I've been quietly following this thread since I last participated a couple of days ago. It's still going strong, but I can't help noticing you guys seem to keep repeating the same things, (Rap IS music...It IS music!...) even when nobody is arguing with you. This thread has become a completely one-sided discussion. That just won't do at all.
You guys need somebody willing to stand up against the tide of popular agreement and offer you some counterpoint to balance things out a little. This would have to be somebody who doesn't care about being popular, who doesn't have any reputation at stake. Somebody with a history of taking a lone stand against the majority, completely outnumbered. Somebody who can take an insult or seven and not run crying to the mods about it.
That's right, folks. You guys need me!
Now before I offer my services here, let's all remember, that this is only a discussion, a sharing of opinions, agreements and disagreements. There is absolutely NO REASON for anybody to take any of this shit personally. Everybody hearing me, here? The bottom line is, nobody can tell you what to like and what not to like. If rap is your thing, who am I or anybody else to tell you it shouldn't be? You guys are all cool in my book, and I judge none of you.
Now, having said that, let's take a look at these definitions, and see which if any qualify rap as music. Multiple definitions in a dictionary are similar to ingredients listed on a product. The first couple are the most significant to note.
1. an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.
Well rap does have elements of rhythm, no doubt about it. The biggest disqualifier of rap from being music, is there is no melody, and no harmony.
Strike one.
2. the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both.
Hmm. There's that bit about melody and harmony again. Damn.
Strike two.
3. musical work or compositions for singing or playing.
Well, there's no singing in rap, and most of it has no playing either, other than sampled (stolen) backgrounds from the days when making it in the audio entertainment industry required actual musical talent. Even in the rap performances in which actual instruments are played, i.e, drums, bass, etc., they aren't the dominant elements, but rather the backdrop. Simply put, what makes it rap are the vocals which are devoid of any melody or harmony, the building blocks of music.
Strike three.
4. the written or printed score of a musical composition.
The key word here is "score." That refers to the little black dots which denote once again...MELODY and HARMONY.
Strike four.
5. such scores collectively.
Strike five.
6. any sweet, pleasing, or harmonious sounds or sound: the music of the waves.
Out of all the definitions, this is the only one by which rap might hope to qualify as music. It's a broad, mostly metaphorical application of the word that basically says anything that sounds good is "music to one's ears."
Ball one.
7. appreciation of or responsiveness to musical sounds or harmonies: Music was in his very soul.
This definition is predicated on previous conditions to which rap fails to comply.
Strike 6
8. any material or genre honored at the Grammys or other celebration of popular entertainment.
Oh wait, that wasn't included in the definitions of music, was it?
Strike 7
There we have it. Rap has abysmally failed to qualify as music except in the most metaphorical applications of the word. It has rhythm, but no melody, and no harmony, which by any technical definition of music, is required.