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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

Uh oh! Jessie's in for it now! Our dumb-bunny mechanic's so desperate to dominate that she's taken to fraternizing with the enemy! Which may be okay, as long as she doesn't get caught... which she just has! She'll be strung up and shorn of those cut-off overalls in mere nano-seconds! Meanwhile, our door-to-door evangelist (and just how is she making such a call on a spaceship, anyway! These guys will worm their way in anywhere!) learns the true meaning of "good news"... fresh meat on the rack!

I finly saw theas and loved theam all im so sorry it took me so long my loss for only looking at the clips but got to see 30 pages all at 1 time :redface:
Hey, no one said the life of a missionary is easy...(trust me, I know over a dozen real-life ones personally). Looks like this one gets to assimilate to the culture of the ship by force, rather than study and training.

Do I dare make the pun and ask if this will create a new definition of the 'missionary position,' Deet? Or if the missionaries will get to have their one little 'revival meeting' with Slither and Jessie? I'll even supply the tent...

I wonder if Jessi and Slither will find out if the old addage is true that God's wheels of justice grind slowly, but exceedingly fine....heheheheh

Excellent work, and I agree that Ticklefur did an excellent coloring job on the newest victim.
HDS: lmao - thanks my friend. I wish I could say that the guzungas get more realistic from this point on, but the main characters have already been established as earth-shatteringly busty, so my only option for ta-ta experimentation was with newly introduced characters. And yes - Slither is definitely enjoying herself a little ravenously. Punishment is on the way very soon.

Magic Shoes: Thanks amigo - and sorry to confuse. TIS was sort of written in the heat of passion... so sometimes the story gets a little slurred, lol. And yeah - didn't feel right to sell TIS - it's just not good enough for that. And the truth is I am having so much fun sharing it all for free ^^

peter_crdn: Haaa haaaa - thanks buddy.

Feathers: Oh no worries - if there's one thing these gals know how to do - it's to keep coming (<----- shameless innuendo). lol. Thanks man.

Tickler Dae: Thanks - and... well.... yeah - I s'pose that's true huh?

LBH: Awwwwww.... poor Jessi - all she wants to do is tickle for a change. Do you hink this'll get her in trouble. You know what hey say - if you're gonna get caught red handed, make sure the person next to you takes the blame. Perhaps Jessi is a bit more clever that you give her credit for.

Ticklebear: Thanks so much for commenting - I'm so glad you liked em all.

Hawk: 'missionary position' lmaorofl. Nice. I think she's definitely considering the notion that one should never summon more demons than one can lay down. And you thought the serpent was only there for temptation... NOPE - this one's goin' for all out licking! LOL - thanks, as always, my good friend.

EWeezy2001: Thanks dude - I also have gotten a lot of help from Ticklefur on this TIS project. Couldn't have done it without him.

Many thanks to everyone.

I am gonna try to post another page today,,, but I anticipate it's going to be a hellaciously busy Monday - so bear with me.

I will tell you that the next mini-episode allows us a glimpse at what happens to you when you distract a guard and the captain gets tickle tortured all night as a result. I love the next page... can't wait to share it with you.

Just wanted to say I love this series, it always makes my day when a new page is posted. Even if it isn't as polished, that's part of what makes it so great, there is a raw directness about it that is really hot.

Okay back to lurking. 🙂
Page Thirty UNO

Juanmiller: Thanks so much, amigo. I really appreciate you taking a moment to comment. Seriously - if more lurkers commented on the pics they liked - I'll bet there would be a lot more art posted in our little community. Thanks again - and please comment anytime - it is greatly appreciated.

What's THIS????? OH MY MULTI-COLORED SPACE HOTTY!!! How many girls are tickling that poor Raven??? How much more can she possibly stand??? And why the hell did Bandito write the text in THOUGHT bubbles???!!!

