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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)


Ilohnoh: Sure - you can 'borrow' Koki for a little tickle trap action. My only request would be that she appear in all of her topless glory. But it's your pic, and either way I would love to see Koki rendered in your style, and at the mercy of one of your tickle traps. Thanks man.

I have her planned for Tickle Trap number 5 and it is not impossible for some clothing to get 'ripped off on the way' so I'll probably grant you your wish. She'll be trapped "for a good cause" too, just hope she's not afraid of spiders. 😉

You'll have to give me a couple of days... this one won't be ready today.

Just a little tease to get you in the mood for more Koki tickles.

Thank you, capital B! The teaser looks great by the way! :redface:
There are times you just wish fantasy could be real, but then I would never get anything productive done.
Bombers: lmao - no no no - no hobbit feet 😛 As far as thee 'more clothing' thing... well - interesting question Bombers. I guess the reason would be that Dusty wants this tickle session to be ESPECIALLY important. So she has sort of 'wrapped' her present in a very sexy wrap. That way Koki is more aware of her clothing, and as the tickling progresses, her LACK of clothing. This way her anticipation can be greater. And hopefully the reader might also be more aroused by her body as the tickling and undressing makes her more and more and more vulnerable. What do you think?

I think the anticipation is a great idea for tickling!

It brings a juicy result!

and now...


What's with all the teasing!


I guess trix aren't just for kids anymore... they're for Banditos as well!


Awesome pic, Bandito.

I'm really curious about Thompson's fate. Will you be showing what becomes of her after the coup? In my opinion, she's the most cruel 'ler in this series. I could definitely see her joining up with Dusty's crew and having her way with Koki and the rest of her shipmates.
I know I have not exactly been on the ball when responding to these Bandito, but school has been a rather taxing process this semester, and usually I simply run out of things that are constructive to say about what you are drawing. I do know that when I compare panels from the very first to this, you start to see a dramatic shift in style and ability. It draws out so much more eroticism, as in comparison to these latest ones, the first seem almost too crude to have come from the same pen.

I do not know which scene you have posted thus far is my favorite. I know that, not including the twitch, that Silki and Audrey are probably my real favorites. For some odd reason I really enjoyed the Silki pics because interrogation scenes have always caught my fancy. Audrey was watching the breaking down of a strong woman into essentially a tickle slave, which made it all the better. I know there is better on the horizon though, but even knowing that, I still find those two scenarios to be intense.

As far as the male tickling pictures, I say post both orgasm and non orgasm pictures and let the audience decide for themselves which they enjoy most. I think part of the draw in many male tickling scene, especially when it involves the genitals, is to see that orgasm take place. For some, it is a vicarious experience, and to not get that after the devastating nature of those scenes somehow weakens them, in my mind. I'll be frank, and say even as a strongly attracted to females kind of person...I have also viewed those scenes as highly as the ones I just mentioned (I am bisexual, so eh). It is rare that you see a male in such a frenzied state while keeping it attractive, but hey.

Overall, this work is something that goes understated, and under appreciated by so many. Right here is a work that, if published by MTJ, would be over a hundred dollar value just on the basis of pictorial breakdowns. We are paying the man and his colorist in complements, when in reality there could be money made on this. There was a decision artistically to say "screw that"...to give back to a community that I imagine sometimes penny pinches and does not support the quality artists and producers until it is too late. I'm grateful for this work because it is awesome. I am happy to look at it, and I also know that I am not getting someone producing niche material just to turn a profit. He looks for what the community wants. And he has probably produced the biggest independent media craze since...well...I do not know.

Anyway, I look forward to where it goes from here Bandito, and might drop you a pm sometime. Probably is long overdue.
K: How come? I've started using soap and everything 😛 lol. Yeah - well.... you know me... I am all about the tease. But I also hope to have the tease pay off. More Koki tickles to post very soon... and they've barely even started on her.

HDS: lmao - you know, 'fire-crotch' = 'red-head'. lol. Yeah - Dusty's crew is definitely going to take their sweet time with Koki. They've been looking for her for a looong time... and they are REALLY going to savor this moment.

Ilohnoh: YAY - tickle trap no 5! I can't wait to see. Thanks my friend.

blackmagicjack: I hear ya. I'm the same way. But sometimes I think that if fantasy were real, then I wouldn't NEED to be productive anymore ^^

Bombers: You love it and you know it 😉 lol. But no worries - The Bandito always makes good on his teases. More Koki to come very soon.

