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Important Reading - Please Play Safe!

tkrexx said:
To our Family victim: I can't express the sorrow and even guilt I feel about your awful experience. Yes, GUILT. I feel guilty and ashamed, as I'm sure many of us do...any of us who have had the fantasy of capturing a stranger for tickle-play. I hope you can heal the wounds inside and learn to trust again. That is the true victory for you, not allowing this misbegotten mate of a mudworm to steal your identity or dignity. Take your time, but come on home.

To QB: Thanks for reporting this foul situation. Since burning at the stake is somewhat passe, perhaps eventually the toilet bug responsible for this wanton act of cruelty and desperation (Yes, DESPERATION, jerk!) can be identified to the public forum...If only for a good, old-fashioned blackballing.

To the insignificant piece of flea sh*t: Ya feel significant now? Yeah, I think you're keeping track of what's being said in this thread, and likely giggling your sick ass off. Getting alot of attention, ain't ya? That's probably giving you more of a honk-on than the actual attack. You might even be a little worried, concerned that the rest of us will ID and locate you...Busy changing all your screen-names, now? Trying to blend in with the masses? Better think about moving and changing ICQ's...If ya value what you call "a life" stay in the more urban areas, tho, where the criminals often have more rights than the victims...You get out here in the sticks, you'll find out that "He needed killin'" is a viable defense, and Big Muddy holds alot of secrets. Diseases like like you make it even more difficult for we civilized folks to enjoy something already sadly too rare. You can rot now, I'm through with you.

To Forum Members: It frightens me to think our wonderful community is being used by predators...No, that is a dignified word...Scavengers is more concise. I have no idea how, but we need to take steps to police our own, before the REAL police move in on us. I hate to say that, because it DOES mean some of our freedoms here will be forever lost...Kinda like the situation with homeland security. I'll gladly sacrifice some freedoms so I don't have to read this kind of thread again. If you have a Deity, pray.

This is terrible news! tktrexx, I whole heartly agree with what you said. I pray that this young lady is doing well, I hope and pray that they catch this person! This just proves to me that meeting people from online isn't good, this has happen to a couple of friends of mine and also a family member:sadcry: people always say this will never happen to me, it only happens to others. WRONG! It can happen to you, like QB stated, please for God's sake play it safe ladies and the guys too! Please pray for this young lady who is a victim here! QB please let her know we are all praying for her and that it isn't her fault! She is a victim of a sick minded person!!!!!!
Adding yet another person to my prayer list! With pleasure, I mean I hate that this happened🙁 I didn't mean it that way, it just seems like so many of our members or their families need prayer. I am glad to pray for anyone who is in need.
This is horrible. I am sitting here almost in tears. I have met a lot of wonderful people on here and I've only met one in person so far, SmileyTkls.We talked for a year and a half before meeting. We met at campus in the lobby during finals week. It was a great meeting. I thank Smiley for giving me a great experience. Please be safe and don't rush it.
Also, my deeply wounded Christian heart goes out to this woman. Once you are violated like this, it takes a long time to trust again. Just take time to heal and recover soon

In Christ's Love,

lust4feet said:

While I respect each and everyone's privacy, does anyone other than myself feel it is necessary to expose this individual if he indeed is a member of TMF? If anything, he definitely should be banned 😡

I agree that he should be exposed...even if he's NOT a TMF member...it could save another person from a similar fate (which, I also agree WASN'T the lady's fault..it was the asshole's) .
Thanks again everyone.

As soon as things are "handled" we will release some information to help ensure the safety that is so precious to all of us.
My heart goes out to the person harmed by this sick idiot. I hope that her physical and her emotional scars heal quickly. Being a female, and currently making plans to meet a couple of fellow ticklephiles, I am also interested in finding out who this idiot is.

I've been lucky so far, in meeting ticklers and non ticklers from the internet. I had a problem with one person I met several years ago, but it was taken care of before any serious injury was inflicted. However, I also feel that no matter what precautions you take, there is still an element of luck involved. The more information we have about the person we're meeting, the less luck is a factor.

Again, my thoughts are with your friend.

This Is Horrible

I am at a loss for words at what has occurred.
It saddens and shocks me that some one was

I hope that the victim recovers soon.

Prayers for this young lady!!!!

Man, I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. QBWEAVER thank you for being her friend and for allowing others to send out prayer for her.
No, it sure was not her fault! I pray that they catch the @#$%&@!!!
And I hope that this young lady is going to get some help, she is going to need it. Thank God she is still alive and at home.....I'm assuming she is.
Me and my family will be glad to pray for her.

