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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

First let me say - many thanks to everyone for all the love. I really appreciate it. This really is a great community ^^;

Bombers: I must agree, as always, my friend. Raven rocks - Koki has crumbled... and what can possibly remain in this epic tale of top heavy tickly torture? Oh you will see, amigo... you will see!

HDS: lmao - thanks man. Yes - definitely the juiciest yet, but there may be better yet to come. (<----- horribly shameless innuendo). And you're right, Dusty is certainly enjoying her slow paced and wicked vengeance. Heaven truly hath no glory as a tickler born... and Hell no fury, as an alien scorned. lol. And as for my weirdness - guilty. I think the Aged Dito fits, except for the wise aspect. And I think my moment of clarity is forth coming... oh wait - that was Koki - never mind 😛 L.M.A.O.

LBH: My good friend - as always your kind words comfort me, your delightful prose humbles me, and your masterful insight stupefies me. You have hit the nail on the head, or better yet - feathered the nipple on its tip! lol. I hope you enjoy being proven correct.

black magic jack: A very good and valid point, my friend. We shall see... what I can promise you is this... the tickling isn't over for either of them. Not by a long shot.

Tickler Dae: *toast returned* Hmmm.... yummy, wheat toast, my favorite.

bit: Thanks very much for the kind words, the sage advice, and the props to Ticklefur, as well. I really appreciate it.

Thanks again everyone.

You guys and gals are always there for me when I need you.

I appreciate that.

*gets all misty*

Musn't c... cry. O.<; *sniffle* Erk ;>.O *snerk*

;__; You complete me.


Thanks y'all...

More TIS coming at ya this week - and I promise you this weeks installment is gonna surprise your pants off.

The Incognito Mosquito Bandito
Bombers: I must agree, as always, my friend. Raven rocks - Koki has crumbled... and what can possibly remain in this epic tale of top heavy tickly torture? Oh you will see, amigo... you will see!

You're welcome dude...as always *goes to the comfy center again to wait...*

Top heavy....good... :happy:

More TIS coming at ya this week - and I promise you this weeks installment is gonna surprise your pants off.

Uh-Oh...i better put on an extra belt for this one!

or maybe i won't put one on at all...heh heh...


Page Thirty Nine

Bombers: Get that belt ready O.O! lmao.

What's THIS????? Just when you're ready for a little private tickle time - and suddenly the PO PO shows up??? And of all the surprises - can this be the tickle match Dusty has been looking for??? Another twitch - hidden in a teeny uniform??? Get ready for a game of which Twitch is which!

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

Two quick important things:

1.) I meant to imply that a fair amount of time had elapsed between the last page (the final breaking of Koki), and this current page. Koki has all but become Dusty's eager tickle toy by this point.

2.) This page represents the beginning of the climax for Tickling in Space - wherein a lot of loose ends are all tied up... so here it is -

I would love some feedback from everyone reading up to this point about who your favorite characters are in the TIS storyline. So who are your favorites (yeah - you can have as many as you like)? And why do you like em - or what would you like to see done to them? I may have another page or two to add to this saga after all - so if you tell me who you like - you may get to see them again. I really would love some info from you - so please help me out.

And Booki is so much fun... you guys and gals are going to love her.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. And look at those awesome skin tones on this one - and the fur - wow!

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? That uniform ain't sticking around - I can tell ya that! But before Booki is properly introduced to the crew... I think a few of the gals have some plans for Officer Peterton. O.O! Yup - another male tickling pic coming your way - and this one might get a little messy.

Find out in the next episode of...





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Quite a rod Booki's packing! The guy's both fully armed and happy to see everyone (happier still once the ladies get to work, I'll wager!) Officer Peterson, meanwhile... what marvelous recruitment material for intergalactic law 'n' order! Love the sporty siren-helm... she'd have been better advised to drag along more back-up, though! The cost of overconfidence: now she's slated to be the living game-board in a million feather-fraught rounds of Monopoly, with nary a Get-Outta-Jail-Free card in sight! Dibs of Park Place!

