No, don't say that! Spaceballs 2 was never made! :scared
:blink My god...Have I just doomed myself with my own response!?
Seriously AW. The overall quality of your writing hasn't dropped an inch since the demo, the only problems being, as customary, a few typos and text-frame issues (but with the amount of work you are pouring on this game in so little time, one can hardly complain; honestly, I expected worse in these first releases). Many of the new battlers are simply gorgeous, even provided with nice facial expressions; I have yet to explore the full soundtrack but for now musics are used masterfully.
I also see that many balance issues were corrected, starting from the centaur raid problems. You are doing a wonderful job, my friend.
:blush Why do I feel like this is the calm before the stor-
Now, of course I am going to wait until I have finished the entire chapter before writing a more definitive review. Meanwhile, here are some of my notes and bug reports:
N.B. I found these in v. 1.4, and some of them have already been reported.
Ahh there it is.
Well, v1.5 is up and you managed to post before I put it on there so I went and scoured over the game and fixed more things. SO, your post was more important than you may realize. I thank you so much for reporting these issues.
All your bugs should be fixed, as well as the ones reported earlier.
- Also, personallly speaking, I'd really like to simply NOT have the "skip game over scene" option. The way that notice is worded is unclear, furthermore in some scenes I suspect there may have been inversions of the choice results; besides, if I lose a fight and don't want to see the scene, I usually just restart the game. It takes actually less time than waiting for the game-over effect to finish displaying and bring me back to the menu.
Alas, this is something you will have to live with (and I know you said it was just a minor thing). Opening and closing the game is actually more annoying to me imo. Though, this is in English so no translation is required, what if it had been in a different language? Can't tell you how aggravating it is having to rehook everything when I translate a game with no skip game-over sequence option.
At least I made it a little more clear vs the first Skip text. Once someone has pressed X and knows it goes straight to Game Over, I would pray our human minds figure out immediately that you'll always get that.
I did, however, slow down the battle text a little more. I don't want it too slow, otherwise the player gets frustrated waiting for the text to get done just so they can act again. This is more apparent when there are lots of enemies on the screen (like the Ancestral Fly).
- I would suggest a slight nerf to the damage of the "tar attack" of the spectres in the cave. A couple of spectres can pwn a lvl 8 warrior with full hp in three turns, if they decide to start playing... "dirty".
This is going to stay too. See, Spectres are anti-physical. You're going to have a hard time dealing with a pack of them or even one in general. Meanwhile, the casters are going to have a MUCH easier time fighting magic with magic (since they also have higher magic defense). Of course, on the other side of the coin, casters can get wrecked by the other undead roaming around (especially the high damage toe nibblers) while physical classes can deal with them easier.
Also, Tickling Tarmpits deals the same damage as all the other spells a specter has. What's more, these are the same spells that the Mage casts. Nerfing them would nerf the Mage (Which is like kicking a puppy at that point). I could make an NPC version of the spell, but I'm going to hold off on doing that for the time being. I already had to make an NPC version of Tula's heal. Again, this was just a minor suggestion by you, so I'm not holding it against you or something silly like that.
- The second encounter with the plump slime is pretty tough; I couldn't manage to beat her before reaching lvl 3 (warrior), and even then, I had to procure myself the secret beach swimsuit. Now, to be honest, I liked the fight and I feel no need to complain about it; but it should be kept in mind that a character unable to enter Lockstockd Tickles until lvl 3 (plus a good amount of map exploration) is almost guaranteed to wander about and find Sandy Smiles, thus doing the catgirl quest and so on. In retrospective, this means that the whole plot point of "earning" your audience with the General is skipped, since you will talk to the barrack guards and the decide to help Sandy Smiles only AFTER you have already met, help and befriended Madame Nuu. To avoid this without nerfing the slime, a possible solution would be to change the place of her encounter to avoid blocking the path to the city.
Plump stays where she is. Depending on your actions, you won't even encounter this quest chain so it's ok. However, I did nerf her a bit to try and allow 2nd levels a chance. I may, in the near future, give her one more attack or something to make up for it. And throwing this out here, she isn't plot related (well, compared to a character such as Worynn).
I found the Glee Candle. Stats appears to be identical to those of the Stiff Feather, and both of them mention a special affinity for the feet, though only the candle use the word "ATK". Is there any real difference between those two items?
My content update will have an NPC placed in inns that will be a Q&A NPC, so you can find out what stats do what and what things like this mean. Having something like ATK(Feet) means that your attacks now deal Foot-only damage. I do believe this is your basic attack only, but it requires a smidge more testing. So Glee Candle gives your basic attack the Foot attribute. What makes this good compared to Tickle Feet? Well...remember that your basic attack can crit, while your skills can't.
Stiff feather doesn't have anything like that. You're just looking at the descriptive text I put in items. Unless it has something like +15% Foot Damage or ATK(Belly) or +2% Crit, best to consider it first and foremost as fluff.
So again, v1.5 is out and available at your nearest Tickle Theater for pickup. 😀