I think he should be exposed because it's like ticklishbbw stated
"Being a female, and currently making plans to meet a couple of fellow ticklephiles, I am also interested in finding out who this idiot is."
So that this doesn't happen to another lady! 🙁

Love in Christ:redheart:
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ticklishbbw said:
My heart goes out to the person harmed by this sick idiot. I hope that her physical and her emotional scars heal quickly. Being a female, and currently making plans to meet a couple of fellow ticklephiles, I am also interested in finding out who this idiot is.


Maybe you ought to wait till they find out who it is that did that. After all, the lady only met ONE person and got hurt, right? Just think of what more than one could do. I know it'd be a pain in the butt to hold off meeting them for a little longer, but I'd think with a situation like this , the people you're planning to meet would understand.

That's only a suggestion, though...your choice wether to do it or not, of course.😉

I hope they catch the guy who attacked your friend QB. This is a senseless and barbaric thing. It just makes me mad that the state I live the state government is closing down one of our prisons that is nearby me we need these prisoners for people like this. I am outraged about this. Crydun and I just want to take him by the throat and choke, but then the law would prosecute us for it.

QB I don't know how long your friend knew the guy, but you need to talk enough to build the trust and get to know the true color of the guy or gal. If I would ever want to meet a girl on her I would wait and talk to her for a year.

My Christian spirit just sieves with ache and pain for your friend QB. I will pray that she can overcome this horrible tragedy.

I hope she doesn't let this keep her away from the fun and happiness in her life that she found online and in this forum. That is what the guy who did this would want that is the victory he wants is to know that he kept afraid. She can rise up from this with help and support from you as her friend and the encouragement of her friends her friends in the forum if she was a member not sure.

I hope they catch this guy.

Asolutely Anger and frustrated over this horrible act. I was in shock when I found out about it.

Ticklebear2 😡
QBWeaver said:
I'm still checking to see if he is a TMF member.

But in any case, it's important not to give out any personal information to online folks unless you've checked them out. Other people may have met them before especially at gatherings. I'd feel very safe with anyone I've met at a gathering or anyone who's been to a gathering because I can check with the host or others who attended to find out more specifics.

jan please tell us the name of this criminal, (he most likely is using an alias) or at least the screen name he gave the lady he hurt?
sorry to be thinking like a cop here, but it may help to know the types of things he said to her; any particular ideas he told her about?any fantasies he mentioned? ways, and means he liked to tickle/be tickled? any accent, or other identifying characteristics? this may keep this scum bag from hurting any others! maybe you could also get a discription of the guy, and post it so we can be on the look out. things like this can help in getting this piece of shit!
as you seem to know her fairly well, please give my best wishes to the victim.
Amnesiac_m(pc) said:
Only one problem with that....the group of guys, would end up in jail with him...for attacking him. Yeah, I want to seriously beat this guy into the ground too, but at the same time, I wouldn't want to risk being the one put in jail while he gets to go free(and I'm sure his lawyer or whoever will try to make him look like a victim rather than a criminal).

- He-Man

Not necessarily, He-Man. If the asshole in question should just happen to "disappear"...then no one goes to jail. Especially if no one who knows him personally punches his ticket. The Bronze have nothing they can use.

Of course, it would be difficult finding someone here willing to take such action, given all the moral arguments that are posted here...

...then again, maybe the right person for the job isn't far away.


I just wanted to check on your friend QB

How is your friend doing QB? I pray that she is doing as well as she can be? Any word on the @#$%&@# that did this to her? BTW, you have a new logo🙂 It looks great! Check it out, I know you will love it!🙂

PS Please let us know how she is doing, prayers are still with her and her family.🙂
Thanks again gang!

Here's an update.

A report has been filed against the jerk. I'm really proud of her for doing that. It took alot of courage for her to do that based on several different things but I'm really glad she did.

I will not reveal the name here in this post but if you want the name I will be glad to pass it along. Just send me an email to [email protected]. I want to add that I'm not going to pass it onto every single person who drops me an email because I don't know if this idiot might change screen names to find out if we know who he is. I'll be careful with who I pass that information along to. Please don't take it as an insult if I don't give it to you. I personally feel more comfortable sharing that sensitive information with people I know who will deal with it appropriately and will not reveal anything further to anyone.

And idiot - if you are reading this. I'd strongly recommend you never get anywhere near any of this gang and especially anywhere near me. They don't call me the Queen Bitch for nothing! I WILL live up to my name in ways you can't even imagine! Now, go crawl back under your rock you slug!
Jan, Tell her we are all proud of her for standing up for herself and are here for her support! As for the perpetrator...he is known and will be apprehended....

