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it's sad.....

In Resume:

I'm affraid of posting again any clip, maybe it's copyrighted or not, but I have no time, movility and money to get sued by any company or producer for sharing tickling clips with the community, it doesn't pay at all, as far I've been on the sharing mood.

Thank you all for you who support my site and my intentions of sharing.

I have to sadly say: "that's all folks"

Rocking's site is part of the tickling history.................


ey 1golfer

look what you've done!!
because of this tread the rocking is gonna stop with his site
Way to friggin go! Rocking thse people will only whine and bitch about you posting "copyrighted" material. Until they pay the fee to the US Copyright office they cannot take you to court, period!
tickler in black u didn't have to be so harsh the rocking was just trying to give the people what they want which is very nice of him but with your rude words you have caused him to close down his site so I hope you are happy. (So I'm saying you acted like a jerk)
I have just finished reading this entire thread, and all I have to say is WOW you people are really stubborn. I mean you all completely ignored 1golfer's and TIB's attempt to change the subject. All of you have expressed your opinions and argued back and forth, and guess what you have accomplished absolutely nothing. So please just stop posting in this thread.

I do agree with the paysites. Also, I agree with the consumers. I am quite neutral as you can see. All the consumer can ask for is a small, sneak peak of new videos or downloadable clips coming out, not the whole clip or movie. How are our friends; the vendors, going to make a living, just giving clips away? The idea behind running a business is to make money, not give everything away. I myself, when I see something that appeals to me, I will pay for the download, if I don't like it, I don't buy it, simple as that. I really appreciate
TIB giving us the sneak peaks. Without seeing them, I may have not purchased 2 of them.

P.S. I know Rocking is not happy about the postings on this issue, take a look at his website. I know no one in here has anything personal against the guy. I feel we should kind of lay off of him a bit. I don't think he meant any harm, he was just trying to be nice.
xlduncan21xl said:
tickler in black u didn't have to be so harsh the rocking was just trying to give the people what they want

hi. read my post again. the other producers and I were never "so harsh" to the rocking. neither i nor anyone else has ever asked him to shut down his "tickle site."

all i pointed out was the plain truth. that he takes other people's hard work and posts it for 1000's of other people to download for free. i can understand him posting preview clips (clips that were specifically made by producers to be passed around and enjoyed for free). i have no problem with that. if he kept all his clips to actual preview clips, ACTUAL ONES, then he wouldn't be doing anything wrong. he would indeed be helping the producers.

but... to pass around clips that the producers are still selling at their pay sites? thats wrong. he should never do that. those clips are not his property to give out. (whether they were emailed to him or he got them for free on the internet or he found them in his boots in the morning. the point is, DON'T spread around video clips that someone made with hard work and money.

and then to ask for "magic cards" in return? whoa!
here is a past quote from the rocking.

C'mon is your chance to made requests, and buy some magic boosters for me too
They're as cheap as $2.99 and you can send them in an envelope to:

Joaquin Garcia
Dr. Coss #1325 sur Centro
Monterrey, Mexico

I'm waiting for your contributions happy shiny people...

so he's taking tickling videos that other people paid $100's of dollars to create, and giving them out for free, in return for something that he wants?

that would be like me giving away your TV set (which didn't cost me anything) and in return, asking people for donations for my "good deeds" of handing out free TVs.

sorry, it's wrong.
i'm sure the rocking is a nice guy and everything but that is wrong.
redflare said:
I have just finished reading this entire thread, and all I have to say is WOW you people are really stubborn. I mean you all completely ignored 1golfer's and TIB's attempt to change the subject. All of you have expressed your opinions and argued back and forth, and guess what you have accomplished absolutely nothing. So please just stop posting in this thread.

Sorry if we made you mad by not conforming to your opinions, bub, but last I checked, this was still the USA and the last I checked, we still had freedom of speech.