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

I love this page, despite it's many flaws. Something about a full body naked gang tickle that you just havta like ;P

I guess the captain is walking again.... and she is looking for some light hearted punishment of her little 'security problem'. Punishment on this ship is quite a serious matter. Do you think you could survive that many ticklers???

More props for Ticklefur. Seriously - this was not an easy page to color. I love the way he did Raven's skin, and all the girls look great (especially Fluffy)! Great work my friend - thanks!

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Captain seems revitalized and as naughty as ever! Will she be able to rescue Slither before she is tickled out of her mind yet again??? Will she ever catch up with the nefarious Koki??? And will she be bare-ass naked for the rest of the adventure??? Find out in the next episode of...


Sorry for being a litle late. Real life sucks sometimes ^^;


The Deet


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Something about a full body naked gang tickle that you just havta like ;P
I second the motion and move for commendations to the artist and colorgod. So many boobies! Captain Dusty seems none the worse for wear, although how she has any energy left after that ordeal is anyone's guess (Maybe she stores energy in that third bosom). No tickle fan is left out of this page; every spot I can think of is either being worked over or, as the pink-haired girl on the left whose name escapes me notes, soon will be. That one toe restraint, though, looks a mite painful! If Raven is a struggler (Especially since most everything else is bound tight) I imagine she'll be tugging on that quite hard! Then again, maybe Captain Dusty wants a little pain with the tickling to remind the gals that they screwed up. 😛

I bet with all the tickling in store... Dusty is getting her techniques ready for Koki when the time comes... :super_hap

I see the lovely multi-colored Raven is back! I can't tell you how much I love her skin!



This is the only page so far that has no panels! It's just one full page!

I have a feeling that the tickle table will really be put to work after this...

great work again...


Silther is on the list of fan pics I wanna make...

Koki and Dusty might join that list soon! :super_hap

You just never know...
Well...lets turn to our judges-

Randy: You blew this picture through the roof, boy. I know this is your earlier work, but man dog I am really feeling this. keep up this good work and you are going places

Paula: Yes, way to go bandito and fur. The colors were fabulous. it really moved me. I hope you do well.

Simon: hhhhhhmmmm All in all it could have been worse. how do you mess up with thought bubbles bandito? I like the work, but next time have your head on straight when your dumping word content into your pictures.

*dubble thumbs up*

can't wait for the next one
Time for the tables to turn! Koki's had things all her own way long enough! Reckless though it may be to pick favorites in a conflict this volatile, I confess to coming down squarely in Cap'n Dusty's camp! She seems to favor mass assaults over Koki's one-on-one "jousting" technique, a strategy which may well earn her big points! Enough to win the war?... we'll just have to see! She who laughs last, loses!
HDS: LMAO. Thanks my good friend. I appreciate the kind words both for me, and for my TIS colorist extrodinaire - Ticklefur. Thanks very much. The pink haired hottie is called Fluffy, and there's gonna be some more of her in the future. In terms of Dusty having energy after her ordeal - that's actually one of the things that really bothers me about TIS - no real sense of elapsed time. It might be hours after Koki tickled her to tears, or it might be days/weeks. Hard to say I guess in my mind... some time (days) had passed 😉 Thanks again HDS.

Bombers: TIs has so many sexy characters so that Bombers will be inspired to do reeeeally hawt TIS fan pics. O.O! Yummy! lol. Thanks F bomb. As always - I very much appreciate the kind words ^^

Tickler Dae: WAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAA - That's gotts bve the funniest comment you have ever written. l.m.a.o!!! Very nice. Actually gave me a good chuckle. Thanks buddy. More of those please 😉

peter_crdn: Thanks amigo!

tickle addict: And your comments never cease to flatter me - thanks very muchh for taking the time 😉

Feathers: Ya mean 6 naked hotties giving you the full on tickle treatment? Yeah... *sighs* lol. Thanks mate.

