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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

HDS: YAY! At last I am "man-tastic"! And of COURSE I know of Thundercats!!! What do I look like to you? :shock::shock::shock: lmao. *slaps HDS for the terrible schlong pun while laughing my ass off*. Nice. I think it's only fair if the guys of TIS are as absurdly built as the chikas. And glad you liked his "I'm not playing the tickle game" expression. Hee hee. Little did he realize the gravity of his situation. Well Mandito is off to protect the good pussies from the evil pussies. <----- Thundercats reference of course. 😛

nutznfla: Thanks man. I appreciate you speaking up. ^^

F: That's not my finger on the pulse. O.O!!! LMAO - just kidding. Thanks my friend. I truly appreciate it. I think it's always good to leave the audience wanting more, and with an insatiable crowd like TT, that's not too hard to do. Cheers amigo.

Bombers: you of all peeps should know... it's not the size of the gun, but the motion of the bullets. And... well... I kinda thought his tra la la WAS the titanic, and that the wicked feathers of the dynamic tickle duo were the iceberg... but either way... this guy is sinking fast. Haa haa. Thanks Bombers.

bit: They check his dipstick... he needs some more feath'ring baby... his Keilbasa sausage has just got to perform. lmao. LOVE Tenacious D. Well the reason the numbers are all bleeped up is that I drew TIS in a late night tickle lust induced trance... and Ticklefur isn't including the Male tickle pics as part of the series, and and and and ... well.... I had Enron help me with the page numbering and I think they cooked the books. OH NOES! hee hee. Thanks very muchly.

More TIS will be coming your way in a matter of days.

How many days?

Well that depends on how well you answer the ancient question... who are the ONLY characters that have appeared in TIS that have not yet been tickled?

Well... not really.

But if someone answers correctly - I will give them a cookie.

^^ *yum yum yum... cookie*


If his ding ding dong is the titanic... then what would be his female competition?

a woman with a marianas trench? :laughing:

or two mount everests?


Yay for more on the way!

Who are the only characters who haven't been tickled?

Well let's see...



The girl in black with the blue lips in page 21...

The girl with the "raccoon mask" in Mini episode XI... page 31

and I think that is it!

Everyone else seems to have been tickled!

We can't have these last few miss out! :happy:
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If his ding ding dong is the titanic... then what would be his female competition?

a woman with a marianas trench? :laughing:

>< Oh dude... so wrong. so very wrong. lmao.



The girl in black with the blue lips in page 21...

The girl with the "raccoon mask" in Mini episode XI... page 31

I think you pretty much nailed it right on the head. Those are the four. The question is will the feather find them all in the remaining pages. As usual Bombers, you amaze me. You will have to let me know how I can thank you for always being such a great supporter, and such a great friend.


>< Oh dude... so wrong. so very wrong. lmao.

HA HA HA HA! :laughing:

whew... I haven't laugh that hard in a while... :happy:

I think you pretty much nailed it right on the head. Those are the four. The question is will the feather find them all in the remaining pages. As usual Bombers, you amaze me. You will have to let me know how I can thank you for always being such a great supporter, and such a great friend.




How can you thank me?


Well... remember... I've the 'arm floaties' just in case you're drowning in something major... 😉

I would always like to 'help' anyone in need you know... 😉

Because it is always fun to 'contribute' you see... 😉

Do you know how great it is to 'help' someone with something?

It's wonderful! :bouncy:
Page Forty One

Bombers: I sent you an email, mi amigo. Tell me more my cryptic Bombers ;P

What's THIS????? The ultimate tickle contest has begun, with the bodacious blonde Booki at its center??? Honey has returned wearing sensible tickle apparel, and Jessi the Robo-tech has also returned to do a little tickling, and is back to her ditzy bubbly submissive self again. Ah - reminds me of mini-episode I. lmao. Will Jessi fall for such an insipid ruse??? Will Honey have the best of both guzungas??? Regardless, who ever wins, Booki is likely to lose!