Free speech works both ways.... not just for the speech you happen to agree with.
You know what I find amusing? Dick Gephardt barely got any votes in Iowa and as a result, quit the presidential race. Now, he endorses Kerry. My question is, why bother endorsing anyone when you're a present day Gephardt? I mean nobody cared enough about him to vote for him in Iowa, why would he think that his endorsment would have any impact on undecided people? If they cared so much about his endorsment, perhaps they would've voted for him in the first place, no? This is just a spontaneous random thought, not to mention a feeble attempt, at changing the subject of Styx and REO 😀 I mean, I like Styx and all and maybe a few REO tunes...but wouldn't you rather hear Mahavishnu Orchestra?
point received tickler in black sorry for the harsh comments hopefully no hard feelings
xlduncan21xl said:
point received tickler in black sorry for the harsh comments hopefully no hard feelings
heck no. no hard feelings at all. i hope its the same for you and you have no hard feelings. 🙂
To Ticklemaster 750

I never tried to limit anyone's freedom of speech. I was just pointing out how ridiculous it is to keep arguing over the same issue without getting any closer to solution. I just thought it was time to move on, but if you still want to yammer on about it be my guest.
A Question for TIB

Hi, I've lurked on here for a long time, but I was curious to know why you stopped selling the full length tickle videos and DVDs. I have bought several in the past, and would have loved to buy many more, but you just suddenly stopped selling them. (Sudden to me anyway, I probably just missed your reasons why.)I've always loved and never been disapointed in your videos, but I just can't see spending the money for a short downloadable clip when I can get a full length 30-60 min. video for 30-40 bucks. Thats just my personal preference. I would seriously like to know why you stopped selling the vids. If you can't talk publicly about it you can email me at [email protected]. I would LOVE to continue buying your videos. yours are one of 3 best done videos that I purchase, and I've only bought about 45 videos all total through the years, but I enjoy yours a lot Thanks in advance for addressing my question.
Re: A Question for TIB

Wolfguy100vr said:
I would seriously like to know why you stopped selling the vids. If you can't talk publicly about it you can email me.
hi wolfguy. we're really happy that you liked our vids and dvds when we had them.
here's the short version:

1) about a year ago a serious family health issue arose to where we needed MUCH more time on a daily basis to deal with. so we took a "pay cut" by stopping the creation and sales of mail order vids and dvds. this will hopefully dispell the myth that we are some big corporation with dozens of employees. we are not. we're a 2 person operation and very capable of being overloaded with things to do.

2) along the same lines, even before the health issue arose, we were getting burned out working. (some say that anything involved with tickling is not work, but you don't realize it until you've done it. ask any of the other producers if it's all fun and games all the time.) to put it bluntly, try spending literally, literally 10 hours a day, 7 days a week at whatever you do. with no letup, no days off, ever. that's what i personally was doing. and my life was gone because of it. the family health issue, in a warped sort of way, was maybe kind of a blessing because it MADE me stop, take a breath, and see that i needed to get some of my life back.

in conclusion?
we stopped videos and dvds on March 1st, 2003.
more time was needed over here, so we cut back on the things we do.
And I was just going to purchase the Kristen's first time vid or dvd ( preferably dvd). I'm glad I found out before I did, otherwise...let's just say I would trust nobody in the production world again.

My opinion
Thanks TIB

Thanks for responding. I appreciate your honesty and straight forwardness. If in the future you decide to re-release any of your already produced videos again, let me know. you could still make some money by selling some of your already finished videos that were in your catalog before you decided to not sell them anymore. The tickling community is growing daily, and more and more people are coming into the world of online. I'm sure they would be extremely thrilled to purchase some of your videos as well as me.It wouldn't take a lot of time I wouldn't think. (Course, I'VE never done it before, so have no clue how much is involved.)Just take your master videos and copy them and mail them out to whoever orders them. I for one would love to make quality tickle videos such as yours with gorgeous models who were genuinely ticklish. But I live in St.Louis, which is SUPER ULTRA conservative, so I probably couldn't find any attractive girls willing to do it. I have access to some good video equipment, (Not top of the line,but decent quality).But I have no idea where I would even start. Production yes,hiring, marketing, advertising, etc. I'm clueless. Ok, enough yammering about, Just think it over if you want to re release any of the old videos. Have a good one.
SilverCherry said:
I mean, I like Styx and all and maybe a few REO tunes...but wouldn't you rather hear Mahavishnu Orchestra?

