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it's sad.....

laughinggaszone said:
There is a very short memory when it comes to all the stuff you have ever contributed. It may not be fair and your normally generous contributions go largely unappreciated, but that is business as we are sure your all to well aware.

actually, business is providing a product,(tangible or otherwise) for an agreed upon price...
laughinggaszone said:
SilverCherry...your points are valid, but we think it is a
fatal mistake to not give out samples for all
your product. It may be unfair to say "What have you done for me lately?" but that is how many consumers view things. There is a very short memory when it comes to all the stuff you have ever contributed, but whoa to the producer who cracks down on a user who is giving away a pirated clip or a producer who isn't giving away a sample clip for their newest video.It may not be fair and your normally generous contributions go largely unappreciated, but that is business as we are sure your all to well aware.

Again, I just mentioned that I have plans on posting free samples in the coming weeks. However, I'm not doing because I think it would be a fatal mistake if I didn't. I'm doing it just because I like being a contributer. Although it bites my tokhes (yiddish for ass) to know that certain rude people will benefit from that. Whoops, I shouldn't have said that.

Anyway, I must disagree with you on something. I think that most people do appreciate whatever we producers are able to contribute, even if they're only images. I truly feel that there's only a relatively few people who are characteristically unappreciative and seem to have a perpetual chip on their shoulders. Those people represent only a clamorous few.

i think all producers would agree with me that it goes something like this:

producers create and make available tickling material.

the people of the tickling community are more than welcome to purchase the material we've created at said price.

the same people are more than welcome NOT to purchase. we will not hate them for not feeling its worth their money. no problem. but don't expect to still see the material. just move on.

the same people should not try and get out of paying by trying to find ways to get copyrighted tickling material for free.

if you didn't think it was worth a few dollars to buy it in the first place, then why chase after it at all? or do you really like what you see but just want it for free?

we producers like free things too. everyone does! you can't be blamed for that. the difference is, take and enjoy the free things that a company actually gives out free. don't sneak around and ask and trade for clips that the company has never offered anyone for free, just because you FEEL you shouldn't have to pay for tickling material.

truth is you dont have to pay. as was mentioned by someone above, you can go and find, hire, and tickle all the girls you want, and even film it. no one is stopping you. in fact i highly suggest it. it's fun. that way it'll be "all free" for you, and you'll even be involved in it. i strongly suggest that you try this. its not impossible to do. that's how we started out.

take care.
Re: to silvercherry....

1golfer said:
you could just put the clip back.....


btw...haven't tried your clips...bought two of your videos, but quit 'cause the models weren't really ticklish. sorry.

If you don't like my videos, then why would you care to see any of my clips? I don't like spinach. I'm not going to go to a restaurant and ask for a free sample of spinach.
tickler n black said:
i think all producers would agree with me that it goes something like this:

producers create and make available tickling material.

the people of the tickling community are more than welcome to purchase the material we've created at said price.

the same people are more than welcome NOT to purchase. we will not hate them for not feeling its worth their money. no problem. but don't expect to still see the material. just move on.

the same people should not try and get out of paying by trying to find ways to get copyrighted tickling material for free.

if you didn't think it was worth a few dollars to buy it in the first place, then why chase after it at all? or do you really like what you see but just want it for free?

we producers like free things too. everyone does! you can't be blamed for that. the difference is, take and enjoy the free things that a company actually gives out free. don't sneak around and ask and trade for clips that the company has never offered anyone for free, just because you FEEL you shouldn't have to pay for tickling material.

truth is you dont have to pay. as was mentioned by someone above, you can go and find, hire, and tickle all the girls you want, and even film it. no one is stopping you. in fact i highly suggest it. it's fun. that way it'll be "all free" for you, and you'll even be involved in it. i strongly suggest that you try this. its not impossible to do. that's how we started out.

take care.

