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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

XD Hawt as ever, 'Dit. Tho, one piece of clothing half off at a time?? You're gonna kill us!!! XD XD XD


Just a quick note to let anyone that actually reads these posts know that I will be slowing down the postings for Tickling in Space in the next several weeks.

The holidays, busy busy work, and everything else in between for both Ticklefur and myself has gotten us to a point where I'll have to start posting one pic about every seven days (instead of every 4 or so).

Sorry to make ya wait... but the TIS gals are worth it 😉

Relent: ^^ Thanks buddy. On the rare occassion I use something other than feathers... yeah - I definitely like a lot of animation in the fingers.

Feathers: lol. Thanks my friend. Poor Audrey... now just wearing that shameful pink thong... with all of her most ticklish parts of her tender body open for wicked sensation. I can't wait to post the next episode.

HDS: Thanks so much! Lower tummy...? a spot of interest...? Makes a mental note. Thanks for the continued support, and the awesome feedback. I hope you like the next page even more.

LBH: Keen observations my friend. Not that I intended either the Lake mystique you mentioned with Dusty, nor the aviatress sexyness with Audrey, but having had them both illuminated to me... I can certainly see your point ^^ Thanks so much for your great comments.

Bombers: LMAO. Thanks man. Much time will be spent canvassing her lover plains. I can't say whether or not there will be any spelunking, but let's just say that the Map of Audrey will be well documented, and no 'mound' will go unexplored ^^;

Hawk: Haa Haaaa. Yeesh - the metaphors are getting downright wacky now! Audrey's adventure has barely begun... pray she can hold back before all of her secrets are revealed.

K: LMAO. Certainly not my intention... but if you happen to maul Senshi with a passionate ravenous tickley hunger - inspired by TIS - then I guess my work here is done. lol. Thanks K - I appreciate the kindness.

Allright y'all.

It kills me to say this...

But I'll post the next page on Monday. Until then, dream of hot butt-naked aliens, pink thongs, and ticklish guzungas 😛

The Space Deeto
Ooh, good idea 'Dit! He'll be here in thirteen days :drool: I'll be sure to maul him a good one for ya!😉

It's been some time since I had time to check the forum, so I had some catching up to do. I must say, I totally love the new chapter centered around Audry (being a foot-tickling lover doesn't mean I don't appreciate some good upperbody action 😉 ). There's a noticable evolution in drawing style here (well, that is what I believe), Captain Dusty never looked this seductive before. Awesome work yet again! Can't wait to see the next part!! 🙂
Page Twenty

K: Go GET 'em! Just don't tell him it was kinda my idea 😛

Scav: Thanks so much my friend. Ask and you shall receive. The next part of Audrey's tickles. And yeah - I definitely feel the progression when I look back through the TIS pages. Thanks for the kind words. I hope you continue to see a progression as the pages continue ^^ And I hope you continue to enjoy Tickling in Space.

Here we are at the big Two OH.

What's THIS????? Oh MY - Audrey seems like she is in waaaaaay over her little head. Can that little thong protect her for long??? Will she pass out before Dusty has a chance to tickle her out of her wits??? And is she really ticklish where I THINK she's ticklish????

Behold the naughtiness...

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

What can one really say at this point, other than - gosh I wish I had an Audrey right now! ^^

And just you wait... there's still another whole page of Audrey's bashful tickle torment.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Can this madness of ticklish debauchery continue???? Will the once tough and saucy Audrey be reduced to blushing hysterical orgasmic guffaws??? And will Dusty ever lose that damn top??? Find out in the next episode of...


Enjoy Audrey. I'm not sure what comes next - but I'd be willing to bet ya that it's gonna be a lot of fun ^^

~ Deeto


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First reply again!

I see Dusty has finally cracked into the archaeological site of Audrey's canyon!

I like how she is dusting the 'artifacts' with such care and precision... Audrey's laughter is indeed as valuable as any treasure! :laughing:

But i'm mostly interested in the trek through the triple mountains of dusty!
That would be a real adventure!


