Found a typo. In the Proving Grounds discussion with Bacardi, "grin" is accidentally in as "grind."
Also, I noticed that if you open browser dev tools and walk while the game is open, you get an exception involving shortcutLock thrown at every keypress, and that the game frequently complains about "audio/se/Move1.ogg" being missing. Maybe that's an RTP file that didn't get uploaded to the web?
fixed the typo. clue on that second note....i'm not doing anything like that, just using the editor itself....move.ogg is in the drive folder and doesn't seem to be experiencing any problems that i can see...
Not sure the fix is working quite right? When you talk to Hide-n-Seek kid, you get locked out of your return charm.
once you start the hide n seek quest, you can't leave the forest until you find the girl 3 times. this was 1) because i just have the event moving and leaving the map would reset it and 2) thematically, angie wouldn't leave the forest until she knows the little girl is safe. once you find her the third time, it will re-enable the return charm. i can copy and past the event here .-. it should work without a fault.
Also, might be a related bug, but going north at the forest "entrance" when the above lockout bug is active lets one walk through the black, non-map area.
T_T i have no clue, all i do is turn a switch on to prevent the charm from being used. i changed the tile so maybe that'll fix it?
Another possible bug: the weird burning skull curse looking state seems to persist outside of battle. I think there might be some kind of bug involving bleeding, frenzy, and salve?
i guess i didn't expect anyone to beat Jinko in the 2 turns it takes for "rupture" to wear off. i added a condition that removes it outside of battle.
So, some thoughts on balance. There's a quest that recommends wizard. Leveling wizard to 3 felt grindy. It would be more fun if a side-quest brought the class up to speed. Whatever. Bit the bullet, got it to 3.
i suppose i could do that? but then, where do i draw the line? if someone finishes chapter 1 without using the rogue, for example, do i need to make a quest in chapter 2 to bring them up to level 5? i've reduced the experience needed to level and buffed the exp the monsters give as well, so it shouldn't be too grindy to level now. after reading this, i went back through and buffed those again.
Then got pounded in the forest. (Even using the monster weaknesses.)
The main problem is that monster drops give little $, but dealing with the monsters costs a lot of $. Salve costs 50g. You might use 2 in one fight against a werecat or werewolf, if unlucky. The drops from the monster are...30-35g. And then you need 2-3 bread to offset the damage you took during the fight. (This is with the heavy robe...) So, you actually LOSE money exploring, unless you abuse the return charm + free inn. Another example: bat using swarm strike twice does ~50 damage, or 50g of bread's worth of damage. It's worse if they use absorb. Attrition!
This, in turn, makes it take FOREVER to explore the forest. If you really want to push a branch of exploration, you need to bite the bullet and realize you're going to kill a lot of bread to make any progress. More grindy than fun. (If we could save anywhere, I'd be abusing reload + escape, but the current checkpoint system shut that down, probably for the better of the game.)
Which sucks, because I love the dialog and want to explore the game further. But I don't want it to feel like pulling teeth.
T_T part of that problem is i put almost all of my balancing effort into Jinko and the Kitsune. i neglected to go back through and balance the forest against the mage. as a result, i've made quite a few changes. for one, i dropped the cost on salve to 40. i've also pretty drastically increased the $ drop from monsters...should be double now. i also buffed the chance from 33% to 50% that you get a double drop, which should increase money flow even more.
i made adjustments to the mage's equipment (added +1 to the physical defense on both robes) and made clear enhancements to how weaknesses work on enemies. all beast monsters now take 150% damage from fire elemental attacks. this means: werebat, werecat, werewolf, jinko, kitsune, and grizzly. the werecat also takes 200% bonus damage from water elemental attacks, and the werebat takes 200% bonus damage from air elemental attacks. additionally, since icicle spears has a lot of utility to it, originally its formula was "a.mat * 1.5 - b.mdf" whereas bolt and fire were "a.mat * 2 - b.mdf". in response to this, I've buffed icicle spears to do the same damage as the other two. this means icicle spears will (without taking lounge into effect) 2 shot a werecat, and bolt snap will 2 shot a werebat.
a wizard should feel rewarded for exploiting weaknesses. if I could do a persona-esque "Once More!" effect, i would, so i'll look into that and maybe tone back the elemental weaknesses slightly as a result so that the wizard can feel stronger.
edit: additionally, the "Oily" state also increases Fire Elemental damage by 50%. As an example, a normal Fireball does 30 damage to a werecat. When she's oiled up, it does 41 damage and instantly sets her on fire for 4 damage per turn. this should make the Oil Flask more attractive. the Doused state inflicted by the "Water Flask" already buffs Bolt Snap massively (a.mat * 4 - b.mdf instead of a.mat *2 - b.mdf)
That said, I didn't mind the fight balance as a jack in ch1. The rhythm from double slash, healing, and expose weakness was alright. The mage "memorize a weakness and spam bread between fights" game plan is less fun.
hopefully the changes i outlined above will help that. the wizard is the most direct damaging class, so i agree it should feel rewarding to know that exploiting a weakness will quickly win the fight.
Another note: Werecat fight design might need a tweak? Pounce gives a debuff, which earlier in the game trained players to guard. So they guard and get slashed. The slash still puts up bleed. Is there any point to guarding in response to pounce, if the bleed's going to go up either way?
they're actually completely different effects BUT i agree that due to my limited resources, i'm using the same effect appearance for them. as a compromise, using Guard will remove the Pinned state. it won't stop bleed from going through (since that would completely break fights like Jinko) but the werecat/werebat/werewolf only use their "Frenzy" skills when you're bleeding. and the werecat only uses "Slash" if you're pinned. guarding and removing the pinned state will likely have her respond by lounging.
Another "another note" note: It would be nice if healing salve returned bonus HP when used while bleeding. Feels too much like a lost turn when it gives only 15 back and removes the status.
DONE! this was surprisingly easy and i don't know why i didn't think to do it before. now, healing salve will always restore 10% of your max hp (which is less than bread normally), however if you are under a Bleeding effect, it will also restore a percentage equal to the damage that bleed will do.
Bleeding Lvl 1 = 16% hp restored (10% + 6% from bleed)
Bleeding Lvl 2 = 22% hp restored (10% + 12% from bleed)
Bleeding Lvl 3 = 28% hp restored (10% + 18% from bleed)
hopefully this will allow it to be a more reliable, stronger healing item. i've also reduced the cost to 40. this combined with the buffs to enemy gold drop, should make it much more attractive. however, due to the way i had to change it's healing formula, it's no longer effected by the Healing Ring. However, the Healing Ring is meant to be used to buff your potions and food, so its a fair trade i feel.
Another bug? When return charming from the village, going to the inn, and resting...sometimes the music doesn't come back? Even if I try asking the pianist to try another tune, no music.
that.......completely baffles me. it might be a problem with the streaming from the google drive?