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Hidden in Plain Sight.

For the record... that demon chick with the head thing? ... Yea, not going to sleep at night. >____<
DarkPoet said:
For the record... that demon chick with the head thing? ... Yea, not going to sleep at night. >____<
She's gonna getcha.

Kal, I noticed that some forums I am not able to go into in the Italian forum when you post the distraction photos and clips. 😀 I am a member, atleast I think. It says welcome rajee at the top left. Can you access the aitupedi (sp?) forum?
I'm not a member over "Aituoipiedi", so I can't really say.
Are you sure you're not joining a paid-forum?

Aituoipiedi is commercial; CEF is not.
I became a member of this forum Celebrity Elite Feet
I found out that it is a protected forum: Ai tuoi piedi

Can't enter either.
I'll be asking questions and questioning people.

Thanks 😀 :happy: 😎 🙂 :nerd: :wink: 😉
Aw... key folks.
We passed the 11.000 mark as well.

Still amazes me how this thread got a - silent - life on its own.
It will quietly grow, and when I think it won't swell anymore, lo and behold, it's jumped forward by a hundred hits or two.

As a treat to guys who keep watching my stuff, and still show their *speechless* brand of appreciation, I'm posting a special memorial pic.

Hope you'll enjoy it...



  • K.KPizza.01.jpg
    44.4 KB · Views: 135
11k.... the stats that dreams are made of! Some pretty special pictures to celebrate, too!

The first has a theme that always brings Kalamos art to mind: tickling and necrotic horror! It's a tricky balance (almost impossible to make work, I'd think), but you always manage to pull off a success! The blanched miasma provides a wickedly roiling boneyard backdrop, while the active elements are rich in the intense, vivacious color I tend to associate with your work.

What can I say about the Amazon archer in the second... any gal who can be tickled by a spear tip is formidable indeed! That sniggering little imp is toying with his manhood! Some exceptionally fine detail (the mail, the hair, the folds in the clothing) that unifies rather than overwhelms the layout. The lady's uniform is well balanced, too... military credibility is well maintained.

Good caricature work in the third (I see it's doing double-duty as your new signature. Very hip!). This is the sort of image I'd expect to grace Mad Magazine, particularly that look of tight-jawed anxiety on the victim of Kal's enthusiasm! Great attitude, with those puffy, welling eyes and that slack terrified-to-move pose! I am curious about that lettering on his shirt... I can't resolve it into words.

A triumph; but you can't rest on your laurels: number 12,000 looms! Now please excuse me... my knuckle pizza is getting cold...
Littlebighead said:
The first has a theme that always brings Kalamos art to mind: tickling and necrotic horror! It's a tricky balance (almost impossible to make work, I'd think), but you always manage to pull off a success! The blanched miasma provides a wickedly roiling boneyard backdrop, while the active elements are rich in the intense, vivacious color I tend to associate with your work.
Actually it was my second or third tk pic.
Ended up being the first in the queue because I simply changed my mind halfway during the upload. 😀

It hails back to when I used to post a couple to hundreds different versions of the same pic.
You get it monochrome, monochrome with some shading, coloured without background, and coloured with some background.
All in all, I think the COL w/o BG is the easies on the eye: the solid blue BG I had chosen was, frankly speaking, bad. 😉

Better go for something simple yet sound, than overclutter with poorly-rendered stuff.
That blue BG was poor.

What can I say about the Amazon archer in the second... any gal who can be tickled by a spear tip is formidable indeed! That sniggering little imp is toying with his manhood! Some exceptionally fine detail (the mail, the hair, the folds in the clothing) that unifies rather than overwhelms the layout. The lady's uniform is well balanced, too... military credibility is well maintained.
It was my first tk pic ever posted to TTC.
Somebody - sorry, can't remember the name, I'll be checking out - dared me to come out and show my mettle as an artist.
I obliged.

It was supposed to be some elven archeress.
That's why the whole wacky uniform and illogical tickling premise.
The goblin is actually using a blunt weapon, none too weird, all considered.
That's why he managed to tickle the elf, as opposed to actually puncturing her.

Yep... it's idiotic, but I wasn't really familiar with drawing tickling situations, yet.
Funny thing is, somebody else offered to colour it.
Since I'm unhealthily jealous over my pics, I learnt how to colour overnight, so nobody would mess with my vision.

