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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

Never EVER leave someone out if you can help it. We want as much TIS as possible--my vote also goes Thompson!😀

As much as I want Dusty to get that twitchy Twitch... I believe Thompson deserves a chance...

More tickle action! :laughing:
LBH: I KNEW you'd feel that way!!! You are a Thompson fan, through and through. Thanks so much for the vote, my friend. Consider your wish to be granted. And thanks so much for your continued support, my good friend.

HDS: Well spoken - and it shall be done. Thompson deserves a little action. She has been much ignored of late. Soon she shall have her day.

Hawk: lmao - always listen to the TMSV. Thanks amigo.

bit: 01001001011010010010100101011101001001010100101010101110100100100101010001001001001001 That's robot for "gracias, mi amigo". ^^

Meangry: can do my friend.

K: Thanks amiga. Thompson it IS!!!

Bombers: You just want to see more tickle bot action. Admit it. lmao. Thanks Bombers. Thompson will officially get her chance to feather the Twitch.

Thanks everyone.

The masses have spoken... hear them?



I have already started on the sketch for the new Thompson pic. I hope to have finished inks by the end of the weekend.

Thanks so much for replying to my SOS.

*Hugs the entire TT community*

*Feels a hand on his bandito butt*

ALRIGHT - no handling the goods. 😛 lmao.

~The recently fondled Deeto
GAH! *grabs my new TMSV and puts it on "medical emergency"--it pulls Jack to the hospital and stabalizes his seizures*

Though I know how he feels. It's finals week. We need all the 'Dit artwork we can get 😛

And for the record, that wasn't my hand--I would be far more likely to try to grab your ribs ^__^ 😀 Hurry up 'Dit!!!

bmj: EEK! Sends Andi in wearing her sexy nurses outfit to revive BMJ. LIVE DAMN YOU LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!

K: If it wasn't your hand, what WAS it???? O.O!!!!!! Or did you mean it wasn't YOUR hand??? Looks suspiciously at HDS. >.>......<.< lmao. No worries sister - Bandito is on it like blue bonnet. Pencils are done. Hope to have inks done in a day or so.

Hold tight.

And keep your hands to yourself.

*smack smack*



Tickler Dae: lmao. You all deserve better than me. But until then - you're stuck with me 😛 Thanks man.

Another BLEEPING teaser?!

What's THIS?????

No really.... what is this???

Just a little tease of what's to come.

I hoped to finish the inks by last night, but unforeseen complications arose.

So here's a little sample of the unfinished inks, to whet your appetite for Thompson, for Koki, and for the full topless twitchy tickle treatment that is on the way.

I'll have it done in the next few days.


The tardy Deeto


  • TIS-Thompson-Teaser.jpg
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So do you just ENJOY stringing us along as long as you can, man??! Are you TRYING to drive us all INSANE??! You're getting off on the power, aren't you you sicko! 😀😀😀

:drool: but seriously man, holy hell. Holy HELL! FINALLY! I LOVE the "You wouldn't dare!" attitude in the lee--makes 'em sooo much fun to break 😉

So do you just ENJOY stringing us along as long as you can, man??! Are you TRYING to drive us all INSANE??! You're getting off on the power, aren't you you sicko! 😀😀😀

:drool: but seriously man, holy hell. Holy HELL! FINALLY! I LOVE the "You wouldn't dare!" attitude in the lee--makes 'em sooo much fun to break 😉


1) Doi... of course I love the tease. This is a TICKLING forum. Ya gotta expect a little teasing 😛 aaaaah the power..... I can feeeeeeel the POWER! lmao.

2) rofl... thanks K. More on the way. And the banter between these two is ALWAYS fun to write.

*suffers eye strain from oggling Andi* Helloooo nurse!

Bandito, thank you for all the work you have put into this - seriously, I'm enjoying the story and the art.

