrin:


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As I promised, I did have a few original pieces lying around.
I'll add them as a 50k-51k landmark as soon as I feel like.
I've been checking my archives for new pieces to post, and I have - after all - uncovered a few forum-worthy files for you guys to watch.

I guess I'll be covering both 51k AND 52k landmarks, with these.


First of all, I'd like to share pics from Desiree's and Lilith's latest Deco session.
Those were supposed to be previews and inside evaluation shots.

Of course, we've already seen them, so I might as well show them around, so you can get an extra peek at things, past and future.


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Second update is a "behind the scene" sequence, I cobbled up for those "how do you do it" threads.

My pics are quite pointless: they begin with raw pencil, and they quickly reach final stage, without giving out so much of a word of explanation, so they won't help anybody out much, unless they already know what they're doing... and if they do, they won't need my help at all.

Nonetheless, I promised a few extra contents, so here we go.


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Third and final update today is a bunch of WIP shots from my latest post - Foursome Freaks.


Yeah, I know: art contest is still open, but I am not guaranteed to win, and I'd rather share these now, than betting on a flimsy chance, and maybe end up forgetting it all.

Besides, I am working on other projects now, and waiting for other jobs to be finished... so I can't really share stuff from those now, without giving away way too much.

Consider these a mutual boost.


See you... whenever.
In the meanwhile, enjoy.


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51-and-a-half K plus, as I write... more than half way to 100,000! These updates are becoming more regular, but you've had much material to add lately. Some nice prep-work pictures in this latest round. The warrior woman series is particularly useful... most illuminating to learn that your pallet choices appear on the page as you work (if, in fact, I've interpreted the images right). An organic, natural-feeling way to operate... a partial explanation, possibly, for why your programmed coloring always seems to evince the feel of actual pigment. And those Desiree tickle shots are entirely gratuitous... good on ya! Quite lovely, those soles! I couldn't be more delighted and grateful!
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more than half way to 100,000!
Maybe we'll get there.

Some nice prep-work pictures in this latest round. The warrior woman series is particularly useful... most illuminating to learn that your pallet choices appear on the page as you work
Well, I usually do most of the drawing pencil-stage.
Sometimes I'll add ink; lately I've been experimenting with a different technique, with bolder lines and different pencil leads.

I then scan and clean pencils up a bit, then paste from my archive my palette as the first layer.
Next, I start adding basic colours over a new - multiplying - layer.
With earlier pics I used to clone the colour layer, and work highlights and shadows from there.
Lately I've been experimenting with a different set of filters, usually in conjunction with a richer pencil-work, to get a pastier finish.

I am currently dabbling with a different technique altogether, but I won't shed further details, yet.


And those Desiree tickle shots are entirely gratuitous... good on ya! Quite lovely, those soles! I couldn't be more delighted and grateful!
Ah, there's the catch! Those are *not* Desiree's alone.
I'm giving you guys a glimpse to the next session's photo-set, as a sneak peek!
Those are Domme Lilith's soles...


A couple of pics and some not wholly unrelated bits of news: I posted new shots from my second fetish art photo-set... and TMI Vids is currently uploading VIDEOS of the sole-drawing sessions.


You guys asked me about my new logo in photo shots, so I am posting full size pics of that - both versions.




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Your logo looks just as good in dark ink as in white! A bit more revealing, too... I hadn't before noticed the mysterious "hidden eye" look for the lady prior to now (I knew she came across austere and regal, but I couldn't pinpoint why). She certainly is forbearing... Kalamos-the-scribe is detailing a long line of runic filigree, from hip to toe, without any hint of complaint from her! Strong willed, or simply not ticklish? Naw... gotta be a strong constitution... nobody around this place is not ticklish!
Your logo looks just as good in dark ink as in white! A bit more revealing, too... I hadn't before noticed the mysterious "hidden eye" look for the lady prior to now (I knew she came across austere and regal, but I couldn't pinpoint why). She certainly is forbearing... Kalamos-the-scribe is detailing a long line of runic filigree, from hip to toe, without any hint of complaint from her! Strong willed, or simply not ticklish? Naw... gotta be a strong constitution... nobody around this place is not ticklish!

You should check her lips closely.
She's quietly chuckling while the armoured guy is working his magic.



Speaking of which, I am glad to say we finally got to release actual vids.
The pic itself came to be not just the logo but part of the animated intro as well.

I am glad to say I am fairly happy with the results myself - as I had to improvise a bit with the tools I had at my disposal - but the end result is decent enough.

-> http://www.ticklingtv.com/play.php?vid=1271
-> http://www.ticklingtv.com/play.php?vid=1272

I'll be sure to add a hi-res copy of those pics and intro for my 53k landmark update.


Oh, and once again: thanks LBH.
Thanks for your words, your support and everything.
Yeah, thanks for all the fish, too.



Thanks guys.
You've been part of it.

Those promos look pretty good! Smooth, sweeping camera-work, and your logo gets plenty of focus (that, and the opening graphics image, which I don't believe I'd seen before)! They loaded quickly for me, too... I usually have poor luck with UTube-style clips (slow download, out-of-sync sound), but neither of these gave me any trouble!

A hi-res copy would definitely be welcome (the existing images do tend to be a little soft), though that one is liable to give me download headaches.

Oh... and my pleasure about the sardines! Any time!
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