I vote for this to be the official mission statement for all producers 🙂
I'm sad that someone tell something offensive against the people that produce video 🙁

To Laughinggas:
I never said that i'm in the middle of the discussion; i'm agaisnt the piracy on copyrighted material, but if the price of the material is low i'll be more happy!, and i agree with the one that want to share because, as i said before, inthernet is BASED on sharing or exchanging but NOT OF THINGS THAT AREN'T YOURS WITHOUT THE POERMISSION! if TIB or Jeff want to give to us the old videos for a small price i'll be happy, but if they won't....noone will blame them!!!! i've simply said that if someone want to share or exchange PRIVATE AND HOMEMADE material can do it , because the comunity is this...share what you have (like TIB said "truth is you dont have to pay. as was mentioned by someone above, you can go and find, hire, and tickle all the girls you want, and even film it. no one is stopping you. in fact i highly suggest it. it's fun. that way it'll be "all free" for you, and you'll even be involved in it. i strongly suggest that you try this. its not impossible to do. that's how we started out."...thanks for "someone" TIB ^_^ lol); i've made some private videos, and i'll share with others that have private videos......i haven't the money to make a video company, so if i can help the comunity i do it, but noone ask to the producer to share for free WHAT YOU PAY with money (hiring models, pay the server isn't a simple task).

Anyway i've bought videos and membership to about all the companies, and the quality is good, except for some company that use wonderful but not so ticklish models...but who want to see a ugly woman ticklish instead of a "a little ticklish" gorgeous model?...i prefer the middle if is possible 😀 ^_^ and isn't true that the silvercherry models are fake......i've the videos with the cheerleaders (one black and another white) and they're amazing !!!!! ^_^ except that someone forget to put more foot tickling...but this is what i like, not the opinion of all 😉

Please.....don't make this topic bad......try to stay in peace with all 🙂 and please...this isn't a process to rockings!!!!!!!! he only said what he think...this is a free world right? so anyone can say what he think, without offend anyone of course 😉
tickler n black....

actually, business is providing a product,(tangible or otherwise) for an agreed upon price...

In simply terms...yes...but business and doing business is not so cut and dry. There are multiple levels to it and a change in marketing ploy can be beneficial.


I think that most people do appreciate whatever we producers are able to contribute, even if they're only images.

Sorry, but perhaps we are a bit more cynical or perhaps we should rephrase...we don't think most people are vocally appreciative of
the efforts. There are some who do voice their appreciation and there are many more who say little or nothing one way or another.

Also, we think a lot of people who download illegal clips justify it the way people who download illegal CDs do.."the cost is too high"..."the quality of the music (not the digitizing) is substandard". There is truth in these statements, but it doesn't justify the actions. It does justify the institutions like the RIAA reconsidering its practices and addressing the reasons behind why customers are downloading the illegal copies rather than trying to scare them into not doing so.

If record companies improved prices and quality they might find more cooperation and profits from potential customers and returning ones. Perhaps tickling producers should look into similiar practices. The prices charged vary as does the quality. Both are a matter of opinion and personal taste as well as individual finances. The desire to view samples can be considered uniform across the board.

Yes, no matter what you do there will always be people downloading
illegal copies. You will never satisfy them until you give it all away for free. However, as cynical as we might be we also think a great number of people would start buying your videos and not downloading illegal copies if producers collectively started offering samples for everything. Customers want to know what they are getting and we can hardly blame them.

we agree that trading and selling what is yours is ok and even encouraged. However, how much of that kind of stuff is what is being swapped versus pirated clips and videos? A considerably small amount. We all just want to see everything and we want it for free. It just doesn't work that way...not if companies want to stay in business. On an end note...we don't think this thread has gotten nasty. Producers have strong feelings about their businesses as do customers about the product they may end up buying. Its been relatively civil.

laughinggaszone said:

Sorry, but perhaps we are a bit more cynical or perhaps we should rephrase...we don't think most people are vocally appreciative of
the efforts. There are some who do voice their appreciation and there are many more who say little or nothing one way or another.

Your cynicism only works in tandem with your assumptions. Perhaps I should've included the e-mails we get from those who actually do voice their opinion directly to us and not always here on the forum.

Also, we think a lot of people who download illegal clips justify it the way people who download illegal CDs do.."the cost is too high"..."the quality of the music (not the digitizing) is substandard". There is truth in these statements, but it doesn't justify the actions. If record companies improved prices and quality they might find more cooperation and profits from potential customers and returning ones...

I think the reason that people download free clips and music is simply because, they can. Really, who is to judge what an appropriate price is for a CD or tickling video? What might be fair to one is absurd to another. It's called market value. Besides, even if the record companies decided to reduce the price of CD's to half of what they're charging now, people would still download them for free. Again, because they can. Their prices have nothing to do with it. That's just a generic bullcrap excuse people use to justify their thievery. Same goes for tickling material or any material that people download, etc., for free for that matter.

