People are responding with "Enjoy it!" etc., because it almost sounds like a fake post. This is most guy's that frequent the forum's DREAM come true times TEN.
A beautiful new female coworker who loves to tickle them all the time, AND the other workers AND the manager don't even have a problem with it!!!
It sounds playful, the way he describes it, which it probably is. This isn't "Suck my dick or get fired," this is a cute girl flirting with him, ironically in the way that turns on most
tickle lovers.
...I hope this isn't some troll bait, an excuse to turn him on by seeing everyone's reactions, ....I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
First off, "getting a lawyer" may be an over the top extreme response to an innocent situation in today's sadly HYPER-SENSITIVE OH MY GOD OH MY GOD AHHH!!!!!!! world.
I see a potential fired and crying girl who doesn't know what the hell's going on, and a lot of annoyed and angry co-workers.
If it is happening, and it does bother you that much, you may just have to go get another job. I've worked some retail, and I can't imagine the job being so awesome
that you'd fight for it, since most retail SUCK. The only way retail would be tolerable for me ever again is......I can't say it.
Okay, if I had a cute co-worker who loved to tickle me, and I'd of course start a relationship with her, shit, I've had, like no people flirt with me in retail! I'd LOVE that job!
Let me tell you where I'm coming from - I recently quit a long time job, where new management took over and were bullying assholes. One co-worker/manager was really getting
out of hand, screaming at lesser co-workers when given a little bit of power, on a massive ego trip, being a worthless evil piece of shit, throwing everyone else under the bus if
she thought she may get in trouble.....someone who you look at say, "Yeah, that bitch is going to Hell." The bullying from all of management was out of hand, PLUS! they kept files on
all of us, and added so many new rules, of course you'd break one. This was for when someone decided to speak up and defend themselves, get a lawyer, whatever, ...they'd yank them
out and throw it back in our face, "Oh, you did this, you did that, you're a criminal piece of shit...." They'd throw rapid fire accusations at you, so when you're trying to rebuke one lie,
you're hit with three more. The old ladies I worked with were literally too terrified to even defend themselves. Eventually my time came with the bitch, one of many, when she came up to me
literally yelling at me about a job I was supposed to do and she had no business even talking to me about, BUT I FOUGHT BACK, because fuck that bitch and the rest.
There was a work place clique, the older workers weren't in it, the assholes all were.
Of course I lost.
I quit before they'd make my life more hellish than it already was and fire me on a mountain of lies like they did three of my former co-workers who got unfairly sacked.
One did sue, after being fired AFTER filing a formal complaint, and before I quit myself, she hasn't won yet, and I saw no change whatsoever in that store.
Basically, it's a hell of a lot harder to sue than it seems. And if everyone in the store will speak against you in the pretty girl's favor, it's going to be that much harder.
You may have to do what me and my other bullied co-workers had to do, just suck it up, say life isn't fair, and move on.
But seriously, after what I've been through, I'd climb Mount Everest 14 times to be in this guy's situation.....