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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

KoKi and Slither?


This is way different! I knew it was coming but not THIS soon...

Mistress Koki is definetly shaking her tail feathers... :laughing:

I'm SO in love with slither and that light green skin of her's...

So beautiful... so exotic...

Love the black toe nail polish on her....

I might have too do a fan pic of her... I already have a scenario for it! :laughing:

hmmm... *thinks some more*

I can't wait for the confrontataion of Koki and Dusty!

Lovely work again! This is my favorite one yet!
cool pic, Bandito. I always love it when there is excellent backfield motion. It's an excellently devious upper body attack!

Looks like Capt. Dusty is in for trouble, unless she already has moles or captives as well to go get Koki...
A special thanks to everyone that actually read my 'hidden comment' in the post for page 24. I really appreciate you taking the time to read the comments, and to PM me with your fave character. I hope to have the final last touches done on that special bonus pic done by Wednesday - and I will email you all the pic as soon as it is done. Thanks again, and BTW - there will be more hidden messages in future posts - so please get your detective kits ready and be on the lookout for clues!!!

LBH: Well spoken, and as usual - well observed. Koki has drawn first giggles in a war which will certainly consume them all in the firey passion of tickle lust. The real questions remain: who will strike next, and who will emerge victorious? Thanks for your support, amigo!

Scav: Thanks so much my friend. I am so glad you are falling for the green little Slither. :super_hap There will be much more of her, and in fact, much more of all these tickle aliens in the coming weeks. Thanks so much for your support, and please keep me updated on what you like about the series.

HDS: Thanks so much my observant friend! I went a little wacky on Koki's tickle fingernails, but I kinda like rampant exaggeration ;P as if that wasn't obvious. And yes - the first showdown between these captains is developing quickly. And trust me - there are definitely some fun pages coming up.

Bombers: Thanks my friend. I had a feeling you might fall in love with Slither. And I think it goes without saying that I would adore a fan pic of her, by your talented fingers ;P Thanks for always being such an awesome commentator..... guy ^^

Hawk: Thanks so much my friend. You have no idea how muchh trouble. Let's just say she has no idea what's coming 😛

Thanks again everyone... I'll post the final mini-episode for a while on Monday. And if you like backside tickling, be sure to tune in for this one.

Page Twenty Five

Trouble for Honey Buns.

What's THIS????? Naughty cheek tickling on poor Honey while she is supposed to guarding the ship??? NO??? But YES!!! How can that Raven so blatantly put booty lust before the security of her own shipmates???

Oh well... I am sure no one is trying to sneak on board.

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

I love chicks with beautiful ticklish butts. One of my very favorite tickle spots.

I wonder if anyone is looking for stuff hidden in my text this time. Hmmmm... Well - I can give you a hint about the next Bounce Chix comic. There will be clues. There will be suspects. And most of all there will be tickles behind every corner. The game is afoot.


Hope you all enjoy this little mini episode. I always try to work in some tickling into every scene. Koki sneaks into Dusty's ship... but all the action seems to revolve around Honey's hot ass.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? What is that naughty Koki up to??? The interrogations, the sneaking, what can she possibly be planning??? Will she be caught??? Will she succeed??? And who will get tickled????? Find out in the next episode of...


Thanks for all the support,



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"Get into the captain's quarter"? Sounds like a euphemism. 😉
sorry i didn't get a chance to comment on your last addition; I've been a bit under the weather.
Pretty good Deet!

This is really sweet!

I still love raven's two toned skin...


It must be nice to work on that ship if you can take a break and have some "Honey buns" before your shift...

I wonder how good the coffee is?

I guess the only thing the guards need to do, is guard against themselves!


Wonderful work!

I guess the old line that great dynasties crumble from within will hold true unless someone catches Koki before she captures the Captain....scratch that..we WANT her to capture and tickle Captain Dusty...then get captured and be tickled back!

This is one war that needs no cease-fire or armistice!

