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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)


*goes on a rampage of murder, sex, and drugs...in gta. In yet another build up for gta4*
Disappointed? Heck no. I see no disappointment on the horizon. I see rocks thrown at you for building up the suspense all the more but that's about it. I think I can begin to understand the need for suspense, though; a momentous event like this (and trust me, folks; the sneak peak promises something spectacular!) needs a good build up.

Traitorous (Or lazy, a la Dusty) crewmembers seem to be the norm here. I have my suspicions that Jessica isn't going to have as much freedom as Dusty promises. And what's this? The wrong twitch? I sense a set-up for many more TiS pages! Good for us, that's for sure. Bad for your and ticklefur's fingers making them all up but sacrifices must be made for the greater good, after all. 😛 Nice top on the Dustinator and fantastic job on Koki's narcotic-induced blissful face. She'll wake up to a surprise, that's for sure. :happy:
Jessie's signed a deal with the devil! Using a feather pen, no less! Dusty's leering approval of the hapless tech's outfit surely suggests she doesn't intend it to stay in place long! Not that Jess has much to lose... her career aboard Koki's tub has consisted of one long round of tickling punishment. Hardly a post for a girl with domination aspirations! Small wonder she can't wait to sink her hooks into her former boss! At present, poor Koki seems to zonked out to care. Ah, but come the morn'....
Oh my goodness...

Betrayal AND REVENGE?!

This just keeps getting better and better!

Twitchy Koki is singing a different tune now that she's in the hot seat...

LoVeLY rEVenGE is coming!

The more I look the more I love!

So I'm not gonna stop staring at my computer screen! :laughing:
Hey B!!!

This surely is a great story! It is very fast paced and it always goes straight to the action, and WHAT KIND OF ACTION IT IS!!!!!!!

I love the way it is so erotic, every girl who gets tickled is a bit reluctant at first, but the ler always manages to kind of submit them into the pleasure. They are very verbal and tease the lee as much as they possibly can, they let the lee know what she is in for and that what they plan to do to them. I find it is a great way to increase the tension and the anticipation 😀

The concept is very clever if you ask me, at least if I am understanding it correctly, the way I see it, the comic's main idea is pleasure, it centers on it, pure and simple pleasure. Which I think is great, what better motive to do anything than to get pleasure out of it, I mean, that is basically the reason why people anything they do, ANYTHING! It is important to clarify that there are many types of pleasure, and in this case, it is sexual and physical one.

I like how the story explains things in very simple ways and then implies everything else so that the reader can fill in the blanks with whichever they want the story to be, and that is a great thing as it involves the reader in the story itself, I really have to give you props for that, because first, I think it is a wonderful thing to do, and also because it seems that you do it effortlessly. Kudos my friend for such a marvelous resource 🙂

I have to tell you my friend, this has potential for soooooo many things. I am very captivated by the concept and again, because of the way the story is told, the way it let's you put your own pieces into it. Maybe I'm putting in pieces differently than everyone else, maybe not, but I like what I am getting out of this. Like I said, many things can come from this... hopefully soon we can see some of those things 😉

Your friend,
K: I guess that means you're gonna have to take off your shirt 😛 hee hee. Thanks so much for the kind words, as always. I actually feel ki9nda bad that TIS doesn't have more scenes to build tension and anticipation. I was just so focused on the tickles themselves. Thanks again for all your support mi amiga!

Tickler Dae: roflmao. Nice one. Sorry for the tease... but what's tickling without a little teasing?

HDS: Thanks my friend. Ouchie - cool it with the rocks though. 😛 I do hope that the Koki session is worth the wait. And it is really only poor Tiicklefur who suffers through more pages. The Deet finished with them long long ago. And yeah - Koki wasn't the right Twitch after all. You'd think Dusty would be more certain before she started her search across the known universe. But - I think she's happy just wandering around aimlessly, as long as torrid debauchery is involved ^^ Thanks again my good friend.

