I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother passing away. When something like that happens, it's a very difficult time in your life.
That having been said, I think that your posts and approach was wrong. A mere "I'm going through a very tough time now, my grandmother just died". would have drawn much sympathy I know.
Six years ago, my mom was having examinations for cancer, (Which thankfully turned out to be nothing), and literally, the very next day after my mom's hospital visit to begin cancer examination, my father called me, and told me that he needed either angioplasty or open heart surgery. To have both parents going through potentially life threatening situations at the same time, I felt like I wanted to jump off a bridge. I had to support both of them, and deal with my own emotions. What did I do? I posted about the situation, and received a lot of support, which was very helpful, during a very difficult few months, as my mother was being examined for cancer, and my father had ultimately two angioplasties.
I understand you wanted support, but I question the manner in which you did it. I truly feel for your situation though.
Take it easy. I hope things do get better for you.