Far more accuracy? Hardly. But this isn't about me, and the honest truth about me and my experiences is none of your business to discuss and neither here nor there anyways, as they derail the topic at hand.Since you've decided on a personal attack, allow me to respond in kind, and with far more accuracy.
Your PC-bred lack of both logic, experience and the slightest semblance of grown-up judgement precludes you figuring out that men and women are, always have been and always will be different. The dynamic of man on man is considerably different from that of woman on man. If you'd get out into the world, and interact with more real live females (if this is what you like; I'm wrong to make any assumptions) instead of spending so much time on all the costumed superhero stuff in your signature (very thoughtful providing shoe sizes for the eleven characters) you might come to the same realization. Don't get me wrong, it's nice artwork, but life has to be lived also.
If by chance I sound like your father, (a) I'm glad I'm not and (b) He's perfectly right.
As far as the OP goes, a bit of further research has led me to the fact that as he himself says, he's unsure of his sexuality (the wording in his signature cartoon nowithstanding) (http://www.ticklingforum.com/showth...guy-tie-and-tickle-them&p=3800945#post3800945) and this uncertainty may well be part of his problem. There's typical male behaviour, typical female behaviour, and there's the gray area in between that might be stopping him from framing an unequivocal response to the woman in question.
That having been said, I'm flattered you think I care enough about a random stranger that you think my response a "personal attack". It's not. It's pretty unbiased, and while I made it clear what your posts were TELLING me, in regards to this topic alone for the record, I never flat out said or even intended to imply that's who you are as a person or that it's a character flaw. And where you got it in your head I was being passive-aggressive enough to warrant such a heart-felt response, I have no idea. Hell, it's far less personal than your reply here, which, for someone who claims to be wrong to be making assumptions, implies quite a number of them, left and right, including but not limited to, a lack of social experience or good judgment, that I spend all my time in front of a computer, that my imagination and creative talent is a supplement to a lack of interaction with real people, that I'm possibly into men because I show no bias to females as most men do (sometimes to disgusting and creepy levels, I might add), and that I spend all my time on superhero stuff that if you actually took the time to be more thorough in your "research" on me in an attempt to gain more ammunition for your own "attack", you'd know I haven't posted any material in weeks, if not months. Oh, and that my dad was any sort of real "father", and frankly, not a disgusting monster who's done nothing but horrible things to people in my life, mostly ones I care about. In truth? You don't sound like him, because even with your attitude, you still come across as some kind of human being, and while you're glad you're not my dad, I can't say the same, because anyone here would've been a step up.
Regardless, my life is my life, and that's not the topic of discussion here. And, getting back to that, I actually will have to agree with the point you made underneath all of your spite. There is a difference in dynamic between genders, and because of that, what one finds harassment differs and is unique to everyone. So, I'll apologize, because maybe based on your own definition, your advice may have some merit, as mine has keeping my own definition in mind. In my mind... Harassment is very clear cut to me. It's any sort of act, whether it be sexual or otherwise, including groping, unwanted advances or even things like hazing and bullying too, that makes an individual uncomfortable, and is abusive in nature. And, being the person that I am, one who likes to see the world they way it SHOULD be, in contrast to your apparent viewing of the world as it actually IS, thusly feels that it's necessary to assume that there should be equality between men and women and that gender-dynamics shouldn't have any sort of effect on what does or doesn't fall under "harassment", and that the OP should take these same steps like reporting it to higher ups and such no matter if it's a woman sexually harassing him, or a man harassing him, sexual or not. Therefore, when I read posts like yours, advising that he just forget it and screw her, given that MY definition of harassment, again, is when ANYONE, man or woman, does something that makes someone uncomfortable, I read it as "if someone is harassing you, just screw em!", and it points out the ever apparent of the "double standard". A problem that I hope to at least make the people here aware of if not help solve the issue by making it known that women shouldn't be treated better than men for doing stupid shit or breaking the law, or vice versa. Especially attractive women, because that's another issue, how pretty girls get treated better than plainer looking or overweight women.
Again, I see the world how it SHOULD be. And the appropriate response, in all good conscious, shouldn't be "just bag her already!" in a world that should be full of decent people and equality. So, I'm an optimist. Must be all that "superhero stuff" I apparently occupy all my time with. Sue me.
As for the post you linked to? Irrelevant to me. Harassment is harassment, whether he's gay, bi or straight.