However, as cynical as we might be we also think a great number of people would start buying your videos and not downloading illegal copies if producers collectively started offering samples for everything...

Okay, so basically what you're saying is that if producers gave away their stuff, then people wouldn't steal it?

Checking in on this topic

While it's against my better judgement, I'll chime in. Much like religion and politics know up front that no one is going to change anyones mind here, thereby making this a useless process altogether. I will agree with the other producers that the likely reason for the complaints surrounding the lack of free material is that most, I said MOST, of those that want to see free stuff have no intention of buying. I also agree that that is your choice. So you must understand that since there is no real correlation between posting free previews and an appreciable increase in sales, by any normal good business model there is no reason to do it. This is the ramification of only looking for free material, which is again entirely your right. To those that feel we are here to provide you with material for free through our initiative, investment and work I say try it yourself and then give us your opinion. Before I was a producer I was a major purchaser. I have purchased over 400 tickling videos from many companies so I've walked a mile in both sets of shoes. Thus, my reasoning for doing this. And no, regardless of what any of you think, I never intended make a lot of money doing this. If it was self sustaining I would've been happy. Anyway, I'm not sure about the other producers here but I have a "real job" beyond this tickling venture. And it's a good thing too 😀 I should preface this by saying I'm not looking for sympathy or any recognition I'm just stating fact. I work at least 50 hours a week at my "real job" and do this only on my spare time. My point? I did it. No excuses. No, if I had this or if I had that. I just did it. No this doesn't make me special, others have done the same I'm sure. The point is that no one would really accept the total financial burden, not to mention the time, and do it all for free. Now having said all this, the fact remains that except for our last release we've provided at least some free material from every shoot. So please, don't accuse us of not giving anything to the community. We will continue to do so, however, all this bickering and complaining doesn't exactly provide us with a lot of incentive. Anyway, as we've said before we're trying to put out good tickling material. We're not perfect, and we don't claim to be. We do strive to improve on everything we do and listen to the constructive criticism we receive from the good members of this community. So, now that no one's mind is changed 😉 let's get back to the thing we all love.....tickling!🙂
PS- Just in case you missed the spirit of the post, read it again and imagine it's a Dennis Miller monologue 😀
Take care everyone!
Okay, so basically what you're saying is that if producers gave away their stuff, then people wouldn't steal it?

No Evan, what we are saying is that if producers had samples for more of their merchandise then customers would be more apt to buy the videos rather than buy something "site unseen" as it is when a customer buys without previewing a sample.

As for your opinions on why people download CD's as well as videos.
We would agree that some do it because they can, while others do it because they truely do not feel the prices being charged are reasonable. Its true that not everyone can agree upon a set price that is reasonable, but you can get a consesus. In any case, we were not suggesting producers lower prices as much as we were suggesting they offer more samples.

Your attitude is similiar to the record industry. You view people who download pirated copies as "thieves" but you don't seem to address the motivation behind it. To simply say they do it because they can is a simplistic explaination that ships any responsability from the producer. This is not to say the producers are directly to blame
but it would do well for producers in any industry to consider if their practices or lack of them drive customers away.
T2D Productions...

sorry but we don't buy into what your saying. Having samples WILL
increase business for those customers who are hesitant to buy site unseen. We have also done the long walk you speak of and hold a different opinion. Howver you are correct on one thing..this is an issue that won't find any resolution here so we will bow out
and hope that some kind of resolution does present itself in the future. It would be a shame to have things go back to the way they were 15 years ago. Contrary to what some might think, it was hardly a golden age of tickling. 😉

laughinggaszone said:
No Evan, what we are saying is that if producers had samples for more of their merchandise then customers would be more apt to buy the videos rather than buy something "site unseen" as it is when a customer buys without previewing a sample.

First, the videos are not actually site unseen. Producers, at the very least, provide images of the video and the images are seen, aren't they?

As for your opinions on why people download CD's as well as videos.
We would agree that some do it because they can, while others do it because they truely do not feel the prices being charged are reasonable...

Okay, so they're "protest downloading" is that what you're telling me?
Again, they have a right to not purchase the material. However, if they feel the price is too high price or there's a lack of a free clip, they still don't have a right to steal.