Love this one...

Another great page! :redface:
Your crazy font action just about leaps from the page it does! Not that his page is the only display of it but it certainly exemplifies it! And more delicious torment of her lower tummy; methinks your hope I'd like this page even more is a fulfilled one! And she's ticklish in such a naughty place - what fun for us! Reminds me of a Yenny work from a good while back featuring Yenny and her sister at the mercy of those twins, whatever their names were. Right down to the hypersensitive nether regions, aye! Wunderbar! :happy:
Audrey, the woman with wonder breasts! Top right panel: the whole page has been hung from those Herculean nipples! Hard and stalwart as iron... as potent a testament to Dusty's technique as anyone could ever want!
Well of COURSE she's ticklish where you think she is, it just wouldn't be Bandito if she weren't😉 Hot as ever 'Dit, keep 'em comin!

Jeeez....walking becoming an issue....😀😀

They should put warning labels on your stuff B; something to warn of the breathlessness, sudden sweats, rapid tachycardia and (if you are a guy) the urge to do....something! 😀 😀 😀

Really top knotch poses and tickle talk bud! Its such a sweet pleasure to read your stuff! 😀 😀
The ler, who's name has escaped me again XD, is an incredible tickler, both from a physical and psychological perspective. The dialog is simply priceless!
And it's such a pleasure to see the voluptuary enjoying it as much as we enjoy viewing it. ^___^
Bombers: LMAO. The trifecta perfecta that is Captain Dusty... will she ever get her tickles? Will the triple peaks feel the kiss of the wicked feather? Probably. But I'm gonna let everyone stew a bit in their anticipation. Thanks for always bein' there my friend.

HDS: Thanks my friend. Being compared to any Yenny comic is always the ultimate tribute (I ADORE Yenny!!!!!). Especially that No Mercy comic. The two sisters are called the Gomez twins. And thanks for noticing the font work - I was trying to use the letters themselves to try to make her reaction seem as extreme as possible. ^^

LBH: I've heard it said that the entire world hangs on the female orgasm, and the the entire sky hangs from her sweet nipples. So by comparison - Audrey's ability to suspend entire pages is somewhat diminished ;P But it does make me wonder what events will unfold upon the world if she DOES reach climax at the hands of her captors. Well I will leave you with this alien proverb: Laugh and the world laughs with you, tickle and the world laughs even harder, climax explosively from all the tickling and there are floods on Rios 7. Waaaa HAAAAAA!

K: Rofl. I don't think "keeping them coming" will be a problem. I think that getting them to stop is the issue ^^ Thanks K - your comments always make my day.

Feathers: Thanks so much my friend. There is a blackbox warning for MI on the TIS package label. But no one ever reads that stuff ^^ There is also a precaution against using any PDE5 inhibitors while reading TIS. Who needs Viagra when ya got Bandito. lmao.

Relent<: Captain Dusty is her name, and ... um... tickle talk is her game, I s'pose ^^ Thanks my friend. Ticklefur deserves much of the credit on the tickle talk since he edited the script and made the tickle talk legible. I love good tickle talk. Hope you continue to enjoy.

Thanks so much for the support everyone.

I will post the final page of Audrey's tickle session on Monday (Christmas eve day). Christmas may only come once a year, but Audrey might prove to be a bit more exciting. 😛

The Christmas Deeto
Dusty's got Audrey right where we want her. heheheheh

Bandito...if you keep this up, I'll have to pass out salt peter the day of your posts to avoid brain hypoxia as you make all of our blood pool somewhere else in us guys...

Great work as always...keep it up. After all, you appear to have little trouble keeping us 'up'...
How much more tickling can poor Audrey take? I sense a (thundering) finale for this girl is imminent... I can hardly wait for the next page to arrive! 🙂
Thanks for posting, Bandito and Ticklefur!
Hawk: Thanks so much my friend. I would apologize for the health risks of TIS, but there's a warning on the box. Let the buyer beware 😛 Hope you like the next page. I'll post tomorrow!

