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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)


You got it. Tomorrow is the TIS crew's BIRTHDAY!




You mean you've been watching from the shadows? I thought that was my job. LMAO.

Thanks muchly for commenting - despite your crazy busy schedule.



Of course; I don't want you to think I've forgotten the hotness :drool: No way. Couldn't. If I tried. And trust me, I have 😀 Kidding, of course


Page Forty Seven

Hawk: Well... some sagas never end, my friend. ^^ Thanks for the kind words mi amigo.

Scavenger: Yeah YEAH! I kinda liked that movie for just that reason: the hot mechanic gal. I've always had a thing for really cute grease monkeys. I find them so much more interesting than the usual female stereotypes. And thanks so much for the kind words. As you know - it means a great deal to me, coming from someone like yourself. And I can't comment currently on the "legendary" status of TIS... but ask me again sometime ;P

K: Alright already, lmao. Here's the latest - now comment on the damn thing WILL YA??? XD Waaaaa HAAAAAA HAAAAA!

What's THIS????? Has the fearsome fuzzy fondler Fluffy finally fallen into a feathery of her own??? IS the oft' tickled Audrey really going to get some much deserved revenge??? And is Fluffy actually part centipede???

- FIND OUT IN the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

I have no idea what I was thing on this pic. I guess it seemed like a good idea to exaggerate Fluffy's torso. And as usual - I went waaaaaaay overboard. Oh well - c'est la vie.

This page is basically my tribute to those Chinese Rib Tickler images from the old Looney Tunes cartoons. Except, you know.... with naked girls.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. Trust me on this one.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!??? Who else will befall this last minute tickling switcheroo??? Who ios left to receive their tickly punishment??? And will it really take Bandito another 2 frigging weeks to post the next page???

Stay tuned and...

Find out THE ANSWERS in the next episode of...


Hopefully it won't be as long before the next page. ^^;

Please comment - if for no other reason than to assure me that the rest of the world has not been overrun by zombies.



I mean the Deeto


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Fluffy really outta know better... nothing gets these girls' juices flowing like a challenge! And if we've learned anything from TIS, it's that no one is "not ticklish" (claiming so in front of these wantons is tantamount to signing a suicide note!) One only has to find the proper spot, and searching for it can be half the fun... until it's located: then, exploiting it to screaming madness becomes all the fun! Fluffy turns from haughty contempt to crazed frenzy in record time, jumping half out of her socks in the process... a wonderfully cartoony touch that sells the slap-happy insanity of the premise to perfection! Bugs and Daffy would indeed be proud! Hell, they'd dive on in themselves, twirling torture sticks right beside lil Audrey!
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Tickler DAE: WOOO! You get the first response award (and almost the only response award as well). Where the hell is everyone? Meh - maybe back to school busyness. Thanks so much for the reply, my friend.

LBH: LMAO - thanks so much my friend. In this topsy turvy world, where ya can't count on much more than your own digits, a constant beacon like yourself is just the light I need to make it through the dark and dreary fog that falls on top of this city like a wet grey blanket. Thanks for always being the reliable type. hee hee. And you are right - as always. I thought it might be a nice touch to have a 'slightly less ticklish' member of the crew. Less ticklish that is... until her secret is exploited. Thanks for always commenting my friend. It really does make me want to actually keep posting.

Thanks everyone (AKA - LBH and Tickler Dae). lmao.

The next page happens to be one of my faves... so I'm not sure if I should post it early - like monday? or wait for folks - like in another week or so.

If anyone happens to read this...

Should I post sooner or later>


Thanks everyone. I really appreciate your support behind Tickling in Space.




DO YOU HAVE ANY FREAKIN IDEA HOW LONG I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS!!!!!*grabs Bandito by the shoulders and violently shakes him back and forth*





This is so wonderful!

I'm in total agreement with LBH... Fluffy should know better than to claim she's "not" ticklish... That is a pure incentive for the tickler to see if it is true! :laughing:

Audrey's outfits keep getting smaller and smaller! Lovely the smaller the better!

