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Hidden in Plain Sight.

Kalamos said:
You guys never made into the coloured version, but, who knows...
As long as I can draw...

Yeah, as long as you can draw, we will keep ya!😉😛

I must admit that I dont remember those 2, but that just makes it all the lot better to look at!😀 Great work. :happy:
Har har har...

Doubt you would remember them.
It's 2003/2004 stuff I'm posting now.


Ah, by the way... nobody is keeping me in or away.
I wander.

I dson;t know if others face this, Kalamos, but I can only get on ever few days or so. Often, it creates a big backlog of posts to go through. By the time I get to the 4th or 5th page, it recyles the posts and many of the posts I didn't get ot are marked as no longer new (to me) and it is more hassle than it's worth to try to see what I missed until someone adds a reply. I bet I have missed a few of yoru posts and pic due to that. I know I try to give a reponse to anythign I see that I like (which is most of what I see here). But I can concurr with the frustration. I have posted stories on here, like Jaynin, and had very few replies added, therefore not knowing if they were liked or not...
Thanks for reposting these, K! XD

The first one is one of my very favoritest pics ever (it's not often Im the subject of a picture that I didn't draw). ^^
-> kyhawkeye.

Dear Hawk, you see, that is my whole point.
I used to be a nice humanoid being, when I joined back in 2003.

Then, over time, I got disgruntled over minor matters.
Normal people forget. I don't. I can't. I won't.
I usually bear grudges.
And brood.

[And then eggs hatch...]


So I started deleting my older pics.
Nobody noticed, a pox on them all!
They had grabbed the loot already, so they had no reason to backtrack my posts.


I had to come up with a different plan.
I started deleting *new* pics, a week or two after I had posted them.
It suited my mood: my stuff was fleeting as my mind was.


Then new people came, and nobody even realised I *could* draw.

Boy, this story is getting boring.

Look, I'm posting older stuff here. Which is hosted on my group anyway.
I'm just fanning my own fire for some cheap fame points.


Besides, I don't post my pics over TTC alone: if you miss something here, your next best bet is Smartgroups or TMF.


If you *really* like my pics, just drop me a line. I'll be sending you stuff as I finish it, over mail.
My pals get to see much more than people over forums.


Why not?
Somebody told me to shut up because I was only an artist.
I did never forget that remark.

That's why I'm keeping the best [or worst...] for my friends only.
Those who can cope with my lack of common sense, taste and purpose.


Oh, and I'll be changing the pics when this thread hits 3k. If ever.



-> Ness.

I have more of/with you.


[See? I can be brief when I remember to...]
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Aw boy, it actually passed the 3k mark!
I have to rotate those pics, once again...

The latest craze is Burton's gals, so, guess what, I'm putting my own Tim Burton related pics.


See you on post #1.
Such a treat to see old friends again! (Actually, as I have these pictures in my art archive, I can see them whenever I like. But I didn''t want to break the mood.)
I should dig something less widely known up.
I do have a couple of pics most of you guys barely managed to get a glimpse at.


If we strike 4k, I'll be rotating to them.
Well, it was *fast*.
I'm leaving those pics a bit longer, then I'll be rotating to something else.
Oh how this thread changedd....with an actual picture and all....😛
Hungarian2 said:
Oh how this thread changedd....with an actual picture and all....😛
More than a couple of times, actually.
And it's going to change once more, with passing the 4k hits mark again.


I might have to skip the 4k rotation altogether: it's reaching 5k already!
For the 5k mark I thought I'd mix and match newer stuff with older pics.
I'm currently having some fun with a fantasy game, so showcasing fantasy art would make some sense.

I'm feeling verbose today, so I'm dropping a few descriptive words, for the avid readers among you, guys. 😉

First pic, Tickled on the Elven Tree is probably one of my most seen pic ever, as far as raw hits are concerned.
It's also one of my first tickling pics too, and pose, technique and general composition do show some age.
I went for the monochrome version because is was crispier: I wanted to show the fine painstaking linework, and I didn't want it to look dull compared with the second piece.

