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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

If I can give my opinion, I think you should go for a completely F/M storyline because while I appreciate F/F tickling, nobody else has really tried an F/M storyline and done well at it. But I think if anyone can do a really good F/M storyline then I think you can. Do what you think is right but I'm sure we'll all support you.
Tickler Dae: Thanks so much for the honest feedback man. I appreciate it.

blackmagicjack: Thanks so much, amigo - for the input and the kind words. I may mix things up a bit in the future. We'll see.

Ilohnoh: Thanks buddy! 🙂

Magic Shoes: Thank you very much for the honest feedback.

Feathers: LMAO - thanks man.

bitter_arron: Thanks so much for the feedback my friend. I will give it some serious thought, and let y'all know if I decide to do something in that arena.

Many thanks guys...

More TIS to come tomorrow.

What do you think Kiki and Dusty have been up to while Booki is galavanting around? I'm guessing they're up to no good.


Whew!! Man what a month...I've been so caught up in work training and such that I've completely neglected you, Deet. I'M SORRY!!!
...Can you forgive me?? PWEEEEEEEEZE?!?!?

*holds up a cute wittle puppydog infront of you and makes you look at it*

The puppydog will cry if you don't forgive me...now how could you make a puppy cry??

Lol Seriously though man, I've been so busy, and I really have been neglecting you. I've missed too many TIS postings and I'm just now getting caught up on them.

I wish I could leave you a mondo-gigantosaurus-ish reply about each and every pic posted since I last commented, but, as usual as of late, I have to leave for work shortly and I'm not done crunching the numbers on this budget yet. 🙁 So I have to scale it all down to a few simple words...


Sorry I can't elaborate more. I really am. I hope you can accept this.

Your Devoted, Overworked, Underpaid, and Sorry Friend,

Oh, and dude you should totally go for the F/M storyline. It would make my brain combust from the rush of Holy Crap shot up my spine from the land down under. :ggrin:

Will ya do it please? Huh? Huh? Huh? 😛oke2:

Heather & Anna: That definitely makes sense. ^^ Thanks so much for your feedback, and the kind words.

redfeather: thanks man. I appeciate it.


>< must... resist... puppy...

>.O; Ack... gotta fight.... it

^^;;;; DAAAAAAAW lookit da puppy. lmao.

No worries, my friend. Trust me - I totally know what's it like being waaaaaaay too busy. I very much appreciate all of your support. I can only hope that when you have had a hard day, and you take a sec to look at the forums, that TIS can bring a quick moment of happiness to yo life. So many artists here have done that for me, and it's a pretty cool thing. Regarding the F/M project that I have been toying with - there is definitely a possibility... I just need the proper motivation, and enough time. But I am definitely considering it. Thanks for everything, my good friend.

What's THIS???? Oh, Booki's tardiness leads to another ticklish session between the Cap and her hot freckly first mate??? Will the sultry red-head survive another night of torrid tickle torture???

Find out in the next episode of....


Wow... page fifty. It's been a long time gettin' here, eh?

This is Koki's last tickle of the TIS series. I felt I couldn't end the saga without another little tickle moment from Dusty. So here it is.

In the colored version Ticklefur thought it'd be fun to put some posters on the all behind them. They're modified shots from my Bounce of Aces illustrated detective novel.

I like Koki's reactions on this page, and the general feel of things.

Please let me know what you think. Only two more pages left in the entire series!!!

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. He really did too.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!???

What final nuggets of extra-terrestrial space magic do our busty damsels have cooked up for the final debaucherous pages of TIS???? You'll just have to stay tuned to....


... to find out.

Thanks for watching,

The Deeto.


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Wow why do those posters in the background look so familar?! :shock:


Wonderful job!

I think it's okay that Booki is late...

It just means more fun for one twitch and the hoota-ta!


It's great seeing the style changes from page one to now... The last panel almost looks like a recent drawing!

Might I assume that you jumped into TOB shortly after TIS?


Great stuff deet-meister! :laughing:
Cruelest of Captains, forcing Koki to twist in agonizing doubt e'er the feathers fall along that luscious hour-glass figure! The blindfold... favorite fashion of the condemned worldwide, now broadens its reach to encompass the whole of a quivering cosmos! Which stretch of unprepared hide will the plume deign to outrage... at what unexpected instant? Uncertainty infuses this already withering punishment with fresh white-heat! Booki, flush with new-formed ardor, can have no inkling of the inferno stoked for her arrival! Vector for the sweltering fever this sensation-insane tag-team has ignited, not she... not any of us... are likely to survive the assault!
Nice update, though I admit it seems a little bit like more of the same. Koki's downfall from forbidden fruit to tickle slut was great, but it seems like the story's at a point where giving Dusty another torture session would be cathartic.

I can't believe I put that much thought into this post. Keep up the good work Bandito, you're one of the few tickle artists I really pay attention to anymore.
Really great piece Deeto, it all looks great and the art has so improved since the first page. One slight gripe though, and it's not much but MORE PUSSY TICKLES. A very small gripe but I think a truthful one. Keep it up though Deet, it's awesome.
Self promotion is really a beautiful thing. just like this comic. This has to be a record for longest going comic, and most panels/pages in the community.

if So...congrats if it is so. been an enjoyable ride.
Bombers: LMAo - thanks my friend. Actually - yes and no. TIS definitely hit a new stride in these last pages when I started using some new techniques, new paper, and what not. I then went to a secret unpublished Bounce Chix story, which I scrapped, and the to Temple of Bounce. O.O!

LBH: Hee hee... I actually love blind fold tickling... not sure why I don't draw it more often. Thanks so much for your kind words, my friend. I truly love reading your replies.

