You do have a point in saying that you shouldn't have to spend your points "perfectly" to get through it! More balancing is probably needed here. 🙂
well yeah the problem there is that again, the point of the skill tree is to add a bit of free choice through out the game.
personally i think that you should get multiple skill points per level, maybe not enough to max everything, but a decent amount so you can explore your skill trees and still get the right skills when need be.
also im getting really tired of having to pop a potion every battle, im going to have to be the richest mage ever... and its starting to annoy me >.>
Yeah...that's the main issue here, I think. DwtD is hard for sure, even when you know exactly which skills to pick. Especially with a class like mage, which imo starts out a bit weaker than the rest. Fights will drag on forever, and you'll not get around using alot of healing items, sometimes just barely staying alive while trying to get a bit of damage in here and there.
well honestly now that i realized that they are not getting their health back? the difficulty has dropped signifigantly im sure its still challenging but that little tidbit was making it seem impossible.
though the slimes are complete bullshit it must have taken me like 10 minutes to beat it because its immune to magic (or at least the magic i had) so i had to use my target, and on a mage that sucks my damage ranged from 3-7 when she was guarding and about 13-14 when she wasn't (she was usually guarding) i swear the slime must have taken pity upon me because there were times when she just stopped doing ANYTHING
quick note: especially this early in the game, there should be no mammono immune to the early game magic.
When you inititially start out at the arrival maze there's a boulder blocking a path on the west edge of the map. That boulder disappears when you come back later on, it's behind there, examine the little patch of grass.
yeah i remember the place, i might try it on one of my non difficulties, or actually ill go check it with my mage one more time to be sure.
... I've played this game for a long time, and you're telling me I never noticed that? apart from healing abilities no I did not know mammono heal for part of their damage. Are you absolutely sure of that? I'm at work, so I can't check sadly...I'm honestly shocked how I didn't notice if it's true.
See above, I know honey bee can take a sip of her nectar and heal, but I didn't know she heals with every blow or if it's supposed to be like that... If you don't reply by the time I get home I'll definetly try this out myself and edit this. Edit after seeing your update: No health regen, good. I was really doubting myself there.
yeah i felt kinda stupid after that -_- but honestly I'm a lil curious as to why it keeps telling me they are regaining mana... THEY HAVE INFINITE AMOUNT STOP TRYING TO MAKE EXCUSES FOR IT XD
It is one of the hardest fights because you fight her so early, before you have access to the bar game and thus basically unlimited healing items.
im assuming you have to complete a few of the randome quests here and there in order to gain access to the bar game. but if im not mistaken on the game... it was kinda plain busy work, the amount of effort required to get everything took a while... but i could be wrong
I'm looking forward to that!
im going to finish the game first.
wow, that white feather is stupid! LOL im level one and im one hitting EVERYTHING! lol i just wanted to see what it was, i had already created a non DwtD character so i wanted to see
im still very angry with this game, its taking heavy concentration to stop myself from making another incoherent rant.
this game is just cheating now, im up to the king of the flys (why is she called a king? im going to not make an inapropriate transgendered joke her and instead say she should be named lord of the flys XD ahhh ive never read that book) and i've done everything save for one thing to beat her and nothing is working.
do you wana know how much bull this game is making me buy? ok lemme lay this one on down for you, because of my level 2 fire im doing about 130 damage to her a POP! on average thats the lowest, its usually around 140 to 150, and only ocasionaly 125 so lets say 130 on my best run i hit her 15 times! though only 13 did full damage, (this is not including the sheild for fire she has at the begining it would be 16 times if you count that) so how much damage is that? oh thats right 1690 after that i hit for an additional 50 and 60 damage (cause of some stupid ailment) that means i did over 1800 damage to her, and thats assuming that every time i hit i hit for 130 im sure i saw a LOT of 150 even one 157 it was probably around 2000 but i cannot say for sure. in contrast i only have about 200 health, this $%#^@ is sporting close to or more then 2000 health i only have 10% of that. TELL ME THATS NOT CHEATING! especially when she hits me for 100 a pop when she hits the weak spot, oh and i love how i've had it so she hit that same spot three times in a row...
i realize its supposed to be "hard" but there's a difference between winning by skill, and winning by dumb luck, and right now its feeling like dumb luck, worse yet it feels like even if i was fully decked out at level six and made every bit of skillful choice to make this battle easier, i could still lose, EVEN WILE TRYING, cause she can just hit my weak point for massive damage. THIS GAME IS MAKING ME HATE THE FACT THAT MY CHARACTER HAS TICKLISH FEET! HOW DARE YOU!
the worst part and final nail in the coffin for this complaint is how EVERY BATTLE I GET IN I HAVE TO USE POTS! the only ones i can get through without useing pots are the random encounters, though even the ones in the castle can really be a f'ing pain. but every boss battle even the side ones im poping at least one orange juice, i had like 6 or 7 or so when i got into the castle, i used like 2 and half just getting through the foxes, i dont have nearly enough to beat the boss, if i had ridiculous amounts of orange juice maybe i'd be able to win but still.
the problem is as is the only way i feel i can proceed is grinding, and unless something changed sence i first got here this game is supposed to frown uppon that. it must have changed cause at my current level there is NO way im beating this boss. i either have to grind for pots or grind for level. either way this is annoying.
and dont even get me started on the cow, she is so much horse shit its not even funny. she has so many different stupid status effects that its practically pointless to fight her. if she arouses you or wrever you might as well just surrender cause after that every pot you use just hurts you instead, in fact almost every status ailment that these characters throw at you are UNBELIEVABLY UNBALANCED if you get hit by one you wont win most likely. she also has the tank mode, that turns my 50 damage piller of fire into about 19 damage, wow it just cut it by like 60% man that move is TOTALY fair...
ok, im done now. i wana finish the game before i review it, but i keep getting to these parts that piss me off! i wana praise this game cause there is a lot to love about it, but the fights are so completly unbalanced against your favor that every battle is a war of attrition, an uphillbattle and the only reason i win is because i survive, not because im good.... im done with this game for today ive already yelled enough as is...