Speaking of which, you might be more familiar with that, if you're a recent subscriber: Ladrella the Rambling Rogue, and the as-of-yet-nameless-goofy-gopher star as the main chars in this spoof of both fantasy and cartoon themes.
Just how many toons feature gophers taking advantage of stuck cats, dogs, and other animals? About time a humanoid char - of the interesting gender 😉 - had a sample of that wacky predicament.
About the wallwork: acute viewers might recognise the split-tail crenellation of Ghibelline fortifications. If you have, congrats on you. Else, no big deal. 😀


I guess it's all for this round. See you after 6k hits.

Split-tail crenellation... Ghibelline period brickwork... sure, sure I knew it. I just didn't want to show off. Since Ladrella's rodentia pal is "as-yet-nameless", does that mean you're workiing on a name, perchance? And perhaps more goofy-gopher situations! I'm just speculating, of course, but it's something worthy of anticipation! Love the rich, antique sepia feel of this current crop of oldies and not-so-oldies... but we may not have long to enjoy them. As I write, the magic 6,000 mark is only a couple of hundred hits away!
Hey, that's true, I'm the white K now.
I used to be Kalamos the Red; now I'm Kalamos the White!


Do I get an updated mount as well? 😀


Maybe Ladrella could be a recurring char, just as Velusia is.
To me, anything featuring in more than one pic is recurring, given the scarcity of output.

Should the case be, I might have to come up with a suitable moniker for the little toothy fellow.
As a random tid-bit of info, you might be interested to know we don't really have a common word for gophers, in italian, just as we had none for gerbil, and most other foreign fauna.


Any idea? 😀
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Kalamos said:
Should the case be, I might have to come up with a suitable monicker for the little toothy fellow ... Any idea? 😀
I'm not sold on any of these suggestions, but I'll go first just to get the ball rolling:

1. Nibbles (self-explanatory)
2. Dig Doug (similar to the old Atari game. Possible copywrite infringement.)
3. Spelio ("spel", short for "spelunker", with an "io" on the end to give it an Italian lilt. My biggest worry is that this is some sort of actual Italian profanity word. I'll let the jury decide.)
4. Sir Munchalot (also self-explanatory. Also way too cute.)

... okay, okay... a pretty lame bunch. Let's see someone else do better.
-> LBH.

My original plan was looking for the latin name for the little critter, then work from there.
I'm notoriously lazy and absent minded, though, so I haven't checked it out yet...


-> All.

Now, speaking of things that keep growing unchecked, we're reaching the 7k mark, and I'm behind the 6k already.

This time I'm showcasing two extremes: one of the pic I'm quite proud of, and one I'm... not.


I rarely do fan-art, for a good deal of reasons: first and foremost, I'm not usually fan of mainstream chars.
Being no otaku bars me from doing anime stuff either - and the genre is already being tackled by a sizeable host of assorted artists. No gap to fill, there.
Most of my fan-pics revolve around older toons anyway, and if any of you happened to take notice of that, they usually revolve around spooky themes: Nightmare before Christmas, The Corpse Bride... and now, Extreme Ghostbusters.

Maybe I really feel tickling most naturally drawn to horror and grotesque; maybe I'm a closet necrophiliac.
Maybe I'm sort of entombed myself... but in that case, it's no necrophily when the corpse is consenting. 😀


Second pic is something weird for several reasons: it was meant to be a plug pic for out RPG; sadly, I'm bad at doing plugs. It feels cheap...
So I'm not really satisfied with it.

I took a widely different take on this one, though, and technique is something new to me: it's actually a real life photo I painted a drawing over.
Oh well...


What really ties both pics together is the fairly low hit count they managed to score on their first go.
Basically, I'm showing them so they get some exposure, and maybe a few more - positive - comments.


End Of Longwinded Post.

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