Magicshoes: Thanks my friend. Yeah - Thompson kind of got left out for a while here in the series. But now worries - I promise you that she will soon make her triumphant return. And I agree completely with you - she DOES seem like quite the wicked Ler.

meangry: No worries my friend... I certainly understand about school, and other obligations ^^ Thanks very very much for the long message, the kind review, and the generous support.

It is kind of wild looking from the first pages of TIS to the most current and seeing some of the progression in style and technique. I know that all artists improve their styles as they progress, but it is not that often that you see it happen in the same body of work. One of the benefits of TIS being so freeeeeking long. ;P

As far as your favorite scene - I still have trouble myself figuring out my fave scene. I agree completely that the Audrey series is one of my very favorites. And I also agree that tickle interrogations can be a very very sexy thing. I hope there are still a few tickle surprises yet in TIS that'll keep you struggling to pic a fave up until the very end.

I had never even considered depicting the male orgasm in the guy tickling pics, but now that it has been mentioned, I certainly don't take any issue with it. I will certainly post both versions and let people determine for themselves which they prefer. There are two male tickling pics still left to post for TIS. And they are both even more focused on genital tickling than the previous two -- so I think the orgasm theme is more than appropriate. ^^

And thanks for the incredibly kind words, my friend. That may be the nicest thing anyone has said yet about the Tickling in Space series. I truly appreciate it.

If your schedule allows, please always feel free to drop me a line. I always love hearing from you.

Until then - please continue to enjoy TIS. :super_hap :super_hap :super_hap

peter_crdn: lmao! O.O! Come BACK Peter!!!!! Nurse... I need a NURSE.

*Dusty shows up and preforms mouth to mouth*

*nothing happens*

*Dusty puts her middle nipple against Peter's lips and looks for signs of life*


Tanks so much everyone.

Sorry for the delay.

I will post the next page by the end of the day.

You all rock - I am gonna buy cookies for everyone.


The Deeto
Page Thirty Five

What's THIS????? Koki under the attack of two of the most feared ticklers in the known universe??? Relentless teasing??? Evil fuzzy feathering???

Yup - and she deserves it too.

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

Koki's tickle torment continues.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? IS there anyone left to save her? IS there anyone that would WANT to tickle her??? Or will Cap'n Dusty finally have her turn tickle torturing the torrid Twitch. Find out in the next episode of...


What do you guys think?



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i know its been a while since i said anything... but man, how do you keep outdoing yourself? you and ticklefur do a great job on this. i can never wait for the next installment. i cant wait to see how this ends... not that im in any hurry for the end, mind you... but anyhow, you both rock out loud!

Nicely done on the "erect antennae" for the ticklegasm panel. And while she may deserve it she's certainly not hating it completely, at least not judging from what few words come out between laughter. I notice too that between the first and sixth panel her top reveals quite a bit more. I see two 'nips trying to escape. 😛 How the mighty have fallen! :happy:
Once again, great teasing and provocative dialogue!!! Maybe a bit more on the monologue side, but I am counting the laughter as Koki's response on an intelligent conversation... or it's equivalent 😉

I'm really loving this B 😀 I enjoy the fast paced story and how 99% of the whole thing is pure and simple pleasure given and translated into tickling! I have to say, it has been a wonderful story so far, and it keeps getting better, I mean, Koki is now getting it what else can you ask from life?! :super_hap

Keep 'em coming B! You know we ALL want to see more! And more!! And more!!! :laughing:

Talk to you soon my friend!
woohoo! Thanks B!

(have very little time now, so maybe I'll comment better later)

More koochie koo for koki!

I don't think she can be called a "twitch" after this encounter... she'll have to be called a "tremor"!

Lovely work!

*goes to the comfy center and waits for Dusty to arrive...* :happy:
Tag-team action: indispensable backbone of the WWE and a tactic which is rubbing Koki RAW! She makes it all too easy for 'em, what with that curtain-like top... no support there (not that any of the TIS gals need it... true to free-fall physics, their bosoms laugh at gravity!), but an open invitation to "draw the drapes" for more spectacular viewing pleasure!

