To All The Producers Out There...
I don't know why you guys even bother to produce material for these people. Most of them are a bunch of ungrateful, sadistic, skeevy, little whiners. Really, they are. I've been into BDSM for as long as I can remember, and it's only these "ticklephiles" that are like this.
Most of these people have never, and never will, have a female or male roped and at their mercy. The way they're acting on this thread proves over and over how little they know about the scene.
They have no idea how just the ROPE WORK can be tiring and complicated. How you can tie someone down for a good half hour, and have to redo half of it because a particualr part of their body goes numb. They have no concept of what a real S&M session is (yes, that's right, strapping someone down [BONDAGE] and tickling them [DISCOMFORT] IS a form of S&M). None whatsoever.
Most of these people just hang out on this forum after work, drooling over new work that YOU the producers put out there, and then searching for it the very next day on a file sharing program. Man, I really don't know how you guys do it. If someone took my Shelby and was driving it around, saying it was their's (the equivilant of what they do to you), they better pray they never stop driving, because when they do, I'll be waiting for them with a baseball bat. For someone to steal YOUR hard work and YOUR product like that... (shakes head).
I'm only saying this because I know how tough it can be just to have a PRIVATE BDSM session. I can't even begin to imagine all the extra work it entails to convince/hire a vanilla model to do fetish work, then set up lighting, sound, get the right angles, edit till the wee hours of the morn, and convert the footage to web video clips. Its gotta be frickin' nuts, and that's not counting the frequent online payment problems you must encounter. I'm betting that 95% of the time you don't even get to enjoy the tickling because you're worrying about something else.
99% of the people here.. they just have no concept of BDSM. They just know what gets them horny, and that's all they care about, because this is the only place they can go to for sexual relief.
PS Five bucks says that I'm going to get flames that states: "You're nuts" or "Seek help" because I said I was into BDSM... they fail to realize that they are, too. They like to tie people up and cause them discomfort. And here's what's scary - most of them wouldn't know what a safeword was if it smacked them in the face.