Hey, AW, glad you could you join the conversation. I'd just like to add it's also illegal, for the kiddie porn thing. And I'm baffled no one else is annoyed by Jax's commas. Maybe I'm the only grammar nazi among us.
I do have a hypothetical question for you though. Let's say someone took an unfinished game they liked, that hadn't been updated in years and basically had been left for dead, no pun intended. Then somehow, perhaps using a game decrypter, they see how the original creator did it, and try to contact the creator saying they'd like to continue the story and what the creator started, but gets no reply.
Is it wrong then if the person basically finishes the game? And basically fulfills it the original vision? I'm not planning on doing this, (which you might have thought I was advocating), but I was wondering if you changed your stance for instance finished ToG and posted it here. I mean, don't get also false hope! But, if that happened, how morally bad/good would it be?
Just a little hypothetical question. You got me wondering, AW.
His commas don't bother me; didn't even notice 'em really. I've gotten used to a variety of simple grammar mistakes, though I still grit my teeth at the their/there thing. Not so bad; I've just had to replace 78% of my teeth with fake ones after breaking them :stickout
As to your hypothetical: actually, this still wouldn't work and would still be considered copy infringement. First off, game decrypters aren't meant for that purpose. Artists have those files locked and hidden for A REASON. This is kindof a case of "falling into the wrong hands", what with people using the program to rip open other people's games. :closedeyes
Anyways, even if you tried to contact the creator and didn't get a response, you can't add, remove or touch their files without permission. You will NEVER be able to finish the original vistion, because unless you have a written script/story, you aren't the original creator. Nobody can think what the creator would've thought unless you were the creator him/herself. There's just no way. Sorry. This isn't me flat out denying you, though in a way it might be, it's just that's how the human mind is - that's how we're all a different entity on this planet. You might THINK you'll know, but honestly you won't; s/he could've wanted a particular scene or plot point to go in an entirely different direction than what you thought up.
Unless the creator has died or something tragic has happened, you need their written permission, and even with their death I'm sure there is some waiting period before copyright just ups and vanishes. What if they came back much later and found their project had been "finished" without their consent? In today's world, you could get into legal trouble (and lets face it, people are very sue happy these days). Morally? It would be bad. Legally? It would be bad. It's just not a good idea to do, even with a project like ToG which hasn't been touched in a while.
I'm sorry Animewatcher but I didn't know it was an important part of the story.I've thought it was a side quest scene or something like that ,that's why I've talked about the skip scene action.I agree with you it's not good to totally modify a work as we want without the artist permission ,I've just said "If it's for add a skip scene button ,I'm sure we can do that without his permission because it don't really change the game ,it just allow to skip a scene or not so it's not a big change" ,but again it's because I've thought it was a little side scene.
And for my own I don't really care about a good translation or not ,I just want to see the rest of the story and I was disappointed to heard the translation was stopped due to this scene ,that's all.
PS : 4chan have Pedobear 😛 and Booru site like Gelbooru or Danbooru are full of child-like girls raped ,tortured and all ,same for some japanese fetish site.That's the point I wanted to show 😛
PS 2 : For JonesyJones ,maybe I think (I'm not sure it's just my opinion) in this case it can be considered like an abandonware ,so maybe it's not immoral to change it if the original author have really abandon it
I know you want to play, and I know you want to finish, but even a Skip feature is adding stuff that the creator didn't place in. This is Daabura's project. No matter what happens, we can't go in and just begin changing stuff to our liking. Before you say anything, translating is NOT illegal in most parts of the world. You are simply taking what is already been made, and changing it into a language you can understand. You're not adding or deleting scenes or creating mechanics and controls that weren't originally there. Sorry Jax, you don't have the right to do this. No one does except Daabura.
And puuuuhlease. Pedobear might be a pedophile, but let's be honest...he is a comedic character. The only children he rapes are in pics where he has been photoshopped behind some fully clothed child molesting or "raping" them. Otherwise we mostly just see him laying traps for children or chasing them in hilarious fashion.
As to the booru's and their collection of pics? Anime characters in general have child-like appearances with big heads and large eyes. The booru's do actually have rules on what you can post, and get a lot of postings every hour. They have to wade through them and slowly delete things, and you will in fact find they delete pictures. I'm not going to talk about some Jap site either as a way of defense
😛 Honestly, Japanese sites are just full of crap like that. We've just come to accept that Japan, with all its oddities, is going to be Japan. We're not Japan. We can't "get away" with that stuff lol.
And to finish off with your little PS to Jonesy: This is not abandonware. The TRANSLATION is, but that's not what abandonware is. Labyrinth of Laughter is STILL being worked on and updates released by Daabura to this very day. It's just that they're all in Japanese.