I love Fluffy's torso... so much to tickle... and her clothes can barely stay on her ticklish body...It's so excellent!

Wonderful job....

Stay zombie free!!! :ggrin:
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Lol, that really is a lot of torso! It could take a loooong time to play "count the ribs" with a gal like that. "Not ticklish", heh, Poor Fluffy, she should know better than that. It was a weak bluff. In the T.I.S.-verse there's no such thing as not ticklish. (for which we praise the great Deeto!)

Sometimes I wish this was an animated seiries. Then I realize poor Bandito would never get feedback! (must. type. response. but. can't. look. away. from. bouncing. alien. gazongas...)
Famous last words, Fluffy....should have known that someone, somewhere on that ship had your number...

Besides, I would have figured that ticklishness was a REQUIREMENT for hire on either ship...
Awesome - I really love the idea of gently, sweetly tickling someone out of their resistance and leaving them in helpless giggles.
Bombers: Dammit man - show some enthusiasm, will ya? lmao. Thanks so much my friend. I am glad I wasn't the only one that thought Fluffy was over due for some serious tickle revenge. I really really reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaally appreciate your wonderful reply - as always. And yeah - I think Audrey's outfit is pretty much constructed out of two tiny round bandaids and dental floss. But, meh... she looks cute in her random nipple-wear. Hee hee.

bit: LMAO - that was pretty damn funny. Thanks for the kind words amigo. Fluffy definitely offers a lot of torso to tickle, that's for sure. Regarding the animated series... that would be so amazingly awesome. Can you imagine how many censors head would detonate???

Hawk: Indeed my good friend. In fact I think ticklishness is even a prerequisite to existence in the TIS universe. Even the door to door religious types and pizza delivery are super sensitive to the business end of a feather.

Feathers: You and I both, my friend. ^^ Thanks so much for the comment.

Okay dooooooookay...

More TIS coming your way soon.

I think I am actually going to post that next page on Monday - since I have been so bad about posting timely updates.

And this next page is likely my very very VERY fave page from the entire series.

So if you're the type to read this fine print at thee bottom...

The get excited.... this next page is gonna be just wicked.

The Deeto
Oh thank Jeebus. If I hadn't gotten here now I might have been four pages behind. Four pages. That's as many as four ones. And that's terrible. (See here if you have no idea why I just said that).

Bookie is booked all night long on #42 *ba dum kish* Hey, no tomatoes! I just cleaned this shirt! Anyway, have I said how much I love your fontwork? Even if I didn't see the action I could tell what was happening just by the style of text you have. If anyone can depict ticklegasm with wordart it is the elusive 'dito. Koki is a remarkably good sport on the first Bonus page, sharing the tickles so freely. Poor Jessie looks like she's about to croak! On second thought, poor nothing; I'd trade places. :ggrin: And Fluffy! I don't quite have the visceral delight fmilling displays but it is indeed a joyous occasion!

On a totally random note, Fluffy's sock in the last panel looks positively Seussical, I must say! But, sadly, no SuperDito this week; I've lost my energy with all these replies this day. So now, I flee! Well, not quite. Some others remain! *Zoom*
Page Forty Eight (@)(@)

HDS: Oh HDS... so much to comment upon, and so little bandito time. So I'll do the sort short short version... this may hurt a little... "four one's" LMAO... hee hee... Yeah - booki's books are open from seven to seven... hee hee again... font work? well - in inks - thanks matey - I love silly font works... if in color the credit proper goes to that lovable huggable teddybear of a guy - ticklefur. ueah - koki's a real sport. No hard feelings. Only soooooft feathery feelings allowed. LMAO AGAIN. Hey yeah - her sock, and over all demeanor does look a little dr seuss (how the hell do you spell that? <-----) What might we call it? Fluffy feels a Feather??? A contemporary remake of horton hears a who? And no worries on the suprt dito name my good friend. I just have to thank you yet again for the wonderous splendiferous magic that you bring to this community, and to your every response. ^^;

What's THIS?????

No really....

WHAT'S THIS?????????????