That had a couple of consequences.
First, now I tend to colour most pics I draw, and I'm none too unhappy with the results. But I'm colour-blind, so what do I know...?
Second, nobody dares to grab, modify or even reshare my stuff.
Dunno if it's for better or worse.

It happened once, with my unsigned Poser pics.
A guy started resharing them, saying "hey guys, I found some great Poser art".
When I said: "That Me Schtuff, glad you liked it, mate" he promptly vanished...
Maybe I'm overanal-ysing.


I am curious about that lettering on his shirt... I can't resolve it into words.
RND WNK... 😉

A triumph; but you can't rest on your laurels: number 12,000 looms! Now please excuse me... my knuckle pizza is getting cold...
You might be getting more than you bargained for...
Well, guys, you pushed this thread past 12k so quick, I can't quite believe it.
But I was prepared, this time.
So... let us celebrate with a tickling pun I had in mind for... oh... ages... and a tickling scenario that might appeal to some of you.


Inquisitor at Work

A tickling pic featuring:
Disgruntled Torturers.
Masochistic Daemonettes.
Sweaty Bodies and Bouncing Boobs.
General Random Pointless Naughtiness.


"So... will you talk now?"
"Mmm... No. Could you please tickle me harder?"
"Mother told me to become a Templar... but did I listen...?"
" *GIGGLE* "


As my rant went on, on TMF, I'm doing this to celebrate a couple of things.
Over TMF I got my 1st Level Red Feather.
Apparently, it's some kind of meaningful achievement, and I'm all about celebrating achievements.
No matter how meaningless they are.

Second: we're getting new people to de-lurk, and some of them are quite talented new folks.
Not only they contributed with new original art, but they are also providing me with new stuff to learn.
And that's the best part, cause I pieced this pic together looking at what they have done so far.

No, it's my usual style. Nothing groundbreaking...
But, hey, maybe you'll like it.


Enter ... the pics!
They come in two flavours: lo and HI quality.



  • K.Daemonette.02.lo.jpg
    91.9 KB · Views: 174
  • K.Daemonette.02.HI.1.jpg
    357.6 KB · Views: 176
Congratulations on your TMF Red Feather, Kal! I'll have one myself someday... like when I'm in my 90s at the rate I'm going.

About the new picture (12K, damn! Up next, lucky 13!)... indeed, a dream situation for any tickle fanatic... and this guy sighs? Maybe he needs to be reassigned! The linework is rather starker and sharper than I'm used to from you, though the daemonette's face retains the devilish mischievousness I've come to recognize as one of your hallmarks. I like the heavy texturing in our torturer's uniform and the complex way it takes the light. The insert is a neat idea too, reminiscent of your Ladrella picture from last year. Very keen wrinkling features in that laughing close-up! Every picture should tell a story and this one does, an involved one! "Yesss! Yesss! YESSS!"... a promise of confession or fulfilled ecstasy? C'mon... we all know that answer to that one!
Littlebighead said:
Congratulations on your TMF Red Feather, Kal! I'll have one myself someday... like when I'm in my 90s at the rate I'm going.
Yeah, I was somewhat surprised myself with that.
Apparently, I managed to rack up a couple of posts over there as well.
Most of them, are due to the now much more active Italian subforum, I guess.

The linework is rather starker and sharper than I'm used to from you, though the daemonette's face retains the devilish mischievousness I've come to recognize as one of your hallmarks.
I've been watching the new guys - as well as the resident artists.
Plus, style changes with my mood...
You should see my pics from when I used to build them up from triangles.

I like the heavy texturing in our torturer's uniform and the complex way it takes the light.
It's the simplest thing ever.
And yet, something that just popped into my mind.
It's a spent felt pen.

It's not too off.
The hood is actually nice. 😉

The insert is a neat idea too, reminiscent of your Ladrella picture from last year. Very keen wrinkling features in that laughing close-up!
That is thanks to a guy that recently joined TMF.
He just did a sketch, but it was good, and I tried working up from there.


Wait a minute? Year?? Are you sure?
No wonder my pics do show changes...

Every picture should tell a story and this one does, an involved one! "Yesss! Yesss! YESSS!"... a promise of confession or fulfilled ecstasy? C'mon... we all know that answer to that one!
I actually had in mind something different, with a rack, as opposed to this standing position.
But... I had a really good ref photo for the pits - you'd *never* guess the source - and story still made sense, so, I quickly adapted it, stealing and borrowing bits here and there.