Your attitude is similiar to the record industry. You view people who download pirated copies as "thieves" but you don't seem to address the motivation behind it. To simply say they do it because they can is a simplistic explaination that ships any responsability from the producer...

Their motivation is meaningless. Stealing is stealing. If you don't think the price is fair, then don't buy it. But don't steal it either.
I mean what is this, Robin Hood?
I read the original post as complaining simply about this board being used for ads, not a general thing about the state of the industry.

It used to be that each thread here contained a link to a freely available clip, even if only short. That's the point of this bit of the forum, or was!

Now it seems like half the posts are just promotions for commercial sites, not highlighting a new easily-accessible clip - advertising sample, public domain, or whatever.

We already have a site updates forum, which often used as a crosspost location anyway - why not keep things neater and use designated areas properly? Often posts are actually requests here too.

Now seeing as that's plainly not what the thread has become, or ever even was if I mis-read it 🙂, I may as well chip something in on the industry side... I do think that producers could do a little more to encourage people to buy, through being more imaginative with their content. Every new release is basically the same, rarely do we see any costume or restraint variety etc. [Paid] clips are usually pretty starkly presented without intros or exits - would it hurt to have a minute interview or general wind-down after the main action on each clip, rather than on random specific ones? I just feel it would give something more enticing as an end-product. The easiest thing that I think would help is better technical quality of sample - I know we can't expect something for nothing, but on the other hand the sample photos available are usually at much lower resolution than the actual videos, and sample clips are often of poorer quality. I've been really impressed with the quality of Silver Cherry's video files (not to say anything about the other companies, just an example); the photos available on the purchasing pages, or posted here occasionally, don't do justice at all. Perhaps better quality sample content - representative of the final product - rather than arguments about the amount of it - is what's needed to convince people these things are worth paying for?

Just my tuppence - longer than I expected it to be! Hope it's not too OT... :blush:

slant...you win the prize for sticking to the topic of the original thread. congrats.
Re: Okay, I’ll bite too.

TickleTelevision said:
“That's why I like rocking. All his clips are free. He's the only person I know that has good quality clips that are free.”

What do you mean “ALL HIS CLIPS”? First things first-They aren’t his clips. They are someone else’s clips. That someone else paid good money to hire the models, pay for the studio, pay the electricity to light the thing, the camera to shoot it, not to mention the hours editing and encoding it into a web delivery format. This person made this video or clip with the expressed intent to make a profit. After all, this producer did pay money to make it. As far as, well I have them emailed or sent to me makes no difference. They aren’t his. And if the producer has them online as a pay to view clip, and he is giving said clips away for free, then it is a violation of the law. Even if he is in another country, NATO had a meaning in September of 1977 to honor and prosecute all participating countries copyrights, whether the person lives in the country of copyright holder or not. And also, any of you people ever heard of the Millennium Digital Copyright Act. Just by we producers placing stuff on line on our site with the copyright authorizes us to haul anyone who is stealing or giving away our product without our consent to court and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

“I'm really tired of previews, and would like to have and entire clip or movie of a good tickle scene, w/o dishing out money or more important my card number online”

Hey I got a great idea. Why don’t you take your last two months worth of paychecks and just sign them over to me. I mean really, you don’t need it. What did you say? You have to pay rent? Oh who cares about that? Your landlord will understand. In fact why do you even need a place to live? I say you should go out and get yourself a tent or refrigerator box and live out in the woods. Just tell him some guy got tired of seeing you dish out your hard earned money for tickling clips that I needed to relieve you of the burden of having any money. He’ll understand. Wait. What is that? But how will you eat. You don’t need to eat. Do like the plants do and get good at performing osmosis. I mean it wont work and you’ll die in a few weeks or months (depending on your fat content), but come on, you will be free of all that money you have to fork over to us greedy video and clip producers who spend their hard earned money to make their clips.

As far as sites like Tickleworld, they are just taking other video producers clips and previews (free previews) and charging money so that you can see them. The fact is that that is against the law, and they can be prosecuted to the hilt for it. Charging for another’s work, whether it was given by a producer free r not, is against the law. That is the facts. In a court of law they are indisputable.

