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Tickling in Space (F/F + F/M Nudity)

What a great penultimate page. Always nice to see the good captain being rewarded for her endurance. 🙂 Wonderfull work, my friend.
Wow. MOST impressive.
Someone should gather them all in one zip. Oo; congrats!
Lol bandito I feel that answer was tacked on. Like nanomachines....>.>

But I can not wait for the last page. It will both be cool and sad. I for one can't wait to see the next great-dito project besides bump in the night
Feathers: lol - thanks very much, my friend. After all Dusty's done for us... I thought she deserved a little more tickling ;P

Darth Vegeta: Hey thanks! I really appreciate that. I will definitely zip them all as soon as I have finished posting the final page - this Friday.

Tickler Dae: Nah. I never tack. 😛 Think of the antennas as a factor of convenience. Sometimes they're fun to see, and sometimes not. It was an attempt on my part to make some of the alien gals look alien without looking like mutant insect bug monsters from neptune. <.<

Many many thanks y'all.

I am filled with a baffling combination of despair and euphoria when I say that this Friday the final TIS page will be posted.

Tune in won't ya?

The Deeto
I liked the atennas...I would have liked to see them used in action...or against. BRING ON THE LAST PAGE!!!
Oh! The last bit of the comic eh? In my own experience it's always fun to work on a comic or project, but also very nice to see it coming to 'completion'. That sort of puts the crown on the work, doesn't it?

Looking forward to see how your comic ends, and looking forward to more of your works!

Tickler Dae: lol - maybe I should have featured them more prominently. 😉 Thanks for ll your support, my friend.

Ilo: Thanks buddy - I really appreciate it. You're right, often the completion of a project can be the best part, and it is no different with Tickling in Space... but there is a part of me that will really really really miss posting this comic.


Tomorrow is the big day.

get some sleep...

Because tomorrow the final chapter of this story will be revealed.

Ilo: Thanks buddy - I really appreciate it. You're right, often the completion of a project can be the best part, and it is no different with Tickling in Space... but there is a part of me that will really really really miss posting this comic.

*nods* I have been doing several 'stand-alone' comics and I notice that the longer you draw them - the more you grow attached to the characters yourself. An exception is that freak guy in my latest comic (The Voodoo Doll) but that's just someone you can't help but grow a hatred for. *grins* I hope, at least, that that counts for everyone. PS: most of my comics are non-tk, so that's why you don't know of them.

Anyway, back to the subject... if you start missing your girls, you can always start a story in the same universe with (some of) the same characters, in a brand new story.

The big day is tomorrow, eh? wooooohhh! 😀
The Final Page

What's THIS???? OH NOES! But oh yes... after over 50 pages of tickle torture, betrayal, revenge, and rampant tickling debauchery - the Tickling in Space gals say a fond farewell. With feathers at the ready, waving more at each other than in farewell... don't be afraid to wave back.

And please enjoy the LAST episode of....


It all comes down to this...

Over 162,000 views... Over 700 comments... And over a year of tons of TIS fun. I can't thank all of you enough. Truly. When I first considered posting this comic I had no idea how everyone would respond. And now at the end, I find myself secretly a little sad that it will all be ending.

Thank you all so VERY VERY VERY much for all of your support with TIS.

And I had never done a groups shot like this... but it ended up being one of the most fun pages I have ever worked on.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. And a galactically HUGE thank you to you, my friend. TIS would not have been everything it is without your help. Thank you.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!???

Well - a favor and a promise.

Here is the favor: now that the series is finished... would you be willing to post your thoughts on the project? Who was your favorite character? Favorite page? Favorite tickle couple? What did you always want to see happen in the TIS universe that I never got to?

To all of you out there that have stopped by to check out this thread and are reading this note - lurkers and non-lurkers alike - please take a second to post your final thoughts on TIS. I would really really appreciate it.

And the promise: I can not promise that I will draw more TIS pages. I can not promise that TIS will go on in some form. All I can promise is that - some sagas never end.