MagicShoes: Hey thanks man - that means a lot. I see what you mean about another Koki tickle... in retrospect it was probably not necessary for the flow of the story, but something in me just couldn't let the series end without Koki getting another tickle from her Captain. And if it's Dusty you crave to see under the feather, then you might not be disappointed in the final pages of TICKLING IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE. Hee hee - couldn't help myself.

bitter_arron: Thanks my friend - a gripe I have heard from a couple other as well. I tend to shy away from pussy tickles as a general rule. Not sure why really. Perhaps it is something I'll explore in future works. Thanks for the input.

Tickler Dae: Thanks my friend - not sure if it is the longest ongoing comic or not... I definitely think the Low Roads series kicks the snot out of TIS in that category by about 500 pages. But I am very glad I could share it with all of you.

Many many thanks to everyone, as always.

As some of ya might know - I have a brand new comic coming out tomorrow from MTJ, andd a lot of work to go along with it this week, so I will likely hold off until next week to post the second to last TIS page.

Thank you all for all of your relentless support.

And if you happen to pick up Bump in the Night: Book of the Laughing Dead - please let Lotus and I know what you think.


The Deet
I so cannot wait for this next piece of TIS, these last few pages are going to be the nirvana of tickling stories.
bitter_arron: lmao - thanks my friend. More pages to come soon.

Sorry to everyone for the delay - it has been soooooooo buy this week.

But I promise to post another page on Friday...

The second to LAST page!!!!!!



What's THIS???? IS that??? Could it be... A double Twitch double team on our poor captain??? Oh NO! Oh YES! lol. Have Booki and Koki really allied themselves for the most ambitious tickle yet??? Will the captain survive another loving tickle of her most tender places???

Find out in the next episode of....


Well this is it.

The second to last page of TIS, and frankly, one of my favorites! I love Dusty's expressions, and the feel of this session.

As with some of the other pages, there is a definite difference in the way the inked version is written versus the way Ticklefur rewrote the colored version - so check out both of 'em, if ya have a spare sec.

Many thanks to all of you... this has been waaaaaaaaay too much fun to post for all of you.

Please please please tell me what you think of the page.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. I tell you no lies.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!???

How does one end a 52 page epic tickle comic of sexyness, boobs, feathery aliens, betrayal, and occasional anal probing (just kidding about the anal probing... well sorta)??? How will it all end??? What will the last page represent???

Well tune in for the next page...

The last page of...


... to find out.

Thanks for believing,

The Deeto.


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Hurrah! I need a big TIS poster - framed. Yeah a big TIS poster that has a carved wooden frame of all the ticklees being naughty to each other.

Nice work man - and to everyone else involved.
Great pic yet again...and is it almost over so soon??? Seems like we just got started...

I'm sure this will go down as quite a historic series of pics in the TK annals.
This will also be one of my favorites. But i have just noticed something about those two now...what happened to their antennas?
I do believe they've made a convert of Booki! Now all that remains is for her to tickle the rest of the crew into submission, and take over as the new Tickling Pirate Queen of the stars! Um, I mean turn them all in to face justice, yes, that's right... (d'oh, stupid laws and morality...)

Seriously though Bandito, great stuff as always. May there always be a place in this world for voluptuous triple-breasted alien chicks getting revenge-tickled to orgasm. Amen.
Mutiny! Dusty should've kept better watch... now the pirates are back in charge and it's her turn to squirm beneath a withering tag-team assault! Well... she really is too much woman for any one tickler (unless you happen to dredge up a triple-armed alien sometime... and, with only one more page to go, that proposition seems unlikely). Considering all the merry cumming and going aboard the Dannskold, it really is impossible to figure out which twitch will attain dominance by series' end! My guess: total victimization! Each and every character we've met will be sentenced to sail into a black-hole oblivion of endless, excruciating fetish abuse! Five year treks may work for the Enterprise, but our goals are so much loftier!


Why does something so good have to come to an end?!

Dammit Bandito!

Why couldn't you have drawn this to be a 200 page comic of tickle insanity?!




Oh Well...


This is great!

For some reason, three boobs actually look good! Only the Bandito can pull off making a sexy three boobed Hoot-Ta-Ta like Dusty...

*tries hard to block out motorboating thoughts once again*


I'm glad Kookie and Boki...er...I mean...boobie and kobi...um... Yogi and booboo....

Dammit! :rant:

Trying not to think of motorboating is screwin' up my thoughts!


I'm just glad that the two twitches have joined forces to add more ticklish fun! Booki has mastered the ticklish art at last!

I like how Dusty is not even fighting anymore! It's perfect!

So sad that this is coming to a close end... But I can see the Bandito will bring us all to different ticklish "universes" in the future...

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blackmagicjack: wow - a TIS poster WOULD be pretty damn cool. Thanks so much for your support, amigo!

Hawk: Thanks so much my friend. Yeah - we're in the final leg of the marathon that has been TIS. I'm not sure whether it deserves a spot in the annals, but I sure appreciate you suggesting so.

Tickler Dae: Good question - their antennas are retractable. Sometimes they're up, and sometimes they're down.

bit: lmao - thanks buddy. I really appreciate the support. And yeah - I hope the world can become a bit more like the world in TIS.

LBH: LOL - thanks so much my friend. I truly hope our fond extra terrestrial friends will continue their wild shenanigans well into he future... even though we may not be able to watch. ^^

Magicshoes: Believe me, if there was a way I could keep it going for a long long long time... I would. Thanks for the kind words, my friend.

Bombers: Ah - just give in to it, and keep thinking of motorboating. lmao. Thanks so much Bombers. I wish tere was something I could say to console you regarding the end of Tickling in Space... All I can say is that it is a big universe out there, one of infinite possibility.

Thanks everyone...

The final TIS page will be posted next week, as soon as I get my new laptop (cause my last one died horribly).

Catch ya later,

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