The bad thing with new ppl is being overshadowed by better artists.
I'm sooo jealous... 😀
The good thing is, if they are really good, one can learn much from them.

I wouldn't be doing comics if it weren't for you, for instance.

Kalamos said:
I wouldn't be doing comics if it weren't for you, for instance.
Holy smoke! I'm making a useful contribution! Who'd have thought it! :happy: It's so heartening to see a master artist (and, yes, you are a master artist... don't bother to argue) sharpening his skills ever further! It's a good lesson for the rest of us... never be complacent!
The fateful 13 is coming soon...
Hold on tight, it will be fight.
Two pics in a week, and a meager 2k hits for the *both* of them!?
Feh! No 13k hits update for the silent guys! 😛


Kalamos said:
Two pics in a week, and a meager 2k hits for the *both* of them!? Feh! No 13k hits update for the silent guys! 😛 ... 😉
I must be hallucinating, then... I see new pictures! Hero themes rather than tickle themes this time (the girl in the second picture might have been in for trouble if not for the timely rescue, however). The costumed bruiser in picture 1 (Catman?) couldn't be more square-jawed! The soft edge of the fabric gives him a misty air of mystery, though. A nice spread of secondaries, set off against the icy, forbidding blue environment... I'm very fond of secondaries!

The second picture is bold and broad, almost pulpish (in a cartoony way). The central "Pow!" has solid Batman implications. Visually very economical... affiliations are well delineated (Baldy looks properly odious, his flying tooth proper payment for his evil intent), while the cardboard backdrop-style cityscape helps to establish both an urban setting and the B-movie noirishness of the heroics. The girl appears to be both bound and naked, though a bit nonplused by the ferocious action on her behalf... I do hope she'll be grateful!
Last edited:
Littlebighead said:
I must be hallucinating, then... I see new pictures!
Nay, they are just oldish pics I dug out of my archive.
They are still around, just buried deep within the original thread they made some sense in.

The costumed bruiser in picture 1 (Catman?) couldn't be more square-jawed! The soft edge of the fabric gives him a misty air of mystery, though. A nice spread of secondaries, set off against the icy, forbidding blue environment... I'm very fond of secondaries!
Just a pic stemmed from a joke over TMF.
The square-jawed cat-man is nobody else but our Cheshire Cat. 😉

Just a quick pic, done mixing mouse art, psp filters and real photos.
I mean, why use paper up, when I can draw on-screen? 😀
Still... a quick and rough doodle.
The silent lurkers shouldn't complain much...

The second picture is bold and broad, almost pulpish (in a cartoony way). The central "Pow!" has solid Batman implications. Visually very economical... affiliations are well delineated (Baldy looks properly odious, his flying tooth proper payment for his evil intent), while the cardboard backdrop-style cityscape helps to establish the both the urban setting and B-movie noirishness of the heroics. The girl appears to be both bound and naked, though a bit nonplused by the ferocious action on her behalf... I do hope she'll be grateful!
Another joke pic, from a joke over a thread.
A passing producer couple, selling domination clips.
I noticed how frankly brutish the top man looked, and how unfair the whole struggles seemed to me.
Since I'm split between my chaotic mischievous side, and my lawful vigilante persona, I made my mind up, and did that pic.

As you've noticed, it has the barest essentials.
It was just me - yeah, people who know me and my pics *really* well might recognise my urban rendition - diving in and pummelling "baldo" down, only to discover it was just a porn-flick scenario.
Pop culture quoting itself. 😉


Yeah, I know: I said no pics for the silent lurkers.
No *tickle* pics for them, that is.
People who care to reply and bump my threads up will get previews and special stuff.
Ask LBH if you doubt my word. 😀

For those who can't spare a minute to say "thanks" or "fuck" well, you get what you see.
You see what you get. 😛


Kalamos said:
People who care to reply and bump my threads up will get previews and special stuff. Ask LBH if you doubt my word. 😀
It's true! I received copious private updates on Kal's fine Corpse Bride submission, fascinating step-by-step stuff, well before anyone else even got a glimpse! It pays to be attentive! 😀
I also like these pics, especially the second one 😀 . I was actually considering doing a Kalamos Megapost next, but I don't know if I've got anywhere close to all your stuff 🙁 . Wouldnt want to do a barely half done megapost.
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