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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

Yay! Finally, she gets a turn! And whadda turn it is :drool: You're evil 'Dit, and I LOVE your villians...well...lers, I guess...no real clear cut "good vs evil" in this series😉


YAY Thompson!!!

Thanks K.

Actually, there's just no "good" in Tickling in Space... only lustful tickly naughtiness. And as a good friend of mine once said: All's fair in Love and tickles".



The "Tickling in Space" thread has made it to 100,000 views!


Congrats Bandito!

The "Tickling in Space" thread has made it to 100,000 views!


Congrats Bandito!



Yay... this calls for something special...

*thinks really hard to come up with something special...*

I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for pointing that out, Bombers.

And not like it's a sack race or anything, but TT is kicking the crap outta the TMF in views for TIS. 100k vs 75k.

YAY for TT!

The 100 Grandeeto
*breaks a champagne bottle over bandito's head*

alright yeah man you did it!....what? i was suppose to break the bottle over the topic?

*leaves a congratulation card next to bandito and backs away slowly out the topic*
:ggrin: I'm with LBH!!!! Just put this on a continuous basis!!!!

Tickler Dae: Thanks for not shoving the cork up my butthole! :shock: HEY!!!:rant: :rant: :rant: lmao :super_hap

LBH: Yeah really. If only I didn't have any stupid bills and stuff. Doing TIS for a living is my idea of heaven. Thanks for the kind words, my friend.

K: Thanks Schweetie. I can't promise 100 more, but there will be a new pages posted in the next few days!!! w00t!

Thanks everyone.

More TIS to be posted this week.

Like tomorrow or something.

Or maybe Tuesday.

But definitely before Thursday.


Page Thirty Seven

What's THIS????? At LAST!!! Has Koki finally fallen into the feathery fingers of her fawning yet felonious friend, who's intentions are to fiendishly fondle her fair and fine freckled figure until she laughs fanatically, cums fantastically, or faints dramatically???

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

First off - sorry. I tried to post twice yesterday, and my internet connection kept getting jacked up. So sorry. I wasn't trying to tease this time. I just couldn't get my bleeping boxors to work. Someone send a Robotech in here, will ya?

This pic is a long time in the coming (<---- naughty unintentional pun). Members of the ultra-top-secret-TIS-fan-club have already had a taste.

Now I give ya the entire entre.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. And he did a damn fine job on it too ^^

I especially the last panel. Both of their expressions are so cool.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? OH how the mighty pants have fallen!!! Koki has finally been tickled bare by her wicked tickle rival, and I have a feeling the Captain isn't quite finished with her blushing tickle toy yet. Koki looks quite shocked in that last panel... I wonder if she might be ticklish on that pretty naked pussy of hers... what do you think?

Find out in the next episode of...


Poor Koki... but I suppose a little friendly pussy tickling never killed anyone.


Mr Banditboy


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*gurgle* w-w-wow... that was awesome. guys, that was awesome. *dies* X.x

nah, im ok. but yeah, cant wait for more. youve had me hooked from the get go.



after many weeks it has finally arrived!

Koki and dusty together again!

the tables have turned!

the feather is on the other lee!

Beautiful! :laughing:

Ha Ha Ha!

Koki has been tickled by more people than everybody else who has been tickled by TIS!

I love revenge tickles...I LOVE EET!!!
Uh oh... Koki should'a invested in a good strong belt or a set of suspenders! Now she's vulnerable in the worst possible way at the best possible moment! Dusty, meanwhile, proves the very model of a modern major genital abuser: not content to hog the glory for herself, she sees this wardrobe mishap as an opportunity to wangle the crew in on further fun! Generosity... the hallmark of a true leader! Safe to say Koki will become a Raven madwoman any panel now!
Oh yeah, Bandito...Dusty has Koki right where we want her!
:::grabs dictionary, rips out the page with the definition of 'mercy' on it:::

There you go, Dusty...nothing in your way now!
Payback is sweet, for Dusty and us onlookers! Koki's sporting the trademark 'dito crazy lips so you KNOW she's feeling it. Dusty's playing those two dirigibles as if they were theremins! Next week looks to be the real show stopper, though. What's in store for the now totally exposed Koki? Whatever it is should be goooood ... :happy:

No Superdito this week; HDS is catching up on too much. Being away from the computer for a week (or more) is oh so nice; it's the coming back that kills me. :ggrin:
Cap: *Dusty bends over the Cap with her middle nipple an inch from his lips* *Cap comes to with a huge grin on his face* Awwwww he's FINE! lmao. Thanks my friend - that made my day.

Blackmagicjack: *bows* lol. Thanks bud.

Bombers: Thanks my bombadeer buddy. You certainly haven't seen the last of the revenge tickles in TIS either. Just wait.... juuuuuuust wait. ^^

Tickler Dae: *smacks tickler dae* GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF MAN! lol. Thanks buddy.