Thanks my friends,

The Deeto


  • TIS_C_49a.jpg
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A truly marvelous series Bandito, it is a shame that it's ending but at least on a positive side it shows how popular such a thing as this can be. I hope that your next project will be just as sexy and funny (in that order) as TIS. And my favourite character was without a doubt Thompson, she just had so many tools at her disposal for tickling, and when she used them she was unstoppable. My favourite page was number thirty seven, because it was your first (and best) full on pussy tickle. So hot.
The Final Page

What's THIS???? OH NOES! But oh yes... after over 50 pages of tickle torture, betrayal, revenge, and rampant tickling debauchery - the Tickling in Space gals say a fond farewell. With feathers at the ready, waving more at each other than in farewell... don't be afraid to wave back.

And please enjoy the LAST episode of....


It all comes down to this...

Over 162,000 views... Over 700 comments... And over a year of tons of TIS fun. I can't thank all of you enough. Truly. When I first considered posting this comic I had no idea how everyone would respond. And now at the end, I find myself secretly a little sad that it will all be ending.

Thank you all so VERY VERY VERY much for all of your support with TIS.

And I had never done a groups shot like this... but it ended up being one of the most fun pages I have ever worked on.

TIS was created, written, drawn, and inked by me (The Bandito)

Ticklefur did the story editing, script editing, lettering and all the colouring. And a galactically HUGE thank you to you, my friend. TIS would not have been everything it is without your help. Thank you.

.... and what will happen NEXT??!!???

Well - a favor and a promise.

Here is the favor: now that the series is finished... would you be willing to post your thoughts on the project? Who was your favorite character? Favorite page? Favorite tickle couple? What did you always want to see happen in the TIS universe that I never got to?

To all of you out there that have stopped by to check out this thread and are reading this note - lurkers and non-lurkers alike - please take a second to post your final thoughts on TIS. I would really really appreciate it.

And the promise: I can not promise that I will draw more TIS pages. I can not promise that TIS will go on in some form. All I can promise is that - some sagas never end.

Thanks my friends,

The Deeto


Sad of the end... but glad that the saga will go on in some form!

Well I think you know who my favorite character is...

Good ole Slither!

Fluffy comes in second...

along with, Dusty, Koki, Booki, Raven, Honey, Thompson and Downey!

For my favorite page...It's hard to say...

but I do love page 22 where Slither's beautiful feet are getting quite a nice tickling... :happy:

For couple... I liked Slither and downey.... But Koki and Dusty were a magical pair that just can't be beat!

For thing that I wish would happen:

I wish fluffy and slither had an encounter together... that would have been awesome! I guess Pg 45 will be the closest thing to that situation...

Also I wish there was more of Silki the Pookie... I love her!

The way she was tickled was just beautifully done... More of her (or any "Pookie") would have been great... :laughing:


I'm glad that you put this out Bandito... This has been a super cool galatic ride...

I hope the TIS characters will make some suprise cameos later in the future...

They're just TOO much fun... :happy:
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Just wanted to thank the Deet for letting me be part of TIS, and giving it an additional story angle, along with the colours, lettering, editing, cleanup work, special effects and textures. Artistically, I'm glad I was able to improve as the series went on - all artists should over time ^^

I'd also like to thank those very few out there who actually acknowledged my presence and efforts on this series, and all the work I put into it. I deeply appreciate your comments and support 🙂
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I'm not the best with words but I have to thank you both for your amazing work on this, and sharing it with us! It's sad to see it end but it was wonderful while it lasted. I always looked forward to a new page. Bravo bravo!!!!!!
As the good party ship Dannskold sails off into the event horizon (marooning us to the doldrums of lesser, non-Dusty/Koki-esque, sensual pleasures), the time comes to tip our grateful hats to the good captain and copilot and pray that this proud vessel may steam into port again some unexpected day to regale with a few more of its thousand-and-one delights! One hundred and sixty thousand plus disembark; a full year "at ether" leaves each wobbly and ill prepared for grounded travel. While the sea-legs will fade, the giddy memories endure in permanent fixity, jeweled moments cased in glowing amber! Who'll ever forget the never-ending sweaty tussling, the instant alliances and betrayals, Thompson's ceaseless upgrades, Jessi's hard labor and harder payment, the ongoing predator/prey mambo between sinuous Slither and sky-high Fluffy, Booki's ineffectual grasp on the law's long arm, Dusty's mouth-watering third portion, Koki (a-twitch with antennaed itch!), the whole blessed company's uncompromising, unreserved, unashamed abandon! If I could opt for two permanent shipmates, they'd likely be terrifying tin Thompson (the most devious mechanized mind packaged into bright baby-doll synthetics) and imperious Cap'n Dusty, a super-pulchritudinous lady with an extra hello... the top-most foam from a crew that's all cream! This has been a miracle vacation of discovery... had Darwin been aboard, his evolution theory would be too much fun for anyone to deny... and I'd have shipped steerage, shoveled coal, anything necessary, to have taken part! Forty-two guns (double the normal twenty-one) to salute the creators... their landmark voyage had become the stuff of legend by page one!
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Sorry about the delay (and you'll have to wait for more comments)... I'll try to write some more in the weekend.