*sneaks Karen a kiss then runs off to the sneak preview*
aaaaah the power..... I can feeeeeeel the POWER!
That's a good name to add to the SuperBandito list ... He-Dito, the strongest man in the universe, who calls upon the Power of LotusSkull and rides into battle astride the majestic Battle ... hmm ... what pet does the 'Dito have? Maybe a BattleRat or a BattleSnake. :laughing: Man, I need a life (or at least a hobby).

Ooo! I want to see what Thompson has bet here; HDS is willing to bet himself that it will lead to scrumptious fare for all concerned (well, maybe not Koki but we don't care about her desires anymore. 😛).
blackmagicjack: Thanks so much my friend. I really appreciate the support, and the kind words. And be careful with that Nurse... she's got a naughty side.

HDS: He-Dito??? Can Lotus be 'Loteela??? lmao. And I have two pets: a very cool dog, and a fat evil menacing siamese cat. And no worries, whatever the bet, I can promise that Thompson has the game pretty much fixed ^^ Now Lotus and I are gonna go play with the Sorceress and She-ra. If memory serves Sorceress has feathers, and She-ra is mighty ticklish 😛 Thanks my friend.

Wow man...just looking at that...holy shit.

You've gotten too good for your own good.
meangry: Thanks man - that means a lot to me. ^^;

Page Thirty Six

What's THIS????? Bandito finally got the freekin' page finished??? Thompson has returned as a double crossing, double 'D' cup, dual processing dame with tickley tentacles?????!!!

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!


First off, thanks for hanging with me while I got this new page done. I really felt like the saga needed this scene between Koki and Thompson (who, incidentally, is one of my fave characters to draw).

I sent this to Ticklefur yesterday, and he got in colored in one bleeping day for all of you. How's that for being a cool guy. How 'bout a round of applause for Ticklefur. Seriously - look at all the shading he did. This is the best coloring job I have ever seen from him. Please give the guy some kudos if ya like the awesome color work.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. (Although technically he only did the coloring in this pic. Not that I am nit-picking, or anything). 😛

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Anyone that hasn't betrayed Koki yet? Who will be next in line to tickle the firey red-head??? Or will fate play a hand and save our hot mistress before she is tickled silly by the Captain Dusty??? Find out in the next episode of...


Would definitely love some feedback on this page. I haven't drawn the TIS babes for years now, and I have to say it was a lot of fun coming back to them. I especially like the way Thompson came out.

Please let us know what you think.

~ The Deeeeeeeeto


  • TIS-Thompson-Final-Colors.jpg
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Pretty damn hot! I like the imagery in this one, both Koki and Thompson look doll-like, and Koki brings naughty images of Pipi Longstalkings to mind, but hey whatever.

And Ticklefur, you did indeed do a fine job on this and I for one certainly appreciate your helping Bandito out in this endeavor. Carry on.
Indeed, congratulations to TickleFur! The colors on this one are outstanding! Very bright and smooth, eh?

Loving that last frame! Just look at all those petite little duster-arms go! Out of her fingertips too! Go Go Thompson tickletentacles! 😀 Lollers at "KRSPFT!" as well; looks almost like a new dish at KFC. XD

Ah yes, almost forgot the next installment of the SuperDito chronicles ... this week the Atlantean hero AquaDito rises from the waves! Together with his fair lady Lotera (bah, Mera doesn't translate well) they rule the undersea metropolis of Atlantis. Astride his seahorse steed he is a force to be reckoned with (until you step on to dry land, that is). Yeah, I'm shutting up now. 😛
Interesting! The updated Koki is rather cuter than her oldtime namesake, just as one would expect from a more practiced, matured style! Exactly as expressive, though... that first panel anxiety stare is killer! Thompson, meanwhile, seems far more girly! Naked lust has been tempered by gentler, more seductive passion... one notes dreamy bedroom eyes and actual roses in her synthetic cheeks! Ol' shoebox Thompson could never turn so sentimental; quite a wonder to see these characters through time-softened perspective! Must say, I prefer the modest, more reasonable cup size, too!
Last edited:

Man oh man, the artistic stylings are so crisp with this picture. It is flawless, extremely well drawn and emotive. It's vibrant. I don't know what else to say except that this sampling is far and away the best drawn thing you have done, and that is saying a lot after TBC3. Well...I don't know if I can safely say that, as the intensity in those pictures was off the chart, but here...for one panel, you have crafted something really awesome.