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

Sorry for another delay before this episode. Real life really sucks mouse balls sometimes, yeah? ><

Hope you like the beginning of Booki's tickle session ^^

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. SOMEONE GIVE THAT MAN A CIGAR!!!

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? I can promise tickles, I can promise ta-tas, I can promise that alliances will be formed, new super powers will be discovered, mutual love will be explored, ass-kicking cat fights will occur, and that the breaking of Booki has barely begun.

Find out MORE in the next episode of...



Go-Go Bandito


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aha! After spending so long missing the updates, i get the first post! >XD
I do love the begging in the first panel. Quite an inciting event. I always find it cool to see how much your work has improved since this comic was written. ^__^
Dear sweet Jessi! She certainly is dumb as a bag of hammers! An endearing trait, really, in a company so filled with slicksters... but one forever destined to place her at the business end of a feather! Her happy fortune she happens to have tech skills, or Koki'd have shoved her through the airlock ages ago! And Booki folds up like an accordion under pressure, I see! Not even a token brave-face... instant simpering surrender! This, I pray, is not the flower of intergalactic law enforcement, the cream of the bronze-badged crop! Space's "protected species" are in desperate jeopardy if she's the best champion they can expect (something tells me such duty is busy-work anyway... no one really wants less tickling in the universe!) Let's hope she makes a better playing field than a police officer... signs are excellent the lady's built for scoring!
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Wonderful deet! :happy:


Honey is wearing an outfit that would make Teeva proud! :laughing:

she sure is crafty... but that's how it always is in a world of ticklecraft!


Twitches always make the perfect foot ticklees... :feather:

it appears Booki has to learn to not say much...or else she'll laugh a lot! :happy:

It's like she was unintentionally inviting them to tickle her even more!

although it's not like Jessi and Honey weren't going to in the first place... :laughing:


Great work yet again!
Bandito, if you don't do at least a one-shot issue of Jessica getting her reward for being so ditzy, you and I are gonna have problems.
what ever happened to the first girl that was tickled in the begining of the story?
Perhaps Honey should torture Booki by showing her what will happen to her by a demonstration on Jessi?

We can only dream and hope...
Relent<: Thanks my friend. And kudos to you for being the first to reply! Thanks for the kind words, and for the great feedback.

LBH: Hee hee - well yeah - I was attempting to make Jessi seem sweetly innocent and not too bright. but she definitely comes across as dumber than a doornail. And I also decided to have Booki break very easily. She's a wuss. Oh well - it's still going to be a lot of fun seeing her get her tickles. Thanks for always writing such great comments, my good friend.

Bombers: LMAO - ya gotta love Twitch when it comes to tickles. YAY! Thanks my friend.

Magic Shoes: Fair enough my friend. Would I work so hard to create a set up like that, and then NOT have a pay off page???!! No chance ^^; Thanks for commenting dude.

peter_crdn: Bonita? She was tickled until she passed out and then was beamed back to Earth. Why do you ask?

Hawk: Oh no worries, my friend. There's no chance this saga is ending without the sexy Robo-tech getting a lot more tickle action.

Thanks a ton for commenting, or viewing, or... well - if you didn't view, then you couldn't read this - so thanks to YOU. Yes you. Stop looking around. I mean you. o____o


More TIS on the way this week.

And for this next round we get to watch the fuzzy Fluffy battle the ever popular Audrey while they tickle Booki's feet and underarms!


Prepare yourselves. lmao.

Page Forty Two

What's THIS????? Chapter two in the Booki tickle contest??? And Fluffy is losing??? How can a girl with fluff to spare be losing a tickle tournament??? And... O.O! wow... who knew cheating could be so naughty???!!!

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

I think this is one of my very very favorite pages from the entire series. Just look at Fluffy's expression in the bottom panel ^^;

Well... yes. Um... I was feeling especially naughty on this one, and didn't want TIS to end without some more tickles for Audrey!

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. Yup yup yup.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? What possible torments are yet to befall the busty Booki??? Who will her next ticklers be??? And how will this delightful game in which everyone is a winner possible progress?

Find out MORE in the next episode of...