Scav: Thanks amigo. I'm not sure how much more she can take. All I can promise is that she will be receiving quite a bit more. ^^ Hope you like the final page which I will post Monday (my time).

Thanks so much to everyone.

Audrey has one more page in her lovely session - and you will all get to see it tomorrow.

Page Twenty One

One of my fave pages in this series.

What's THIS????? My how the mighty have fallen. Audrey seems trapped somewhere in between absolute ticklish hysteria, and utter orgasmic bliss! Will the tickling last??? Will she break completely???

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

I love this page. Ticklefur did a great job on the colors with the bright warm backgrounds. And I ADORE that bottom panel which introduces some more of Dusty's crew. Ticklefur did a great job on the coloring for all of those sexy aliens as well.

And please check out the text on both the color and black and whites on this one. There is definitely an alternate 'breaking point' for Audrey between the versions.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? What are Koki, Thompson and the lovely Robo-tech up to these days??? What sort of wicked schemes are afoot??? And when will all these new sexy alien babes be on the receiving end of the feather??? Find out in the next episode of...


Merry Christmas everyone. Thanks for all the support on this project.

Can't wait to post the rest of TIS in 2008.

~ The Deeto


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Audrey's finished in just about every way, I'd say. Nary a spot spared in the final panel, what with the arrival of the rest of the motley crew. She may well die laughing, aye. But, she'll die happy, that's for sure.
A whole gang of ticklers! Swatting a flea with a sledge hammer, this is... Audrey was Christmas pudding five seconds after the initial threat (but then, who doesn't love pudding!) We appear to have a Spockette working her tush... rogue Vulcan, no doubt. The Federation of Planets can't sanction this sort of abuse!
This one is gret! I really like gang tickling...
Thank you Bandito!
Oh wow! Audrey is really getting it!

and by a gang of sexy alien ticklers!

I love it!

I especially like the color of the one in the mask... she fades from magenta to blue... very creative!

The black mask she's wearing looks like a variation of your mask!

Could she be a secret disciple of the Bandito?!

LMAO... I didn't know you had such an influence!

I also like the rest of them too!

A very interesting group of characters!

Definitely in need of a good, ticklish adventure... :super_hap


Excellent work yet again! :happy:
Last edited:
HDS: Thanks shadowy-one. Audrey definitely gets the full treatment in that last panel, doesn't she? And if you are wondering if any of these new crew members will show up again in the TIS saga. The answer is definitely yes.

Relent<: LOL - either you liked this last page or it just terrified you beyond all capacity for speech. I hope it was the first one, LQTM. :super_hap Thanks for always commenting my friend.

LBH: LMAO @ Spokette. Thanks LBH - I always appreciate your well spoken commentary. ^^ And although butt tickling might not be the most logical of things, it certainly would qualify as one of the most fun things!

Sischio: Thanks my friend. Lots more gang tickling to come.

Bombers: Yeah - that's Raven. I really like what Ticklefur did with the colors on her as well. And I don't really know why I put her in a mask... I just thought it'd be sexy :redface: ^^ Thanks for all the support my good friend.

And thanks to all of ya.

I'll post another mini-episode on monday. And I'll give you all a hint. Koki and Thompson are back to their wicked ways and there might be more guzunga tickling on the way.


Looks like Audrey has reached total neuronal collapse...lucky for us!

With that kind of tickle gang, no spot will remain untouched and no nerve receptor left that won't be overloaded. ::😛repared extra acetylcholine to inject in and keep the synapses firing!
long time no post here...hope everyone had a good christmas, I sure didn't. Hope everyone has a good new years.

And thanks bandito, you give a present everytime you post.
Hawk: lmao - thanks my friend. I think we definitely did her in 😛

Tickler DAE: Awww - thanks! ^^ I appreciate it.

More to come tomorrow.

Back to Koki's ship, where she and Thompson are wranglin' up some trouble.

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