Well there are a couple of assumptions here. The first is that my workplace has a flirtatious atmosphere. This is false; though not flirtatious, the people I work with are generally cool people, and the atmosphere is pretty relaxed. The thing here is that she was relatively new compared to me and most others working here. Out of the blue when I hardly even know who she is, she started making physical passes at me. While flattering, I don't have any interest in being touched by someone at my work. She ignored my sentiments and continue on. I think people forget that there is a difference between flirting and sexually harassing someone. The moment that flirting becomes awkward, creepy, and unwanted is the moment it becomes harassment. Any male or female who has felt sexually harassed can attest to this difference. Why out of all of the men working there, she chose me to do this to? I will never know (maybe because I am a quiet, passive person compared to most others working there).
Second assumption is that because I don't want to be groped all day by someone I don't like, that I want a drab and dull life. My life is full of fun, I don't need to be sexually harassed to have fun.
Your third assumption is that I have the luxury of just up and leaving. I am a college student in a small desert town where job opportunities are very, very limited. I cannot leave here until I finish my degree. On top of that, I have worked my way up through raises to the point where if I got another job, I would make significantly less; to the point where I could just barely live.
Fourth, is that you assume that my predicament is in anyways interfering with the fun of any of my co-workers. It is actually quite the opposite. A few of them actually find my situation humorous, but most just don't care at all. The problem here is the complete apathy of the whole situation; where if it were me doing this to her, I would be written up at the very least, or fired and taken to court at the most.