All righty. I'm going to do these in the order they were posted.
Tickle Olympics, event 7: Gymnastics (btw, it'd be cool to see the other events even if they aren't desperation scenes)
Japan's Representative: Name kanji can go eat a dick
Rules: The athlete must hold onto the bar while being tickled all over her body. Techniques will be performed while resisting the distractions. The winner is whoever can hold onto the bar the longest.
Latest Results: The only athlete to hang on for more than 15 minutes has been disqualified for doping. While it was thought she would receive the gold medal, it has been confirmed that traces of a no-slip adhesive have been found in her sweat, therefore leading to the ruling of disqualification. With foul play confirmed, the perpetrator has been stripped of her medal and the coaches have been sworn to secrecy as to her fate.
Tickle Olympics, 2nd Event: Weightlifting
Japan's Representative: Mei (23 years old)
Rules: The athlete will wear a pair of bracelets attached by a cord and then looped around a bar set at the head of the weightlifting bench. On top of that is the barbell, which when taken down by the athlete will trigger the impartial tickling attack. While enduring the sensations, the athlete must lift the weight over the bar and place it on the far side, putting her into a 'banzai' pose and clearing the lift. (Note: "banzai pose" refers to a pose where Japanese people lift their arms over their heads in celebration and shout, "Banzai!") The competitor may continue trying to complete the challenge until they have given up or passed out even if unsuccessful on the first attempt to lift the weight.
Recent Results: Fourth place! Though in contention for a bronze medal, she fainted at last and was taken to the tickling hospital.
Tickle Olympics, 6th event: Swimming
Japan's Representative: Nightass Prettystring
Rules: (Fun aside: It took me fifteen minutes just now to determine that the artist was trying to write 'kickboard') This event makes use of a special kickboard and only a flutter kick may be used. The swimmers wear swimsuits which expose points on their body and are vulnerable to the 'laughing fish' which have been released into the water. A competitor who looks to be in danger of drowning will be raised out of the pool by a crane arm and disqualified. Swimmers who reach the goal will also be pulled out of the water, but during this time they're exposed from the neck down, making this perhaps the most ticklish time of all.
Recent Results: After her defeat in the second heat and tired out from daily practice, one swimmer caught skipping her training and relaxing in a spa practically invited the introduction of these fish to her bath~
It takes freaking forever to figure out what the hell this guy is going to write and I've already spent almost two hours on this, so I'll do the last two tomorrow. @.@