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Hidden in Plain Sight.

Ooo, I liked these ones when I originally saw them 😀 . Again, nice job indeedy!
Mine weren't up there for very long. ;_;
Maybe one day my favorite K piece will be put up.....
Beelzebub! I could have sworn I had checked before I wrote! It's something I usually do, just to avoid awkward incidents such as this!

Ah, the ever-popular Tim Burton selection! Few folks summon the confidence to tackle Burton's creepy design sensibilities... you've done it twice! Both examples trip a harrowing balance between painful and pleasurable imagery (dismemberment themes abound). We're happily saved from agony by the gleefully hilarious reactions of the put-upon heroines! It's difficult to feel their pain when they don't themselves! The soft touch of mist is effectively employed... Oogy Boogy is particularly menacing when all but his incorporeal outline is eliminated! Familiar pictures these may be, but well worth examining once more! Old friends are never unwelcome!
Littlebighead said:
Beelzebub! I could have sworn I had checked before I wrote!
Don't blame yourself, man.
I might be none too graceful, but few are as stealthy as I am, considering my full implement of steel plating.

Two rangers from the woods for LBH to tread the hidden paths with.

Wow 😀 . I really like them both, especially the first one ^_^ .
And what jolly company! Your martial themes always seem to inspire especially fine, exact detail (though delivered with an easy verisimilitude... almost as though, instead of studying diligently, as must have been done, you'd befriended two Medieval bowmen and were able to sketch them at your leisure). The costumes have wonderful balance: the folds of the first warrior's cloak sweep down to frame him protectively; the second, confident in a beautifully intricate mail shirt and artfully tied belt. Both men bear an air of hardy self-sufficiency, well armed for long and short combat, and primed to decamp under the stars or provision themselves from the land as need dictates. Gray shading and bright color both are lush and proud... it's impossible to choose a preference. A very fine 16K; more reason than ever to rejoice in Kal's bold Renaissance of new artwork!
lonelykimiko said:
Wow 😀 . I really like them both, especially the first one ^_^ .
I should mention the first one is an actual char of mine from NWN.
Wanted to try out a couple of tricks I've been learning since the new guys joined TTC.
Hi there Umojar. 😉

Second one was supposed to be my char for Tales of Aygomenia, before it took the "Alternate Roman Empire" turn.
I later ditched it cause I don't really like to play rpgs as much as I like planning things out.

All in all, they ain't too bad.

Littlebighead said:
Your martial themes always seem to inspire especially fine, exact detail (though delivered with an easy verisimilitude... almost as though, instead of studying diligently, as must have been done, you'd befriended two Medieval bowmen and were able to sketch them at your leisure).
Thanks for your words.
My images are far from perfect, but compliments are always welcome. 😉

About my care for details, you're close to truth.
I did spend some time with medieval stuff - if not the actual bowmen, their trappings - and I tried to keep a veneer of historical believability in my pics.
Glad you noticed.



Ok, I'll be probably away for 17k, so no question asked, no lies given.
Take care.
Yeah, I can definatly see the D&D influence in the pics. I've been reading through the Players guide recently too. Very nice job 😀 .
OMG, those are great. Especially the 1st one!! I can't put my finger on it, but something about it is awesome! 😛

Lol, it's good to know that I'm inspiring people here. I really do like both of them though, in spite of my sarcasm. I like the shading that you used for the first one, and I like the style of the 2nd one. You're also good with adding in small details, which is something I'm trying to incorporate into my work.

If there was one bit of criticism I could give, it's just the boots on the 2nd one. The shading and the line quality on the boots is different from the rest of the body. It's only distracting to me because it's inconsistent with the overall style of the work. But that's minor. I wouldn't have mentioned it if it were someone that isn't serious about their artwork. Anyhow, looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. Hopefully, another tk.
Kalamos said:
Well... yes... it was all about dying!


It's quite long-winded, and I'm long over-due my maintenance shift, but I'll try and give you the abridged version.
So, it all started with a weird story, a kind of fan fic featuring, among the others, Camel, Georgiatklr and yours truly.
In a fell swing, Georgiatklr had the both us die, and reincarnate as *moles*.
Not the subterranean variety, mind you, rather, the spot-on-the-skin kind, on Camel's feet.

-> http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=7201&highlight=kalamos+saudelli

Apparently, in Georgia's story, Saudelli's goons discovered a slew of counterfeited pics, and dealt swift mob-style justice on my flesh and blood self, as told in this - rather blurry - pic.

-> http://www.tickletheater.com/showthread.php?t=7412&highlight=murder+drew

For a while I "role-played" dead, posting a skull as my avatar and behaving as if I were, for most accounts, deceased.
A few users actually fell for it... others never realised or read the whole story, so they thought I simply had a fancy for undead and stuff.

My undead persona developed into a yellow skeleton in a purple robe.
A lot of jokes ensued, and resulted in more wacky "art" I'll be posting by 15k.

