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Tower of Gargalesis (Tickling RPG M/F, F/F, F/M)

Alright, I need a writer. I am sincerely stuck and it's holding back the release of Chapter 2.

I need someone to write the Victory and Game Over scene for the DWTD Ch. 1 Superboss.

The Victory Scene is almost completely non-sexual, it's just frustration being taken out on the boss. I'll explain more if someone contacts me.

The Victory Scene is armpit tickling, again, I'll explain the situation later.

The Game Over can be whatever, I honestly have no ideas at all in that regard.

Your-Mileage-May-Vary with this superboss. Again, I'll explain in full detail if anyone PMs me. Remember, this is a human, an Outsider, not a Mamono.
Alright, I need a writer. I am sincerely stuck and it's holding back the release of Chapter 2.

I need someone to write the Victory and Game Over scene for the DWTD Ch. 1 Superboss.

The Victory Scene is almost completely non-sexual, it's just frustration being taken out on the boss. I'll explain more if someone contacts me.

The Victory Scene is armpit tickling, again, I'll explain the situation later.

The Game Over can be whatever, I honestly have no ideas at all in that regard.

Your-Mileage-May-Vary with this superboss. Again, I'll explain in full detail if anyone PMs me. Remember, this is a human, an Outsider, not a Mamono.

I can help you write if you need a hand!
I've never really wanted to put tickling in my stories but I certainly help with feedback.

And also. Super boss? what super boss?
Well, I finished the revamped Chapter 1, and I can't say least that is an amazing game and that it promises to get even better.
I mean, the previous version of the game was already great, but you Deus managed to top that this time around. From a story telling point of view, the tweaks and added details add more sense to the arrival of the Outsider to the island, like the fact that the acceptance of waking up in a world where everything revolves around tickling doesn't come that easy. The new bits of dialog are great (I lol'd when Honey Bee corrects the Outsider reminding her that the "tickling monsters" she's talking about are called "Mamono"). The game already had that feeling of being a live, breathing world before, but now it's even deeper in that way.
As for the gaming aspects, even for the first chapter of the game, the improvement is HUGE, and I can see what where you talking about when you referred to create a new gaming experience and that it was going to feel different than before. The Twins Book addition is what makes most of the difference and what makes each class stand apart from the others (despite that I've played just with the Mage and with the Soldier by now), and you need to think more strategically when it comes to customizing your skills and when you have bosses to face (with a few tweaks in the Book, I went from being absolutely unable to hurt Lady Venus to give her a fair fight and beat her).
It's true that the new background images for the menus can be a bit distracting, but perhaps adding a textbox or darkening the images a bit would fix that easily.
As far as glitches and bugs go, I only found 2 that weren't already posted:
One was partially my fault. After the first half of the fight with Lady Venus, when the Outsider runs and doesn't quite knows what to do, I kept pressing up and then got jammed because the character couldn't move to the left like it was supposed to. Not letting the character move in that bit would easily take care of that I guess.
The other one wasn't a bug per se, but I was checking around the map to see if there was some new area or something like that, and when I went to the desert on the upper right side of the map, I couldn't get out of there without having to stop in the camp site because there was no room for the character to walk and avoid it.
They're really minor things that seems to be easily fixable, but I thought it may be useful for you to know them 🙂.

And about the writing, I agree a 100% with what Inverse said. I believe that's also that feeling of helplessness of being defeated by a creature that lives to tickle what makes the game over scenes so compelling, and also the chance to get back at them when you win.

I'm kind of a lurker, I don't post that much around here mostly due to being busy and stuff, but now that I'm on vacation I'd like to offer my help to be a beta-tester or give you a hand with the writing or something like. This is an amazing project and I'd be more than happy to help 🙂. Also, I believe that I speak for everybody around when I say thanks a whole freaking lot for putting so much time and effort in such an awesome thing.

Looking forward to Chapter 2! :lol

PS: Just out of curiosity, have you thought of teaming up with an artist to make full body images of the characters, or laughing faces for the tickling scenes (like was mentioned before) or something like that?
@Inverse: Wow. Well said. Since the game is combative, naturally that's the style. But I think farther in there will be some playful, lighter stuff from the friendly mamono of our choosing. Both have their place, and will likely continue to be awesome.

I completely agree~ <3 Both can definitely be fun. There is without a doubt a blend of intensity, sexuality and humor that make this game so appealing to play and read. It's amongst my favorites in tickling fiction in general to be honest. Though a game, and befitting "tickling artwork", it can easily fit as one of the better tickling stories ever told.

Sent a PM to Deus, though I am sure there are many that would love to help. <3
Just finished the update, only played the thief so far, but there's already definate improvement as for how battle feels. New level up system was a great addition. Might wait to try DWTD mode though.

Have to agree that I loved the new tidbits of writing. The Outsider's reactions feel more natural. Though the feeling pretty low about tickling someone, to going for the extra tickle against Honey Bee was a quick transition. lol
Speaking of HB, I already liked her, so all the additions to her dialogue were nice. Like the camp bit, and the quick little demonstration tickle she has you do. Little interaction scenes like that really add to it for me. ^^
The new sprites are looking good too. And is that new battle music I hear?

