"Cybertickling" -- give me a break...
I suppose that if someone thinks of cybersex as a valid form of sex, one could see cybertickling as valid also. There are those who would argue till the cows come home that sex is 98% mental ... blah blah blah. The problem with cyber-ANYTHING is that it lacks actual human contact, which is the most important part. There's absolutely nothing empowering about cybersex, cybertickling, etc., because the participants do not have to deal with the vulnerability and get over the hurdle of face-to-face contact. Online, it's so easy to become another person altogether, with a better face, a MUCH better body, a distinct lack of personality disorders, etc. There are those who would argue that's a good thing -- the creation of an alter-ego -- yada yada yada. The problem there is that unless you are completely psycho, you will realize that you are living a lie. That cannot feel good. So it's actually DIS-empowering to get caught up in that web. That must really suck.
Now, all that said -- if you are engaging in cyber-something with a real-life partner who you only see every other weekend because of distance, that's another thing entirely. But when cyber-contact substitutes for real contact, THAT's a big problem.
Just my two cents' worth,