Pretty much my favorite page of all of TIS. I adore these two. The way I wrote the original (if you've been following the text on the ink only pages - and kudos to you if you have) this is the first and only time Slither really confesses her tickle secrets to Downey. So here it is.... anyone craving some snakey action like I am?

- FIND OUT IN the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

I liked this one so much I added my own pretty lettering on the ink page.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. He really did too.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!???

Nah - I won't belabor this one with any more verbage.

Just enjoy, and if ya dig it.... please please please comment.

And stay tuned for the next episode of...





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dito, you still reek with awesomeness. maybe you should check your yard for awesomeskunks... they may have sprayed you. just pretend that made sense and carry on... personally my favorites are Thompson and Jess. but all of them are lots of fun. i can't wait for more and resent the fact that i have to. but i'll be fine.

keep it up my friend,
Extracurricular tickles! Sneaking off for extra giggles... these girls need no contest competition to spur their randy hijinks (not that anyone onboard ever did!) Sinful Slither! She undulates ever more sensuously serpentine in anticipation and fulfillment of her barely-hidden desires! Not able to contain a spirt of snaky sibilance when Downy tempts her ("Are you... s... serious??"), even her word balloon tails twist in writhing ophidian frenzy! And here I'd learned it was the asp that mesmerized avian prey... never anything so commonplace aboard the Danneskold! Chickadees who feast on pythons! Copping a feel on cops! Tin intelligence which lusts after fleshy pleasure! This slatternly voyage of discovery turns every notion of accepted (and acceptable) behavior on its ear!
These bonus pages just keep getting better! Slither and Downy make a perfect pair, all fangs and feathers. Downy is going beyond feathers here; tongue on nip action! In fact, if she licked Slither's torso she could do some underboob attacking with her headfeathers and bring all possible weapons into play. Yay for more Slither! :happy:
I have no compliment big enough to describe the awsomeness of this page...period
Heh, I love that "kid in a candystore" look Slither gets. Ya just gotta love any page that ends with a ticklegasm!

I'm reminded of a parodie of those dating-game questions.

Woman - "I'm allergic to flowers, and chocolate gives me migraines. What would you get me for a gift?"

Man 1 - Jewelry

Man 2 - A Puppie

Man 3 - 10 pounds of chocolate covered roses.

Of course, now we know the best answer. Feathers, anywhere you want them!
Oh... i'm definitely craving some snakey action.... :laughing:

I love Slither SOOOOOOOOOOOooo much... :ggrin:

Green skin babes are always alright with me... Did you know that Slither is Teeva's favorite TIS character as well?

It's true! Teeva has various pictures of her in her bedroom...

The restraints in TIS get cooler by the page...This one is especially unique...

I will have to use this one for a future pic! :happy:

I can see the coloring is upgrading as well, with hints of shadows here and there... nice job on ticklefur's part... :happy:

My favorite part of this page would have to be panel 5 (bottom left)

Slither is so curvy! Absolutely no straight edges in that panel... :happy:

Wonderful job once again! :ayyy:
My GOD man!!

I love the way you write those girls' protestations!

The tickle-induced climaxing is great as well.

The fox sisters had better not see this, or i'm fired!
Cap': Actually the scary thing is that that made total sense. LMAO. Thanks so much my friend. I really appreciate it. And if you are looking for more of your 2 fave characters - tune in next week. Let's just say I have a big surprise for you that's a long time coming.

LBH: Ah it seems that in the TIS universe that it's the early bird that gets the snake, as it were. Tickly woe unto all those of soft, scaley, or serpentine skin. Those with feathery/fuzzy/or fluffy appendages rule the roost on the Daneskold, I'm afraid. But just when you think such rules are iron clad and set in stone, the current may change. Thanks my friend for your constant support.

HDS: You know I was almost tempted to throw something like that Downey hair tickling idea into a pic, but thought it might be too much for even poort Slither to bare. lmao. Thanks my friend.

Tickler Dae: The fact that you would tell me that is much more compliment than I could ever deserve. Thanx amigo.

bit: Hee hee - those wo would make quite the dating game pair.