Few minor bugs I noticed. At the end of the chapter, the Outsider says "There's the Tower." and sets up camp regardless of which side of the forest you leave on.
The game slowing down has been mentioned, but it only happened for me if you try to talk to HB again before finishing the Goblin part of the training she gives you. Loaded it and it was normal speed again.
And in the conversation that you jump back a bit after talking to Honey Bee, the game freezes if you talk to her from a side other than the front. All pretty easy to avoid, but thought I should mention it.
Anyway, keep up the great work. The improvements have been really noticeable.

On a unrelated topic, I remember people talking about having different expressions for the character icons a while back. After studying the ones in Labyrinth of Laughter (which abbreviates to LoL...can't believe I didn't notice till now) they only change the mouth and the eyes for the most part. The heads and hair stay exactly the same for each character which means doing this for ToG wouldn't be as hard as it might seem at first. I experimented with doing this and I can't say I'm happy with the result but with more practice I might be able to get it right. .

Good concept, but could be a thing that would take a while to improve/implement. Especially during beta-ing.
Good concept, but could be a thing that would take a while to improve/implement. Especially during beta-ing.

True, it might. Though I think it would take longer to have the whole game made and then have to go back and change each portrait instead of doing it as you go but maybe i'm wrong, never used RPG make before.

If anyone has played Venus Passion (and since it hasn't been translated into English as far as I know I bet most haven't) whoever made it altered the faerie portrait amazing well. I just wish I knew how...
For some reason, when I try to run the new updated chapter 1 game file, I keep getting Failed to Initialize DirectX Audio. Any ideas what's causing this? My DX is updated and everything so I am a bit lost XD
All I can think of right now is that your system isn't set up to play .ogg Vorbis files. Get yourself the setup file from Vorbis.com and you should be okay. Sometimes DirectX doesn't include DirectShow Filters for Vorbis and other sound files. You can get these filters from xiph.org/dshow.

I installed these filters and nothing can stop me now!
*falls afoul of a pit trap*
Not to spam or encourage spamming this thread, but I'm curious as to how everyone's approaching the game. From the sound of it, I'm guessing a lot of Mages not dancing with the devil? If you have a comment to make anyway, and wouldn't mind indulging me...

What class or classes are you playing as? And how ticklish are you making them? Balanced or a couple hot spots? Are you in DwtD mode? When you get Tome points, where do you spend them? How hard/easy is it?

I've got a Thief (1-2-1-4-3-2-1-1 (15 total)), a Slayer (1-3-4-3-1-1-2-1 (16 total)) and a Soldier (3-1-1-2-3-4-3-1 (18 total)), all on DwtD (and all Female). With the thief, I've been pouring all my points into Stamina+, and gave one of those to the other two. Then I gave the Slayer/Soldier more points into whatever its thing was: the belly attack or the turtling. Hmm, from the look of it, I do not like being balanced tickle-wise. I much prefer gambling with hot spots. Potentially risky, as I could meet a boss that only tickles neck, thighs and hips, screwing my Soldier.

Despite being a bit less ticklish, I've found the thief to have the hardest time. However, this is made up for by the ability to steal things! *cue Bender voice* "I love stealin', I love takin' things…" DwtD mode is definitely doable, but you may need to be careful of your saves. As in: crap, that build doesn't work, go back and put it in something else! But I like the fight. Makes the victory that much sweeter.
The Moment I Should Have Had Ready Ages Ago

So, after hours of slaving away over a hot monitor, feuding with my closest confidants and alienating my wife and friends, at long last, Chapter 2 is ready to surface. Be afraid, ye of little faith, be very afraid.

New Things to Note:

- Before you can enter the campsite (on subsequent playthroughs) you'll be forced to return to the Captain to turn in "The Curse of Knismesis Village" this is to help with our next point.

- The Other Outsider sidequest has been added to Dance with the Devil mode. It doesn't appear in your journal, but it spans Chapters 1-6 and 8-9. The recurring antagonist is a second human, another Outsider. She appears as the boss to every part of the quest, with the exception of Chapter 9's part. She is a superboss, and as such will require a bit more thinking to defeat. Fear not, she's no Paranoia (who will make gods weep in the remake, I fear).

- To activate the Other Outsider sidequest, you must speak to the guard to the left of the Captain BEFORE ENTERING THE TOWER OF GARGALESIS. If you begin Chapter 2 (step into the Tower), you cannot get the Crystal Bell, which is necessary for this quest. If you're on DWTD mode, you'll notice the guard react to the conversation you have with the Captain. That's your cue to investigate him.

- The Giggle Goblin mechanics have changed. Now, your Goblin begins at level 6, meaning she is good and ready to take on Beelzebebe. The only way to advance your Goblin is to interact with her. Get to know her better, return the affection she gives you, and (prepare for Disney moment) let your heart touch hers. She can only level once per chapter, after you've defeat the boss of that chapter. Meaning, after you beat Bebe, you can have a heart-to-heart with Spaz and she'll advance to EITHER level 9 or level 10. There are things you can do to make your Goblin level beyond the next level limit.

