Re: Okay, I’ll bite too.
TickleTelevision said:
“That's why I like rocking. All his clips are free. He's the only person I know that has good quality clips that are free.”
What do you mean “ALL HIS CLIPS”? First things first-They aren’t his clips. They are someone else’s clips. That someone else paid good money to hire the models, pay for the studio, pay the electricity to light the thing, the camera to shoot it, not to mention the hours editing and encoding it into a web delivery format. This person made this video or clip with the expressed intent to make a profit. After all, this producer did pay money to make it. As far as, well I have them emailed or sent to me makes no difference. They aren’t his. And if the producer has them online as a pay to view clip, and he is giving said clips away for free, then it is a violation of the law. Even if he is in another country, NATO had a meaning in September of 1977 to honor and prosecute all participating countries copyrights, whether the person lives in the country of copyright holder or not. And also, any of you people ever heard of the Millennium Digital Copyright Act. Just by we producers placing stuff on line on our site with the copyright authorizes us to haul anyone who is stealing or giving away our product without our consent to court and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
“I'm really tired of previews, and would like to have and entire clip or movie of a good tickle scene, w/o dishing out money or more important my card number online”
Hey I got a great idea. Why don’t you take your last two months worth of paychecks and just sign them over to me. I mean really, you don’t need it. What did you say? You have to pay rent? Oh who cares about that? Your landlord will understand. In fact why do you even need a place to live? I say you should go out and get yourself a tent or refrigerator box and live out in the woods. Just tell him some guy got tired of seeing you dish out your hard earned money for tickling clips that I needed to relieve you of the burden of having any money. He’ll understand. Wait. What is that? But how will you eat. You don’t need to eat. Do like the plants do and get good at performing osmosis. I mean it wont work and you’ll die in a few weeks or months (depending on your fat content), but come on, you will be free of all that money you have to fork over to us greedy video and clip producers who spend their hard earned money to make their clips.
As far as sites like Tickleworld, they are just taking other video producers clips and previews (free previews) and charging money so that you can see them. The fact is that that is against the law, and they can be prosecuted to the hilt for it. Charging for another’s work, whether it was given by a producer free r not, is against the law. That is the facts. In a court of law they are indisputable.
Okay, to get serious. First, I can’t even think that people think that they should get stuff for free when it cost money to make it. I mean, are you guys that weak in the upper story? You want free clips, go and hire models, rent a studio, and shell out all that money for equipment and you can have all the free videos you want. You’ll be broke but you will have free videos to your hearts content. You still will have to find and pay models wiling to participate, and spend all of that time to shoot and make the stuff, so you will be out of your money and time. BUT HEY, YOU WILL HAVE FREE VIDEOS! That paragraph up there about me telling you to shell over your paychecks sounds silly to you? Well that is just as stupid as all of your grips about the fact that we should shell out sometimes up to $1,600.00 for a video and give it away for free. Do you freeloaders have that kind of money that you can give away? I didn't think so. You all want free clips? You know what will happen. No videos or clips will be made and there will be nothing for you to view. Hey how is that? Nothing at all. Zip! Nada! Nil! It’s common sense people. No income inflow means NO NEW VIDEOS.
Hey you with the huge you mind if I can get my head back? I would really appreciate it.
Ok let me just list a few things here:
1. If you can pay my college tuition, for 4 years including summer school, then I'll " dish out" my money to some random stranger and hey maybe everyone else who needs monay too!! Yeah that'll work!
2. I didnt know that the clips werent his, I just watch them. And I appreciate his generosity. I dont know much about who made what,where and at what time, I just click the link.
3. Thirdly as far as rent, I dont have any. I stay on campus. Time, I dont have any. I'm a working musician. Money I have enough. What was that? Oh you THOUGHT SO did you? Well let me help YOUR thinking....
I am trying to get an education, so I can move on with my life and BECOME something. I can manage my money very well thank you, and IF I'll say it again, IF, I had the money to blow, in all honesty, would not blow it on paying some girl to "smile for the camera" and look cute. Forget pleasing the customers, and trying to make a profit. As far as I'm concerned, I WILL BE MY OWN LANDLORD! I dont live from paycheck to paycheck, I'm sorry if you do though. Oh and here's another idea, if "shelling out" money for your video productions and webspace and everything else that you mentioned is a big problem for you and your landlord? Why dont you just stop making videos and spend your money wisely? That's what I do! That's why I dont BUY video clips. Sure I dont get to see a clip, but what good is a clip? Only that you get to watch a perfect stranger that you dont know who apparently is beautiful ( or handsome) and is ticklish? Yeah you get your membership to a nice site, but what good is your membership if it's not putting food on the table? What good is a membership if it's not paying your bills? Besides, after a while all this will get old anyway. Who knows, by the time I'm married, I might not even have a tickling fetish anymore ( highly unlikely
😀 )
Look, all I'm saying is that when I first started coming to this wonderful site, clips here were available all the time. I guess times have gotten hard for the "directors" behind the camera. That's why you can only find a clip every blue moon.
And YOU can stay out of my throat!! It's not like I'm complaining about the quality of the clips! A clip is a clip and you're lashing out at me as if I dogged your mother out!!
A friend of mine told me that the TMF is nothing but a big argue-pot, people here love to argue. Nothing friendly here. Sometimes I feel as if I have to come in this site on the defensive. People just lash out at you for saying something you feel.
Well TT, I wish you the best on your site and your life and no hard feelings. Have a Nice day