Can I get Honey as a guard for all my high-priced chemo drugs at work? I could really use a security guard like her...
Koki seems content to let Dusty's crew secure themselves while she snoops! Efficient, certainly, if not nearly as entertaining as hands-on espionage... but then, the antennaed inquisitress appears to be reserving her talents for larger prey! Could she possibly be ambush-bound? Hard to believe the wily Dusty would be so easy to corral...
Alas that I am exhausted and rushed today; were I not I'd make time for a thorough review! I fear, however, that if I leave without replying I shall forget soon enough. Suffice it to say excellent work! Hopefully I'll produce a quality comment next installment. 🙁
Relent<: Maybe it IS! lol. Hope you are feeling better my friend.

Tickler Dae: I knew you were gonna say that 😛 Thanks man.

Bombers: Yeah - didn't Ticklefur do an awesome job on Raven's skin? I love how she came out. And yeah - the coffee sucks, but the Honey Buns are hot, yummy, and um... perky? lol. Thanks for the support, Bombers.

Hawk: lmao. I think Honey would be happy to come by and guard something for ya... just don't get any funny ideas. As you can see - she's a sharp one, lol. And no worries - there will be no peace accord in the tickle battle between our two hawt captains. May the best LER win!!!

LBH: Thanks my friend. Hard to say how this one is gonna work itself out. I fear that either way - someone is gonna lose some clothes and have quite the tickle torture session. Which one... well - I'll let your mind wander a bit longer. Just remember that she who laughs last laughs best.

HDS: Just know how much your replies are appreciated. Tired, short, or otherwise. Hearing from you always brings a smile to my face. Thanks HDS.

Alrighty everyone... the gloves are off.... I'm done teasing...

This Monday - prepare yourselves for the beginnings of something special.

So sorry that it has been so long since I last posted B! Your work is awesome and continue to leave me breathless!
I've been meaning to comment on these for quite some time, LBH. What strikes me is that you have such a wonderful rhythm of language in these pieces. It's a beautiul thing to read. Not quite archaic, not quite poetic... Just fascinating and wonderful. Keep up the excellent work.
Page Twenty Six

Feathers: Thanks my good friend - I really appreciate it. Hope this one leaves you breathless too!

joeytickler: Thanks for commenting buddy - but I think you actually meant to comment on the amazing a talented LBH's thread, and praise him on his Low Roads series. I'll PM you as well - I think LBH would definitely appreciate the kind words, and I would hate for him to miss them on my account. ^^



I think I'll just let this page speak for itself for a change...

Those of you that wanted to see the buxom and beautiful Captain Dusty at the mercy of that wicked Koki seem to have gotten your wish. And oh... what a tickle session it will be!!!



TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Will all the Captains secrets be laid bare??? Oh where will her true weakness lye??? And how does one tickle three breasts with only two hands??? Find out in the next episode of...


Please let me know what you think,

Bahn Deet Hoooo ;P


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I have been looking at both the colored version and the black and white one. and I gotta say that I like the colors, but I like the dialogue of the black and white versions better. no disrespect tfur.

I like them
Ooops! There did appear to be a little thread mix-up, something I confess I've done myself! Thanks so much for the kind words, Joey! I too will reply with a PM, so as not to monopolize Deet's space. Thank you likewise, Deet, for your further very kind assessment! 🙂

Now, onto the TIS at hand! Koki's industrial espionage has paid off huge! Dusty, captured in mid-snooze mayhem (dreaming of delectable bare feet!)... those sleep-alarm folks are in for a whopping product liability suit! Our ship's captain decidedly needed its protection... her quiver-lipped reaction to Koki's merest touch bespeaks sensitivity which trumps anything we've yet thrilled to! That teeny triple-brassiere is no armor against Koki's ardor... this clearly is a supreme session she intends for everyone to fully enjoy!
Yes! The battle we have been waiting so long for has begun! Koki gets to fire the first of many volleys. It will be fun to see how Dusty's "triple threats" will be used against her.

When (or should I say IF?) she ever gets free, Dusty's security team will be sure to be severely 'reprimanded' for allowing such a breech.