I won't say what these things are.

- Damage calculation has changed. Previously, Technique based attacks were defended by the Technique of the enemy. No more. Now Proficiency and Technique are both tested against Endurance. This means Mages will probably find their Chapter 1 godliness revoked. It should also make the fight with Paranoia much more interesting.

- Slayers now have the lowest Endurance in the game, while Soldier's have the lowest Proficiency (other than Mages, obviously).

- New synth items have been added, get them if you plan to be a thief.

- Turtle Up has been nerfed. Soldiers will find that it's no longer an instant God-Mode.

- Steal has been nerfed. It no longer ignores states which create elemental immunity. This is important for the fight with the Other Outsider, Paranoia, Honey Bee, and Aello.

- The Goblin Flute is now an item, not a skill. Minor change, but I thought it looked nicer.

- Pots have had their healing tweaked, for the better in most cases.

- There are going to be "healing springs" added to every floor of the tower. These are basically free healing spots, which, when you first trigger them, will show you a memory left behind by Gargalesis (no sense in mystery here, it's obvious as hell).

- Beelzebebe is a bitch. Take the advice I THROW IN YOUR FACE or you'll find yourself pretty much up shit creek.

- There are two possible "campfire" cutscenes after beating Beelzebebe. If you tickled Hathor, but did not advance Honey Bee to the next stage of friendship, you'll get a scene with Hathor. In every other circumstance, you get a scene with Honey Bee.

- Special thanks to everyone who submitted writing to me.

I think that covers the scope of the updates. Here you go:

The Tower of Gargalesis Chapter 2
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Actually that link had a mistake so I took it down <_< gimme like five minutes to get the new one up.

Edit: There we go, use the link I just added.
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There's a startup error when I try to load an older save file
Script 'AS: AntiLag' line 241: TypeError occured. nil can't be coerced into Fixnum
Downloaded now. Thanks a lot Deus. Also i asked before about the black feather in a PM but never got an answer so if i may ask here. Did you choose not to impliment it or put it under a different name?
I removed BETA/DEUS mode. I may add it back in later in some format.

Now that is interesting...I'll see why the anti-lag script might be causing an issue with older saves.

Damn, that's annoying. That script really helped reduce slowdown. I'll have to completely redo the Blue Chaos level...but I'll take it out.
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It's up now. I had to remove a script that reduced lag, but made previous save files incompatible.

/me eagerly awaits the next thing I screwed up to leave this unplayable.
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Ahn, noob here.
To keep playing with my memorie from the first play (the recent one) in the second part, what should I do? I tried to paste the save in the new folder, but the game thinks I'm playing the first chapter, withoud the second part...
It's up now. I had to remove a script that reduced lag, but made previous save files incompatible.

/me eagerly awaits the next thing I screwed up to leave this unplayable.

The feather bugs in the tower play kind of strangely. The first one I encountered used some skill that put a ton of status effects on me and then the second one had the image of the first bug reappear after I defeated it (it called another) even though it didn't do anything after
It's up now. I had to remove a script that reduced lag, but made previous save files incompatible.

/me eagerly awaits the next thing I screwed up to leave this unplayable.

Hey now there... considering that this game starts off at the point of awesome and you are trying to make it more awesome - you get all the slack you need as you tinker on it. 🙂
It's up now. I had to remove a script that reduced lag, but made previous save files incompatible.

/me eagerly awaits the next thing I screwed up to leave this unplayable.

Having trouble with mamonology also. I have observe 5 but can't take on aspects of certain mamono
Having trouble with mamonology also. I have observe 5 but can't take on aspects of certain mamono

Which ones? The only aspects available are: Fairy, Goblin, Shroom, Bunny, Ant, Bug, and Slug.

You can only get the aspect from the initial Feather Bug. Any others summoned (which was fixed btw) won't give an Aspect. Nor can you get aspects from enemies that appear in packs (The Goblin Guard, the Ant Triplets in Chapter 3), nor from Yusei form Mamono (Princess Chase, Goblin Leader, Great Shroom, etc.).
Which ones? The only aspects available are: Fairy, Goblin, Shroom, Bunny, Ant, Bug, and Slug.

You can only get the aspect from the initial Feather Bug. Any others summoned (which was fixed btw) won't give an Aspect. Nor can you get aspects from enemies that appear in packs (The Goblin Guard, the Ant Triplets in Chapter 3), nor from Yusei form Mamono (Princess Chase, Goblin Leader, Great Shroom, etc.).

Alright, looks like it's not a guarantee each time you use observe
However, when I go to fight hathor with aspects it says she takes hits but her stamina doesn't move at all
Alright, looks like it's not a guarantee each time you use observe
However, when I go to fight hathor with aspects it says she takes hits but her stamina doesn't move at all

Again, which ones? Hathor has huge Stamina and a lot of Endurance, so specifics will help me narrow down what my be going wrong.

And no, you have a 50% chance of obtaining an Aspect.
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