After a while, thanks to the lack of taste of a few guys, the corpse thing grew, so to speak, stale.

I somehow got resurrected, or rather, passed to my next stage of undeath: an incorporeal revenant in a gothic suit of armour.
The passage was quite slow. Slower than the prev passage would indicate.

At first I simply put the fancy sallet you might be familiar with.
People got to know me after it, and to some I was the guy with the helmet.
A few jokes later, some nice, a few nasty, I got to develop a full body for my hollow helmet.

My web persona shifted to a full hollow armour; I started drawing myself as the hobbly armoured guy you're well familiar with.
Except for the odd adjustment or lapse in memory, the Kal-armour char is well defined and fixed, and it suits - erm... - me well.

The most notable feature is still the rounded over-sized helmet, covering my features save for the eyes, patterned as pinpoints of light, sometimes conveying my feelings through changes in shape and hue.

I *did* appear out of my armour in a few instances, but nobody realised it was actually me.
And I did draw myself full armoured save for the helm, with my real world features.
Again, few ever took notice since the thread the pic was being hosted in, got deleted.


The pics you got to see date to my bony period, when my corporeal undead persona was quite prone to crumbling to pieces, and resident ladies, for some reason, were quite keen on playing with my scattered remains.

Of course, as you can see, they usually got more than they had at first bargained for.


So much for the abridging... eh? 😉

:wooha: I think you should write a book about this, it's far more interesting and complex than most things I've ever read :wooha:
Who knows, maybe it will even become movie, perhaps even a franchise; and then we'd have Kalamos T-shirts, hats, lunch boxes and a whole lot of goodies to go around 😀 😀 😀
Umojar said:
The shading and the line quality on the boots is different from the rest of the body. It's only distracting to me because it's inconsistent with the overall style of the work.
Good eye of you. 😉
I did draw just the top part of it, then later added the lower part by mouse.
That's why the inconsistency.


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Horrors! Fresh graphics to view (and you said there'd be no 18K update!) I've commented on picture 3 already, and I recognize picture 4 as vintage material (a fine collection of faces, and a convincing 3-D effect as the brush contacts the foot). Which leaves the two-part comic cat-fight! This appears to be brand-spanking new (it's done in your new hard-lined style, and features those distinctive, separated round-corner panels). Some fine slangy dialogue ("Gerroff!") to accompany the two feuding personalities! The tension builds expertly... the ready-to-erupt Kal in panel three is a great simmering image! ; while the smirking, taunting Nessie (that has to be Nessie, right?) fully earns her last-panel come-uppance. I didn't know metal armor could assume those manga-style irritation marks, by the way... Kal must be mightily steamed!
Littlebighead said:
Horrors! Fresh graphics to view (and you said there'd be no 18K update!)
Well, no 17k, so let there be twice for 18k.

Which leaves the two-part comic cat-fight! This appears to be brand-spanking new.
Just a little thing from Nerrad's thread.
I tend to leave my pics around, waiting for somebody to get them and spread them around.

I didn't know metal armor could assume those manga-style irritation marks, by the way...
Just catprints, not stress marks, though.
Should have coloured them differently. 😉

Hope you liked them.
Ness probably did.
Nerrad dunno.
Umojar didn't get to see them.
And... no, I can't track people's surfing habits, can I?
Well, I can say that I liked them a lot. I like the expressions for both characters in the comic. I also like the detail you have goin with the other pic. There's so many different types of faces and they're even drawn in different styles. That shows true talent. I'm looking forward to the next set.
Umojar said:
There's so many different types of faces and they're even drawn in different styles. That shows true talent. I'm looking forward to the next set.
Thanks. 😀
It all started back then as a rerun of the trite old flame on "toons vs anime".
While I'm anime-skeptical, I wanted to try my hand at it, just to show myself I could handle it without prejudice.



Dunno about a new set. Most of my pics are just one-shot stuff.
Maybe I'll be drawing a 3rd pic for the "K vs N" comic, but don't hold your breath on it.

Kalamos said:
Hope you liked them.
Ness probably did.
Nerrad dunno.
Umojar didn't get to see them.
And... no, I can't track people's surfing habits, can I?

Which ones are we talking about here? I didn't think I'd missed anything. I know I PM'd you about of group of stuff entitled "Long Time Coming" because I'd been meaning to reply to a bunch of stuff, but was so busy with work that a couple weeks had gone by and I was hardly viewing, let alone posting. Did I miss something? It was right after I saw the close up face of the Catwoman that I PM'd you. I haven't seen much of you here lately.
nerrad said:
Which ones are we talking about here? I didn't think I'd missed anything.
Dunno. Been reposting older stuff.
Haven't done tk pics while away.

Did pics. Lots of them. None of the tk kind.


Great stuff about english is I can be as brief as I need to without sounding too coarse.

Try that in italian...
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