But one thing I can say quickly is that Koki is definitely my favourite. It's the freckles. *grins* I love those freckles she has.
This is by far my favorite tickling comic of all time, and I seriously doubt that it will ever be topped! Thank you for your hard work, everyone who was involved, and I hope that this isn't the last I get to see of your work, its all great stuff. As for what my fav scene and fav couple are, I can't decide, they are all my favorite out of ALL other cartoon pics.
bitter_aaron: Thanks muchly my friend. I really appreciate the kind words, and also the specifics about fav characters/scenes. I also hope future projects will be able to capture the raw fun and emotion of TIS. And I agree with you completely about Thompson... such a fun little wicked tickle bot. I hope to include pussy tickling a bit more in future pics/projects. Thanks again, my friend.

Bombers: What can I say, Bombers? ThanK you SOOOOOOOOOO much for all of your support with TIS. And thanks also for all the specific feedback from your last post. I agree that Slither is a wonderfully likeable chick, lol. I have no idea why I hav fallen for her so hard, but I have. I agree that a Slither/Fluffy tickle session WOULD have been very enjoyable, and is a regrettable omission from the TIS series. Well, maybe one day the mood will strike and TIS will get another momen or two on my sketch pad.

ticklefur: Thanks again to YOU, my friend, for all of your help with TIS. I think your contributions to this fun online adventure are far more appreciated than you realize. Thanks yet again for all your help.

juanmiller: wow - thank you so much for the incredibly kind words. I really appreciate you taking the time to write that. I hope o be able to be lucky enough to work on something similar to TIS in the future. Thanks again.

LBH: Although I have said so at least 54 times... I must thank you, yet again, for your wonderful contributions to this thread. Your comments are always the finest prose, your feedback always the greatest praise, and your insight always the most interesting to behold. I thought Dusty and Thompson might make the tops of your list... for their many tantalizing abilities and assets. Thank you again, my friend, for making every page worth drawing, scanning, lettering, sending, and posting. You are the sort of fan, community member, and friend that makes me want to do so much more for this community. Thank you thank you thank you, from the bottom of my teeny black bandito heart.

Tickler Dae: I certainly understand, my friend. Thanks for all your great comments through out the life span of the thread. ^^

Ilohnoh: I must agree, amigo - few things are hotter than ticklish freckles. Thanks so much for your wonderful support. I will happily and eagerly await any feedback you have to offer.

Zenithtronic: O.O!!! I'm not really sure what to say, my friend. Wow. Thank you so much for making your first post on these forums a beautiful kind tribute to TIS. That means more to me than you could realize. I am so glad you enjoyed the TIS series, and I hope you get a chance to see the other work I have released, and will continue to release. And thank you again for the lovely message.

I'm getting all misty...

No really... I am...



Thanks everyone. Truly.

Thanks for everything,

The Deeto
Ilohnoh: I must agree, amigo - few things are hotter than ticklish freckles. Thanks so much for your wonderful support. I will happily and eagerly await any feedback you have to offer.

Okay, didn't have a lot more feedback, but you asked what part of the story was liked best and I still wanted to answer that.

Thinking about it some that would definitely when Koki is turned from tickler into ticklee. Revenge is sweet. But I also enjoyed the parts with that alien who has three boobs. That's some nice variation on a common theme. Bit extra exciting to see THREE nipples tickled instead of two. And that was a pretty complicated bra she wore. *grins*
Ilohnoh: I must agree, amigo - few things are hotter than ticklish freckles. Thanks so much for your wonderful support. I will happily and eagerly await any feedback you have to offer.