LBH: Indeed my friend, indeed. And I do not think your loyalty will prove to be misplaced. For in a game such as this one, it is not so much important as to who gets captured first, but more so - who is tickled the BEST!!! Thanks for always commenting, my good friend.

Thanks to you all - so sorry that I have gotten behind on the posts lately. Certainly not my intention.

I will post another page today for sure.

And this one is gonna be a gooooooooooooooooooooood one.


Page Thirty Two

What's THIS????? Can this be???!!! Caught up in tickling the poor Snakey, has our wicked Koki let down her guard and finally been captured???? And what will they do with her now that she is in their feathery grasp?????!!!

(As if you didn't know ;P )...

- I give you the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

Hoo boy. Looks like the day has finally come.

What else can one say other than... the anticipation is intense, no?

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Will poor Koki finally be on the receiving end of a merciless tickley feather??? And will Slither be released... or will her precarious situation be taken ticklish advantage of, yet again??? And what of Thompson and Jessica??? Will they defend their Mistress? Will they be captured as well???? Or will they betray their captain under the threat of merciless tickles??? Find out in the next episode of...


Hope y'all are jazzed about seeing the tides turn on the hot tickle Twitch!

Please let me know if you are!

The Deet


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As you just noted the temporal flow of TiS is totally whacked-up. And curse you, Bandito! You tease and build up and then stop before the action! I shake my fist in your general direction.

Koki's horrified expression is spectacular, from her fear-filled eyes to her drooping antennae. Slither's almost bored/pouty expression is a great contrast; amusing also is her total lack of concern for her captain. 😛 Bit of a cheezy line from what I can only assume is Captain Dusty, though.
Amusing difference between Slither's response in the original dialogue and in the rewrite. I prefer her first sentiments: loyalty to her captain's team must be lauded, while the tone of the incessant "Please don't stop!" recasting comes across as socially correct wishful thinking (if anyone onboard either ship really enjoyed the abuse, the constant restraint systems would be unnecessary). Very neat Flash Gordon style ray-gun! Such baroque embellishment is always great fun!
Amusing difference between Slither's response in the original dialogue and in the rewrite. I prefer her first sentiments: loyalty to her captain's team must be lauded, while the tone of the incessant "Please don't stop!" recasting comes across as socially correct wishful thinking (if anyone onboard either ship really enjoyed the abuse, the constant restraint systems would be unnecessary). Very neat Flash Gordon style ray-gun! Such baroque embellishment is always great fun!

You make a lot of sense
Amusing difference between Slither's response in the original dialogue and in the rewrite. I prefer her first sentiments: loyalty to her captain's team must be lauded, while the tone of the incessant "Please don't stop!" recasting comes across as socially correct wishful thinking (if anyone onboard either ship really enjoyed the abuse, the constant restraint systems would be unnecessary). Very neat Flash Gordon style ray-gun! Such baroque embellishment is always great fun!

You make a lot of sense. I agree. I have liked the original dialogue so far


Koki will go koo-koo by the hands of a Hoota-ta when the Hoota-ta goes kitchy kitchy on koki's coochie coochie and boobie boobies!!!! :laughing:


This is great!

Slither is lovely as usual...

I really can't wait for the next pic!


I LOVE revenge tickles SO much!

*Goes back to shivering with excitement...*
Littlebighead and Tickler Dae:

Solution is simple: if you don't like my re-write, don't read it. As for the need for restraints, even a willing Lee will thrash if tickled. And many women like being bound.
Littlebighead and Tickler Dae:

Solution is simple: if you don't like my re-write, don't read it. As for the need for restraints, even a willing Lee will thrash if tickled. And many women like being bound.
I wasn't seeking any "solution", Ticklefur... I find the alterations fascinating, in fact, and will continue to read both versions of the text (though I'll refrain from commenting on them anymore if that upsets you). Bandito must likewise find the contrast useful, or he wouldn't be presenting the originals. Have no fears, your contributions are valued! I've complimented them myself, after all!
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