... I may have another page or two to add to this saga after all...
Yummy yummy!!! The very idea is like dessert after a sumptuous dinner of cake and candy! Please mark me down for Dusty and Thompson as returning favorites! I think I'm safe with Thompson... that mechanical cutie should rate tons of votes!
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I knew I should have worn that belt...now i gotta buy another pair of pants!

Booki looks interesting...i would have laughed out loud if her name was "cookie" (Koki and Cookie) LOL...

Now it's koki and Dusty...sitting in a tree... :super_hap

Hmm...from revenge to working together...interesting... It seems work in the tickle world is never done...


oh well!


As for favorite characters... Well you probably already know...but besides Koki, and Dusty... I love...

Slither...because of her wonderful green skin and snake-like personality when tickling her victim...or vice versa...

Raven... Gotta love that two tone tickler with the bandito-like mask... 😉


Downey... because it rhymes with brownie...lol...J/K

as the naughty german babes would say... "she eez zo spunky!"


as for what i want... i want to see at least one of those gals tickled, (doesn't matter where) :laughing:

I love them all... :happy:

another great chapter buddy.
Great addition B; I like where this is going. It is always good to see the infamous tickle police get their come-uppence. Lets hope it takes a long, long time with plenty of pit, tummy and sole searching heehee. Can't wait to see the next piece! Keep up the great work! 😀
I think this the biggest project I've ever seen posted for free around here or TMF. The whole nature of the story is a lot of fun, and it remains that way consistently. All the characters do their best to avoid being tickled, but they have the time of their lives when they're caught. So essentially, the two crews have this playful game of cat and mouse going on with no real consequences, which I found to be very enjoyable. Sometimes nonconsensual stories/series have a tendency to border on rape porn, but you've found a good balance here.

I also loved the dialogue, especially in the color versions. The verbal teasing and taunting was really consistent throughout the series.

As for my favorite characters, the two that immediately spring to mind are Jessie and Thompson. Jessie I liked mostly for her look at first, and her submissiveness, but I also really liked her sultry approach to her revenge on Koki.

Thompson was great because like I said, she is the most relentless 'ler in the series. She almost takes a sadistic pleasure in what she does, but again, it's handled in a way that doesn't go to a disturbing level.

Honorable mentions go to Koki, Dusty, and the German chick who was abducted early on in the series. I'd love to see her "sharing" with the crew again. All in all, this series gets an A+ from me. I hope you continue to work on similar long-term titles in the future.

I have put entirely too much thought into this.
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The trademark 'dito "boob bulging out of bra" seems to apply to a certain part of Officer Peterton. :ggrin: What a twist, too! The Po Po show up and one's the long-sought match! And Koki really must have been broken, what with wanting to join in on the fun. Good for Dusty for being generous and sharing her prizes. I look forward to this new storyline!

As for favorite characters ... aside from the obvious Koki and Dusty I rather liked Thompson and Slither. Thompson always amused me and Slither had some sass in her; fiesty snake-girl! No idea what do to them, though; I'm not a creative type. :ggrin: I can't believe the series is coming to a close! I've enjoyed my time with the Ghost 'Dito (Flaming, cycle-riding hellion that he is).
With so many voluptuous vellicating vixens to choose from, TIS sometimes makes me feel like I don't have enough eyes! I like Slither and Koki. Something about Jessica with the red hair and overalls just grabs me and won't let go. And I can't seem to find a name for the Pink haired one with fuzzy fingers, but she's great. But I must give the nod to Thompson. Something about the character design is quite compelling. And maybe I missed it, but I've never seen Thompson tickled...

Maybe a secret program buried in her code would allow her body to be remotely controlled? Or maybe just her hands, with say a pair of cyber-gloves. Can a robot be tickled? Could she be compelled to tickle herself? Inquiring minds want to know!
Gotta be Koki and Captain Dusty. Hot, large-breasted switches who only admit to loving it when they're under the other's evil fingers.