I still eagerly await Thompson's participation! Doubtless it will be a decisive factor... either in overturning Dusty's current luck or bolstering it by further betrayal. Of this, I'm entirely confident: our crafty android will unfailingly finagle her way onto the winning side! Now get out there, Rivets, and prove me wrong!
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Cap: Thanks man - I very much appreciate the kind words, and the props to Ticklefur as well. ^^ There's still a lot of hotness left to cram into Tickling in Space. I hope we continue to impress.

HDS: I find something that captures my interest about tickle scenes is when the Lee's body seems to 'betray them' in a manner of speaking. They aren't able to hold anything back, their antenna give away their lust, their every hardening nips burst forth from their top, as if begging for ticklish attention. These are the little details that often make a scene work for me. Many thanks to you, my friend for noticing them ^^

J: Thanks so much my good friend - I really appreciate the kind words, and I am so glad you are enjoying the action. It was definitely a LOT of fun building up the story to this point. I feel like Koki has been begging to be tickled for pages and pages and pages now, and so once her turn finally came - I did not want to disappoint. I wanted her tickles to be all encompassing. Thanks again my friend - and keeping them coming doesn't seem to be a problem - it's getting them to stop that's a bit tricky. 😛

Ilohnoh: Thank YOU amigo.

Bombers: Hee hee @ 'tremor'. Yeah - I think she might be deserving of a few more changes in title before TIS wraps itself up. I found Koki to be a very fun Lee to draw. I wanted to make her reactions as over the top as possible... and have her completely coming apart at the seams. I hope I hit the mark. Thanks for everything Bombers.

LBH: WAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA! One of your funniest comments EVER. lmao. Indeed - little support is offered or needed by Koki's mandatory lingerie. I am not sure what her most ticklish spot is yet, but rest assured that at some point the drapes will be opened, and the carpeting inspected, and no tickle spot will be left unfeathered. In regards to Thompson's notable absence... all I can say is that the lovely android shall indeed resurface. Will she help? Will she hurt? And who will get tickled??? 😵 stay tuned for those answers and MORE. lol.

Many thanks to everyone.

Next week is shaping up to be a nightmare from hell (schedule-wise) so I may have to postpone the exciting development in Koki's tickle bombardment. But I will do what I can.

Prepare yourselves ;P


Sorry, Bandito...been away for a while. The pics are looking better and better each time. The Koki series right now is great! Part of me wants it to speed up...but more of me is loving this slow burn of her skin neurons!
Appearantly the series have continued since I last checked... time to show my continueing appreciation of it by commenting on it.
I absolutly love the stocked foot-tickling scene, well not just because it's foot tickling, but to my opinion everything is just right in the scene; the dialogue, the facial expressions... That's got to be one of my favorite pages of TIS. I also love the pink haired/feathered tickler (I'm not sure what exactly her name was) for some reason I find her absolutly sexy looking... Might be the particular colours combined with the sexiness of your incredible artwork... 🙂 Not sure, but I do like it! 🙂

I'm looking forward to the next installment!
Hawk: Hey buddy! Good to hear from you. Hope all is well. Yeah - I am wondering myself aabout what direction I should take the Koki session - if ya cn look below and give me your thoughts.

Scav: Thanks so much my friend. Always a great pleasure to get your support. I thought you might like tthat foot stocks page. I agree - a lot of elemennts really came together on that page. And the pink haired hottie is Fluffy. I agree - she is one of my fave ticklers from the entire series, and she has some interesting scenes before the end. I love the way Ticklefur colored her - made her so much hotter ^^ Thanks again my friend.

I have a question for y'all...

First off - sorry for not posting last week - I really was busy.

Secondly - I have the next page ready to go, and it is pretty hawt. Let's just say that Dusty finally gets to start tickling the vulnerable Koki.

Here's the thing... I have always felt that I should have added another page in which Thompson gets to tickle Koki first. I was thinking of sketching something like that in the next few days and posting THAT pic first.

What do you guys and gals think?

Post the Dusty page and forget Thompson for the time being?

Or give the sexy tickle bot her chance to torture the tender Mistress?

Please give me some input.


The Confused Deeto
My vote goes solidly for "yes' on more Thompson (damn! Thompson a turncoat! Who'd have thought it!) More Thompson's always a good thing! :super_hap
Aye, give the mechanical menace some action. Dusty on Koki is bout to be the finale (or at least the build-up to it) so it's now or never, eh? Bring on the Thompson! :happy:
My TMSV has instructed me to vote for Thompson....😉

That's robot for "YES!" More Thompson is an excelent idea.
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