Hooray for fluffy fingers,

Bah Bah Bandeetoh


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Wow... That sure is naughty... My kind of contest!

Especially when cheating is involved! :laughing:

Fluffy has got Audrey in all the right spots... wonderful!

But... was Audrey already dressed like that before?

Letting it all hang out like that?!

If she did...then I'm starting to like Audrey a little more! :redface:

LOL... very nice...very naughty...

Someone definitely needs to get Fluffy though... I have not seen her tickled at all! Someone please get her!

Even if you're not in the TIS universe!!! LMAO!!!

I guess I can call this one of my favorite pages as well! :laughing:
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I'm not sure what the rules for this contest are (none of the participant seem to know either... or care!), but I'm pretty sure Fluffy just committed a foul! However... so fair a foul I have not seen! Her pink feathery technique works like magic when applied with proper gusto! Booki can thank her stars for these bouts of off-court sniping; otherwise she'd stand no prayer for a breather! And apparently neither team captain really minds as long as some species of tickle hysteria floods the ship! Without proper restaint, this game threatens to become an over-the-top, out-of-control sensation orgy! To which I say... kill the umpire!!!
Bombers: lmao... yeah - what fun is a tickle contest without a little cheating? I was trying to imply that Audrey has been on the ship for quite a while now, and that she was pretty much lost all of her inhibitions. Hence the naughty outfit. And as far as Fluffy goes, even though this contest seems to have little in the way of rules... there is certainly one solid thread that connects everything... tickles are good. That said - Fluffy is certainly putting herself into a precarious position when the shoe lands on the other foot. ^^ Thanks Bombers.

LBH: As I have mentioned to you, sir - your comments always hold a special place in my sneaky little Bandito heart. Kill the umpire, indeed. These tickle contests definitely lack structure, but they more than make up for it with fan appeal! I keep waiting for both dugouts to empty and see feathers flying across the entire ship!!! Thanks for always being there, LBH. Truly - thanks.

Hawk: GO FLUFFY GOOOOO! Cheaters... they may never win, but its damn fun watching them try! ^^ Thanks my friend.

I'm probably gonna wait a while for the next page. Like a week or so. The forums seem slow slow slow right now. Maybe folks on summer vacation? Not sure. So I'll just hang out for a spell and hope there's more action next week.


Till then TIS fans...

The Deeto.
Waiting? WAITING?!?!?

but but but....*looks around quickly and panics, biting nails*

.....Ah, that's cool man. I have Hailey to keep me company until the next installment comes out. *lets loose one of those really long, evil laughs* lol

Anyways, to the all-important part...Fluffy is an absolutely wicked little creature...sure she cheats, but in this game, does that really matter?? I think the judges of this contest don't care as long as SOMEbody is getting tickled. And, really, you can't get much better of a ticklee than Audrey, says I. I know one thing...I wouldn't mind being in her place right now...not one bit!

Once again, the artistry is flawless. Just amazing. What else can be said? Ticklefur did a great job on the scripting and coloring as well. Love love LOVE the texturing on that fur, its totally awesomesauce. Give the man his props.

Another great installment, Deet! Keep them cumming! (teeheehee)
There's way to many awesome things to note in these past two pages. Curse my tardiness. Curse it long and hard! *Hires one of today's foul-mouthed young
uns to commence said cursing* Gotta love that ditzy Jessie; always willing to entertain (not that you showed us the striptease, you tease you). And lookit Fluffy go! That's a full-on KISS-concert rockin' tongue goin' on there; not that the rest of us aren't sitting here with our tongues lolling out at the scene. A splendid pair; alas that I view them in such a delayed manner.

EDIT: Silly me, I forgot the SuperDito for this week! Having bathed in the waters of the Lazarus Pits, Ra's al Dito emerges to spread terror as an immortal! You thought the womanizing, guzunga growing, schlong elongating scamp was bad before; well, now he's beyond the grasp of death! Foe supreme of Batman, he's got a crazy hairstyle and a tendency to both love his children and try to possess their bodies.
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ctownbp: Hee hee - thanks my friend. I promise the next pic will more than make up for the waiting. I really developed a crush on Audrey through out the comic. She is such a hottie. Thanks for the kind words - and no worries - more TIS will be cumming your way very soon. They can hardly hold back, can they?