Ho. Lee (rimshot) Hell. You HAD to leave us hanging with a BLONDE who OBVIOUSLY deserves it...probably even wants it! You, 'Dit, are EVIL! Hurry up and DRAW!!!😀😀😀

LBH: Dusty and Thompson, eh? Good choices, indeed. I know Thompson has always been at the top of your list. Expect great things from her, yet before the final climax of this series. And actually - it is very unclear from the way I laid out the page - but technically Officer Peterton is the Guy packing the serious heat, and Booki is the Tan ticklish Twitchy hottie with the siren helm. ^^

Bombers: "A new pair of pants"??? O.O! Wow - mission accomplished with page 39... wait till you see page 40! High five for you for giving a shout out to Slither - she needs some love. And yay for Raven too. Aw - Downey and Brownie. lmao. Okay - I wasn't that creative with the names in TIS - I admit IT DAMN YOU. lmao - jk. Thanks Bombers - you rock like a flaming meteorite.

Tickler Dae: I shall properly reply to your proper post - lmao.

Feathers; lol - thanks so much my friend. Yeah - no worries - when you send the tickle police into the den of tickles and lawlessness... you can only expect one outcome. And wow is the tickling about to get serious!

Dragon Flame: Thanks so much!

Magic Shoes: Thanks buddy - that was an awesome response - so let me reply to a few points. First off - yeah, I completely agree. I like the playful "Oh NO Don't tickle me", but then they love being tickled once they get into it, sort of feel to the comic. In terms of the dialog in the color versions - it's nice to hear that feedback - Ticklefur is the guy to thank for that difference in dialog. Jessi and Thompson as your faves, huh? Nice - good to hear a vote for the hawt curvy robotech. Jessi will soon return to a more submissive role in the comic, that I think you will definitely enjoy. Thanks so much for all the detailed feedback - trust me - I really appreciate it, and take it to heart.

HDS: I think it is only fair if the incredibly exaggerated proportions apply to both the men and the women of the series. I am an equal opportunity tickler ^^ Thanks so much for the feedback on fave characters - and HOORAY for another vote for Thompson and Slither! Sassy snake girl indeed! Expect to see more of her! And I may have misspoken - there are still 14 or 15 pages left in this titilating series. The Ghost Dito shall continue to ride again for months to come - but I promise... no penance stare. ~`O*O'~ lmaorofl.

bit: Dude - you are freaking me out. SERIOUSLY. There's a reason that Thompson has not been tickled yet. I am all about keeping character or two pure and untickled until toward the end of the series. But before this series has wrapped up - you will see why your comment was dead on accurate! And thanks for the input about not having enough eyes. When I see the TIS hotties I keep thinking that I don't have enough hands! Thanks again.

K: lmao - more on the way. And yes - the blonde Booki definitely deserves it... whether or not she wants it... well - you'll have to just wait and see what happens. Thanks K.

Okay TIS fans - thanks - as always for your generous support. The next page will be posted by early next week.

The reason this page is taking a while is that it is a MALE (F/M) tickling page, and I have to do all the clean up and text myself - and I just haven't gotten to it yet.

But be advised - the next page is Thompson and Downey giving Officer Peterton the tickling of his life, and it is very very VERY NAUGHTY! You have been warned. If that sort of thing interests you - then please stay tuned to this station O.O!

And another quick note - if anyone might want to color the Male tickling page, please let me know. It would be great to see it in color.

Catch you later,

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It's been a while since there's been any of that. A change of pace should be refreshing. By all means, take your time. ^___^
Bombers: "A new pair of pants"??? O.O! Wow - mission accomplished with page 39... wait till you see page 40! High five for you for giving a shout out to Slither - she needs some love. And yay for Raven too. Aw - Downey and Brownie. lmao. Okay - I wasn't that creative with the names in TIS - I admit IT DAMN YOU. lmao - jk. Thanks Bombers - you rock like a flaming meteorite.