Okay, didn't have a lot more feedback, but you asked what part of the story was liked best and I still wanted to answer that.

Thinking about it some that would definitely when Koki is turned from tickler into ticklee. Revenge is sweet. But I also enjoyed the parts with that alien who has three boobs. That's some nice variation on a common theme. Bit extra exciting to see THREE nipples tickled instead of two. And that was a pretty complicated bra she wore. *grins*

YAY for ticklish freckles!

Yeah - Koki and her transition from wicked tickler to screaming ticklelee is also one of my fave parts of TIS. And as for the three nippled Captain Dusty... well, she's a handful alrighty. 😛

Well, three handfuls, I s'pose. ^^

Thanks again for your feedback my friend.

And another huge THANK YOU to everyone that made posting this crazy comic such a fun, wonderful, and memorable experience.

I already miss it.


I'm gonna try and see if I can make this work.

Here are the zip files for TIS, so ya don't have to download every single one of the bleepin' pages. And if this works, I'll add the files to the first page, so they're always easy to find.

But I'm a knucklehead, so lemme know if I get this wrong.

I'll try it with the colored pics first, and then I'll post the inks.

Thanks again - to all of you that have made TIS so much fun,

The Deeto


I am still in denial that this is over, so I am still waiting for the next page

*rocks back and forward in anticipation*
You're fantastic!!! Thanks again for putting all this together for all of us. :super_hap:ggrin:
I vanish and miss the ending of this epic! A pox or two upon myself! The last three are so scrumptious! Bonus #5 .. hey, we could put that to the tune of Mambo #5 with the TiS girls instead of the ones in the song.

A little bit of Booki in my life
A little bit of Koki by my side
A little bit of Dusty is all I need
A little bit of Slither is what I see
A little bit of Thompson in the sun
A little bit of Downy all night long
A little bit of Fluffy here I am
A little bit of you makes me your man

Ahem, where was I? Ah, the fifth bonus! I adore the beginning of the second panel; just hovering over the blindfolded 'lee, as Dusty does, is such a delightful sight. Total surprise when the strike comes! Those background snapshots fit rather well with the scene too.

I can see why you love the expressions on Dusty in Bonus #6. I rather like panel four's; in fact, I believe that's my favorite of the expressions in the entire storyline! A great deal of it is in her eyes; the mixture of pleasure and torment they convey is delightful!

And then the end. What a journey it has been! Oddly enough, I think this is one of the few times we're reminded that this *is* a space opera *in* space. Whodathunkit?

I must side with the fmilling's choice for favorite; I took a shine to Slither myself. Koki and Thompson second and third, in either order. They were all delightful, I'd honestly say. And just one page? Unpossible! I could only name the special Thompson page (Gotta love "KRSPFT!"), for that one was hawtness extreme. I liked Dusty and Koki as a couple but I think my favorite couples were Slither/Downy and Koki/Thompson (if that last could be called a couple); there was definite chemistry between the serpent and the feathers and who can pass on the Mistress and her Ticklebot? I've no imagination, so I can't think of a direction untaken I'd have liked to see. What spot didn't you tackle? What girl didn't get under the torturous fingers at least once?

Congratulations on an awesome finish, 'ditoman. Alas that I had to come late to give said congrats.
Tickler Dae: Well my friend... I wish I could say something to give you comfort. Just know that time heals all wounds. Check back with me in about a week, kay? lol.

EWeezy2001: Hey thanks so much for the nice comment. ^^;

HDS: WAA HAA HAAAAAAAAAAA! First of all... I am just so glad to see your little cyber face again. Secondly, thank you so very much for returning to the thread to post your final comments. I loved them unreservedly. And I really really really appreciate it. Plus the song was awesome. LMAO. I wish I could keep adding to this thread forever... but thank you for bringing it back from the dead. It also got my off my busy behind to finally post the zipped files for easy downloading. They are on the first page, post 1 and 2, so they won't get buried.




And if ya happen to be reading this... thanks again for being a TIS fan. TIS fans are always rewarded. 😉

Talk soon,

The Deeto
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