"take it on the run baby"
"if thats the way you want it baby"
"then i don't want you around"

good stuff!
I did not have the time to wade through every post and response here, but it seems generally its the producers vs everyone else. I too have noticed a proliferation of mere ads for video companies rather than a free flow of things and there is a danger in things becoming just commercial. I can understand the producers complaint of copywrite infringement and true they do put in the time and money to make these videos. But I also understand this is somthing for the most part that they do (hopefully) for the love of tickling as I dont think the market is big enough to do this as a full time job. Some producers have complained that some of us just want "free promo clips" and are not really consumers well id like to dispute that as I have purchased several videos due to the mere inticment from a well crafted "promo clip". Dont forget the movie industy even shows trailers on television. I really dont think "the rocking" is hurting anyone and as we all know anyone with half a brain can find anything from any producer for free if they want. Like I said most of the producers who have posted here have had me as a customer but I think things should get back to where they were with out the bickering. There is one other point I dont see many women posting here (I may be wrong} but I just see the guys, one woman even told me that men need that visual reninforcement of seeing one tickled and woman just prefer to play. Anyway I hope to see Rocking back soon as most of us liked him and his site.
ceaser, i noticed a lot of your 8 posts, name me in particular, with much disdain. i don't mind that, it goes with the territory of being a producer. but... it's ok to use your regular screen name. ya didn't have to make up the ceaser name just to attack me anonymously

TIB, as expected, you are in dreamland again. I am not sure who you think I am or am not but I certainly don't feel the need to hide from you or your kind. You obviously deem yourself more important than you really are. I have no problem telling you exactly how I feel about you. My email is [email protected] if you would like to email me I will give you my home address or you can give me yours and I will tell you to your face. You obviously have quite a few enemies here because you can't seem to keep them straight. I don't know you personally and don't care to but one thing I do know is that I don't particularly like you or smart ass comments you always seem to come up with. As for this Rocking character, I don't know him either and I don't go to his page but I think he should keep doing what he is doing. After all, if TIB is as busy and as poor as he claims he neither has the time nor the money to pursue this matter legally. Furthermore, I would bet that what Rocking is doing might not even be illegal.:sowrong:
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To All The Producers Out There...

I don't know why you guys even bother to produce material for these people. Most of them are a bunch of ungrateful, sadistic, skeevy, little whiners. Really, they are. I've been into BDSM for as long as I can remember, and it's only these "ticklephiles" that are like this.
Most of these people have never, and never will, have a female or male roped and at their mercy. The way they're acting on this thread proves over and over how little they know about the scene.
They have no idea how just the ROPE WORK can be tiring and complicated. How you can tie someone down for a good half hour, and have to redo half of it because a particualr part of their body goes numb. They have no concept of what a real S&M session is (yes, that's right, strapping someone down [BONDAGE] and tickling them [DISCOMFORT] IS a form of S&M). None whatsoever.
Most of these people just hang out on this forum after work, drooling over new work that YOU the producers put out there, and then searching for it the very next day on a file sharing program. Man, I really don't know how you guys do it. If someone took my Shelby and was driving it around, saying it was their's (the equivilant of what they do to you), they better pray they never stop driving, because when they do, I'll be waiting for them with a baseball bat. For someone to steal YOUR hard work and YOUR product like that... (shakes head).
I'm only saying this because I know how tough it can be just to have a PRIVATE BDSM session. I can't even begin to imagine all the extra work it entails to convince/hire a vanilla model to do fetish work, then set up lighting, sound, get the right angles, edit till the wee hours of the morn, and convert the footage to web video clips. Its gotta be frickin' nuts, and that's not counting the frequent online payment problems you must encounter. I'm betting that 95% of the time you don't even get to enjoy the tickling because you're worrying about something else.
99% of the people here.. they just have no concept of BDSM. They just know what gets them horny, and that's all they care about, because this is the only place they can go to for sexual relief.

PS Five bucks says that I'm going to get flames that states: "You're nuts" or "Seek help" because I said I was into BDSM... they fail to realize that they are, too. They like to tie people up and cause them discomfort. And here's what's scary - most of them wouldn't know what a safeword was if it smacked them in the face.
ceaser said:
TIB, I have no problem telling you exactly how I feel about you. My email is [email protected] if you would like to email me I will give you my home address or you can give me yours and I will tell you to your face. I do know is that I don't particularly like you or smart ass comments you always seem to come up with.

huh? oh... im sorry i was dreaming about how great and mighty i am.
whatdya say? can you start over?
huh? oh... im sorry i was dreaming about how great and mighty i am

The more you reply the easier it is for me to prove my point about your questionable disposition. Some people are so easy.😀
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Ok i get the point buut ....
Look TiB i can understand your frustratiob about the rocking , but i dunno if youre aware that very large amounts of FULL movies are downloaded through things like e-mule or kazaa , and most of them are from Your company , i personally think that this is the real problem , not The Rocking whos just uploading clips think about that ...
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