Your drawing style is professional now man.

The revamped Koki looks great!

She's always looked great... but still... this is wonderful!

ticklefur did an excellent job with the colors and the shading!

I love shading...it adds so much more depth...

Wonderful job to both of you...

(Can't you tell that "wonderful" is the word of the day? 🙂 )
Ohhhh myyyy yessss....very worth the wait, my friend!

Thompson's little dusters everywhere is such a great touch. And Koki almost looks too adorable to torture and punish....NAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Make me want to watch (and even participate) all the more!

It's amazing to see the refinement and skill you have achieved since the inception of this series way back then. It's a credit to your giftedness.
It's really interesting to see your current reworking of the TIS characters.
Koki looks so cute, she was more of a typical dominatrix type in the original art, but she looks much younger and innocent in this revamp... not that I'm complaining, she looks awesome, and actually it gives her character more depth. Thompson looks beautiful as well, and really the whole atmosphere has a feel of romance rather than sadistic tickle torture. Ticklefur's soft colours add to this as well, and I must say I really like this evolution (even though I do like the torturous stuff as well).
Great work, the both of you! 🙂
Really sweeet stuff!! There is something gentle yet very dom/sub about this, especiallt the language! Really good stuff!
blackmagicjack: Thanks so much my friend. Yeah -- I was kinda going for the whole 'Love Doll' thing when I designed Thompson originally, but it never really worked out until recently. Thanks for picking up on that. Thanks also for giving Ticklefur some props on the color work. I appreciate it ^^

HDS: L.M.A.O. hee hee. Thanks buddy. YAY - go Thompson!!! Thanks on Ticklefur's behalf. I appreciate you mentioning his contribution as well. And - just wait till you see Thompson in her last appearance. O.O!!!!

LBH: Thanks very much my friend, for the kind words, and noted insights. Thompson has certainly changed a bit in this panel, and her demeanor has softened substantially. I thought it might add to the sweet wickedness of her betrayal. This pic was largely inspired by you, so I am very glad you enjoyed it. And yeah - my more recent work has definitely been more focused on smaller breasts. I hope it looks better.

meangry: wow- thanks man. That is a really nice thing to say - and I really appreciate it. I have been forcing myself to draw a LOT more, and I think it is slowly helping my style. Hopefully if I keep pushing, I can keep getting better.

Bombers: Thanks buddy - for that wonderful response. I wondered what you might write. And what wonderous praise for TFur's colors. Thanks my wonderful friend 😛

Hawk: There's no such thing as too cute to tickle torture ^^... Thanks so much for the support, my good friend. I am so very glad you liked this one.

Scav: You're definitely right - Koki does have a more youthful look to her. Not sure how that happened - maybe just the situation she's in is bringing out her more submissive side. As far as the mood - I kinda like a weird balance between pleasure and torture. I like it when the Lee can't possibly take it, and she's trying desperately to hold back, but even the sweetest amorous tickles from her tormentor force her to react, with both hysterical pleasure and also begrudging pleasure, which she can not prevent. And thanks much for recognizing Tfur's contributions as well ^^ You rock, my friend.

Feathers: Thanks so much my friend. I s'pose it does have a real dom/sub feel to it. ^^

Many thanks to everyone. I'm so glad y'all liked the newer page.

More TIS to come soon, and I do not use those words lightly. Soon Koki will fall under the skillful fingers of her Captain Dusty.

Think she can hold back?


Till then,

The Super Secret Space Deeto
Yay! Finally, she gets a turn! And whadda turn it is :drool: You're evil 'Dit, and I LOVE your villians...well...lers, I guess...no real clear cut "good vs evil" in this series😉

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