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Important Reading - Please Play Safe!

This is angering,sad,pathetic,revolting...

This is the kind of person you take out for a "Drag" aback a Chevy Avalanche accross a Desert....MID day!
Friggin JackOff!

While I am not at all knowing or sure of whom your friend is, I probably do know her of know OF her and or visa versa and my feelings go out to her.
I wish I was able to do something to console her and or counsel her.
Also to help her regain her trust in people on line and in the tickle community.
If she was anywhere near my area, me and shygirl would invite her over and give her the greatest and most tickle experience of her life thereby re-establishing her faith,love,passion,desire and confidence.
At least stop the "bleeding" so to speak.

IF she needs to talk......you know where I am.

People like that dude are a "Cancer" to society.
Cancers need to be ERADicated!:sowrong:

Give her my best.

Great Advise by QB and others here...

...and I too will state the same case.
Everyone, not just the ladies although especially females, must take every precaution available.
You must be sure.

When I first came on line about 5 years ago, it took me a long time before I met the first person. I had to establish myself and gain trust,respect and a fine reputation first.
That took about a year.
Many nights and days in chatrooms(a regular). Many on line chats and e-mails exchanged.
Phone conversations.

Yes even with all that, things can go wrong but all of the suggested rules were followed like making sure someone knows where you are etc.
and I was the one who suggested it to be that way before I met with the first woman from the tickle community/on line. I did everything I could do to assure her of her saftey and comfort.
It all took time.

Way back before the internet, yes there was a time like that when we had to use...dare I say....Newspaperlike personal ads in "Fetish Times", "Tickling Times", "B&D Pleasures" and 😕 :wow: 'snail mail' using PO Boxes as your protection.

There were sometimes MONTHS of corresponding before you would decide and agree to get together.
Back then, trust was easy and deserved.
The internet has for some godawful reason, brought out the "scum of the earth" along with the rest of us who are decent warm trustworthy kind passionate and compassionate people here.

A Cancer within.
Getting some of these asswipes disabled is not enough. It's like getting only some of the cancer out of the human body. To cure us of this, we must remove ALL of the cancer.
Is there a Doctor in the house?
I only do Lab Work and stuff.

Re: Just how/when should privacy occur?

bella said:

Having read this and the other posts, I have a question: how long should you know someone before being alone with them?

You can easily take tickling out of this unfortunate incident. The lady in question could have been vanilla, met a man online or through an ad in the paper or even through a mutual aquaintance (as I believe was the case here). After speaking on the phone several times then meeting in a public place, how long before most ladies would decide it was safe to bring the person back to her dorm room or apartment, or go back to his place? I know that for most, it's not very long. And most dates don't show up with references.

Fellas, answer me on this please: when you've met a new lady, how long should she know you before being alone with you 😕 ?


Me personally, immediatly as far as whether or not the Woman/girl/female can trust ME.

(save your jokes my commedian friends, this is serious, I can hear ya all thinking of your snappy wise ass comments already🙄 😀 )

However I do say to the woman or women "whenever YOU are ready and comfortable".

For what it's worth, I also guarantee everyones saftey at a meeting and or gathering.

Oh and by the way...I did have references.
😉 😛

Re: Just how/when should privacy occur?

bella said:

Fellas, answer me on this please: when you've met a new lady, how long should she know you before being alone with you 😕 ?


I'm not sure that there is a single answer that applies to all, other than whenever a person is comfortable that the other is trustworthy. That may require patience and will require honesty with oneself.

I met my special lady in a tickling chat room 5 years ago. We decided to take it slowly and to get to know each other. Whatever relationship we would develop had to be based on more than what brought us together. We talked on line for several weeks. We then graduated to phone calls. Once we were comfortable, it was time for a face to face meeting. Even then, we decided that we would not "play" during this first meeting. I think this whole process took about 5 weeks.

It was worth it. We are still together. It was easy for us to be patient because we both tend to be introverts. Moving cautiously tends to come naturally for both of us.

Well, I am sure that this is just one of many examples.

I'll shut up now! 🙂

Myriads said:
This forum is not here for personal difficulties between members to be worked out in public.

Issues such as this should be dealt with personally elsewhere. Not here. We WILL NOT get in the middle of such things, and will not let the TMF be used a platform for such matters.


I totally understand Myriads. That's why I reported my own post to the Mods. I was a bit heated when I wrote it and felt I needed them to review it to see if it was approprite to post. Thank you for deleted it and helping ME to maintain the integrity of TMF.

Man thats messed up. Some moron tries to mess it up for the rest of us shy and yes i do mean shy guys, who would love a chance with another member into tickling. My advise is bring a few friends if your going to meet anyone. I hope they hang that bastard (pardon my language mods)😡
I am sorry to hear about this happening 🙁 I pray that this young lady is ok? I mean I know she is hurt...but I mean was she beaten or harm in other way?
This is a wake up call for me now, I am like some of the other ladies🙁 I don't know who to trust now!

