First bugs, then praises! (some spoilers, so beware!)
- in the village at the beginning in the house of the girl who gives you the letter there appeared a chest, but I can't interact with it
- one of the fishes in the water isn't causing a game over screen if you lose, but just glares at you.
- in Lockstockd Town in the potion shop you can walk on potions (better: on tables with potions on them)
- that in the Oni cave with the walls is a fake bug I guess
😀 nice idea!
- the Naughty Catgirls didn't deal any damage to me, even when I unequipped part of my armor (leaving me with DEF 16 at level 4 with a Paladin). I guess more of a balance thingie than a bug.
- I got stuck HERE:
Yep, I'm a genius xD
- after rescuing his wife, the husband still stands beside the dog... and you can walk over him
- in the labyrinth a way to the left doesn't work I think, at least I don't get teleported
- in the game over scene with the necromancer you still hear the tickling sound of Tula the whole time, not sure if this is intended. Somehow ruins the atmosphere I think.
But boy, the Oni leaving the cave scene was soooo epic
And lol, I discovered the second Zombie scene... guess I'm the only person who got the scene without the battle first
😀 and there I wondered why the Figmet is so cruel without any real reason xD
Oh, and... SOOOPAAAAAH STICK! (*in a Franky voice*)
Oh, and I like the LoL-references in the labyrinth
Oh, and I loved the mini game on the rails, somehow reminded me of some old Donkey Kong games ^^
Now off to grind a bit... stupid Necromancer *shakes fist*
Buuut the game got even bigger and better, so a big THANK YOU, AnimeWatcher!
(y no centaur scene? xD)