Okay, to get serious. First, I can’t even think that people think that they should get stuff for free when it cost money to make it. I mean, are you guys that weak in the upper story? You want free clips, go and hire models, rent a studio, and shell out all that money for equipment and you can have all the free videos you want. You’ll be broke but you will have free videos to your hearts content. You still will have to find and pay models wiling to participate, and spend all of that time to shoot and make the stuff, so you will be out of your money and time. BUT HEY, YOU WILL HAVE FREE VIDEOS! That paragraph up there about me telling you to shell over your paychecks sounds silly to you? Well that is just as stupid as all of your grips about the fact that we should shell out sometimes up to $1,600.00 for a video and give it away for free. Do you freeloaders have that kind of money that you can give away? I didn't think so. You all want free clips? You know what will happen. No videos or clips will be made and there will be nothing for you to view. Hey how is that? Nothing at all. Zip! Nada! Nil! It’s common sense people. No income inflow means NO NEW VIDEOS.

Hey you with the huge attitude..do you mind if I can get my head back? I would really appreciate it.

Ok let me just list a few things here:

1. If you can pay my college tuition, for 4 years including summer school, then I'll " dish out" my money to some random stranger and hey maybe everyone else who needs monay too!! Yeah that'll work!

2. I didnt know that the clips werent his, I just watch them. And I appreciate his generosity. I dont know much about who made what,where and at what time, I just click the link.

3. Thirdly as far as rent, I dont have any. I stay on campus. Time, I dont have any. I'm a working musician. Money I have enough. What was that? Oh you THOUGHT SO did you? Well let me help YOUR thinking....

I am trying to get an education, so I can move on with my life and BECOME something. I can manage my money very well thank you, and IF I'll say it again, IF, I had the money to blow, in all honesty, would not blow it on paying some girl to "smile for the camera" and look cute. Forget pleasing the customers, and trying to make a profit. As far as I'm concerned, I WILL BE MY OWN LANDLORD! I dont live from paycheck to paycheck, I'm sorry if you do though. Oh and here's another idea, if "shelling out" money for your video productions and webspace and everything else that you mentioned is a big problem for you and your landlord? Why dont you just stop making videos and spend your money wisely? That's what I do! That's why I dont BUY video clips. Sure I dont get to see a clip, but what good is a clip? Only that you get to watch a perfect stranger that you dont know who apparently is beautiful ( or handsome) and is ticklish? Yeah you get your membership to a nice site, but what good is your membership if it's not putting food on the table? What good is a membership if it's not paying your bills? Besides, after a while all this will get old anyway. Who knows, by the time I'm married, I might not even have a tickling fetish anymore ( highly unlikely 😀 )

Look, all I'm saying is that when I first started coming to this wonderful site, clips here were available all the time. I guess times have gotten hard for the "directors" behind the camera. That's why you can only find a clip every blue moon.

And YOU can stay out of my throat!! It's not like I'm complaining about the quality of the clips! A clip is a clip and you're lashing out at me as if I dogged your mother out!!
A friend of mine told me that the TMF is nothing but a big argue-pot, people here love to argue. Nothing friendly here. Sometimes I feel as if I have to come in this site on the defensive. People just lash out at you for saying something you feel.

Well TT, I wish you the best on your site and your life and no hard feelings. Have a Nice day:bubble:
Sorry...we intended to leave this thread, but we don't want to do so on unfriendly terms. Based on the quotes we are seeing some of you use in reguards to what we have said ...you seem upset.

Just to set things straight, we do not think that asking for a sample from a grocery store can be equated with requesting a sample of a video clip. Apples are apples but not all videos are of equal caliber.

Our statement and comparison of the record industry was an example of how we view many of the producers and consumers of the tickle video industry. Producers only see profit loss and consumers only see high prices or not enough samples to help them decide. Many consumers don't want to purchase site unseen. Sorry Silvercherry...if we purchase a video, a few pictures won't do the selling job. We would...as we suspect of many consumers...want to see an actual sample clip. If your just showing pics, a lot of consumers will pass, in our opinion and experience.

Finally...stealing is stealing?...but there are motivating factors. Does that excuse the crime? No...but it would do to address the reasons so you can deter the crime. We could get into a big criminology debate over why people steal...the social and financial
reasons and so on. However, we know that issue is even deader than the one we are already on.

In our view...If all producers see are a bunch of thieves then they are not very likely to see any negative influences on their own part that cause potential consumers to give them the cold shoulder.