I hope that she is doing better, let her know that she is in our prayers. And that I hope she will get some help with this, do you know if he is still out there to harm someone else?🙁

My prayers are with this young lady.🙁

I am so angry! I am sorry to hear this, I kinda agree with not feeling safe now. And just who can you trust!!🙁

Please let your friend know that we are praying for her and sorry that this happened. And it isn't her fault!🙁
Did they ever catch the guy that did this? Or is he still out there to do this to someone else?????🙁
Hi Jan,

Please extend my warmest wishes to your friend. As with everyone else who has posted, words cannot express the sadness I feel, knowing her pain. Please contact me at [email protected] if I can be of any help.
QB, I just read your original post, and I too am shocked, saddened and extremely angry about what happened to your friend. Nobody deserves to be violated like this, and I pray that the lady will someday be able to recover from this traumatic experience. Thank God she has a friend like you. Although I've never met any of the TMF members personally, I've always felt this group was made up of decent, honest, people who respect other's rights, feelings, and boundaries. And even though I don't know your friend, I'm proud of her for pressing charges. That takes a lot of guts. As for the piece of s#*t who did this to your friend, I'd like to introduce my fist to his face - several times.
I think many posts to this thread have covered my anger over the horrible situation that happened.

I know for one, it wasn't her fault. Make sure she knows that QB. Scum lurk in many places, not only under rocks.

I feel for her and sure this will not hold much when coming from a guy. I wouldn't blame her.

To answer Bella's question- It's impossible to gauge what is a good amount of time to know someone. I knew of a gal (a friend of a friend)that was raped by her friend of 2 years. No one could even imagine such a thing could occur but it had.

So when it comes to online people.. public places a must start and doing things around people (movies, dinner, coffee,etc) for a while. Then meeting their friends, see how they are around others, get a feel for them. Why not? Are you in a hurry? Take your time.

Many times that I have talked to women online in reference to a serious meeting, I'm always addressing caution and making sure she is in a safe situation. I want to know the gal before doing anything alone. Just cuz I'm a man doesn't mean that a gal can't easily come over to my home and pull out a weapon from her coat and gun me down when I have my back turned. The stats show the opposite occurs over 95% of the time (my guess) but no one is immuned to violence.

I've only met three women from online ever and the first one brought a friend along everytime, which was so totally cool.
With another online meeting, she was actually a ticklephile, it took nearly 2 years to meet her. Patience and understanding. She had to know me and I was more than willing to give my all to that. I may live in a cave(Bat) but some of these animals, mistaken for men, act as if they were born in one.

Be very careful, man or woman, not to say your friend wasn't QB. It's just a general statement.

Again, I can only give your friend my sympathy. For most of the male members here, we are quick to words of violence onto a piece of crap like this predator and yeah... I'd take my gloves off to help show this guy how it feels to be overwhelmed. :Grrr:

I'll go cool off now.

Great advice Darknight!🙂
A must read for all the community, my heart goes out to the young lady🙁 such a horrible act to happen to anyone! I know it will take some time for her to build up trust again, and I pray that she does.

And you are right, you can't go by how long you know someone....like your friend knowing this person for two years and it happened to her
My best friend who was married, I say was because her husband divorced her after she was raped! :dropatear: And she was raped my someone she had known for years, never ever dream that this man would violate her like he did. She felt safe around him, he was nothing but a gentelman around her and if someone would use fowl languange he would say watch your languange around a lady. He was a wolf in sheep's clothing! So you don't never know!🙁 It has been 2 years since this happened to her and to this day she will not go even to the mailbox at down her driveway alone, she sleeps with the lights on. She just has been able to over come the fear that this poor excuse of a man put in her!
:Grrr: :Grrr:
I hope that they found the guy that did this to QB's friend so he can't do this to anyone else! QB please tell her that she has prayers here for her. Let us know how she is doing, please. Thanks

Jan, how is your friend?

Hi Jan, I just was wanting to know how you friend is doing? Do you know if they got the guy who did this or not? Please tell her we are pulling for her and wish her well. Our prayers are with her.
Thanks 🙂
and now... I'm MAD

I talked to the lady in question last night. She had written to me last week but I didn't get the email until days later. Unfortunately I was swamped at work and coming home late helping other departments...so last night was the first time I had a chance to talk to her, and it was then I learned it all. I just want to say that I haven't been angry like this in a long time, kinda scares me as I am not someone who believes in physical violence but there was a part of me that did.

This lady was not just attacked, she was set up by other people(s) as part of some sick plot of vengence for those who oppose them. Those involved will pay dearly for this, and pay via legal avenues. The lady in question is afraid to press charges because her lifestyle could become public knowledge and that could ruin her current position or future career path.

I promised her that I would contact one of the Assistant District Attorney's I work with to ask for advice in situations like this and I'll pass it on to her. I swear that I will use every resource, every contact, every favor I have in the law enforcement community here in California, at the Federal Level, and in the state in question to make sure those responsible do not get away with this and never have the chance to do it again.