*Buys two pairs of pants...just in case...*

Yes tickle slither...make her scream...or...um...hsss! :super_hap

As for the names... I 'm glad you are now that creative...for the Bounce Chix... (little Biscuit...always cracks me up...)

Okay TIS fans - thanks - as always for your generous support. The next page will be posted by early next week.

The reason this page is taking a while is that it is a MALE (F/M) tickling page, and I have to do all the clean up and text myself - and I just haven't gotten to it yet.

But be advised - the next page is Thompson and Downey giving Officer Peterton the tickling of his life, and it is very very VERY NAUGHTY! You have been warned. If that sort of thing interests you - then please stay tuned to this station O.O!

And another quick note - if anyone might want to color the Male tickling page, please let me know. It would be great to see it in color.

Catch you later,



Okay TIS fans - thanks - as always for your generous support. The next page will be posted by early next week.

The reason this page is taking a while is that it is a MALE (F/M) tickling page, and I have to do all the clean up and text myself - and I just haven't gotten to it yet.

But be advised - the next page is Thompson and Downey giving Officer Peterton the tickling of his life, and it is very very VERY NAUGHTY! You have been warned. If that sort of thing interests you - then please stay tuned to this station O.O!

And another quick note - if anyone might want to color the Male tickling page, please let me know. It would be great to see it in color.

Catch you later,


LOL again!

Must be very important since you posted it twice in just one message!

You'll catch us later, twice at one time!


You'll catch us later, twice at one time!

Double LOL!
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Man, these comments become more and more infrequent. However, I would like to throw my own two cents into the proceedings, if they are still valid.

First of all, great job up to this point. The sheer dearth of material you have provided is immense, and the art style and progression has been one of the joys in watching this series. Getting the taste of Koki in your new panel was a tour de force, showing just how far you are progressing as an artist. Sooner than later, I imagine you will be priced out of doing fetish material. You're drawings have become much easier on the eyes, with more crispness with each page. It is kind of a weird sentiment, but I find that to be part of the fun of this series. We are seeing your skills grow over the course of a work.

I will say I have a qualm between the original text and the text provided in the color pictures. I may be in the minority, but I prefer the original black and white pictures over the color since I get more of the spirit of Bandito in the work. The dialogue is more subtle in the original works as well, even a bit more clever. As much as I love ticklees loving their torture, I think the overtones are made even more blatant by what progresses in the color pictures. Again, I may be in the minority, but I find myself looking at the black and white inks more and more.

As for favorite characters, I will go with two that I have not seen mentioned as much: Silki and Audrey. Silki provided the first true taste of interrogation into the series that really clicked. Add in the dimwittedness she exhibited, as well as the intensity of the scenes really stood out to me. I can imagine her essentially bound up in the corner, her nipples constantly tortured as her mind melts. Audrey was just such a joy to see that scenario play out. I think that was one of those instances where I actually sought you out to talk to you, to correspond with you. Audrey's destruction was perhaps the most erotic of the entire series thus far, and I believe with Koki, that says something. I hope your new artwork includes the pair of them in some form or fashion, as any more of those two would be a slice of heaven.

I am about to fade back into obscurity, but just wanted to voice my support of the Badassdito. Take care 'bra.
/M=Good! Want! HURRY!

LOL too much vodka again😱 But seriously, I've always loved your /m stuff. Can't wait :ggrin:

Relent<: Thanks my friend - I appreciate it ^^

Bombers: Oh... she'll hiss alright. lmao. And yeah yeah yeah - bite me (LQTM) so I repeated myself twice two times again. 😛 Hee hee haa haa. Thanks Bombers - you rock. lmao AGAIN.