Slither: If I were a piece of fine art, how would you appreciate me?

Downey: I would tickle every inch of your body with feathery fingers, and suck the polish off your toes.

Slither: *passes out*

lmao - thanks man.

Bombers: Thanks so much - my very good friend. Yeah -- Ticklefur does really keep on getting better huh? And regarding Teeva, I think we need to get her and Slither together. Imagine that much green in the same room.
I think pink feathers would have to be involved just to tell the apart! lmao.

Kitch: Those Foxy damsels of yours wouldn't dream of letting you go. Not with all the fun you've provided for them ^^ Thanks so much my friend. Your comments mean a great deal to me.

Thanks y'all... I really appreciate everyone's support with this page.

More TIS to come very soon... and I think this next page is gonna be a real surprise. It's one of my all time favorite tickle fantasies, and it could havee happened to a more deserving victim!


The Deeto
Page Forty Nine

What's THIS?????

The triumphant return of the booty-licious Booki??? In the same room with Thompson???? This can only mean one thing! Or can it????? Holy sprockets and bolts... does Thompson actually have another side to her programing???

- FIND OUT IN the next installment of TICKLING IN SPACE!

This page is so so SOOOO very overdue in this series. Thompson was originally designed as a submissive tickle bot, but she worked out so well as a quirky tickle bot that that's the role she's played throughout the series thus far.

Until now! :shock:

One of my favorite tickle scenarios is having my own gorgeous tickle/love bot... who is scared to death of being tickled (although it tremendously turns her on), and who must obey every command. Who needs bondage when you can order her to spread her own toes?

I liked the idea so much, that I kinda went nuts with this page. It should probably have been a multi-page spread... but alas... it isn't. This was by far one of the most challenging pages for Ticklefur to manage the text and all the colors - so please give him a special hand for this one.

And a super ooooper bonus for anyone that guesses what Thompson's secret password comes from: Teddy. Hint - lame pop culture reference.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. And this page almost killed the poor man.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!???

Loose ends are being tied up all over the place! What tickles can still be left in this debaucherous drama??? Will Koki still have more tickles in store? Isn't there another male tickling page coming up??? And what of our dear captain???

Only one way to find out... stay tuned for the next episode of...


Mr Neato Bandito


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OH.... MY... G... *goes into shock* ... ... ... ... ... *gets better* dito, you rule, hardcore... ive been waiting for that for a while now. i cant wait to see whats next. best page ever, to be sure. keep it up my friend.


Booki is just as good a tickler as she is a ticklee!

But I'm sure she's learned a lot from her earlier experiences with some of the best ticklers in the galaxy! :feather:

She'll have a doctorate with "Tickle Philosophy" in no time!


Thompson is indeed willing... 😉

I wish most ticklees had a "feature #7" :happy:

My favorite panel here is the one where Thompson is holding her breast to have them tickled...

It feels so weird for tickling to be that easy...but WHO CARES!!!!


Now all she needs is a feature where she tickles herself! She does a great job tickling others with her robotic peripherals...How would she do on her own ticklish body? 😉

And a super ooooper bonus for anyone that guesses what Thompson's secret password comes from: Teddy. Hint - lame pop culture reference.

LOL... you wouldn't happen to be talking about "Teddy Thompson" would you?


If you are that's hilariously smart!
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Whomever wrote Thompson's programming (Our good tech, maybe?) is a genius of the highest calibur. They thought of everything! I wonder, though ... what happens when you do push a ticklebot to ticklegasm? Does it simply explode? Short circuit? Or did they really think of everything? :ggrin: This is definitely a page we've been waiting for. Well worth the long wait it is! :happy:
jkgasoiehoxwxfceoyciefckjfcbocirehpciefhcelfcbirpchirlckblhiehcke.ncmwl;c/jhpchihwcp[ucwhcil;hlcih23o3chj4cbiwcuh8ucyc84cugc7t4i7c33gv O SHI-!

*explodes....re-assembles t-1000 style*

been waittin about a year to see that(literally). thanks ban-

*explodes again*
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