::rubs hands together::: The next few pages are gonna be sooo much fun...
Just lookit Dusty's torso go all wavy in that last frame, right along with the by now standard lip craziness! She's gonna be a struggler, that's for sure! And that bra (or whatever it is) is just like the Venus from Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. A three breast version is a twist on it! Koki is sportin' some of the most diabolical expressions this page, yes indeed! And ...
And how does one tickle three breasts with only two hands???
That is an excellent question. One I look forward to seeing the answer two next installment. Rawk on, Banditoman! :happy:
Page Twenty Six

Feathers: Thanks my good friend - I really appreciate it. Hope this one leaves you breathless too!

joeytickler: Thanks for commenting buddy - but I think you actually meant to comment on the amazing a talented LBH's thread, and praise him on his Low Roads series. I'll PM you as well - I think LBH would definitely appreciate the kind words, and I would hate for him to miss them on my account. ^^

Gadzooks... the database must've hiccupped on this one. I did indeed post that in the Low Roads thread, but it ended up here!

Not to worry-- LBH PM'ed me and let me know that my words were seen.

cold blooded... XD
Nicely done as always. ^___^
Tickler Dae: Thanks for the feedback my friend. I understand exactly what you mean about the dialog dieefernce between the two versions. Obviously the inked version is MY version of the dialog. I like more teasing and more of a non-consentual feel, even though my characters stilllove the tickles, they are less likely to admit it. I asked Ticklefur to re-letter the comic as well, as add his writer's skill to the dialog... and her prefers a more consentual tickle session. I figure it's just two different ways to tell the same basic story. Thanks again.

LBH: Thanks for catching the sleep talk by Dusty... I thought that a fun detail, I did. ^^ And yes - Dusty is so ticklish that all other sessions before her seem like mere giggles compared to her tickles at the feathery embrace of her tormentress. Thanks for all of your great comments.

nutznfla: Thanks so much buddy.

Hawk: Thanks my friend - awesome comment. First off - oh trust me the triple ta tas are going to prove quite the weakness for the Dusty one. Secondly - expect some wicked punishment for her clutzy secutiry efforts. And yeah - I loooooooooooooooove the rest of this session. Enjoy my friend.

HDS: The wiggly and wavy expressions continue and build even further. And if Koki can somehow remove that electro bra - you will see what happens when a triple guzunga'd alien is tickle tortured in ALL the right ways. Thanks my friend.

joeytickler: No worries amigo - I'm just glad the comment got to the right person. He is more than deserving. Take care.

Relent<: Thanks dude. It starts cold, but its about to heat up! stay tuned.

Thanks everyone - as always for the support.

More pages to come in the next day or so.

I might also post a teaser pic from the upcoming BC adventure. Stay tuned.

Much love,

Page Twenty Seven

What's THIS????? Off with her shirt!!! Oh how the mighty have fallen. Can this be the end of the Cap'ns dominant demeanor??? Will Koki truly tickle her beyond all possible reason???

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

Dusty's wicked tickle session continues.

And for those of you that may have noticed... I have a new banner up (see below). BC3 is done and is almost ready for sale. It will be available this Valentine's Day 2.14.2008.

Please check out my dA page (link at the bottom) if you want to see all the concept sketches, and spoilers before it comes out. I would love some feedback on the banner, if you have a sec.

Meanwhile - enjoy poor Dusty's tickles.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Can that electro bra possibly withstand this amount of pure wattage??? Will Koki snap completely under the sinful fondles of her red-headed tormentress??? How can this possibly end??? Find out in the next episode of...


Thanks y'all ~

Hope everyone is excited about Valentine's day O.O!!!



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I note that in the original dialogue Koki refers to Dusty as "big sister" (wording which has been jettisoned from Ticklefur's revision); can TIS possibly be rooted in extreme sibling rivalry?!!! If so, this revelation renders the story far more twisted and interesting! Makes "Luke, I am your Father!" seem pretty weak-kneed by comparison! Also makes me wonder who Thompson might be related to! That aside, I'm pulling for Dusty to hold out as long as she can... tickling persuasion hardly provides incentive when surrender will only lead further tickling!

from the looks of it... Dusty is about to get "dusted!" by Koki!

I agree with LBH.... she'll still get a lot of tickles, no matter if she cracks or not.

Koki is certainly not biting the dust... :laughing:

but for how long?

I think I smell the sweet scent of revenge coming along...

Can't wait... :happy:
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