Hmm, well, it's not shining this time, but I still can't get in it. Unless there's something else I'm supposed to do.
Ok, so I'm wandering down the stone hallway, get past the little surprise and come to a dead end in the hall. The hall itself picks up about a square over, but nothing I click on reveals anything. Was this an accident or did I miss something?
Wait I see what you mean.... the fucking wall has moved down! Damn it all!
I know, it's an odd statement to have to be made! Best of luck, let me know if this damn thing has started dicking about again! So pissed... cause I do a complete run of each part before I move on to the next set of events.I know I shouldn't, but I LOL'ed when I read that. Not because the game is messing with you, but because of the absurdity of the statement in general.
Anyway, getting the patch and going for another round.
Yeah... sorry about that. I more over did it for a sense of organization (thank you my god damn OCD!) because I'm having a few scenes that are almost game over-esque yet they don't finish the game. But thanks for your kind words! The gallery seems to be everyone's favourite so far!Just started playing, and having reached the gallery, it would be nice if instead of a game over, bad choices lead back to the moment before you made them (emulating a continue). Since I'm sure I'm not the only one who made it their mission to find every game over i could, and constantly having to save when you know your about to get a game over, then load again, does get annoying.
Also, I feel that it should either be impossibly to walk between the angels on your own volition, or doing so should trigger the dialogue.
Minor point thus far: I was trying for all the game over scenes and discovered that at the part with the switches, if you do nothing, it still let's you pass. You only get the game over if you do the switches wrong.
Liked the new game over scenes so far, especially the sprite-based ones like the feet in the wall! ^^
- Game freezes if you first talk to Ghost and then click on the bed
- In the cellar: When I walked in the left door, I got teleported at the cellar entrance and the screen got red. I could walk another time in that door, but after that I can't anymore. Is that supposed to happen? Also I'm not sure how to continue now.
- also I just wondered if in the scene where you follow that ghost girl through a specific route through the room... are you supposed to see the correct route? Because there are wooden plates which mark the route... I expected some kind of memory puzzle like the switch one before.
If these ARE bugs... I suggest you get a beta-tester to at least find the obvious ones before you release further game updates 😉
I, for one, was happy for those wooden tiles. My memory is terrible!
The only person I could get to personally test this can't get the games to work because he computer doesn't like the RTP
Isn't that the same as saying you have no beta-tester at the moment who can test your game? xD
I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to test your game here in the forum. If you don't find anyone, just take me 😉 and most of the bugs can be found by one person I think instead of letting all the players test the game at the same time and get stuck at the same places.
Speaking of being stuck, I can't leave this small maze with the holes in the walls where you get the gem. I guess a teleporter is refusing to work.
- After receiving the gem and returning to the cellar, you can go through the left door again... making the screen darker and teleporting you right back into the cellar.
- After receiving the gem and returning to the cellar... I was able to walk into the hall and then upstairs to the glowing door, finishing this version. Wasn't there supposed to be a gem-stealing-event? ^^