We joined this thread to offer some of our own views and suggestions
as both producers and consumers. If you consider what we have said to be "insane"...so be it. We certainly are not trying to single out any one producer and would hope that no one producer felt they were
being singled out.
Okay. First of all, I want to state that I am against piracy 100000 %. I'm always yelling at people when I find out they download music, games, or anything else off the internet illegally. Now that I've said that, I want to clarify that I'm not going the path of debate that you all are. I'm posting because of the comments of TickleTelevision. I have no idea WHERE you went to college, but where I've studied, insulting so many potential customers so horrendously is very bad buisiness.

I was debating on whether to buy from your site or not, I wasn't sure if it was going to be a good investment or not, but now I am completely certain. You have lost a customer. In fact, if other people are as put off by your statements as me, you have lost MANY customers.

Watch your words more carefully next time. Calling the non-producing community stupid is a mistake.
Just a quick note LGZ.......

As you stated, your opinion was different than ours with regards to the free previews and it's relationship to sales. In case you were unaware, we have provided free samples of all our material, save 1 clip. Point being, that regardless of what we know or believe we still do it for the benefit of everyone.
No...but it would do to address the reasons so you can deter the crime. We could get into a big criminology debate over why people steal...the social and financial
Sorry, but I have to:
Deter the crime? It is the responsibility of the producers to conform to the criminal element so they are not burgled? I guess I'm not at all sure what you are saying here. How about detering it with jail time? And further, there's no debate as to why people steal. They do it because they lack morals and ethics. If we were talking about stealing bread to feed your children that's one thing but these are luxuries (i.e., tickling videos, music cd's etc.) come on this isn't "Les Mis". Unfortunately, this is a major problem in our society, people feel because they "are" and they "want" they should automatically "have". A sort-of existential entitlement. It's laughable really. Anyway, sorry I just couldn't resist. Okay I'm done. I'll not help to propagate this thread any longer. Nice debating with you guys, thanks.

so..... is there gonna be a clip here sometime soon or is this now the new discusion forum?
Gonna told you something:

I hire a chick about 3 years ago before I get married.
Cost me almost $60 and about another $10 more to have her tied and tickled. Motel room, fetish outfit, tickle toys and beverages makes a total of $90 buck.

2 and a half hours of tickling and fucking-tickling. If I knew someone that agree to filiming me tickling the chick it would be more thn great!

But I was shy, perhaps I had to wear a black mask so people doesn't recognize me.
Did you know what I do if I have a tape of that caming tue fantasy?
YES! I share it to all of you!
Don't worry people.
I have lots of clips, some of those maybe have copyright material but the companies no longer exists or knew that they can't stop technologie, P2P programs and email.

Right know people that is not ME, is sharing FULL-LENGHT videos, Larger clips in P2P programs.
You only need a nuke to stop them.
They don't believe in reason and if they want to do harm they'll try to do it twice.

I remove all the clips of my page, I don't want to be part of that "COMPANY IN BANKRUPT BECAUSE OF PEOPLE WHO ARE LURKERS AND TRY TO FIND EVERYTHING FOR FREE ON THE WEB" subliminal slogan that it has been discussedin this thread.

I'm still gonna buy tapes, clips and tickling material to the companies until they broke because of the lurkers, technology and P2P.
And I'm gonna be more carefull on the updates.
Don't worry you'll get your clips for free even if it is not me, everybody finds how, one way or another.

I apologize and feel sorry for you. I'll NEVER, EVER post a clip of you again. But I still have the links of your sites, maybe that helps you a little.

My english is bad but my feelings are good.
i want so badly to just go into a page long rant after reading this thread, but i don't really have the clout to warrant something like that. if i could just say a few little things, i would feel so much better, and i'm sorry if i'm sticking my nose where it doesn't belong. thank you so much producers, mods, real contributers for everything. from the people that produce videos, to the folks that set up and maintain all the great tickling sites, to the people that scour the web for mainstream pics so i don't have to, to anyone that has posted a one paragraph story in the 'real life experience thread.' you guys/gals are the reasons we have a community. i don't know that i'll ever get a camera and record a girl getting tickled, but i hope that by buying clips and joining sites (and posting little messages like this) that i'm supporting you all enough that you keep going and knowing that even though the people that bitch at you may be the most vocal group, they by no means represent the majority. again, to everyone that's ever given back, especially to you that put in money and work to run a company to cater to my favorite fetish, thankyou.
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laughinggaszone said:
You view people who download pirated copies as "thieves" but you don't seem to address the motivation behind it.
isn't the motivation behind it... thievery?

