The earth's movement was caused by a roundhouse kick from Chuck.
The sun will last another 4.5 billion years. Chuck Norris is forever.
Chuck Norris doesn't have to let his legs to the lifting. He lifts with his back.
The popular 'chug' contest is actually a drunken mispronunciation of 'Chuck.'
Chuck Norris always wins at solitaire.
Chuck Norris can get Mimi to safeword in under 12 seconds.
Matter exists in six states: Chuck Norris, solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and Chuck Norris. He's at both ends of the spectrum becasue he's harder than solids and more explosive than plasma.
Supernovas are actually caused by stars losing a staring contest with Chuck Norris.
We're getting clobbered in Iraq because Rumsfeld forgot to get Chuck Norris' availability for the invasion. Roundhouse kicks are imminent. I hope.
Leaning Tower of Pisa? Roundhoused by Chuck Norris.
Ditto Jimmy Fallon's face.