Spud: Well - you already got to see this one months ago - so hopefully it's not a buzz kill. Thanks for your support, buddy.

meangry: Your two cents are always valid and greatly appreciated. Thanks my friend. It is kinda wild being able to see the progression in TIS. That's one of the fun aspects about the comic itself being so long - the characters develop as my wannabe art skillz develop. ^^ As far as the differences in the dialog - I completely understand. I wrote the inks - so obviously THAT is the dialog that fits most naturally in the scene as far as my chickpea sized brain is concerned. But I love reading the dialog changes that Ticklefur added to the colors, because it does change the series for me. It's almost like getting two flavors of the same story - and you can choose which you like the best ^^ And Silki and Audrey? Yeah - I have to say I found Audrey to be by far the most worthy earth girl! And as far as Silki goes - it is very nice to hear a vote for her - perhaps she will get some special attention at some point. Thanks again - mi amigo.

K: Alright amiga - you asked for it. More guy tickles coming up.

Thanks everyone.

Sorry for the double post - but I didn't want to answer everyone on the same post as the next pic.

So with ought further ado...

*look at the next post*


Page um... I forget!

What's THIS????? Downey and Thompson working together???! Have these two mighty crews truly joined naughty forces against a common enemy???? The TICKLE POLICE???? ***gasp*** And can the well armed Office Peterton hold out against the two most wickedest and evil ticklers known to outerspacedom????

Nah - I'm thinkin' not so much. ^^;

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

Wow. Whew. I am so blushing AGAIN right now.

After months of waiting - it's time for another MALE tickling page from the tickling in space saga.

I am gonna repeat myself from the first male tickling post in this thread...

PLEASE PLEASE do not look at it if you don't like Male tickling. Ticklefur did not want to color it because he doesn't like ANY male tickling. That's fine. I respect that. But I will have little patience for any "coulda done without the shlong" comments.

If anyone DOES want to color this pic please feel free - but please notice the proper colors of the characters - for example - the office is green - cause he's an alien ;P

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did not do a single bleeepin' thing to this pic. Nope. Nada. lmao.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Is it time for Twitch number two to be tickled terribly??? Will there truly be an epic tickle contest with the entire crew??? Will there be boobs??? Find out in the next episode of...


I will be hiding and blushing someplace safe from these two women. They terrify me. O.O!!!

Please comment if you like it.

Captain Bandito - Intergalactic Tickle Police.


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Captain Bandito reminds me .. this week you shall be Mandito, the Evil-Chaser! Traveling the galaxy on his Electro-Charger hoverbike, he cleanses the universe of evildoers and leaves only laughter (and countless bare breasts) in his wake. He would be ally to the Thundercats but he keeps going after Cheetara, that devious devil. 😛 (If you know not of Thundercats none of this makes sense. XD)

Will there be boobs???
Knowing you, I can't imagine there won't be boobs, a fortunate thing for the rest of us guzunga groupies.

Lookit them girls go! Thompson hits her stride here, with perfect partner! The pouty look on Officer Peterton in the first frame is hilarious. Perfect way to set the scene! Quite the well-endowed species Peterton belongs to; a schlong that long can't go wrong (bad dum kish). I feel his ... well, it ain't pain, but I feel it. XD Another page full of wholesome (and not so) goodness! :happy:

That is just so awesomely hawt! I love it! heheh. You have a constant finger on the pulse, so it seems, for this kind of stuff and you know how to leave the audience wanting more. Excellent stuff, once more. 🙂

Thank you!!!


Packin the big guns for the ladies...

He sure is well armed... his "Tra La La" is as long as his arm! Even Günther would have to make a song including that cop in a cameo!

He could definitely sink the Titanic with that thing! :laughing:

Great work Deet... :happy:
It's a joy to watch professionals at a job they love. This last panel has a "Tenacious D" song stuck in my head. Keilbasa sausage!

And on the note of forgoten page numbers, the filenames seem to jump from "TIS_C_35a.jpg" to "TIS_C_37a.jpg". Is there perhaps a super secret page 36? If not... We love ya for your wits and art, not for your math.

Hmm... Tenacious Deeto?
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