"i don't like the selling price of the 2004 Corvette. i think they should lower the price to half that. so im gonnna go steal one. why? because i don't think i should pay Chevrolet as much as they are asking. why should chevrolet decide how much i have to pay for a car they made and are selling?"

i agree with what a couple of you have said on this thread, that, this can be argued until we're all blue in the face. no minds will be changed in the end. i'm done with this thread also. i've spoken my thoughts. we all have actually. take care and always remember, don't steal. 😀
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Hey, noone tell that if you can't buy something you need to steal it! :O

The problem is that someone buy from you producers, then he feel that is right to share it on the p2p programs! noone steal nothing!!!!!

The problem is that someone feel that is a good thing to share it, without thinking that is a violation of the copyright to share this material! so you should find a way to stop the diffusion of the stuff that someone buy...not blame the one that download them for free from p2p programs!

is easy to say thatsomeone steal your work...is true because all oyou pay to make videos, but if i find someone that sell to me a corvette for cheap, or for free....i take it 🙂 i don't think that on earth someone say "no" to something for free!.

So don't blame the people that download...but blame the persons that sell or make available on p2p the clips and the movie....because the clips and other stuff don't reach or internet with their own legs.....someone putthem on it! 😉

And stop to the war between "free" and "pay" : if you have the money you buy, if you haven't you don't buy; if noone buy the company will low the price or will close.....this is the market!

If you want something for free...go around and make your own tape; this is the philosophy! 😉 without blaming the company.....do what they want, and only the customewill tell if their actions are good or not.

For the company: if you don't give good material noone will buy them, also if you don't give some "free stuff" for the peoples that often buy your stuff, you'll loose customers; so is all up to you.

Maybe many of you have more money because i buy from you a lot...from my precious salary 😉 because i like to buy what seem to be good, but many times i've bought things that wasn't exactly what i was expecting only because i've seen a picture and a "fabulous description"!!!!!!!! so , begin to show the clips...the reactions...the laugh instead of pictures 😉 see is better that imagine it, and in this way i can see if what you sell is what i'm searching for 😉

love and peace...hoping that someone will listen to me.....seems that if i haven't a red feather i'm not good 🙂) ^_^ i'm in the scene since the 1994, since my first internet connection (in italy it was a bad situation time ago....in us the peoples are lucky ^_^), and i never post because i haven't anything to say, but now that a lot of leecher are present, i feel that is better to tell hoe the things are to the peoples that want to destroy what a lot of peoples build spending money, time and a lot of patience.

May the god of tickling be with us
Perhaps video producers never actually pay the copyright fee and that is why they never take legal action. Just a thought.

A different angle...

I agree with most of the producers here, and with several other contributors to this thread. Nothing new.

The originator of this thread complained that there are almost no more clips here. One of the reasons for the lack of clips is that practically all the webhosts charge for bandwidth, and clips eat up a lot of that. In the old ez-board days, we used to have honesty.com as a place for free uploading and unlimited bandwidth. The site was a pain in the ass, but it was free.

Then they started to charge for bandwidth, too, and the TMF clip forum became deserted except for the producers' preview clips.

Now, the producers do not only have to pay for the actual production cost, but they have to pay for posting free samples as well. Maybe that's one of the reasons to produce pay clips: pay per consumption.

However, there are obviously possibilites to protect clip sharing for digital material. Best example is tickleflix: The material is IP-coded. No real obstacle for a good hacker, but so far I haven't seen any tickleflix clips on the P2P sites. That doesn't apply to self-digitalized video, you won't be able to avoid that, except by stopping to produce vids (as realtickling did). Sad, because I (and others) still prefer a full-length video tape to 5 minute clips.

So there's my suggestion: Producers, protect your pay clips better, then there'll be less piracy. Producers, continue to share free preview clips, because that's good marketing. Consumers, take more responsibilty in this relatively small tickling community. Contribute to it by NOT STEALING piracy clips, and by NOT SHARING piracy clips. That's the only way to ensure the future production of new material.

Just my € 0.02 ... 😎
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