I commend QB's friend for going to the cops. There's nothing worse than a girl who fails to report a sexual predator. It makes it partially her own fault when the creep molests someone after her.
A few things that may work against QB's friend. First off, if this guy IS reading these posts, he may already have contacted a lawyer. If the lawyer can prove that his real name is being passed around on the internet they will have a strong case in their favor.
Secondly, she met the creep in a hotel type enviroment(I'm assuming), and this guy can create his own bullshit story on how they consented to rough sex and bondage. I would recommend sharing no more than an internet nickname when divulging info on this creep. Don't give him any loopholes.
Thanks for the concern Wallstreet.

She reported it for that very reason. She's not willing to have any other lady to suffer what she did at the hands of that jerk. That's exactly why she went to the authorities.

And I've taken your considerations into consideration and checked with a lawyer friend of mine on this to ensure my own safety as well so I'm covered as well as her.

I'm so very proud that she's reported it and that she let me know about it as well. It can be so embarrassing for a lady to share what happened when it comes to a situation like this where you agreed to some "fetish" play and it all went so wrong. Story or no story, he hurt her. She's got serious bruises to prove it and he did not abide by any general rules of play, using a safeword and such. He was just brutal. She said No in a way that was Quite Seriously a NO, without doubt and he ignored it and hurt her even more.

She's healing slowly. She's warmed by the good thoughts and wishes you are all sending her way.
Jan, please tell your friend that I am so very sorry that this had to happen to her, that she is in my prayers. It was not her fault! I pray that they catch this jerk! This has scared me to the point that I don't care to try to go to the gatherings that are coming up. I can't help it, but this woke me up and scared me at the same time. Thank you for posting this, I don't have to have her name, I know if it was me I wouldn't want anyone to know. It is embarrassing, now when I talk to someone here at the forum, I wonder😕 could this be the guy? How can I be sure? 🙁

Keep us posted how she is doing, and tell her to be strong that she has people who care!
All the best!!
toneus79 said:
What is so sad here is that whoever the lady in question is, she gave her trust to this arsehole, and he wickedly exploited it. Perhaps if he is tracked down, some of the guys on this forum could pose as a singular female to arrange a meeting with him, and then give him a taste of having his trust exploited.

What this guy did is reprehensible, but is it appropriate or desirable to adopt this behavior in protest of his actions?

Just a thought.


I understand your concerns however gatherings have proven to be the safest place to meet people. You're always around well known members of the community and each one of them is very protective of our group. If anyone so much as laid a hand on you when you didn't want it I know of at least 30 guys and about 30 women who would all jump in there and deal with it. I flew all the way from California to Philadelphia alone for my first NEST in April 1999. I arrived only knowing the screen names of these folks and as soon as I met them I knew I felt safe. There's safety in numbers. Besides... at gatherings there are lots of other women around as well and we all kinda look after each other.

This situation was a one on one situation that the guy took advantage of. There are several things the lady could have done differently to ensure her safety. However, she let her guard down and didn't follow her own gut instinct.

I can sit here and name literally hundreds of wonderful guys in this group who are safe, fun, very sweet and caring. And most of them have been to gatherings. The hosts of the gatherings are actually discussing this situation right now and we're going to possibly put together a list of people who have attended gatherings in the past who are always welcome.

I am putting together some notes that I've posted in the past on recommendations on how to meet and play safe. I'll be posting that this weekend.
Just an update again - The JERK has removed his screen name from AOL so he's changed it. Big surprise.

As soon as I get more information I will have that available for you if you want it.

Donna - I am NOT posting his name here for the reasons I explained earlier. I'm hoping the mods deleted it for those reasons.

If you need to talk about it please contact me directly.
This forum is not here for personal difficulties between members to be worked out in public.

Issues such as this should be dealt with personally elsewhere. Not here. We WILL NOT get in the middle of such things, and will not let the TMF be used a platform for such matters.

My heart goes out to the victim!!! 🙁

QBWeaver said:
Just an update again - The JERK has removed his screen name from AOL so he's changed it. Big surprise.

As soon as I get more information I will have that available for you if you want it.

Jan, I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to this young lady! And I am so mad that someone would do such a thing! Please let her know she isn't alone, she is in our prayers! I believe that AOL can locate him through their records. I understand the concern of everyone, but you can't take the law into your own hands. I am sure a lot of us would like to be alone with this @#$&%$#, but the most important thing is she is alive!!!!!!! She could have been killed!!!!!!! I know she is hurt, not just physically but emotionally too. I hope she will seek help as how to handle this.
Thank you Jan, for being the kind of friend that is ready to be there for her! To love and support her! Wishing her well, and that with each new day that we are given she gets a bit closer to recovery! She is in our hearts and our prayers! God bless you Jan for being a great friend, and may God bless her and her family!

With Love and prayers.
PS if I can help in some way, you have my e-mail address. This is from my heart....I mean it!🙂
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