LBH: Thanks for noticing Dusty's reaction to Jessi's outfit. I tried to throw in a few small touches like that to imply future tickles that might occur. I can always count on you to pick up the nuances and subtleties. Thank you my friend. Thanks for all of your support.

Bombers: I thought you might like the revenge set-up. I hope you continue to love to look. But just don't get Bombers eye strain. O.O remember to blink, lol. Thanks for everything, my friend.

J: Thanks so much my friend. I am so glad you have enjoyed TIS. As far as the quality of the story - I owe so very much of that to Ticklefur who has rewritten the story in all of the colored panels (as well as doing ALL of the coloring, and the lettering of the comic). His input has added greatly to that "pleasure" aspect you were talking about. In the ink pics, the characters are a little more coy, and break less easily. Either way - TIS is absolutely about pleasure, and the crooked paths to finding it. Most of my tickle work is essentially about tickling as pleasure/delightful torture. The Lee's aren't openly asking for it, and try half heartedly to avoid it, and can barely stand it - but love it desperately. Thanks so much for your positive feedback. You rock, J. Man - I really missed ya. Thanks for everything my friend.

Many thanks TIS fans.

Koki's moment is coming this Monday.

Do you guys and gals think her feet are ticklish?

Many thanks TIS fans.

Koki's moment is coming this Monday.

Do you guys and gals think her feet are ticklish?


I have no idea if they are!

I just looked through all of the past TIS pages so far...

and Koki's feet are never shown!

Not once!


Does she wear shoes?

Or is she barefoot all the time?!

Does she even have feet at all?!!!!!

I hope so!


She has hobbit feet.

Gnarled hairy hobbit feet, with jagged yellow toe nails.

lmao - just kidding.

That IS pretty funny huh? I haven't shown anyone's feet unless they are getting tickled. Guess that shows where my priorities were for TIS.

lol. And HDS - lmao also.

Good catch Bombers.

No worries - she has normal, sexy female footsies.

They are very soft, freckly, and oh so very very ticklish. It may not be her WORST spot... but it gets quite the reaction.

You'll see.

Page Thirty Four

What's THIS????? The redhead in the stocks??? Ticklish toes in Tickling in Space??? And is that JESSI doin' the tickling???

I'll be dammed ;P

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

I won't burden this post with too many of those 'word' thingies. Just enjoy the beginnings of Koki's tickle ordeal.

And I really like the way Ticklefur did Koki's outfit in this one.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? How long can Koki last??? Will they switch off tickling the Twitch??? Or will all this degenerate into a giant gang tickle??? And how long can we possibly expect those clothes to stay on??? Find out in the next episode of...


Please let me know ^^



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K: I guess that means you're gonna have to take off your shirt 😛 hee hee. Thanks so much for the kind words, as always. I actually feel ki9nda bad that TIS doesn't have more scenes to build tension and anticipation. I was just so focused on the tickles themselves. Thanks again for all your support mi amiga!

LOL😀 Caaareful there 'Dit, you DON'T wanna call Senshi outta the woodwork--trust me, he's still here😉 The tickles themselves are good, and you know me--I have a love-hate relationship with this 'building up the tension' thing XD As I post this, I'm at school and don't have time to look at the new pic, but I will as soon as possible! Keep up the good work, amigo!
LOL😀 Caaareful there 'Dit, you DON'T wanna call Senshi outta the woodwork--trust me, he's still here😉 The tickles themselves are good, and you know me--I have a love-hate relationship with this 'building up the tension' thing XD As I post this, I'm at school and don't have time to look at the new pic, but I will as soon as possible! Keep up the good work, amigo!

You mean you can't actually see the pic yet??

Did I mention that it was the best pic ever. Seriously. Just LOOK at the hotness coming off this pic.

Oh my dear heavens - if only you could SEE the pic.

Hee hee.