HDS: Feedback so fair should never be peppered with such self deprecating grief. Thanks as always for your kind words mi amigo. Regarding the ditzy robo-tech - well you may not have gotten to see the striptease, but just you wait for the final judging - because there will certainly be stripping and teasing involved! Yeah - Fluffy's tongue cracks me up in that panel. LMAO. And as far as my new super Dito name... well - let's just say I am about to attend a pre-release showing of the Dark Knight at midnight. So Ras is a more than lovely tribute. "Justice is balance" lol. Thanks my friend - thanks awfully.

Okay- more TIS pages on the way...

I am delaying just a bit because the next page is one of my favorites, and I am savoring it just a little longer.

I'll give you all a hint... your favorite Snakey, and her feathery friend find out once and for all which one is gonna get the last laugh.

And along the way Booki gets her ass tickled like crazy 😵!

Coming soon to a theater near you.


Okay- more TIS pages on the way...

I am delaying just a bit because the next page is one of my favorites, and I am savoring it just a little longer.


I knew you had Teasing ways!


EYE... NEW... EAT!!!!

lol... :laughing:

I'll give you all a hint... your favorite Snakey, and her feathery friend find out once and for all which one is gonna get the last laugh.

And along the way Booki gets her ass tickled like crazy 😵!

Coming soon to a theater near you.


Yay for Snakey! and who ever gets the last laugh is an understament... I believe everone is gonna laugh sometime!


see...told ya...


Now when you say Booki gets her ass tickled like crazy...

Do you mean "ass" in possesive terms (get your ass out,... his ass is fired)

as in "she" will get tickled like crazy?

or do you mean ...

her ass...meaning her "rear end" will get tickled like crazy?




Well, yeah - I suppose a little bit ^^;

The next page is great. I love Downey and Slither as a tickle couple. Slither is so terrified of her, but always ends up in these situations in which she is gonna get tickled by her. The next page really takes the humor of their relationship to a whole new level ;P

And in regards to Booki: I use BOTH the literal and slang possessive. In the next page she does get quite a comprehensive tickling, including her feet, belly, breasts, and underarms. And Downey, being the sneaky bird babe she is, also tickles her way south to Booki's unprotected buns.

You will see exactly what I mean on Monday ^^

And if I were teasing I would say...

Poor Booki can barely take the fiendish attentions of both wicked ticklers at the same time. Can she make it through??? Will Slither finally win a tickle contest??? The answers will shock and titillate you!

Tune in Monday for the next ass tickling adventure of TICKLING IN SPAAAAAACE!

But I am not going to do that to you.


Call me Deeto (Not Mr banderson - lmaorofl)


Well, yeah - I suppose a little bit ^^;

The next page is great. I love Downey and Slither as a tickle couple. Slither is so terrified of her, but always ends up in these situations in which she is gonna get tickled by her. The next page really takes the humor of their relationship to a whole new level ;P

And in regards to Booki: I use BOTH the literal and slang possessive. In the next page she does get quite a comprehensive tickling, including her feet, belly, breasts, and underarms. And Downey, being the sneaky bird babe she is, also tickles her way south to Booki's unprotected buns.

You will see exactly what I mean on Monday ^^

And if I were teasing I would say...

Poor Booki can barely take the fiendish attentions of both wicked ticklers at the same time. Can she make it through??? Will Slither finally win a tickle contest??? The answers will shock and titillate you!

Tune in Monday for the next ass tickling adventure of TICKLING IN SPAAAAAACE!

But I am not going to do that to you.


Call me Deeto (Not Mr banderson - lmaorofl)

Sounds great!

and i'm glad you weren't teasing this time... telling me about the...wha... HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!! :rant:



you're hilarious my friend... :happy:

Can't wait Mr. Bander....um... i mean Deeto :happy:
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