NEVER... never...ever...EVER hurt my friends and think you can get away with it. I'm really PISSED OFF and the last thing you want to do is wake the sleeping giant.

Now... it's personal! :sowrong:
This guy was scum!

QB, I hate that this happened to an innocent lady! I am like Bagelfather and everyone else. I am pissed and mad about this happening!

Bagelfather, I do hope that you can get some help for this lady. I pray that she will heal in time and that she is doing alright well as well as she can be consider the situation! 🙁
Please extend to her how sorry that I am that such a scum take advantage of her along with others! I hope that they all get what they deserve! Maybe he will go to prision and be someones #$%@* there! Keep us posted how she is doing! How can we send her getwell wishes? She is in my prayers.
OMG! I'm horrified to hear about it. I am particularly saddened as I've met two ladies from the TMF privatley myself(and had a great time), but this case shows the danger of doing such a thing.

I hope the lady in question recovers to the full, in time. I'm sure everyone's thoughts are with her.
Double T said:
I'm sure she knows that all us good (and that is 99.5% of us) TMF members are behind her.

After reading all these replies, make that 99.99%
You're almost right DT. 99.99999998% of us are great folks. There's just a couple of jerks in the community who seem to like to hurt people.

Right James?
I've heard many here say how upset they are at this occurring. That is to be expected. It was a terrible thing to have happen. I've also heard people say that they want to take matters into their own hands and do something to keep the jerk from hurting others. This post is to that latter group.

Please know that this man has been reported and is being dealt with. ANY outside action by others will only enable him to get off scott free. I'm sure you'll agree that we don't want that to happen! I've now spoken with the young lady in question (because of the fact that I was attacked years ago myself). She is healing and doing well. All of the well wishes are helping. But, there is concern for the possibility of others stepping in where they don't belong and spoiling things. ANYTHING that even hints at "outing" this guy or doing him bodily harm could free him. While your intentions are appreciated, the actions are actually harmful. PLEASE, allow the proper authorities to handle this. That is the best way to help the young lady in question. It is the best way to see that justice is served.

QBWeaver said:
You're almost right DT. 99.99999998% of us are great folks. There's just a couple of jerks in the community who seem to like to hurt people.

Right James?

Erm..sorry? Did I miss something?
I too know the lady who is the victim here. First, I say to her...

By evidence of the comments of those that don't even know who you are - the compaasion, the worry, the outrage - you are not alone. We are all shocked that such adolescent behavior would be the chosen method of operations for the "adults" who did this. Such behavior is sub-human and reeks of bottom feeders such as drug dealers and pedophiles. In the end, karma is a wonderful thing. To those who play this little anti-societal game, ---You very often receive more than you earn with such behavior. Sometimes the loss is just your self-respect. In this case, you can be certain you've also the respect of those who were simply undecided about you. Enjoy living with it---

There is no doubt that in our lives, we've all been less than safe with our bodies and our spirits. In the end, you have to rely on your gut. My personal tickle hell was actually with with another female who squicked me so badly that I literally almost ran from her (and her deranged view of reality) about an hour after meeting in public. Something was just "wrong." AND, as far as the TYPICAL "bad scenarios," my worst was with a man who was introduced tome by my best friend. (Someone she'd known for years.) It's all in who the other person is and how well we judge the character of those we want to trust. Sometimes desire simply overpowers reason. Given that, I don't think there are any answers to the questions about how long people should know each other before spending private time together. It will vary person to person. Just be sure you are smart enough to have an outside contact like you would on any blind date. Make sure you have a phone handy, and your keys within reach. If you walk into the room wishing you had pepper spray, that's you're cue to step.

Trust yourself, folks. Don't trust the other person....trust yourself.

So sad to see this. However, it may give a little enlightenment to the chatroom idiots who don't understand why the chick they drool over won't meet them after just one week of chatting. 🙄 Online is fantasy. Offline is reality. There seem to be a lot of folks around here who cannot tell the difference. :sowrong: THEY are the folks I won't have in my house.

Jo, disgusted and disappointed
QBWeaver said:
No Jim,

You didn't miss anything. Just sending a message.

Sorry QB, thought you were addressing that post to me. (James/Jim)
I too know the lady who is the victim here. First, I say to her...

I am sorry for all you have been through....

I know that you and I have talked in the very recent past and that you were interested in meeting a person that contacted you after he asked me about you.

I have read the comments and posts and applaud your friends for standing by you. I see after reading these posts that you believe that you were set up. I can assure you that is not the case. Please take comfort in knowing that what you are going through - trying to find a guilty party is not unusual. Also know YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT for what this jerk has done to you. One day you will realize that it is HIS fault and you will be able to move forward.

Until that happens, know that this SOB will be convicted if it was reported to the police. If you need any assistance in this, please know I will help you.

But please stop telling the people that you know you were set up by people that "oppose" you. I have said this before.. Just because we do not hang out together does not mean I do not think you are a good person. The 2 of you agreed to meet from what I read, and HE turned out to be an ASSHOLE..

Please take care......

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