Just kidding.

But not really.



Woah, you have been drawing a LOT! I'm amazed!
I have some reading to do! :redface:

My, My, My...

How the tables have turned...

The shoe is now on the other foot!

Or should i say...THE TICKLES are on the other foot!

Excellent, Excellent...EXCELLENT!!!

It's wonderful!

but i'm going to save the rest of my excitement for when Dusty and her friends get a turn... :laughing:


Finally we get to see her feet...

They look lovely!

I'm glad they're not hobbit feet like you said... but if they were... then her's must be the nicest pair ever in existence!


But on question though... Why does Koki have on more clothes this time?

In the last page she was barely wearing anything... now she's wearing more!


Great work!!! :super_hap
You mean you can't actually see the pic yet??

Did I mention that it was the best pic ever. Seriously. Just LOOK at the hotness coming off this pic.

Oh my dear heavens - if only you could SEE the pic.

Hee hee.

Just kidding.

But not really.
First of all 'dito, you are a wacko. A hilarious wacko, but a wacko. =P

And I really like the way Ticklefur did Koki's outfit in this one.
I second that. Perfect color scheme for that outfit, yes indeed.

Lookit Koki go! She's barely been touched in the second panel and is already in tears! Jessi has shed the bimbo act and become a fearsome 'ler, that's for sure. And who is waiting in the wings to join her? So many characters have been introduced to this series I can't choose three (or more, maybe). Perhaps Thompson, the only one to have done any tickling previously of Koki (if for but a moment) will go for round two. Circuits and Switches versus Twitches! :happy:
So the masterpiece has continued since last i checked it.
Quite nice as ever, especially certain pages which i find most enjoyable.
Keep up the impressive and good work! ^___^
If you need extra hands... i can borrow you those radioactive monkeys i mentioned.
At last! Hehehe...some feet tickling! Man, I just love feet tickling. 😀 Excellent work as usual bud! 😀
Jess is brimming to overflow with powerful new confidence! Listen to her, slinging suave sweet-taunt like a practiced dom! Not too shabby for a lowly underling who only chapters before couldn't cringe or fawn much lower... that's what having an extra-special tickle toy beneath your palms will do for you! And the ego massage is hardly do-it-yourself... eager candidates, yearning to try their skill on a shrieking Koki, are already courting her like royalty! Well, it's nirvana fairly earned! Jessie's had to suffer plenty of everyone's abuse.... high time her skilled dexterity applied to her own needs rather than thankless repair work and other people's upgrades! Speaking of which... I can't help but note we've seen precious little of sly HAL surrogate Thompson. Might this wily mecha be forging counter counter strike plans in this reckless contest of Who's Holding the Feather? Jess had better relish her moment of victory... status quo proves the slipperiest of commodities in the giddy TIS starscape!
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aw crap, am I behind! DX
Congrats on all the pages you've completed in my absence. ^___^
You mean you can't actually see the pic yet??

Did I mention that it was the best pic ever. Seriously. Just LOOK at the hotness coming off this pic.

Oh my dear heavens - if only you could SEE the pic.

Hee hee.

Just kidding.

But not really.




OK OK I've seen it I've seen it 😀😀😀 And yes, it is Teh Shitz. You are an evil, evil man 'Dit, and that makes you an awesome artist! The 'lers teases always give me goosebumps in this series, and this one was no exception. I can't wait to see Koki get eeeeeven more of what's coming to her 😉

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Ilohnoh: Thanks amigo - technically all this work is very old Bandito worrk - my friend Ticklefur has been fixing it, changing the script a bit, lettering and coloring the entire project for everyone's enjoyment. The story will continue for several more weeks. Please stay tuned for more.

