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Odd questions thread

Just to enjoy it because I do love the 2nd half even more than the 1st half.
Who's your favorite horror character of all-time?
Bela Lugosi was good. I can't name more than maybe 2 who have played him though.
Who was the best teacher you ever had?
A high school math teacher that I had for Junior and Senior year. His name was Robert and he had a real talent for teaching what was important about each topic.

Who was the teacher who killed your interest in the subject he or she was teaching?
my Spanish teacher in high school for 3 or 4 years basically talked to us in English half the time and it felt like a hang out (talking about the "snowstorm" coming next week) and talking about our weekend plans or random stuff in English...one time he said to me this is not math class (I was doing my math homework) but now I think of it I should have said well it's not Spanish class either lol.
What's one thing you don't miss about school?
I don't miss the tedious job of grading exams for a large class.

Into what class do you wish you had put more effort?
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