LBH: WAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEE HAAAAA @ Raven madwoman. lmao. Good one! Yeah - I have been flirting with this scenario throughout the entire series... what with Koki's pants always riding so low off her hips. Serves her right. Thanks very much LBH. I hope you continue to dig it.

Hawk: oh trust me amigo - Dusty has been waiting waaaaaaay too long for this to be be merciful NOW. No no no... now its time to tickle her rival until she explodes shamelessly all over her affectionate feathers.

HDS: Oh no worries, my friend - I thought you might be too busy this week - so if you check my original page 37 post, you'll see that I nicknamed myself this week. ^^ Thanks so much for the kind words... I hope you'll enjoy the conclusion of their little tickle party, I was certainly not coy when I drew it.

Well y'all...

This is finally it...

I am at the end of my bleeping rope...

I can't take anymore.

Bandito is outta here.

I am gonna split on vacation for a week or so, so if ya don't hear from me, that's why.

I'll try to post the conclusion of Koki's tickle session upon my return.

Until then - hasta lasagna - don't get any on ya.

Enjoy the time off...I should have something for you and WL to read when you get back...
Thanks Hawk.... oooooooooooooooh.... I can't wait ^^

Alright... well, I'm back.

I'll post the conclusion of Koki's tickle session first thing tomorrow morning ^^

Page Thirty Eight

What's THIS????? Dusty has finally caught her Twitch??? I'll just let you all enjoy.

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

Here is the finale of of Koki's tickles ^^;

I hope you all like it. I have had a few really crappy days on the forums lately. Lots of weird feedback from some very angry people. I apparently said the wrong things and got some folks really REALLY agitated. Feeling a little down - So please show me some love if ya like this page.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. And he rocks.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Has the entire story gone full circle??? What can possibly happen now??? How can TIS go on???

Find out in the next episode of...


I told ya she would like her pussy tickles.


The Sad Deeto


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Wonderful! :redface:

Raven is back!


Can't get enough of that two toned tickler!

Koki is finished...i don't think she could ever get her dignity back now... and what of her crew... what will they ever think of her?

oh wait I know...

They'll think of how ticklish she is! :laughing:

HA HA HA!!! :super_hap

Wonderful job deeto! :ggrin:

and who could be angry at the Bandito?

This is madness! :rant:

Madness I say!

I say send Cap'n Dusty's crew after them! :super_hap
Oh wow, look at this! Perhaps the naughtiest, most delightfully juicy (in more ways than one) page we've yet seen! As always I adore your fancy text; the crazy jagged "Not the fingers!" is perfect, starting out slow, spiking as Dusty hits a supremely tender area, and crashing as Koki simply runs out of energy to protest. Lovely parallel to her physical reactions! Dusty and her pal certainly are enjoying the festivities; just look at Dusty's face in the last panel! I think she's quite enjoying her supreme revenge after her treatment at Koki's hands. And the finale? Where can it go from here? I wait with baited breath! :happy:

Lots of weird feedback from some very angry people.
Well, you are weird so that stands to reason. The anger, though, I don't get. Sorry to hear, Aged 'Dito. That's right, this week our fearless artist takes the form of one of earth's immortals, the ancient mystic entrusted with discovering the Sorceror Supreme! He may not have all his marbles together (seeing any parallels?), but once every century his mind clears and he holds a great contest to discover the newest Sorceror Supreme! Alas, I don't think we've seen the 'Dito's clear day yet. 😛
Angry people... it's inconceivable. Ye gods, why does anyone come here to infect with their anger and angst! We're supposed to be a tightly knit group, folks... leave your harmful vibes outside when you wipe your feet, please! Venting against the Deet who's brought us all the Happiest Thread on Earth (and well outta this world!), an unparalleled gift to the Community, is particularly insane. Unwise, too. Koki and Dusty still got 14 pages of evil mirthful mayhem to exercise against someone... you really don't want 'em converging on ya!

Dusty and Raven's tag-team-teasing has unleashed a gusher of liquid gold! Serial orgasms... the gift that gives forever! And Raven, not satisfied with ultimate success, now probes for yummy cream deposits! Consarned claim-jumpers! They're intent on strip-mining this twitch to bare bedrock... and this crew thoroughly understands how mightily a bed can rock! Impossible to guess where these raiders can ravage from here, with so much story remaining... Koki back on top (if she hasn't been shattered!)?... some third awesome target to unite these adversaries in joint-venture? Space is a place of unlimited opportunity... anything can happen next!!!
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As always Bandito, thank you. You know Twitch rhymes with switch and I think I see our Captain Dusty having a reversal of fortune. Koki's too greedy to just settle for her own orgasms - she strikes me too much as a giver.
Welcom back Bandito. Tickled In Space is pure gold in my book, and can do no wrong. My thanks to you and Ticklefur for this great saga. The new piece with Thompson was absolutly stunning by the way.

As to bad feedback, I don't know what was said, but take it all with a grain of salt. This is the internet, and people will type the most horrible things you can imagine. Take none of it to heart.

We love your work! And you ain't so bad either. 😉
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