Bombers: lmao - no no no - no hobbit feet 😛 As far as thee 'more clothing' thing... well - interesting question Bombers. I guess the reason would be that Dusty wants this tickle session to be ESPECIALLY important. So she has sort of 'wrapped' her present in a very sexy wrap. That way Koki is more aware of her clothing, and as the tickling progresses, her LACK of clothing. This way her anticipation can be greater. And hopefully the reader might also be more aroused by her body as the tickling and undressing makes her more and more and more vulnerable. What do you think?

HDS: Firstly - lmao - you love it and you know it. Secondly - you are quite right my friend. So many characters have been in this series that it is almost hard to guess who will get thee honors in the following pages. And you are quite observant as well - Thompson has been visibly absent, hasn't she. I have no idea why I cooled on her at this point. But she will return - triumphantly, trust me on that. Thanks for always writing such great comments, my friend.

Darth Vegeta: Thanks buddy. I'm so glad you enjoyed your return to the series. I hope the final pages offer some more sexy surprises. I have no idea why - but I feel like I went through a bit of a transformation in the the final 15 or so pages of TIS - like I reached my next level of Bandito kung fu artistic abilities or something 😛

Feathers: Thanks mi amigo - glad you liked the tootsie action. There is more foot tickling to come yet. Not a lot - but some very very sexy foot action none the less.

LBH: Quite right my friend. Jessi - The Robotech has certainly proven herself quite the 'switch' in front of the Twitch. I feltt like Jessi - up to this point had been such a good little sub that she deserved some well earned time in the tickler's chair. But the truth is that some gals were made to be tickled and tickled and undressed and tickled some more. Even when drawing Jessi in this domesque role - I was already thinking of how tender she will be when back on the receiving end of the feather. Perhaps that's why her clothes are falling off. Everything about her just screams "tickle me". Thanks for always writing such amazing and wonderful comments, my good friend.

Relent<: No worries my friend. I can only hope that 'catching up' proves to be enjoyable!

K: Thanks so much amiga. I have always felt that the verbal tease play of the Ler has so much to do with the feel and the sexyness of the story. Ticklefur's help with the script has also helped tremendously, and makes the Ler's seem even more wicked and determined in their tickle lust. So glad you liked it - and thanks so much for the kind words ^^

Thanks so very much everyone.

I just wanted to take a second to say thanks for all of the support for Tickling in Space. It really does mean a lot.

I was so unsure when I first posted the cover. I was so reluctant to post this series. I didn't know how everyone was going to react.

You all have proven to me that if an artist has something they are hesitant about... if they are unsure of a piece... that this community truly is a becon of support, and positive feedback.

So thanks.

Thanks very much for all the support and encouragement.

Trust me - it makes me want to work much harder on the next project, much faster to get it posted, and it makes me want to create lots lots lots more work for all you cool folks.

Now get outta here before I get all misty 😛

More to come Monday.

Hey, Bandito!

Nice to see you came out of your hideout again!

I'd like to ask your permission to have Koki guest-starring in one of the tickle traps. Could I 'borrow' her for that for once please?


Ilohnoh: Sure - you can 'borrow' Koki for a little tickle trap action. My only request would be that she appear in all of her topless glory. But it's your pic, and either way I would love to see Koki rendered in your style, and at the mercy of one of your tickle traps. Thanks man.

Just a little tease to get you in the mood for more Koki tickles.

Downey and Fluffy at the same time????

I think the fire-crotch is in for some serious tickles this week.


What do you think?



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Gyeh! O.O Jeebus 'Dit, remind me never to come near you at NEST or anything like that 😀 Your teasers surely are good teasers, and you can't get much better teasers than those two! Poor Koki must be going mental!!!!😀

"the fire-crotch"? XD I have a feeling most of the fire will be tickled right out of her, much to the delight of us connoisseurs of TiS. Well, we now know who two of those unseen in the last panel were. Whom the third, that is the question. Another question is how long that top'll last. Usually Koki has stripped her victims of their accouterments by now. Dusty's posse is taking their time (No arguments here; give her a good long ordeal!). :happy:
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